"This is the place to 'contain' the uncontrollable anomalies. J play

"Containment? I think it's detention.

"If we can integrate into this human-dominated society, we will naturally not make any interference, and those who can communicate but still need education and adaptation will be sent to schools, and those who will be here are all the same. -...The guy who has already 'offended'.

"Ji Lianbing and the others also count?

"You can see if they count.

The elevator continued to descend, and the number of floors was not displayed, but after such a long descent, it may have descended to more than ten floors underground.

Eighteen layers of hell? Huh...

After a while, the elevator finally stopped, and the elevator door opened slowly. What I saw was not a real hell-like terrifying scene full of roars, but an ordinary corridor in a hospital.

But if it is said that this is a mental hospital, it would be too quiet... The silence adds to the strange atmosphere.

"Who do you want to see first?"

"Are they all here?"

As expected, the first stop was her who had to go to see her first... The source of this incident, the culprit of everything, Kayuki-kun.

After walking forward a certain distance, he stopped in front of a room, the door was unlocked, and he turned the handle and went in.

There is a huge glass in the room. Opposite the glass is a blank room. There is only a stool in the center of the room. Kazuki Kazuki, dressed in a blood-red dress, sits obediently on the stool.

Like a puppet, - motionless, with eyes open but not blinking, completely still.

"Xun, I brought her to see you.

Xiangyuexun raised her head slightly, looked at me with her eyes, and opened her mouth lightly.

It seems that he is still conscious, but he doesn't seem to be in the mood.

Then, the next question is on me, how do I open my mouth?

In fact, when I saw Xiangyuexun, I instinctively wanted to blame her, and said willfully, 'If it wasn't for you, Juncheng wouldn't have died.

Such--that makes no sense.

Even Yuxuan was holding back, how could I say such a thing.

Kind of F light novel

If it was him, what would he say? At this time...-- as expected, that's all there is to say.


"It's great that you're all right.

Xiangyuexun's expression instantly collapsed, and she let out a sharp cry. The blood-colored dress automatically disintegrated without wind, and suddenly disintegrated and flowed to the ground, turning into a pool of blood.

The blood condensed again and turned into the appearance of 'An Juncheng'.

Yu Hui showed a shocked expression, while Yang Nana smacked her lips and walked out of the room as if she had seen it before. She probably couldn't stand it any longer.

"Ah---. One by one, what did you say that Zi'ai came to see you?"

Xiangyuexun showed a dazed smile as if taking that thing as Juncheng.

I see

The blood man couldn't speak, and after touching Xiangyuexun's head, he walked to the glass and stretched out his hand, which printed a **** handprint.

It seems to be looking at me....

But I didn't respond to it, because I knew it wasn't Juncheng at all, it wasn't even a body, it was just a 'model'. But the movements and expressions are very natural, so natural....In a moment I really thought Juncheng was there...

Is this An Juncheng in Xiangyuexun's memory?

"Sorry, sorry, . . . because of my relationship, Jun Cheng has become this model . . . but this way you can stay with me forever. You won't be jealous of me, will you? Jun Cheng only belong to me..."

I can't see anything wrong, Kazuki's performance is very natural, but this kind of \'natural' makes people feel 'unnatural'

"It's okay, you're fine, then we'll see you next time.

Reluctantly squeezed out a smile, I turned around and patted Yuxi's shoulder, signaling to leave.

After walking out of the room, Yang Nana, who was leaning against the wall smoking, turned her head and asked.

"How about it?"

......Although it looks like it can communicate, but the inside is broken, and there is no way to communicate verbally. If it is stimulated, it will be even worse. "e wave water

"You're so smart, I'm still thinking that if you say a 'forbidden sentence' t, the emergency isolation device will be activated immediately.

Forbidden sentence.-Probably denying what the **** man said.

"But in a sense, it is indeed \'An Juncheng', or a part of An Juncheng. Those blood are indeed An Juncheng's blood... It took a lot of effort to gather and verify. , almost a few people died in the hands of Xun.

"Why did Lord Juncheng's blood turn into that?"

Yu Hui asked the question I wanted to ask instead of me.

"The specific reason is still unclear, but it is probably the ability to cause disaster, just like Ji Lianbing can control the undead, it is probably able to manipulate the blood, and further speculate that maybe she can manipulate the blood of everyone... still It's all unknown, we dare not give her too much stimulation, it is self-defeating behavior. At other times, she just sits there like a puppet, doing nothing and eating nothing.

"Who will you see next?"

I thought for a while and asked.

"Is Ji Lianbing here? Didn't her maid pick her up?

"On the contrary, Ji Lianbing was sent over by the maid named Xue Li, and if it wasn't for the help of that incredible maid, the organization would be over now.

"so serious?

"That's the embodiment of 'death'. As long as it's alive, it's impossible to refuse her 'temptation'... After watching the demon maid in their house, there shouldn't be a problem in a short time.

"Well, let's go see you then."

Yang Nana nodded and showed us the way.

Before following up, I took a last look at Kazuki's room...

The blood has changed back to the blood-colored dress again, and she lowered her head and folded her fingers together.-

That action is almost like repentance.

Or.. she herself knows the most about Jun or her death.

It's just that I don't want to believe it.


Chapter 3 The first day of your absence (3)

The second person to meet is Ji Lianbing.

This woman is undoubtedly the most dangerous among the women around Jun Cheng.

Not because of her extreme behavior, but because of the 'uncertainty'

The necrophilia caused by the shadow of childhood is actually an innate nature because of being entangled by death and being loved by the dead. How can such a person's spirit be normal? When he is around Jun Cheng, he behaves very ordinary, but that's just 'looks very ordinary.

In order to deny his love, he actually split that part of his mind

Terrible willpower.

During the time I spent with her, I came to understand more clearly that Ji Lianbing is just a monster in human skin.

Jun Cheng successfully tied the monster, but the price was that he lost his identity as a human and became a zombie.

But. Now that the person pulling the rope is gone, what will the out-of-control monster do?

The answer is right in front of you.

Ji Lianbing's room was obviously different from other rooms. It is more spacious than Xiangyuexun's room, about the size of two Xiangyuexun's rooms

In the space opposite the glass, there is a black thing,

And there are guards.

It was a tall, red-haired maid, and next to her stood another-+ This white-haired maid was Miss Shirley.

Miss Shirley saw us coming into the room, greeted us with a smile, nodded slightly and said.

"Miss Zi Ai and Miss Yu Hui are here to visit Miss. But I feel very sad that it is not convenient for Miss to receive guests now."

He used an affirmative sentence. It seems that the omnipotent maid in Juncheng's mouth has long expected that we are coming.

Does Tonggubo know the future demon?

this maid

I frowned slightly, this smiling maid's ability is very troublesome, and the ability to read minds is equally disgusting.

Forget it, since she hasn't intervened so far, she probably won't intervene in the future.

People who are unfathomable generally don't do unexpected things on a whim. Miss Shirley probably belongs to the type that kills her feelings, because she didn't rescue Juncheng, nor did she save her own eldest lady. It's always been a bystander.

"Is that group of things Ji Lianbing?" ~or La Xiaokeng

"The eldest miss is right in the center. There is no danger for the time being, but I can't listen to you. There is really no other way, so I have to ask the maid Yao Chun to create a "space" for the eldest lady to calm down.


Once again, I concentrated on looking at the black fog on the opposite side of the glass, only to realize that the black fog was not standing still, but was spreading around.

The black mist Ji Lianbing emits will bring everything involved in it to 'death'. People, good things and good things, will all go to the end of winter. And was it the red-haired maid who stopped the fog of death from spreading?

The red-haired maid noticed my gaze and said awkwardly.

"Can you please don't stare at me like that, I'm not used to other people's eyes.

"Is that so, sorry.

"No, I don't need to apologize! It's because I can easily blink when I'm nervous, and my ability will fail. It's really annoying to you.

"Blink your eyes?

"This is the ability of the maid Yao Chun, Zeno's Poradox, to create a paradoxical space within the field of vision. People in the space will never reach the boundary of the space, but can only approach infinitely.".


So the fog of death is spreading but it has always been the same size, because it will never be able to approach the edge of this space.

It's an incredible ability

"But to activate the ability, you need to keep your eyes open, can't you blink? Wouldn't it be impossible to sleep?

Yu Hui was right. The red-haired maid just said that her blinking ability would fail. That is to say, she had to keep staring at the target to create such a space, so she would definitely not be able to sleep.

"It doesn't matter, the highest record is 30 days without sleep, so there is no problem for the time being.

"I hope the eldest sister can calm down during this period." The other half of the reason is to come to you. "

"Don't rush us away, half of the reason I'm here is to see her, to play

I looked straight at the calm white-haired maid and said.

"Mu J

"Well, what did you come to ask me?"

"Don't you know what I'm here to ask you?"

"Hehehe, how could I possibly know what you're thinking.'.

"Is that so? Well, I'm here to ask you how you can revive you. You don't even breathe, and you fall into complete silence.

In an instant, there was no sound at all, and in the already quiet room, he stretched out his hand and pressed the side of his head.

In silence. When the red-haired maid reflexively wanted to turn her head to look here, she was greeted by Shirley's "what the **** are you talking about" expression.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yu Hui's surprised eyes, even with Yang Nana.

They probably don't know the true identity of this white-haired maid.

If what Juncheng said is true, she should be 'all-knowing'. This proves that what Jun Cheng said is true.

The only person who didn't show a surprised expression was Miss Shirley in front of me.

"Are you asking me?"

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