Without restrictions, Xin Ran is simply a wild horse that has become unruly like Lan.

"Okay, don't be skinny, I'm ready to go back."

"Still going back? Even if a lot of bad things happen?"

"Yeah, according to past experience, there is no way to avoid disaster. Anyway, it will happen in the end. It is better to solve it as soon as possible before the situation deteriorates to the point where a heavy price must be paid."

For example, this one-time Xinran thing was also directly accelerated through Lianbing's plan, so it was possible to get the result so quickly.

...In a sense, Miss Shirley's suggestion of 'go straight' can be considered a reality.

"But actually, I really like this place. Although it's boring when I have nothing to do, but if I'm with you guys, I feel like I can live here forever.

"You can come again later.

"That's right."

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"However, let's leave a mark before you go.

"Huh? Mark? Where is it left? On the door?"


High raid?

I really can't take you.

..the result is to start the second round...

You are, you are heavily dependent.

"I'm back

"Ah, welcome back, it's much earlier than expected.

"Yeah, I think so too, wait, much earlier than expected? Lianbing, you probably have no plans to save me at all, right?"

"Hehehe, you weren't captured by the bad guys, it's just that my sister Xinran took you out, so there's no way to save you? If some perverted stalker imprisoned you in a small room, I'll send the maids immediately. to you, but this time it's obviously not necessary

That is to say, if I hadn't attacked Xinran this time, I would really have stayed with Xinran--have you stayed in the old forest in the deep mountains! At first, I thought it would be good to wait for rescue, but in the end, there was no rescue at all. my thoughts!

Fortunately, I took the initiative this time, otherwise, wouldn't I have to be a savage?

"Sister Xinran, don't you wear a maid outfit?"

"He wears it when he wants to see it."

"Haha, I've become quite open-minded, have you thought about it? Sister Xinran?"

"Well, thank you, Sister Lianbing...-sister-in-law.

In front was Lianbing, who covered her mouth in surprise, while I was dumbfounded.

What is her name Lianbing? Sister-in-law?!

What the hell, in my heart you are...

And the person who said the unexpected name didn't take it seriously. He took off his shoes at random and walked upstairs. Before going up the stairs, he looked back at me and said.

"I'll go back to my room first, and come to me when I need it. The door of the room will not be locked. You can do it at any time, including when you're sleeping. You don't need to wake me up or clean it up, that's all."

After speaking, he walked up without looking back.

Her words contained so much information that I couldn't find anything to complain for a while, so I could only stare at the stairs where no one was there with my mouth open.

"As soon as I called my sister-in-law, I made such a declaration to my face, huh huh... It's amazing, Master? This time the strategy is very thorough.

"No, wait, it's not what you think...".

"At once....

Damn it, how can I explain it, no, there's no way to explain it, it's a fact.. But what Xinran said is so misunderstood. I seem to be the kind of person who would tell her when she was asleep. Do something scumbag brother--like...

Only a ghost can do it!

But it's useless for me to explain now.

"Hehe, all in all, it seems that things have been settled smoothly?"

Lianbing looked at me with a smile, but her eyes were not smiling, and she was colder than usual. She already felt that I had made her heart become like that.

"Don't look at me like that... Isn't this what you planned?

"Hehehe, that's true, but I didn't expect you, Master, to be able to execute all of this so efficiently? It's amazing, I thought you would hesitate for a long time, maybe even unable to start.

"Are you complimenting me or mocking me...

"Of course it's a compliment to you.

"Hahaha, in the field of scum and scum, you have surpassed your predecessors, and you are the only leader.

"I'm so excited to hear you scold me.

"You are really hopeless."

Heh, it's long ago, how long is the agreed maid period?"

"There are two weeks left.

Yes... I'm looking forward to it, Lianbing. "

..I'm looking forward to it too, Master.

Lianbing and I look at each other and smile, and we have a lot of hearts

Unfortunately, we learned later that the results we were expecting were completely different.


Chapter 89.5 [An Xinran] The Wind Falls

[An Ran]'s wind fall:

Time has passed when ugly, tossing and turning, I still haven't fallen asleep,

It was too hot to fall asleep, so I simply sat up.

Although there is no air conditioner in the room, the room temperature should not be too hot to sleep.

And the quilt is not very thick, but it just feels hot, like there is a heat current running around in the body, and it can't be cooled down. If he can come over at this time, I don't think I will feel so uncomfortable. .

Eat the marrow and know the taste, but I don't know what to eat. I look forward to coming again.

The taste of 'German bone' is just like this, and it makes people dependent on it, and this is only fake and fake. How much can people rely on it if it is 'genuine'. It's impossible for me. .

In the end, even if the door was not locked, he didn't come to me at night.

Also, after all, his personality will not change, so I guess it's just a joke. And even if you really need it, you won't be the first to come to me, and there are others..-What is the first place I am? Well, no, I'm just looking forward to it for a while. It turned out to be just a soft egg, and I must despise him tomorrow.

Tsk, it feels like she has become a concubine who is waiting for the emperor's favor and secretly jealous, which is really unpleasant.

But there was still some expectation and joy in the unhappiness, and after realizing this, I became even more unhappy.

Disgusting feeling.

After I got off the bed, I sat on the chair and looked back. I saw that this bunk bed had been used for a long time, and it would make an awkward sound when I got out of the bed.

And there is also a sound when turning over on the bed... It's very annoying to hear.

But I always insisted on sleeping on the top bunk, because when he was still living in this room, he slept on the top bunk.

Looking back, I didn't really leave him, I just wanted to get closer to him.

..- It's hotter, by the way, it's better to control the wind to cool the room.

Although he deliberately emphasized that fate cannot be used indiscriminately, and that if fate is used too much, life expectancy will be shortened, but when I used it before, I didn't feel that there was much loss in my body.

It seems that the reserves of the power called destiny in my body are quite large.

It's just to create a breeze, it doesn't take much destiny at all.

--Don't use it! Without my permission, you are not allowed to use the power of destiny, you know?

...No need, no need, what the hell.

But it's so hot, **** brother, since you won't let me blow the air, come to me with a little bit of shrewdness.

By the way, Ke Ling's room is air-conditioned, so why don't you go over there to enjoy the shade.

Although it's very late, I think Ke Ling hasn't slept yet. She definitely hasn't. She won't fall asleep tonight.

I should have gone to see her, so let's go to her. or gong ding

Next door is Ke Ling's room. She should be able to hear the sound from my room, so she should know that I haven't slept.

She walked out to Ke Ling's room, her door was also unlocked, obviously expecting something like me.

. . . maybe just waiting for my arrival.

I smell my brother, which means he has come’

He didn't come to my room, but went to Ke Ling's room...hmph, although I can probably guess why, but I still feel uncomfortable.

I opened the door and walked in. There was no light on in the room, and the figure on the bed seemed to be lying down.

I closed the door with my backhand and locked it, which was exactly the same as his.

Then he didn't turn on the light either, he came to the bed in the dark, climbed into the bed and lay beside Ke Ling.

...It's very hot, why did you come in without permission? "

"Aren't you inviting me in?"

"I just forgot to lock the door.

"But if it's hot, just open the window."

"Open the window and mosquitoes will come in:

"It's been a few months now, how could there be mosquitoes? Forget it, then turn on the air conditioner.

"Anyway, you're just here to use the air conditioner. I'll feel cold when it's on.

"If I hug you, you won't be cold.

Ke Ling didn't object, so I hugged her from behind and had zero-distance close contact. It felt like a long time ago.

Hold her tighter and pass all my excess body temperature to her side. Ke Ling's skin is icy cold, which is much more comfortable than any other pillow. Once you hold it, you don't want to let go,

Yes, in this world, it's really been a long time.

...that's disgusting, pretending as if we were a pair of sisters on a good relationship.

"That's the truth. We haven't quarreled, right? We haven't fought over anything since we were young. As sisters, it's rare for us to be so harmonious.

"I hate you."

"Yes, I know, I hate you too."

But that is in the past tense.

Once upon a time, I thought about it in my heart, no matter how intimate it was on the surface, I still thought about—.

1 Why did you take everything from me.

One why it must be given to her.

--It would be nice if Keling disappeared.


Sinister thoughts like that.

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And now Keling and I should have the same idea.

"Dare to say, you obviously took everything away."

"It's true 'now', but it's not like 'before'."

"What did you say suddenly? Are you trying to say that in another world, I actually have the upper hand, and you let me?"

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