In the end, why did you bring me such a burden here?

It's more uncomfortable than being a light bulb, I feel like an unnecessary existence.

There is no way to make any better suggestions, and I am at a loss for what is happening at this stage, but I can't complain, otherwise it will only make the mood of the people around me worse, at least I can't continue to cause trouble to the people around me. This kind of thinking forcibly holds back all kinds of negative thoughts, and then the thinking becomes dull, and there is no way to deal with the immediate danger in time, a vicious circle.

The strong body, the overflowing fatigue, and the spirit that may collapse at any time.


Jun Cheng pushed open the roof door with great effort, and a cool breeze blew through, rolling up the sheets on the roof.

"...There's nothing to hide here... just go to the exit and lie on the top of the door to observe secretly, and take a rest by the way.

"Juncheng, I'm running out of strength... hug me~"

"Okay, don't act like a spoiled child, I'm just as tired as hell, and now I just want to throw myself on the bed and sleep in the dark. I haven't slept for three days. Come on, step on me and climb up.

Juncheng squatted down by the wall at the entrance and lowered his head, but Zihua was not polite at all. After taking off his shoes and throwing them on the top, he climbed onto Juncheng's back. for a while.

"Hey, hurry up. Go up."

"Okay, okay, let's go up."

Zihua doesn't seem to be delaying the time on purpose, she is also very tired, no matter who doesn't sleep for three days, it will reach the limit.

When she grabbed the edge of the top floor and was about to climb up, her hand slipped and she was about to fall. s

At this time, I actually reacted. I took a step forward and supported Zihua's back with both hands to prevent her from falling to the ground.

"Ah, thank you, Zi Ai~ I almost hit the back of my head."

"It's nothing...".

Compared with what you have done, what am I...

After Zihua climbed up, Jun Cheng said to me.

"Laizi Ai, you can climb up too." "Well.

I also took off my shoes and climbed up following Zihua's actions. Then, Zihua and I pulled Juncheng up.

After the three of them reached the top of the entrance and exit, Jun Cheng lay down directly, and I also leaned on the edge of the satellite dish, exhausted and almost fell asleep.

Only Zihua spoke to us with a beaming smile on his waist.

"You two are too useless! It's just this level! It's still early!

"How dare you be brave, dark circles are popping out."

"How is that possible! Dark circles or something, I didn't even enjoy \'Jun Cheng's daily prt.128~136\' all night for a week in a row!

"How long did you record it, don't infringe on my personal privacy. Ah, forget it, you won't listen to it anyway.

Jun Cheng seems to have no strength to complain.

Zihua's eyes rolled in a circle, then she lay down against Jun Cheng with a smile, hugged his body and said.

"But I'm really tired. Huhu, let me feel Juncheng's body temperature now~"

"Wait, if something unexpected happens later, won't it affect what's going to happen here?"

"No, there won't be any accidents for the time being."

"Because what happens here will affect the course of the world, that is to say, it is an important historical event, and fate will naturally not attack us at this time and place, otherwise if the things that should have happened have never happened, That puts the cart before the horse.

"Ah.. That is to say, fate will not interfere with accidents through accidents... Why don't we come here sooner, and we don't have to suffer those bad things at all...

"On the other hand, if we forcibly interfere or change important historical events at this time, then I'm afraid it will fall directly - Dao Tianlei will kill us, and we will not even have the opportunity to escape. We can't just run in here knowing what's going to happen in the future, it would be funny if we accidentally got involved in something important and got struck by lightning.

"So wait for a while, we absolutely can't be discovered, we can only watch and listen, but can't do anything... Note, Jun Cheng, now is not the time, don't act rashly."

"Understood, why are you emphasizing me. One. I've heard the consequences; of course I won't do any more brain-damaging behaviors, isn't it?

"Really? But Juncheng, you are the type to act before thinking.

"No, no, no, I'm the type that thinks carefully before taking action.

"Yes, after all, Juncheng, you can change the speed of your thinking -- that means your thinking is fundamentally wrong.

"Criticize my personality directly...

"After all, now you have given up your heart, so you won't give priority to yourself."

"Is this wrong?

"No, that's right? It's better to say that your character will make the woman who falls in love with you even more determined.

"A man who will think of himself wholeheartedly and will not lie to himself. This is the dream lover that every woman hopes to have, who can leave Prince Charming and something like ten streets away, huhuhu~"

"I always feel like there's something in my Are you all right?"

Tiredness is like a sticky snake wrapped around me, very sleepy. Just burying his head in the crook of his arms, he almost became conscious of being entangled by the snake.

-...Feel sorry.

"If I knew it earlier, I picked up the sheets and brought them up, so that I can cover them for you. It's almost night, and the weather is going to get colder.

"No, I don't like it."

After my tense nerves relaxed, I instinctively expressed my true thoughts. "...Probably not. I'm sorry, I'm too sensitive, I'm not afraid of the dead, no matter how tragic the death is... But it's scary to cover 0 with a white sheet , especially the contoured face covered by the sheets. I feel horrible because I can't see it..."Zi Ai, are you afraid of fate?" Jia Hua directly expressed the true thoughts in my heart, and I also I didn't want to hide it any longer, so I admitted it directly. "Don't take fate as a human being? Originally, fate has no subjective consciousness, it's just a 'system', and a system like this will only follow the set procedures. work. "'

Dong R is just a mechanical program, and we are now

Here is the bug station

E is just debugging. Yes, I know this truth, but I can't help but be afraid. What... the feeling of exhaustion surged up. The three of us had no strength to continue talking, and the night kept coming from far away—the first floor was getting closer and closer to the time the head maid said. There are many stars tonight, and there are many twinkling stars in the night sky. Then I heard the door open. - Instantly cheered up. He rubbed the corners of his eyes, lowered his body, and crawled to the edge. Gong Cheng and Zihua had also woken up, and they were looking at the bottom with the same burning eyes as me. Then I saw it. "Ah, I couldn't help but make a sound. Fortunately, the hands on my lips blocked my mouth in time, so there was no sound. The person, that man, that back is... Dad! What? Would it be Dad? No Dad he works in this hospital, of course he will, but why at this point and then I saw Dad light a cigarette, I remember he obviously doesn't smoke -.. just Did you come to the rooftop to smoke? Accidentally? Dad coughed a few times because he was not used to smoking. It was just pretending. Then we heard the sound of the door opening, and we lowered our heads together to prevent my dad from being hit by it. I found that I waited until the footsteps were a little farther away before I raised my head again.

It was a man in a suit standing upright. Dad looked at the man and said. The man was silent, and then Dad asked again. "Did you bring that thing? The man said that, in a very firm tone. Then Dad said. "It's going to be the other way around... Your wife is sleeping in the morgue downstairs right now, don't you want to resurrect her?" Do you have any emotion? It's extremely indifferent, this is not your usual dad.. Your usual dad just doesn't know how to

My sense of strength has changed very little, but I can still feel his feelings, but now my father is like a cold-blooded killer! After reaching my father's words, the man in the suit shouted loudly. "Don't lie to me again! An Yongkang! I already know! That's not a resurrection medicine at all, it's just playing with the corpse's virus and what did Ge hear? Yuannong's corpse's virus? Is the corpse virus related to Dad? ? "Stop it, Ernst, this plan is wrong!. I know. "You're crazy! An Yongkang! Do you really know what you're doing!" "Of course, you just need to help me sell the 'medicine' to those idiots who don't take human life for human life." Thought you were a good doctor who only wanted to save others! Did you know that you have to spread that diabolical virus! That would hurt.... make people feel uneasy after death..."

Die a lot! "But that's the only way to do it...." "As a man who lost his wife, I know how you feel. In our hearts, the most important thing is only my family, and I, like you, do the same for my own. It's just family. "You still have a daughter, I know that you do these shameful transactions just to pay off your debts as soon as possible, and then live a stable life with your daughter... Although you can't really make your wife Resurrection, but as long as you complete this deal, then I will prove that you and your daughter can live a normal life.

But "Save yourself or save others, choose one. After the man was silent for a while, he shouted fiercely. "Damn!" But if the virus spreads, all mankind will be in danger." "This point Don't worry, it won't spread out. Why would the new development zone be built so far away from the existing urban area? Haven't you thought about it? 'That place' itself is to be abandoned, I heard Your daughter also lives in that area, so please let her leave quickly."

. Finally, let me ask you, what are you doing this for? I don’t need to say it for the sake of your family. I know it’s that kind of man.

"Do you believe in fate?" You also crushed the cigarette **** with your hand, raised your head and said lightly. "Saving people or saving... I just chose the latter.


Chapter 57 Staggered Death Day and Birthday (2)

The conversation has ended - for a while, the rooftop has returned to calm again.

Both Dad and the man in the suit had already left, and finally the man in the suit was persuaded and promised to help Dad spread the zombie virus out.

Here is the point of history.

It is also the reason why the head maid will let us come here, because we can

"Juncheng, you have to go, otherwise all kinds of dangers will bring huge losses to the surrounding.

Unexpectedly, Jun Cheng got up immediately.

He patted the dust on his body, and then pulled me up from the ground.

Good attitude, this incident just now should have a great impact on him.

I am also amazed that Juncheng can adjust his mentality so quickly.

Like me, Zihua was also surprised by Juncheng's attitude, and asked the questions in my heart for me.

"What a surprise, I thought you would be lost for a while, Juncheng, and you are ready to go back in time.

"Well, although it's really shocking

She finally understood what Shirley said. No wonder Shirley would say, I had better not know the truth, it turned out to be the case, the zombie crisis was made by my father's hand.\"

There is a sense of sudden realization.

"It's impossible not to be surprised...

Rather, it was because he was too surprised that he couldn't say anything. Could it be that Juncheng feels the same as me?

"The questions in my heart have been partially answered,

But what followed was a bigger mystery. Why did Dad do such a thing, but unfortunately the conversation just now didn't reveal much. "


I can't understand it at all.

I thought I would be able to clear my mind after learning some truth here,

But it made me even more confused.

I don't know what to do next...

"But knowing these is enough, there is no need to spend extra time on adjusting your mentality.


"What do you want to do? Do you want to stop your father?"

If it is his decision to spread the zombie virus, then I support his decision. "

"No, I won't stop him, if the zombie virus is scattered

I looked at Jun Cheng in disbelief, because his words directly determined his position.

What he meant by this was to directly declare 'I will not stop the zombie crisis', and he didn't seem to hesitate. I can't figure out why Juncheng would make such a decision.

It's like he doesn't understand why Dad did this...

.Sometimes, I really don't understand Juncheng

If it is said that men cannot understand women, the reverse is also the same. Sometimes,

What do you think. .

-or carry small

"This can

Although I don't have a father, so I don't understand it very well, but Juncheng, most boys your age are

There should be a conflict with your father, or even an opposition? But Jun Cheng, you believe in your father so much, and you still believe in this idea.


on the issue.

"Dad, he is not the same. He has never cared about me, let alone taught me any big truths. But he just looked at his back.

Ying, I knew I didn't go wrong, because if I went astray, he would definitely turn back and stop me. "

Yes, Dad, he is such a righteous person.

Until some stupid people.

That's why I didn't want to believe what I saw and heard just now, because it almost destroyed the image of my father in my mind.

But Juncheng accepted this fact. Is this the difference between me and Juncheng?

"Even if you know the truth now, do you still believe him?"

"Yes, I still believe in him, no doubt about it."

Juncheng jumped down, and then stretched out his hands to us. Zihua also jumped down without hesitation. After Juncheng caught her firmly.


"Actually, after seeing Dad's diary at home before,

When I heard about this location from Miss Shirley again, I already had this idea in my mind.

The fact that Hua Jiran was the mastermind was indeed a bit unexpected to me. "

After guessing, I thought that the zombie crisis might have something to do with my father, but the fact that he turned out to be the mastermind is indeed beautiful to me.

After putting Zihua down, Jun Cheng repeated his actions to catch me. The three of us went downstairs and continued to chat in a low voice.

"There must be a reason for him to do this, and at the end, Dad also said that teaching people or saving the world, he just chose the latter.

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