
Chapter 59 Staggered Death Day and Birthday (4)

Ten days later.

During this period, we have been preparing for the future.

After all, there will be a zombie crisis in the future. Although Juncheng and I have escaped the pursuit of fate, we are just ordinary people in terms of physical ability.

It is not an easy thing to survive the next zombie crisis.

And simply surviving is not enough, and it is even more difficult to keep following Li Nai.

Fortunately, Zihua's mobile phone has a positioning system, which can let us know Li Nai's location at any time, in case we are not with her at the critical moment.

But Juncheng never told me the content of the rest of the text messages, and it looks like he won't tell me in the future.

As night was about to come, I came to the window sill and looked at the hazy sky. A cool breeze with a slight chill blew across my face.

After that, we came to another apartment near Li Nai's apartment. To be precise, we now live in the apartment on the other side of the wall where Li Nai lives. It is the second floor space of a supermarket, but it is divided into two 1DK apartments.

Although it is very narrow, it has a warm feeling to live in unexpectedly, and because there is only one bed, Juncheng and I both slept in the same bed...

Ah, of course I didn't do anything shameful and shameful.

It's just that the ten days of living here with Jun Cheng, preparing three meals for him, and going to the bath center with him, was a stable and happy day.

I was immersed in it unknowingly, and I was nostalgic for this kind of life.

Ah, is this how Ji Lianbing's other personality feels? It turns out that he is so happy just by staying by his side, so anyone who wants to keep him will have an idea.

"Are you ready? Zi Ai?"

"Well, food, supplies, and all kinds of survival equipment are ready."

Okay, let's get ready to go.

"Do you want to leave now?

"Yeah, Li Nai has started to act, and we have to catch up.


After Juncheng made the decision, he never regretted it again. 2P5Cg.CO

And it's too late to stop it now. If you want to say why, say it to J

I turned my eyes to the bottom again, the raging flames, the screams one after another, and the empty hiss of the walking dead. The scene of purgatory on earth.

The zombie crisis has broken out.

But Li Nai still locked himself in the room, ignoring everything from the outside world.

This is all because of the text messages she received after she got home. It seems that Li Nai's father sent her to take refuge immediately, and from the content, it seems that the situation of the other party is no longer optimistic.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered" the man in a suit who was talking to my father on the rooftop of the hospital that day, could it be that he is...

But even if we know it, it is too late for us to change anything. Besides, if we really let him live, Li Nai's follow-up actions will be different. If Li Nai hadn't met Juncheng in this era, then she would have Juncheng and sweeping the zombie virus will not happen.

Everything is subject to cause and effect...

Then just now, Li Nai seemed to be finally about to act. He woke up from the painful blow and was ready to start escaping.

Because, Juncheng and I also packed up our luggage, put on our backpacks, put on the necessary clothes, and looked at the small apartment we lived in for the last ten days before we went out, knowing that we would never have a chance again. When I came back, I kept everything in my mind.

I could hear faint screams before. Sure enough, the supermarket downstairs has become a zombie concentration camp. There are still a few zombies on the ground who were trampled by the corpses and broke their bones, struggling to climb to our side, Zhang He opened his mouth and groaned and crawled towards us.

Jun Cheng went downstairs and inserted the daggers into the heads of the zombies one by one.

"This kind of zombies have no chance to turn back into human beings. Even if they are half-awakened later, they can only survive in the dark underground corpse city. It is better for me to free them.

"Well, don't explain it to me, even if you kill ordinary zombies, Juncheng, you won't think you are wrong.

"That's right, I'm just making excuses for my murderous behavior. If I were a primary school student, I would definitely hold \'If there are antibodies, these zombies might not be able to turn back into humans.' Naive thoughts to avoid harming these zombies. Heh... I still have to consider this kind of self-defeating situation, considering the safety of zombies or something, a child is really a simple creature full of dreams and hopes.

"Juncheng, do you remember anything?\'

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"...We think about it a little, and Li Nai will meet someone who is still a child... Well, Li Nai still needs some time to prepare, let's clean up the zombies around here first."

There were not many zombies on the nearby streets, and most of the zombies were attracted to the street by the sound of the explosion.

The street leads to another district, but now it has been blocked by a lot of vehicles, and the end of the street leads to the outside of the city, but it takes more than ten hours to walk out of the city, and this is still in the case of going straight without any obstacles. required time.

There might be some obstacles ahead, and there must be zombies on the road. It is impossible to kill the past. So while avoiding these zombies, you can go out of the city. God knows how long it will take.

At least Li Nai didn't walk out of this city until the end...

Juncheng and I began to clean up the nearby zombies. It is relatively simple to kill these ordinary slow-moving zombies. The weapons we prepared are enough to allow us to clean up these zombies at a safe distance.

Then we observed the situation in the vicinity in advance. There were a large number of zombies on the left side of the intersection ahead, and the honking of the vehicle attracted them. I think someone died in the car, just pressing the horn. The flute button has become a natural zombie attraction device.

"Just looking at it makes me shiver. I think back then, I broke into the sea of ​​corpses like a lunatic, even though it was a pile of zombies.

"Jun Cheng, did you mean the time when you went to rescue Ji Lianbing?

"Well, but looking back now, I was self-indulgent at that time. In fact, those zombies approaching Lianbing is just instinctively approaching Lianbing who is the disaster of death, and I never thought of hurting her at all. Take care of yourself. I thought that Lianbing was in danger, and then turned around and rushed into the group of zombies... I don't know who gave me the courage, it's really an idiot."

"At that time, Juncheng, why did you choose to save her?

"Well, who knows... Maybe it's because I'm an appearance association."

Is the Appearance Association...

However, the girls around Juncheng are all naturally beautiful, and so are the girls in the class, but Juncheng never paid attention to it.

It was because Ji Lianbing at that time

"Li Nai, she's down, let's hide first, be careful! Zi Ai!

The F Light Novel of the Object Sword

Suddenly something jumped down from the broken window on the second floor of a nearby apartment. Accompanied by the broken glass flying in the air, a tall zombie jumped on me, and a huge right hand waved towards my face.

I hurriedly bowed my head, Jun Cheng rushed over and knocked this zombie with a thick arm away, and the airflow brought by the wave of his claws scratched my cheek.

Juncheng and the zombie rolled aside, I quickly got up from the ground and wanted to help Juncheng, but I was stunned when I saw the 'zombie'

This kind of hunched body like a jackal, without clothes and smooth skin, a short and agile monster is...


Why does the ghost eater appear in such a place!"

And this ghoul that suddenly appeared is obviously different from other ghouls. Only the right hand becomes disproportionately thick and the claws are extremely sharp. Why did it become like this?

"You brainless ghoul, wouldn't you be infected with the virus by eating zombies?"



"Don't come here! I can fix it! Huh... [release your mouth]!

Jun Cheng used his mental power to suppress the ghoul, and then slowly lifted it up, but at this time, the mutant ghoul suddenly attacked, opening his mouth and biting Jun Cheng's arm.


I have already rushed over, trying to save Juncheng.

But at this moment with the sound of piercing, the ghoul had been stabbed to death by a slender steel gun.

Someone came to save us? But this person is not Li Nai, he is a middle-aged man with a goatee that he has never seen before. Is he a survivor? He is really fierce!


Jun Cheng let out a long sigh, and threw the foodie ghost that fell on him to the side. Just when he was about to raise his head to thank the man, the man attacked Jun Cheng without hesitation.

Fortunately, my reaction was quicker, I hurried forward and knocked over the man, so the spear didn't stab Juncheng.

"what are you doing!"

"I'm very sorry, you're out of luck... Let us take you on your way.

Although Juncheng was bitten, it wasn't a zombie just now! Besides, even if Juncheng was bitten by a zombie, he wouldn't necessarily turn into a zombie, because he was a zombie before he died!

But it was too late to explain this. The goatee man had already started to attack Juncheng. Juncheng quickly dodged and covered his injured shoulder. The situation was not optimistic.

"Don't worry, I won't torture you. As a soldier who was once on the battlefield, I know that the most terrifying thing is not... No matter how you imagine it, death is just an abstract concept, because one-life can only Death-time... The existence on the battlefield is more frightening than death, and that is 'pain'

This man has gone crazy!

"I'm 'redemption', instead of becoming that kind of walking corpse, let me help you get out of here.-...

The man drew his spear again, raised it expressionlessly and made a throwing motion at Juncheng, his hair slowly turning grey.

"Don't worry, I'll let you die without pain."

"Ghost transformation?! It actually kills ghosts!"

White hair is a characteristic of ghosts!

What the **** is going on? Forget about ghouls, why are there still murderers?


This--a sound of suspicion sounded out of time, and the person who broke into this tense atmosphere was Li Nai!

At this time, Ming appeared!

...... it's gone!


Chapter 60 Staggered Death Day and Birthday (5)

What a mess!

Things are all messed up! Although it is said that the changes can't be kept up, the plan is, but this kind of random entry is too bad, it is simply a convex change in the level of nuclear fusion!

And Juncheng and I appeared in front of Li Nai ahead of time. God knows what impact this will have.

Which thing should I deal with, my mind is completely confused, I can't figure out the sequence and I'm caught off guard, but my anxious mood and the order of "act first" from my brain make my body move, pay attention. By the time I arrived, I had already run to Li Nai

"Run away!

Anyone who is told to run away will be confused. Besides, Li Nai doesn't know what happened, and his body doesn't move at all.

At this critical moment, the glass door of the supermarket downstairs was suddenly smashed, and hordes of zombies poured out from it, taking Li Nai in front of him as the first target of sacrifice.

Accidents followed one after another-...it's really the proverbial idiom, misfortune never comes alone!

Is this really a coincidence!

Jun Cheng and I have clearly escaped the pursuit of fate, and we have been living peacefully these days. Why did a series of seemingly accidental things suddenly happen, but in fact, the ghost knows if it is an accident?

Has fate itself become confused?

Is it so simple that the system is messed up? It's really unreliable!

Seeing that the arms of the zombies were about to grab Li Nai, I rushed over desperately and threw her to the ground.

The two of us rolled into a group, but at least we escaped the raids of the zombies, but then they turned to us, leaving us no chance to breathe.

But Ma-Shang Juncheng came over to help us kill those zombies, and the middle-aged uncle just now came to help too, killing more than three zombies with one shot.

"Don't just show up for me! Even if you want to steal the show, it depends on the occasion!"

-While killing and returning - while complaining, it seems that Juncheng really broke out.

I'm afraid he is just as impatient with this group of guys who are constantly intruding as I am now. After all, these guys are making the script more and more deviated from the theme.

Juncheng's fighting ability is still very strong, cooperated with the middle-aged man with the goatee beard, and easily killed all the trash fish zombies, Li Nai and I both let out a sigh of relief and got up from the ground just as we were about to lean over..." Roar

I saw Jun Cheng slowly approach behind the middle-aged man and whispered softly behind him.

"[Don't move.]"

The middle-aged man was stunned, Jun Cheng had already taken out an iron hammer and smashed the opponent's head stunned.

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