"I said, do you know what's going on right now? You are completely under my control now, if I want, you can completely let you jump from here and die.

"That's right, but you didn't do it, that is to say, you still have something for me to do, right.

Heh, you're not stupid. People with strong mental strength tend to be more calm in their emotions, and they can keep calm in various emergencies.

So it's even more troublesome.

"Only when you use your destiny force will you be invisible and invisible. Is this your destiny ability? You use destiny so easily. Boy, do you know what happens if you use your destiny force too much?"

"I don't need you to teach me this, isn't it about life expectancy. I know no less than you about fate."

The young man glanced at me unexpectedly, as if to say, \'I know it's still useful, are you an idiot?\'.

I didn't say much, my destiny is so much that I can't use it up if I abuse it. There is no need to leak this kind of information.

"The most surprising thing to me is that you can actually use the power of fate, which means that there is already a disaster awakening?


I showed a very impatient look, imitating those poor school gangsters in the school, the key is to put on an ugly face of "I am the uncle".

"Did you make a mistake, now you are caught by me, you need to answer my questions, not you to ask me, I see.

"Hehe, you don't have to act vicious on purpose, it's not suitable for you."

It was seen through all of a sudden, is my acting so bad?

"Before I act, I will investigate. If Yi An Yi Juncheng is honest, he is an ordinary good person.

Ah, I used to be an ordinary person.

used to be

"Before I came to this city, the information I got was 'the target is just an ordinary high school student, and there is no old witch awakening at present, unable to use fate, but all the old witches are around, and the potential danger is very high. ', and then after my judgment, I thought that An Juncheng was just a 'victim', so I didn't do anything to you directly, but kept the old witch away, but I didn't expect that you can not only use fate, but also not ordinary Woolen cloth?"

"What did you do to Lianbing? Why did she suddenly hate me?

"If you want to know, come and exchange information and tell me your destiny ability.

He even threatened me in return!

Does this guy know that Lianbing is my weakness, so he is so confident?

Sure enough, only those who have the information can take the initiative. The enemy is dark and I know. This guy has already investigated my affairs, but I don't know anything about his affairs, so now I am passive.

Tsk, although I'm a little unwilling, but there's nothing I can do now

"I understand, and I'm not afraid to tell you, my ability is called 'disaster from the mouth', it is more effective to use the power of fate to change what is about to happen and make things go bad. However, as long as fate If you have enough strength, it is too small to give orders directly to people.

After listening to my explanation, the man finally could no longer remain calm.

"It turned out to be the ability to change the future! To suppress the force of causality and cause distortion of the phenomenon, the force of fate is expended.

Are you crazy? You used it on me three times just now! You can't live to be twenty years old like this!"

"It's none of your business.

The man was silent, but there was more sympathy in his eyes when he looked at me.

He must think that my lifespan is almost exhausted by such abuse of fate.

It's a pity, anyway, I'm sure I can live longer than you.

"The calamity is really a very powerful ability. Compared with the fate ability I have, your ability is much stronger. You can easily order others to do things that ordinary people can't do at all. It is a veritable change in the world. the power of.

"I did it, but I just want you to stay away from the tragedy. You don't know what it means to wake up the disaster."

I sneered in disdain, I don't know? You don't know.

"Let's state your name first.

"Also, my name is Yang Shifan, and I am the lord of the five blessings, but I have no intention of taking away your old witch, and I am not interested in collecting all nine fates.

Blessing means that he is the life lord of Yinhua.

It can be said that Yinhua and her family were able to get out of the predicament thanks to this person.

"Huh? Then why do you do such a thing?"

Yang Shifan did not answer my question, but asked me very abruptly.

"Do you know vampire hunters?


Why did you suddenly talk about the vampire hunter?

"Hey, don't change the subject suddenly, I'll tell you that I won't give you a chance to delay, and that lip-synching is also useful to me.

"Hehe, you misunderstood, I didn't want to delay time, I just wanted to give an example. Some vampires will also become vampire hunters who hunt vampires for various reasons, and I am the same as them. I am the life lord, But for some reason, he is now a life hunter." SF lost a little play

"Fate Hunter?"

"Yes, life hunters, as the name suggests, are people who specialize in hunting life masters."

"There is such a home

"Of course, if you really want to talk about it, the existence of life masters is more threatening than vampires, for example, you, An Juncheng.

My fate, the four disasters, the three disasters, and the dilemma, none of them are easy to provoke.

"The fate of you is the four evils, any awakening of your old witch will become a 'calamity'.

"They can control themselves.

Yang Shifan shook his head and said.

"I've seen many people say the same thing, and then they all died and were killed by their own witches."

Without Zi Ai and Zihua, I would be dead now.

"Ji Lianbing, that girl didn't approach you because she fell in love with you, but because of fate. As a sorceress, she naturally wanted to return to you, the master of fate, in order to establish a fateful connection.

However, I cannot agree.

@Infinite boutique good text please search





Friends who like Wanben remember to recommend it to your book friends!

Seeing my firm eyes, Yang Shifan continued,

"If you don't believe it, after listening to my destiny, you will believe my words. I can use destiny to magnify the potential personal feelings, Ji Lianbing has become hate you, it shows that she really hates in her heart. following you.

"How is that possible! No, no! Lianbing

I hugged my head with a look of disbelief, and when I saw Yang Shifan's mouth twitching into a smile, I turned around and said.

"Do you think I would say that?"

That's right, do you believe her so much?

"Well, just hate it if you hate it, don't be like this now- just scold me when you speak, or I will awaken a special fetish- um, so I advise you to obediently remove it, or else

Yang Shifan suddenly raised his eyebrows and sneered disdainfully--She asked rhetorically.

"Or else? What can you do to me? Kill me?"

Is this family really not afraid of death?

"Or, you can kill a killer?"

book.SFA. SE light novel

I am not a Virgin, and I have killed people before. The death of that perverted murderer was caused by my hands.

But I can't kill him now.

In order to make Lianbing stop hating me, I can't kill the person in front of me.

Besides, even if Lianbing recovered, she wouldn't necessarily be grateful to me for it.

Also, this person, I don't want to kill him.

Maybe it resonated with him, maybe it was because he knew me well enough, or maybe it was because our brain circuits were very similar to the idea that a confidant would die, but I was just the opposite, and I didn't want to kill him like that.

Maybe it's a similar feeling to Cao Cao's appreciation of the second master Guan.

"Young man, you are so kind."

"No way, who told me to be a good person."

"You and I are very similar, we are both people who have been played by the **** fate and lost our original lives.

"It's a pity that the positions are different, otherwise you and I might be able to make friends."

"Yeah, that's what I said here, I won't release the ability, and I will expand the scope in the future. Although my ability is not as terrible as your ability, but like a poison, it will continue to deepen, and it will also be \' contagion" to those around you. "

Is it still contagious?

Does that mean other people will also hate me?

No, Yang Shifan said that his ability is to magnify the potential feelings of a person. Others don't necessarily hate me like Lianbing.

And when it comes to why Lianbing hates me, I actually have an eyebrow because I'm a normal human now, not a corpse.

To put it bluntly, that perverted woman, Lianbing, has hated feelings for humans.

"Not only Ji Lianbing, but the people around you will become hysterical after that, and will reveal the true face hidden deep in your heart. At that time, will you still be able to bear it?"

"What if I can take it?"

"If you really endure it and collect all the four misfortunes, then I am willing to surrender to you."

"I remember what you said.

Well, after talking for a long time, a new mission was finally triggered.

The difficulty is quite high. But it's better than nothing.

Seeing my eagerness to try, Yang Shifan said with pity.

".In the end, everyone will leave you."

"I won't let that happen.

I won't let anyone go again.

This is something that was decided on the day I lost my child's love.

I will get back the small and the E has ten cuts

Yes, that's the meaning of my existence.


Chapter 41

"If that's the case, then let me go quickly?

If you go back and suffer and suffer, why don't you give an order now to relieve you?

I was almost bypassed. I have already caught you, so why should I negotiate terms with you?

Even if I don't kill him, I can directly order him out of my mouth.

"Oops, it was discovered."

"You really want to

I used to think that all the villains were like my own. Every time they were scolded by the protagonist, their IQ was lowered, and they still lost to the protagonist with an absolute strength gap.

Now that I have become the villain, I just found out that the mouth cannon will really penetrate people's hearts unconsciously.

I shouldn't let him talk too much, I should just ask him to obey.

"Useless eye? My ability is the type that won't stop as long as it is activated. Even if you order me, it won't help, because even I don't know how to release it.

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