".-.I see."

or Gong Ding "Excellent"

I think it's time for me to change my mind. Instead of kicking the other party out of the scene from the beginning, I should think about how the other party can help me. If I refuse from the beginning, it will only make the other party feel like I am Not trusted.

Of course, this also depends on the degree of danger on the scene. If it is an extremely dangerous situation, I will still let other

After sending Xun'er to the bed in the bedroom and covering her with a quilt, Li Nai and I quietly walked out of the room.

"I was careless, I didn't expect that re-establishing a fateful connection would be such a dangerous thing.

"No, it's only those memories that are dangerous.... Whether Xun'er awakened or what happened, it was all appalling... Well, I died there too.

When I talked before, I didn't explain in detail the process of Xun'er's awakening as a witch of famine, so Li Nai didn't know what happened.

But Li Nai seemed to understand.

"It turns out...it's a disaster after all.. When I woke up, a catastrophe like that happened. If it wasn't for Juncheng, you helped me, even I would have become a zombie."

"But Li Nai, your words should be fine. You will only have more memories of the experience of 'Li Nai who lost his memory'."

Recover your own memory when you lost it.

This sentence is really hard to say.

"So you shouldn't run wild like Xun'er."

Li Nai suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, as if the anger just now disappeared completely.

As for the changeable face of a woman, I have already had many experiences in facing it, so I said it calmly.

"I hope to be able to - cheer up

"Then you lick it yourself, and you take off the clothes. I won't take off my clothes, and I won't take the initiative by myself. Well, if you do it yourself, I will never resist."

Li Nai simply opened her hands and gave up her resistance.

But I dare not act rashly.


"I knew you wouldn't dare.

This time, it wasn't that I didn't dare to go up, but if I went up, I'd probably suffer. c

Li Nai said she gave up resistance, but she didn't. OF light novel

She used fate to add something to herself.

"After all, if you really lick it, Juncheng, your tongue will have to endure the itching of the week~ haha~"

"Recovering the fateful connection is to accept your own memory of the original world that Juncheng said to you?"

Because it is to restore the fateful connection with people in my old world,

So they can restore their memory.

I wasn't sure before, but from the example of Xun'er, it's true.

"Then I refuse."

"So, why?"

I see that you refused, otherwise you wouldn't be ready to pit me.

"I don't want to accept other people's memories.

"That's your memory.

"No, that's not me, is it?

It looks very clear.

That's right, it really isn't 'she'. In fact, even if they are called Li Nai, there are still differences between individuals.

Do you dare to say that you are the same person you were ten years ago?

Just kidding, obviously they are two completely different people, no matter in terms of experience, thought, or even character.

People are changing, killing their past self every moment, and then transforming into a new self.

But..- so what?

Accepting the past is also a kind of progress, and accepting another possibility is the same.

"No matter what the memory is, you are all you, you are Li Nai, not someone else.

"Hehe, yes, I'm Li Nai, whether I'm a zombie or not... It's not that I'm afraid that I will become another person, and after listening to you, Juncheng, I seem to be quite happy when I become a zombie. of.'


I know you're not afraid, so I can't understand why you refused.

Obviously, Li Nai should be the one who will not refuse to restore the fateful connection among the four major disasters. h

"Because I'm not reconciled.

"What? Not reconciled?"

"That's right, I'm not reconciled, I was the one who first fell in love with you, Juncheng, I like you so much, but you rejected me in the end.

"What? Uh,...

"You don't talk yet.

Li Nai's expression doesn't look like she's angry, and her tone doesn't look like she's complaining, she's just stating a fact.

"And for this, I made concessions, I regarded myself as your sister, and chose to support you, just because you really like it.


Those are my feelings in this world, not me now...

"No matter what the memory is, you are you, right?"

Conversely, are you using this principle to defeat me... Really, I lost to you.

"But I also don't want to reject Juncheng you. After all, this is your request, and I also instinctively long for your blind date with Juncheng. In fact, for me, it would be better to restore the fateful connection."

I didn't speak, I knew that Li Nai still had something to say.

"But I don't want to forget the mood at the moment, if I restore my memory, my mood will definitely change, so I have to put forward a condition.

"you say."

"If you don't confess to Xinran, I will not re-establish the fateful connection with you.

"Nonsense! It's all because you suddenly came to my house that day and told me that I liked Xinran's sister like a bolt from the blue, so I gave up the Zhengtai development plan, seeing that your final shelf life as Zhengtai is about to pass, but Still haven't eaten you up!

Li Nai pressed my shoulder excitedly and said.

"I've already made this kind of concession, but in the end, I've been told that this kind of patience is pointless?! What a joke! If I didn't see you and sister Xinran get together, I'd be suffocated to death. Ah! So! That's it!\'

In order to attack other girls, you have to confess to your sister first?

This is the development route of some kind of ghost game!


Chapter 30 Gathering Intelligence

Now, I have received a new task.

That is to confess to Xinran. The NPC who issued this quest is called Li Nai. Maybe this guy never thought about how stupid he said.

She claimed that if I didn't confess my heart, she wouldn't restore the fateful connection with me, and in that way, the four major calamities could not be gathered together.

And the collection of the four major disasters is one of the necessary conditions for restoring the world to its original state.

In other words, change the way of thinking, this is the task of controlling the world!

After weighing the pros and cons, I should immediately go to Xinran and tell the 8 pairs...but...

A ghost can do it ah ah ah!

Although I really want to shout out like this, I'm currently eating in the school cafeteria, so it's not a good thing to do.

Xinran just told me a few days ago that she would no longer have any special thoughts for me, and I gladly accepted it.

As a result, now I want to confess to her instead?

Isn't that slapping yourself in the face!

Unless I go back to my memory of this world, then I can get a feeling of liking Xinran.

But the world also warned me not to restore my memory.

Most importantly, I was afraid that Ke Ling would be stimulated one by one.

Asking me to confess to Xinran at this point in time is simply rejecting Keling!

In my mind, the status of the two sisters is equal, and I will never be partial to either one.... So I can't make a decision.

Why, everything becomes so troublesome!

Damn! It's so annoying!

Right now, I don't have any special feelings for Xinran.

"Really not?"

The voice behind it, I can't count how many times it was.

Why do you like to suddenly talk to someone behind you so much, do you want to see my joke?


"Huh? It turned out to be such a sharp reaction, I thought you would cry out 'wow'. ’

The other party obviously didn't expect me to growl back like a cat, looked at my face unexpectedly and said.

"It's true that I'm a little scared, but I'm not going to make such a silly sound."

.. I used to say that often, after all, someone would always talk to me like this.

But this time, it was not one of those regulars, but a very rare face.

"Taka Sakurano...

Next to him was Ah Liang. The two and Lan Hua were childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

A Liang covered his face and said helplessly.

"I've stopped this guy...I promise.

"Humph! What is this!"

"You bastard! It's always like this when you call me! Can't you say hello normally! I'm usually scared to death by you! And don't pat me on the back so hard when you call me! It hurts what!

Only when facing Gao Yingnao did Ah Liang become so excited. It seemed that he usually accumulated a lot of complaints.

"That's because your bean sprouts are too weak! Don't you see him react?

"That's Juncheng's neuroticism, I'm not as sensitive as him!"

Hey, say that in front of me... Obviously Ah Liang is overexcited, so I can only be the peacemaker at this time.

"Okay, okay, it's true that generally speaking, if you suddenly make a sound behind your back, you'll be frightened, but I'm just a little used to it.

"Does it mean that you have grown up?"

"You can say the same.

Gao Yingnao looked at me with her arms in her arms and said.

"I don't think you've changed at all.


What's the meaning?

"Juncheng, don't pay attention to her, this guy suddenly got nervous and said he wanted to talk to you about something, maybe it's just a mistake...".

Gao Yingnai glared fiercely at Ah Liang, who turned her eyes away and shut up.

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