"When I was born, I was full of doubts about 'self'.

"Why am I here? What am I? I'm supposed to be the place itself right...then why? Why am I? Why am I inside? What was supposed to be nothing...become me. Completely clueless.

But also...

Unlike babies who are just born as human beings, their minds do not have the process of maturation, nor do they have the experience of growing up.

It was only divided, so it acquired a different form.

Because of my fault, it became a mess.

"I can't accept that since 2 has become like this, I lost my way, I gave up thinking, and I don't know what to do next.

So, 'I' regards myself as a human being, to do this, I have to forget my original identity, so I need a place to save this part of 'authority' and 'data'... Part of it becomes me in front of you . "

"So-.-. Lou Ling is the real world, are you the pseudo-godhead used to keep these materials?"

"That's right, it's never happened before. As a result, I got the human form, and you got the qualification to be the world.

That's why she treats me as the same kind.

Because I made her what she is now.

And only I, a human who usurped fate, is qualified to become the world.


This is Lou Ling she will look for. The reason for me.

Then now...

"Huhuhuhu, now is a great opportunity, Juncheng~"

Lan, what kind of TE do you want to say?

"Let's conquer the world~


Chapter 96 Conquer the World

As I expected, Lan really said something like this.

I don't know how Lan was affected. Now I'm very interested in adding a harem to me.

What do you say? This is happiness?

No, I don't think that navigating girls will make me happy... on the contrary, it will only cause a lot of trouble...

That's a world that only God knows, and I'm not the **** of strategy. I can't see the ending all at once, and I can't easily make the other party fall in love with me, not to mention that the other party is not even a human being.

And it doesn't make sense for the harem to keep getting bigger, it will make me overwhelmed, and if I leave someone out in the cold, that's a very scary thing.

"Now only you are the existence close to me, so only you can help me become whole again, and you can get the stability I want. This is a win-win situation, and it is the most ideal result for you and me.

"So... so...

Because we messed up to replace the relationship of the world, the world was injured and divided. Except for a part of the fragment, that part of the fragment is Lou Zero in front of her. In order to maintain herself, she made herself forget her own identity, and created a A pseudo-divine used to hold this information.

Just like the villain in the flask, Lou Zero is a part of the world.

But Lou Ling didn't want to devour the truth, but wanted to return to the truth. This is different from the villain in the flask. She does not have selfish desires, but wants to take the initiative to get the ending of the villain in the flask... Once - once assimilated by the world.

Lou Ling's purpose is very clear, to change back to the world.

But she couldn't do it herself, so she found me, who got a lot of destiny, and asked me to replace her as the world first, and then return the authority of the world to her.

In the end, my existence will no longer be questioned, and Lan she will no longer be excluded... Probably so.

That's why she said it was a win-win situation.

"No! No! You can't just promise her like that! Juncheng is responsible for all the troubles and dangers, and she just sits there and enjoys it? How can there be such a cheap thing, she must pay a price, um, if she can't pay anything At the price, selling yourself can be reluctantly accepted, huhuhuhu."

"Then, let me think first.-

"Yes, but you'd better make a decision quickly.

But on the other side... Lan she seems to insist on me taking down the stairs...

So I was very hesitant about what to do now. From my own point of view, I just promised Lou Ling that I would be fine. Instead, it was Lan who made me not know what to do.

The point is that I don't understand what it means.

Is there any necessary connection between the strategy for her and other things? I can't think of anything related anyway.

Come on, there are still a lot of things going on right now, how can there be a vacuous girl... and it's still the world, it's too difficult...

"Juncheng, do you think that the strategy for her has nothing to do with other things, so you think it's a waste of time?

Yes, yes, you understand very well.

With an expression of 'I know it', Lan put out her index finger and pointed at my nose.

"But it's actually Junjian, you got the priority order of things wrong. This is the most important thing, the most important main line responsibility." "Huh?

-Accidentally made a sound, closed his eyes and rested, Lou Ling opened his eyes and looked at me and asked.

"What? You've made up your mind?"

"Uh, no, nothing."

.Make your decision quickly.

After speaking, close again. When I put my eyes on, I can still stand still, I feel like I can't even breathe, it's amazing...

After Lou Ling closed his eyes again, I turned my head to Lan and cast a suspicious look.

Why has conquering the world become the most important thing? What kind of main quest is this?

"Did Xiao Bingbing's head maid tell you that those of us left over from the last world are repelled by the world, and if we want to integrate into this world, we must retrieve the memories of this world. "

Oh--I said it before, there is indeed such a thing.

Because I've been busy with other things X all the time, I left this thing behind.

But nothing happened for so long, so it should be fine, right?

"Although Juncheng, you still have the existence of the paradoxical ability of the brain in a vat to prove, but that is only similar to 'buf

It's just the same buff effect, and when the duration is up, you'll become the same as me. "

I will also become as devoid of existence as Blue?

"Yes, the worst result is that like me, existence is not recognized, rejected by the world, and becomes a 'non-survivor'. No wonder Shirley emphasized so much, because the brain in a vat has a duration! Time! If it arrives, I will stop and be 'exiled' from the world!

or Mu novel

Going down, the main quest is replaced, now we have to find the memory of this world first, it seems that it is from Grandma, so it will be no problem to get that.

"But even if the memory is recovered, this incomplete world will not be fooled by this kind of blindfolding. I'd rather kill the mistake than let it go. In the end, Juncheng, you will still become the same as me.


Has the situation become like this?

Then don't I know how to GG no matter what? No! Why did it become such an unsolved situation!

"The broken and incomplete world has only 'hostility' towards you and me, our existence is not affirmed, and those who are related will be 'erased'.

That's how Nana disappeared from your eyes.

If we do not complete the world, we must always worry about our own existence, or it is very likely that we will be 'deleted' by the world.

Damn, did I end up being in danger all the time? No, it should be that existence itself is in danger!

\'Well, if Juncheng, you want to be alone with me in a world where no one will notice, um.-. It feels good too? You can play all kinds of bold and open play on the street at will.. .0 Huhu_..Ah, and Nana is here, can the three of us play in different ways?"

"Please stop your fantasies, even if that happens, I won't play perverted play with you in public, okay? No,

"Huh? An Juncheng, are you talking to me? Also... Is there anyone else here? Impossible, no one can enter my world without my permission.

Er, I'm just talking to myself, don't mind me.


Please take back the look of 'this person is helpless', it's just that you can't see it, it's not that I'm sick, okay?

"Huhu, in fact, Juncheng, you don't need to talk, I can basically guess what you are thinking.

I won't complain about this again. Okay, I'll shut up, it's alright.

"Think about it, why should I call you and ask you to collect nine fates, if I just want to see you, I can go to Qiye at any time and let him give you the ability to observe me.

.-.This. Exactly....SF Light Novels

Lan Why did she call me in the first place? She deliberately let me know about the collection of fate, and then led to a series of things that followed. The most crucial thing, Lou Ling, was also encountered in the process.

Could it be that Lan knew about Lou Ling's existence early on?

"Yes, at first I understood that my existence was wiped out, and a woman named Lou Ling seemed to replace my existence. At first, I was very angry, but after further observation, I found that this child is very interesting. "

Even though her existence was wiped out, Lan didn't change her continuing weird stalking behavior.

I'm afraid I haven't even investigated Lou Ling's measurements.

"Her measurements are 86, 56, 83 from top to bottom. She has a pretty perfect figure."

Can you even read this kind of rant?!

"Huhuhu, Juncheng, what are you thinking about, but I'm so clear~"

The stalker is too scary. It's a strange behavior rather than an ability!

"After collecting the nine kinds of destiny, the life master becomes close to the 'God', what the God says will be there, what the God says is not needed, that thing will disappear... This is the authority of the 'Creator', to formulate The rules of the world and the fate of the people. And now Lou Ling has only partial authority, it can be said that the realm has fallen to become the life master, but it is much stronger than the ordinary life master.

I touched my chin and thought about it - let's go, I now know Lou Ling's location, then please explain why you want to attack her.

"But the current Lou Ling can't do it. Juncheng, please recall what she said when she became a human being."

Remember, the injured 'world' couldn't maintain its original posture, and there was a gap, and the 'incomplete part' had to change itself into a new posture...

"That's right, she's got brand new stances, 'body torn torn' and 'spirit born to adapt', and 'soul that wants revenge', the key lies in the last point, She still wants revenge on you, Juncheng.


It was true that he said this, but I didn't care at the time.

Because it's very strange, if you want to take revenge on someone, will you tell him 'I want to take revenge on you' in person?

Apparently it's a joke... I suddenly got through.

But, the world doesn't joke..

In other words, she was serious and wanted to take revenge on me.

She didn't do it now because of her lack of ability, and she still asked me, so after everything is finished, what happens when she returns to the complete world?

I was in a cold sweat, the corners of my mouth twitched, and I recalled the unbearable past.

In the past few days back five years ago, I have fully experienced what it is like to be watched by the world. It is even more terrifying than the death of the gods. It is worthy of the name "life is full of thrills and excitement".

But I really don't want to experience this kind of stimulation that will make people lose their life.

"That's it, Juncheng, you are in a dilemma that is about to become like me. The person who can get you out of this predicament is Lou Ling, but Lou Ling is still thinking about getting back to you. Then the question is, what do you think? What is the best way to do it?" I hesitated to speak, but I stopped talking and wanted, sorting out the language, holding my forehead and sighing, sadness came from it.

In the end, I could only come to the same conclusion as Lan...

But I can't do anything about it. In this case, I can only turn enemies into friends, right?

"If Lou Ling chooses to become a man, I won't say anything, but since the choice has become... huhuhuhu, Juncheng, do you understand what I mean?"

Lan smiled evilly, as if she was the one who wanted to pick the concubine into the harem, not me.

"There is no pure friendship between a man and a woman, so the best way is to attack her and bring her into the harem.

I would never agree to take possession of her for my own sake.

But I, who have learned to be selfish, can now accept this approach.

"Hufufu, getting the world is equivalent to getting everything? Juncheng, you can really do whatever you want~ You can do whatever you want, and you can make this world a world only for women, let the whole world become All women can surrender at your feet

There is no such maddening idea, but Lou Ling... It seems that he must get rid of it.

"The more important thing is to be able to truly dominate everything and never be bound by the so-called fate... This is a unique opportunity! Furthermore, the world will change to Lou Ling's attitude, also because of your relationship with Juncheng. , so Juncheng, you need to take responsibility~"

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