A proper sense of distance is required now. Otherwise, it will change back to the original messy and ambiguous relationship again.

"What are you doing at the door? Why haven't you come in?"

This is my mother's voice, and then my mother, who came out of the living room, looked at it.

The mother who walked out looked at the three of us, covered her mouth with a teasing expression, and asked with a smirk.

"Oh hoo hoo, Jun Cheng, are you dumbfounded? Well, it's not that I don't understand your feelings, because your heart is really like this.

Too beautiful. Don't you praise the two packs as a brother? Two=

As....Isn't this stepping on a landmine, but compliments still have to be complimented.

"Thank you for your compliment, Lord, man."

The word "master" is especially emphasized, and as expected, I still can't accept my identity as a big brother.

The master can call, but the elder brother can't.--

"Okay, don't stand there foolishly, come in and eat, today is your mother and I will cook by myself!


We walked into the living room with my mother's hello, and found that my father was also there,

It's just the wrong time for us to go to school

It’s really rare that I can still go home normally at night. Usually I only come back during the day after working the night shift.

Kai, so I can't see my mother... No! Why did you come back at this time!

Lianbing and Xinran all wear maid outfits. Mom and Dad won't misunderstand that I made them wear them like this, right?

There is a sense of shame that my little **** and sexual fetishes are all exposed to my mother, which makes me want to dig a hole and bury my head in suicide.

In order to hide this embarrassing feeling, I pretended to be righteous, and coughed twice to speak righteously.

"Cough, mother, do you really care about them?"

"What does it matter? It's cute anyway, isn't it?"

"Just be cute!"

"Ahaha, your mother, I'm still very open. This is what cosploy is, right?"

"Although it can be said that it is cosplay...

"Xinran looks beautiful in this maid outfit. She wanted to wear a short one just now. I asked her to change it to this long dress."

"It's the same as my sister's..." ..

Xin Ran seemed to be still concerned about this matter, and murmured from the side.

Oh? Did your mother ask you to change it?

I have to say, Mom, your choice this time is really

"Lianbing's maid outfit is cute too! I heard you brought it from home?"

"Yes, the family employs some maids, and these are their clothes."

"Aiya, I just said that the workmanship is different-.. Inch Keling has also changed into a maid outfit. Come on, Keling, show Juncheng.


Zhe's mother walked towards the back of the sofa with a smile, and then heard a deafening cry from behind the sofa.

"I do not want it!'

The father who was sitting on the sofa watching TV was the first victim, and his glasses were crooked.

"Why! Mine is so short! Doesn't it even have sleeves!"

"Okay, don't be shy, what you usually wear isn't better than this one.

Isn't it more frosty than this? It doesn't matter what you wear at home.

They are all family members, so what are you afraid of? "


"Hate!!! Damn old woman!

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Although Keling was desperately resisting, Mom still dragged Keling out from behind the sofa.

"Oh oh oh...


Lianbing and I sigh together, because this maid outfit is really bold..

style lace bust, navel part of

Ke Ling dragged her skirt, which couldn't even cover half of her thighs, and covered the other hand with her.

The snow-white belly is still "*".

Wow, this maid outfit that Xinran wears is completely two extremes, one is full cover, the other is full except for the parts that must be covered.

Do not cover.

"Lianbing, is this also what your maid wears?"

"Yes, I asked Shirley to send one of each maid outfit, so I think it should be."

"I've never seen a maid dressed in such a 5o4ik erbu or something.

"I haven't seen it either. None of the maids serving me wear this kind of maid outfit."

"Then in the end...

"Probably the maid serving that person, that should be a 'maid's outfit for the night'

That person is Lianbing's father, right, at night with -. um,

The mother looked very happy, holding Xinran in one hand and Keling in the other, hugging from left to right and said.

~You, too, come here

"Aiya~ Aiya~ My daughters are so cute~ Juncheng, are you also feasting your eyes? Ah, Lian Bing Shi

so cute~

To be our child, right?"

"Huh? This

Lianbing was also flustered by the question - next, mom, she doesn't play cards according to the routine, asking this kind of question makes people feel

I gave Lianbing a look and signaled to her that she didn't need to answer, anyway, Zhe's mother must have just asked on a whim.

I helped Lianbing to answer.

"Mom, are you mistaken, Lianbing is only here for a while - for a while.

"That's right, but if you get married, you can live forever! But what about Xinran and Keling, Juncheng, which one do you want to be the new one?

Are you a girl?

Oh mother! Did you deliberately include your own daughter in the count! You're pitting your son!

This question is still unanswerable, whichever one I choose is wrong, so I refuse to answer,

When I was silent, I took the others with me

She was also silent. At this juncture, when such a sensitive question was asked, it was all because of you, Mom.

Mom also realized that the atmosphere was wrong, and immediately changed the subject.

"Why don't I look through it too? I also want to try to ask the master to take a look. How about it? My dear?"

......I prefer nurses.

Dad, are you a nurse control?

It's hard to hide, Dad. I thought you were a serious person, but I didn't expect that there would be times like this,

"Wait, dear, you don't become a doctor because you like nurses, right?

"What happened to that silence?! Tell me! Who was the nurse who was chatting and laughing with you when I brought you meals last time!"

Come on, come on..- It's coming every three or five minutes

There was a quarrel between husband and wife. Although it was said to be a quarrel, it was actually the mother alone.

It is enough to interrogate unilaterally. Obviously, the possibility of my father's derailment is absolutely zero.

Hurry up, I don't want to be involved in this interrogation meeting..

I secretly retreated to the edge of the living room, and then took the opportunity to run out and rush up the stairs, and then bumped into something.

Huh? What?

The first impression is that it is very soft, with a gap in the middle, and the nose is buried in it just right.

Although it felt good, I instinctively felt that I had definitely hit something.

When I hit something bad, I just analyze it rationally.

Can you know. What else can you bump into when you go up the stairs?

That's the fart of the person in front of you..-I just don't know if it's accurate-- whoever it is!

I quickly took two steps back and almost went down the stairs. It fell from the top, and it didn't fall backwards.

At this time, I instinctively wanted to grab something and stretched out my hand, and then I did pull something.

But it didn't stop, because what I grabbed was not the handrail of the stairs but the hand of the person in front.

What I arrived at was white lace **** and skirts that could not be covered

I instantly started thinking to speed up, and in the almost stagnant time, I saw white

Her buttocks, the deep ravine outlined by her **** is just right, and her wide eyes show her panicked mood.

Well, the identity question has been answered. The **** I put my face on is owned by Ke Ling.

Then the next question...how can I live...


Chapter 64

While releasing the acceleration of my thoughts, I used both hands to protect the back of my head, and at the same time curled up my body to cushion the impending shock on my back.

At the same time, Ke Ling, who was pulled back together by me, did not expect that she would be dragged in. When she fell, she had no protection at all. If I just got out of the way, she might be will be injured.

So I can only be the meat pad. Of course, I was the one who dragged her in. Taking a step back, as her brother, I should also protect her.

But because I fell backwards and pulled Ke Ling's hand in the process, I was half a height behind her, so why did you deliberately say this?

Because as a direct result of this poor behavior, my cheeks were attached to Keling's **** again after a brief separation.

This is called hot face sticking to cold butt. Physically... well, this **** is not cold either.

On the contrary, it was my nose. To be precise, there was a stream of heat gushing out of the nasal cavity, but there was no feeling of liquid coming out. It seems that there will be no nosebleeds.

Thanks to Keling's soft buttocks, even though the boy's **** are quite poor, his buttocks are still somewhat fleshy.


With a scream, Ke Ling instinctively clamped her thighs, compressed my cheeks, and was forced to pout her mouth, but instead, it stimulated her femoral triangle, and the scream was louder - a tone.

-The chain reaction of the series confuses Ke Ling's brain, and she used the cross to me. Why the **** would you use this wrestling skill! Ke Ling, when did you learn this special skill? what!

I still remember that Lianbing also used a triangular twist on me at the beginning. Has it become common knowledge that beautiful girls can do jiu-jitsu?

It was the first time that I was in such a predicament since I got the calamity. My throat was pressed by the crotch of her left thigh so I couldn't make a sound, and my arm was locked so I couldn't move.

From the soft hips to the suffocating situation, it can be described as falling from heaven to hell.

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