Mom picked up the coffee pot, index finger

There was a ding ding sound on the Renpo glass pot in Zhongjing.

So, would you like another drink?

.---Although verbally: Saying Ya: Let's add spirit first.

. I need to calm down at home, but I'm still in a hurry unconsciously..

Rest is also necessary, now

"Yes, have a drink,

all in all


"The first clue has arrived!


Chapter 15 The Water Day of Reverse Mercury Reincarnation (3)

AM 02:34

"Then, keep up the good work~ Although I usually say that if it doesn't work, it's okay to give up" to encourage others, but.... this time.

In front of the entrance, her mother gave a wry smile. She still sincerely hoped that Jun Cheng would be resurrected, so she couldn't say something like giving up.

I know, -- it will definitely save Juncheng.

"Put all my hopes on you, it's a shame...".

It's not that I have to do it, and no one forces me to do it, but this responsibility must be shouldered by me, even if others want to take it away.

Because this is the meaning of my existence..-?

"Then, before you leave, can you tell me your name?

"...My name is An Zi'ai, the gentleman's son, the love of friendship.

"Sure enough, it's Zi'ai, Dad...the name Grandpa gave you.

When I mentioned my grandfather, my mother suddenly became expressionless. Could it be that the relationship between my grandfather and my mother is not good? Speaking of which, it is true that after my grandfather went to a foreign country, I have never contacted him once.

Although he still calls his grandfather father, but there is no closeness in it.

"Dad is full of expectations for your birth. Even when I was pregnant, the name 'two people' was already given."

"Hey? For two?"

This description is a bit strange, not two names, but two names?

Ah, is it because my mother was pregnant with Longfengyi? But Keling's name seems to be given by her mother...

Seeing my puzzled expression, my mother realized that she had missed the point, and said while waving L.

"Ah, sorry, don't care, just seeing you standing in front of me like this, +...

My mother suddenly rushed over and hugged me tightly. This was not a goodbye hug, but more like a reluctant hug.

"I'm sorry...--I'm really sorry... I owe you something, but it's really nice to see you... It's great...

She was already in tears.

A resentment arises in my heart for no reason, even I don't know where it came from, it is said to be a spirit... but I obviously have no spirit...

Blood poured into the brain, restless and restless.

Where does this anger come from?

Confused because he didn't know, in the end there was only helplessness, and the anger in his chest lingered.

"I should go...".

I silently pushed my mother away, lowered my head and turned to walk up. She didn't stop me, but I knew she was definitely looking at me.

I could still feel her gaze until I walked a long way -- straight into the subway.

I leaned on the subway seat, closed my eyes and meditated.

When you reopen your's time to settle down and face the things in front of you again.

Only one clue was found, and things are far from over...


After I left the subway, I followed the familiar formula again, and followed the thread.

I don't know where this thread will take me this time.

It was already midnight, there was no moon in the sky, and the street lights were turned off for unknown reasons. I had to turn on my phone's flash to act as a flashlight.

o) CC Fa Xiaozhi

But my phone isn't nuclear-powered like the ones in the game novels, so walking with the flash on is a waste of power.

I don't have a power bank or even a charger. If my phone is out of power, I can't keep in touch with other people.

So do you need to go back to the dark street now? Eddie should have something like a charger there, maybe there is any black technology that can make the phone charge in one second. :nonexistent).

The remaining power is still 20%, and it can last for about half an hour.

I opened the map to find the nearest entrance to the black street, but found a 24-hour supermarket right next to the entrance.

There should be charging plugs and charging cables in the supermarket.

With this idea in mind, I followed the map and walked on the pitch-dark street. When the battery of my mobile phone was finally completely reset to zero, and the screen of my mobile phone was flashing black, I saw a convenience store not far away.

Walking into the supermarket, the clerk was dozing off, completely unaware of my arrival.

...Wait, is this really a store clerk? He's just a kid. Well... Hire a kid...

No, maybe it's just the child of the manager of this convenience store. Since the adults are out, I'll take a look at the store.

This is not something I should be concerned about. I should buy a charger and a charging cable to charge my phone first.

However, after circling around the shelf for several times, I couldn't find the charger.

No, not to mention the charger, what are these things...

The goods are all inexplicable things, not like what ordinary supermarkets should sell at all.

Tsk, as expected, it's time to go back to the black street, what a broken supermarket.

"What! Whose supermarket are you saying is a broken supermarket!"

I wanted to leave, who knew that the child who fell asleep in front of the counter just now had woken up, yawned and looked at me with contempt and said.

Kou r Mu Xiaoshen

"Speaking of which, you can come in here, but you don't know where this place is...

"Isn't it a supermarket?

"Ah... Couldn't it be a common intrusion... What! Why don't you even have a soul! You are the opposite of me! How could this be possible! You don't have a soul?!"

no soul - only soul

Could this child be an anomaly, a ghost like Miss Akiko?

"Yes, I'm a ghost, you really are from here, you don't even know about this Harmony supermarket that I run, how ignorant!

"This is the inner world?"

It's probably a place similar to the black street. The entrance of the black street is near the entrance. It's better to drive directly in the black street.

"Forget it, my shop only sells some bizarre things, like the two in your backpack...\'The Ariadne Thread is a very rare item, do you want to sell it to me? "

He can see through the things in my backpack at a glance, and can read my thoughts to reach a dialogue, this child is indeed an anomaly. It would be great if I could see the other person's title like Jun Cheng, so that I can know the other person's identity.

"This can't be sold to you.

The child just showed a pity expression, but immediately changed to an excited expression and said to me.

"Well, that's fine, can you show me that other item? I can't even recognize it!"

It means the butterfly necklace I got from my mother.


"Don't worry, I won't take it away casually. Equal trading is my principle. Besides, don't you want to know the purpose of this thing? I'm an expert in this field?"

.Sf Mu small play

...Well, but you can only watch, I won't hand it over to you.

Seeing his promise, I took out the butterfly necklace, and the child tilted his head and looked at it for a long time.

"This necklace seems to contain someone's memory in it, oh.-...Is it possible to make 'memory' into jewelry?

The technology is quite clever! What a great idea! Why didn't I think of it!

"Storing memories? Whose?

"How do I know, when this thing comes into contact with the memory owner, it will start.

someone's memory...

"Okay, if you don't buy anything, go out.

"I'm actually here to buy a charger... The phone is out of power...

The child seemed to be speechless, but he still took out a charger from his pocket and handed it to me.

...I lend you my charger, the socket counter is here.

I took the charger, took a look and said.

It feels like the atmosphere has become awkward invisibly.

To describe it, it is the feeling of shame and embarrassment when a store manager cannot meet the requirements of customers.

Just then, a woman walked into the store.

The thread in my hand moved

Looking back, I saw the one I've been looking for recently... Lan Hua!


Chapter 16: The Water Day of Reverse Mercury Reincarnation (4)

Found Lan Hua!

Finally found!

Although I didn't expect to meet by chance in such a place, in this form, but now, there is no doubt that the thread is pointing at her!

King Yan Luo's speculation is correct, Yata Mirror is definitely related to Lan Hua, maybe it's in her hands now!

It's already close to this level. It's a certainty that Lan Hua has something to do with the whole thing, so of course I can't let her go.

Or, when I thought of this, my body had already moved.

I strode towards Lan Hua, who had just entered the store. When I was only a few meters away, I saw the expression on her face.

It was a troubled expression when he first came to an unfamiliar place because he was uneasy.

There was a cloud in my heart, things might not go as smoothly as I thought, but my hand had already grabbed Lan Hua's wrist.

...Huh? What do you want to do!"

Lan Hua, who was grabbed by my wrist, reflexively wanted to break free, and I calmly said her name.

"Huh? Huh?! Zi, Zi'ai?!"

Lan Hua came back to his senses instantly, raised his head suddenly and looked at my face in surprise, half-opened his mouth and cried out.

That unexpected expression doesn't seem to be pretending, Lan Hua probably didn't expect to meet me here.

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