"Yo, good morning, Zi'ai."

"Well, Ann, came here so early.

It's only six o'clock in the morning, and the door...-is this waiting for me on purpose?

"Shall we have breakfast together?"


QE Nu Xiaozhi

Waiting for me at the door so early is definitely not just for breakfast, it must be to discuss with me.

Since that's the case, there's no need to wait until breakfast to start the conversation. I caught up with Jun Cheng, walked side by side with him, and asked.

"Juncheng, do you really want to do as Zihua said?"

"That's something that can't be helped. They have already boarded Zihua's boat, and the boat has already sailed out and cannot return to shore. Now we are grasshoppers tied to a rope, and infighting is useless, okay? And In the end, Zihua doesn't have any bad intentions, it's just that the worst outcome is the end of the world... Well, we have to stop this from happening."

"Yeah, what Zihua said also makes sense. It's really too late to start investigating the cause of the incident, and it's still an incident that hasn't happened yet. I want to find the mastermind and the cause of the incident in the huge Songhai City. It's simply impossible."

"But we can't really wait until the zombie crisis comes, as Zihua said, this time can't be wasted,

"Same feeling.

Talking to Juncheng is so comfortable, our thoughts are very consistent, and our opinions and views are almost the same. This is the so-called confidant.

It feels really good...

"By the way, Juncheng, what did you mean by that sentence yesterday?"

"Huh? Which sentence?" It will attack you.

"That's right, she won't really have **** with me. Even if I agree, she won't really take the final step. She knows 'I will refuse', so she says that.

"Hey? Why? She clearly hugged and kissed you..

From the look of Zihua, it is obvious that she is a sow in heat, thinking only about mating.

"Well, it looks very intimate, but that's it, I won't go any further. Because I am An Juncheng, but I am not An Juncheng.

"Yes... Is she just looking for your shadow in the future from Juncheng?

"Oh, amazing, can you understand the contradictory words I said without my explanation?"

"Think about it and you'll understand.

"But what you said is not quite right. She is not looking for the shadow of the future me. On the contrary, it is because she can see the shadow of the future me in me, so there is a gap in her heart.

"Hey? Where did this come from? How did you find out, Juncheng?"

"This... um, let's start with myself. Zi Ai, do you know? In fact, there is still a fear of Lianbing in my heart. It comes from the spiral nightmare. Lianbing killed everyone, and it became My worst fear, the source of my fear.

"Is Principal Nana the spiral nightmare she made...

At that time, 'I' was also seen in my eyes, but I was only a weak soul at that time, and I could only hide in the depths of Juncheng's spirit, but I couldn't lend a helping hand when I watched the nightmares.

Then because of that incident, Jun Cheng's mental space did develop a crack, and that was 'psychological trauma'

But later, Jun Cheng faced this source of fear and gave up his heart to Ruan Bing, so he was able to leave the town of Wenrou.

"Yes, then, Zihua is the same.

"It's the same with Zihua?\'

"Zi Ai, you should have looked more closely. Last night, Shang Zihua borrowed O to change into his pajamas.

that is!

It turns out that Jun Cheng also saw it!

"Juncheng, did you notice it!"

"Yeah, of course, no matter it's blue or purple, I'm super sensitive to her eyes. She looks at me with that kind of eyes, how could I not notice... It's the first time she's used that kind of eyes. Looking at me with despair, like looking at a monster..."

Jun Cheng raised his head slightly to look at the ceiling, the expression on his face was a little lonely.

"In the future, something must happen that will make Lan Du extremely desperate...

..I asked Zihua, but she told me 'I can't say it myself'

"If she could say it, she must have said it long ago, so since we can't say it, we can only figure it out on our own.


"Anyway, let's start with gathering intelligence... No, let's go to breakfast first?"

Seeing Juncheng's smiling face, I also relaxed.

Also, if you don't eat breakfast, you will be exhausted all day.

There are only a few days before the disaster, and the deadline is one.

Countdown to deceive the world - 24 days left.


Chapter 45 The calamity that entangles the return will never end (2)

"Today's goal is to find Li Nai.

After having breakfast, Jun Cheng said so.

Jun Cheng borrowed a white board from nowhere, and then deliberately put on glasses and a white coat, posing as a mad scientist, because his hair is very long, so it's true. full of scientists.

After writing the words "Find Li Nai" on the top of the whiteboard with a marker pen, Jun Cheng slapped it and said with the whiteboard.

"No matter how we can stop the zombie crisis, the most important thing before that is to find Li Nai. After all, one of the most important purposes for us to go back to the past is to prevent Li Nai from becoming a zombie. Then she, as the central character of the incident, we must You can only keep track of her whereabouts at all times." Indeed, Li Nai's position must be guaranteed, otherwise it would be too ugly if we were still looking for her all over the world when something happened.

And the most suitable for this task is of course...

Juncheng and I looked at a woman who used to be called a stalker.

Zihua said with a smile and raised her hand.

"Captain! I have a problem!

"Allow you to answer, Team Zihua.

"Well, can I strike?"

"No, this is a very important thing, and someone must do it.

"But it doesn't make sense? I've seen Li Nai's memory, and knowing her actions after that, there's no need to monitor her, it's just a waste of time.

Ah, yes, Zihua has seen Li Nai's memory.

So she must know Li Nai's address and where she will go in the future, so there is really no need to spend precious manpower to monitor Li Nai.

"Mu Xiaowan

But Jun Cheng shook his head and refuted Zihua.

"That won't work, I still have things to do here, so it's still necessary to monitor Li Nai.

"What do you mean? Juncheng, just do your thing, why do you have to monitor Li Nai? Is there any relationship between the two?

"Zihua, you should also know the butterfly effect. If some of my actions affect Li Nai and make Li Nai's actions change, the memory you have seen will also become unreliable, so it is necessary to know her whereabouts in advance. Very necessary.

"-..I see.

Zihua nodded in agreement with this statement.

It really makes sense.

But it's actually a bit far-fetched.

After all, if Juncheng hadn't deliberately done some big things, it would have been basically impossible to influence Li Nai's actions.

"So, this matter is up to you, Zihua, you don't need to follow Li Nai deliberately, you just need to install a signal generator on her to be able to locate her position. At this level, It should be easy for you, right?"

"Okay, I got it, come back and give me a reward!

The moment Zihua agreed, Jun Cheng smiled wickedly, - after taking off his white coat and putting away his glasses, he took my hand and walked towards the door.

"Then just disband like this, Zi Ai and I will act together."

Zihua also didn't expect that Juncheng would end the meeting so decisively, and quickly got up and asked.

"Wait, Juncheng, you haven't told me what you're going to do next!-

Jun Cheng asked back with a surprised expression.

terrestrial light novel

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?"

Wow, this act of stupidity, I can't stand it... This is not the level of fooling around, it's just treating the other party as a fool and doesn't even want to explain - let's go.

"If you don't explain it well, I'm going to be angry!"

It sounds like a hypocritical line, but Zihua said it with an inexplicable pressure. Sure enough, it was because the eyes were too scary.

But Juncheng didn't seem to notice the change in Zihua's expression at all. He was still smiling, scratching his head with a smirk, and then said with a bright face.

"Hahaha, I don't know~"

"Huh?!" x2

Because it was so unbelievable, even I couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

This person, did he actually start taking action without thinking about anything?

Zihua can see through people's inner thoughts, which means that Juncheng really has no idea......

How could such a ridiculous thing happen!

Even I, who had merged with Juncheng's copy spirit body, was shocked. This is no longer a level that can be summed up in two words "reckless."

"If that's the case, why don't we continue the battle meeting and discuss what we should do next before taking action? Let's go deeper into the 8 research - let's go~ Jun Chengyi"

Leaving aside the part that Zihua deliberately emphasized, I actually think so too. No matter what you think, you must first set a policy before you can act, right?

SF Mu small situation

Otherwise, I don't know what to do at all, and it's meaningless to run around like a headless fly.

But Juncheng didn't plan to continue the meeting, he looked back at Zihua and said.

"I'm actually the type of practical action group, often the body is already moving before the brain thinks, you see there are people like that? When playing games, it is better to find out how to play than to go around looking for strategies first. Better, it's better to just open the game and play, explore the gameplay by yourself, and explore the elements in the game.

But this is reality, and taking games as an example would be too hasty...

Reality doesn't have a chance to come back like a game, - if you take the wrong step, you can't do it... eh? No, now, there is indeed a chance to 'sell a file'... Could it be that Juncheng is because of this?

No, it won't, Zihua needs to spend the fate force to reverse the reincarnation with water, Juncheng can't be ruthless enough to squeeze the fate force of Zihua's little surplus.

"Should I say it's a matter of emotion, or I can't do things with my head... In short, it's precisely because of this that I choose the most difficult route every time I encounter danger."

Jun Cheng gave a thumbs up, showed a cool smile, and said cheerfully.

"The boat goes straight to the bridge. This is my motto!

Really... so handsome.-.

I was handsome-faced, I was taken away by Juncheng obediently, and I only woke up from the trance state after I walked out of the hotel door.

I found out before. Sure enough, I still have feelings for Jun Cheng. I like him, and I am always attracted to him inadvertently, so I cannot think calmly and rationally.

Women in love are all idiots, with their own halo of wisdom.

SF Light Novel

Really, what time is it, what kind of **** do I still commit... I should have known that as a man, I should choose to be Jun Cheng's best friend..

In the end, why did I choose to be a woman? Obviously, as a blank soul, there is no gender limitation, and as a man, I can contact him more naturally. .... because of envy, envious of them, their happy appearance when they are by Juncheng's side, over time, I also want to become more intimate with Juncheng.

I was also afraid of being alienated, afraid that Juncheng would stay away from me. There is an idiom called valuing **** over friends. Although I know that Jun Cheng is not that kind of person, I still inevitably feel that being his brother is definitely not as close as being his woman.

Actually, looking at it this way, my personality is quite suitable for being a girl, huh...

No, this is because I have received the emotions and memories of the spiritual body, so I have this idea. Before that, I was actually more like Jun Cheng's friend.

Even Juncheng said that I was his soul friend, and Juncheng never thought that I would be a woman.

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