"But 5. years old... Barely able to move, but limited...

"Is there any need to think about it! - I must agree! Zi Ai!"

I patted Juncheng on the shoulder and said with a comforting expression.

"However, it's a pity that she is a young girl who is not even a loli, and she has skipped the initial development stage, so she can't instill evil ideas from the ignorant period.

"So, what kind of person do you think I am!"

"Hehe~ Well, can I keep the answer for now? Miss Shirley, I can't make a decision yet.

The head maid nodded with a gentle smile.


That's fine, let's decide later, in what form it will exist.

"Ah, I feel like you've finally become... um, what should I do? Are you more cheerful?"

"Is that so?"

"Because since you went back to the past, you have always looked worried, feeling more nervous than myself.

I didn't feel it myself, but in retrospect, maybe I was indeed a little anxious.

After all, until now, there is only one motivation that can keep me going, and that is to revive Jun Cheng.

And now that this goal has finally been achieved, after making an agreement with the head maid, I really feel that I have finally let go of the big head in my heart, and the most important problem can be solved, so I can relax. workmanship

"But after solving this problem, there is another problem.

"Yeah, and to prevent Li Nai from turning into a zombie.

"I still don't recommend you to do this, this is a big event that will affect the whole world.

"No.... That means you won't stop us, Shirley, will you?

Jun Cheng grasped the point and asked bluntly.

Indeed, until now, the head maid has only raised various opinions, and has not directly expressed opposition.

"Yes, I am the devil of Laplace. In principle, I will not interfere in any incidents... Although the original 'rules' are like this, but now I have made an agreement with Miss Ziai, and I will break the rules. It is.

"Ah..-Is that so? Won't it cause trouble for you, Keli?"

"To me, too much karma is the same as your use of destiny, Master Juncheng.

"Will it affect life expectancy?

"It's better to say that it will affect my lifespan, but I will gain lifespan"

"Uh, gain life?"

This statement is really... Jun Cheng didn't understand it right away.

But as long as you change your way of thinking, you can understand that the so-called lifespan does not mean that the lifespan is longer, but that the lifespan is obtained.

In other words, the previous head maid was 'immortal', and there was no so-called lifespan at all, and after having it, it was equivalent to obtaining a 'death'

The head maid herself further explained.

"That is to say, after contamination. After applying the law of causality, I will also be arranged by fate, so that I will acquire the concept of 'death'.

"Become able to be killed...

Yes, but it's not that I regret my life, it's that I can't disappear for the time being', that will cause a big problem, so please understand.

"No, we are here. I didn't expect that Miss Shirley would make you pay such a big price for your help...".

In other words, if the original Miss Shirley didn't do anything, she would be immortal, but after helping us, she would most likely die.

"This is what I should do.

Jun Cheng also understood at this time. After knowing how much sacrifice the head maid made, he still said it.

"However, please tell me about the zombie crisis.

this novel

Huh? Is it so ruthless?

I thought that with Juncheng's character, after hearing such a thing, I wouldn't force the head maid to tell me about the zombie incident, but in order to get the necessary information, it's up to me to come and go...

I was ready to play the black face by myself, but Jun Cheng would still say it himself.

At this time, even I couldn't see through what Jun Cheng was thinking.

"However, since Shirley, you and Zi Ai made a promise, I also promise you that \'I will make a decision after careful consideration', so can you please trust me?"

"Of course, I believe in your decision.


"However..-If I tell you bluntly now, it may give you a great impact. Besides, it will reduce a lot of suspense and will not be able to seduce the 'people on the opposite side'.

"Er? The people across the street? Are there anyone else nearby?"

Miss Shirley smiled mysteriously, came to me like a host of a news network, and asked in a reporting tone.

\'The angle of view' is here... Do you think so too?'

Juncheng and I don't know who the head maid is talking about. There should be no one else in the room. Could it be talking to a ghost?

"Then I'll tell you a time and a place, and then you'll make a decision based on what you've seen and heard there, okay?

"No problem, tell me.

"Okay... Then, what is the truth, please wait and see.

So, who are you talking to?-.

Something that only the head maid can see?

It's really mysterious.

In short, in this way, one of the two problems is solved, and the other problem is almost solved.

The day after returning to the past, with the help of the head maid of the mechanical seance, we quickly jumped to the stage of 'clearing' without any clue.

At this time, I thought that the time left was more than enough, after all, there were still twenty-three days left.

But what happened later told me (I was still too naive.

Time is not enough. Why?


Chapter 52 Sabbath of the Forsaken (3)

"Welcome back~ Juncheng, hug~"

"You're a domestic puppy... I will hug you as soon as you get back...

"Hug me~"

When we returned to the hotel, Zihua was already waiting for us in the room.

When I went out with Junjie, she was still at home. I don't know if she really went out to follow Li Nai. Seeing how casual she is now, maybe she never went out at all, right?

Juncheng couldn't beat Zihua, so he had to hug her, and then Zihua had to start hugging Juncheng all kinds of coquettish acts, which was really unbearable.

It's just like a stupid couple, sticking together all day, isn't it too hot?

...I shouldn't be jealous...

Tsk, I feel uncomfortable looking at it anyway.

"Ah la la, Zi Ai feels left out, Jun Cheng go and comfort her~"

"Uh uh?"

"Come on, Zi'ai, the right arm is reserved for you.

"No need

I replied coldly, and tried my best to keep my facial muscles to minimize the changes in my facial expressions.

Compared to me, a half-hearted mind-reader that only works when the target is Juncheng, Zihua is a genuine and special character who can read people's hearts.

So it was very easy to see the feelings I inadvertently revealed, I really can't be careless for a moment.

Zihua still smiled and pulled me over, Jun Cheng hugged me right away, I couldn't refuse.

Um - too skinny - me too...

I said no, but I actually wanted it. Every woman is like this... Although I don't want to admit it, this awkward way of thinking still exists in me.

"Huhu, it feels good to hug from left to right, Jun Cheng.

"It's cool-.---. I don't think any man would hate this situation, unless he's gay.

Hmph, I honestly admit it.

For the sake of your honesty, you won't be able to break free. But it's probably too tight, it's all stuck together...

The weather is not bad today, the sun is still full at noon, I also sweated a little, will there be a smell of sweat on my body...

"Now it's enough to have both arms bent, but in the future you won't be able to hold both hands?

".---.And said that this kind of thing will make my stomach hurt---I suspect Zihua, every time you see me in pain because of guilt, you secretly have fun in your heart, in fact, you have already woken up and trembled. It's the attribute of S."

"Huhuhu~ what's the matter?

"That's enough, don't tease me anymore, Lan Hua wouldn't do that... ah."

After speaking, Jun Cheng also realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

No matter what, you shouldn't compare her with another person in front of a woman, especially Zihua and Lanhua, who have such a special relationship.

If I were to compare myself with the spiritual body before I merged, I would not feel unhappy.

Speaking of which, which side is in charge of me now? I have memories from both sides, and I can't tell the difference.

Well, it is a good thing that there is no dual personality like schizophrenia.


Sure enough, Zihua was silent after hearing this, and even let go of the hand that hugged Juncheng tightly and fell down weakly.

"Ah, that, I'm not...

Jun Cheng quickly waved his hand to explain, but before he could say anything, Zihua said it first.

"Yeah, if it was Lan Hua, it really wouldn't be like this: uh--. She is Bai Yi to you...--It seems that I have a bad heart.

looks hurt.

But that's just what it looks like. To say whether Zihua is really injured, only the devil will know.

People who can see through the hearts of others naturally understand how to prevent others from seeing through their own hearts.

"But Juncheng... I used to be too! I used to be like that to you... Um!"

Jun Cheng beat Zihua on the head with his fist, and said with disdain.

"Okay, what kind of Qiongyao drama are you playing, hurry up and report today's results.

"Ah, have you been discovered?"

"Pretentious acting, want to trick me into practicing for a while.

"Huhu, what a pity~ I thought this would win your sympathy, Juncheng,

"If it was me a few months ago, I might have been deceived by you, but now I know you well enough."

"Huhu. Do you really understand?" iQ death story

Juncheng and I heard this whisper, but we didn't ask: "Which side are you referring to?" This is because Juncheng and I both know it.

We haven't really seen through this woman at all.

No, after all, if it's just spirit, it can't even prove who 'she' is.

After all, the opponent is a person who can freely change his form and has the power of destiny to replace the world.

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