And it's not that kind of vase collection model. How many women will there be in the future?

Unconsciously, a fairly large harem has been built, and this is only the strategy during this period of time.

Brother, is this scum satyr seduced?

Not going on like this... Now I have to start thinking of some countermeasures.

This year, if Enjiu is not here, I won't do it either. If he really says he wants to

Stop my brother from becoming King Kang Liu

Therefore, there is no room for adjustment in terms of production.

To help him get the woman he wants, I

...It seems that he is completely helpless?

It's fine if other women are interested

Usually squeeze a little more, so that he will never be right again in the future. : When I was born, I thought, "It's better to go back and play with Xinran"

Yes, this is a good idea, as long as it can satisfy him. let him have an idea

Can effectively restrain. It is better to start with clothes and postures quickly, but if

Zaishi in the country thinks about how to make his brother more astringent - 181, a public cites 1 and hangs his stomach...

Too early to throw the trump card

When you have tried everything, you might get tired of it, so you have to learn how to draw wells

There are many kinds of tips 5 and programs, students as soon as possible

......This ideal state should not exist.

Then there is the management of the interior of the harem, everyone is king.

Who is the master,

There is no harmonious harem in this world, no matter the owner

It is natural for women to compete for the party, and jealousy is instinct, and there is basically no possibility of adjustment in this regard.

So really, it is still necessary to distinguish the "status" SF light novel first.

The wolf can get the most, so I also want to...


When I only took out a pair of boxer briefs, I felt something was wrong.

Just opened my brother's closet,

The wind disappeared.

Wherever the Huafu of , I can know his location, and he can be

That is the wind of yearning that I stay by my brother's side, regardless of him

rushed to his side

But now I can't feel the wind.

So it's impossible to leave Fan

Fan Guoji was able to wrap the entire city in. My brother's location was still within range.


There is an uncomfortable feeling, ominous \"."

..tired. ".

Uncomfortable feeling.

Now, immediately, rush to my brother's side.

"Brother, wait for me.

But nowhere.

all within reach

Impossible, my brother must be there.

Where would it be then?

Don't stop thinking.

...find a breakthrough first, and then do it after regret and reflection.

Now I have to find my brother first.

Do you need someone like you now?

Yes, that stalker woman.

And there is, Principal.

Why did these two disappear?

Because the world is noticed by the world (


World, brother, have you gone to another world?

FSF Light Novel

How can I enter that world?

"Follow me.


Looking back, no one was there.

This voice is her, the stalker.

"You want to find Juncheng? Listen to me, I'll take you to find Juncheng, huhu"

What does this woman want to do?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

When I found my brother in Miansheng, everything else was secondary.

Now I want to find _\'a

Soon he found what he was looking for on the roof of the old school building.

I followed the voice's instructions

It was also a woman.

Sleeping there quietly:

"She is, Lou Ling?

He is one of the replacement members of his brother's harem.

Come, "here\" is the entrance, into her 'body'.\"

I see.

I understand.

I didn't ask much.

At the same time, he unbuttoned his shirt.

walked over and lay on the woman's body, took off her clothes,

Then she pressed her body down, fitted it, and kissed her lips.

Go deep into her, her world.

"Let go brother.

"Bitch, I've seen you upset for a long time."

"Hahaha, little sister-in-law, do you owe some training?"

Sure enough, it's you, I've noticed it for a long time, but. "I can't hope it's your novel.

Guangmu J


elder brother. "

"I'm here to teach you.

,I am coming.

Don't worry, because, I'm here

, Came here with only a shirt on?!

"No, no, I mean, why do you want it to be very snowy?

...don't worry, but don't worry,

"Is the problem there!"

Then what's the problem? Ah, I see.

Don't worry about being Xinran, I haven't been seen by others, I will only show you to my brother in Xinran's place:

"Pfft, what are you talking about!"

After showing it to everyone, he took my brother's hand to protect him behind him,

"You've crossed the line."

"Crossing the border? Hehehe, I think you may have misunderstood J+

Hide your murderous intentions and talk nonsense again, femme fatale.

"There is no misunderstanding, you clearly want to kill my brother, right?

"I really want to kill Juncheng, but in this world, even if I kill Juncheng, I won't die.

She covered her cheeks with her hands and said with a morbid smile.

Aren't people just satisfied with each other? Hey, Juncheng, didn't you say you would die for me?

Can I kill Juncheng?

Is it? Are you trying to deceive me?"

"No, I didn't lie to you, even now"

. Gagged his mouth.

My brother shook his head to explain, but I kissed my brother,

Now it doesn't make sense, she violated the rules of the harem.

"However, it is unforgivable that you want to monopolize your brother."

Haha.- Do you want to say that Juncheng belongs to everyone?"

"Ming can't be yours alone.

"Hehe...-. Stupid.

"You too."

I don't have to talk anymore.

If you want to fight, let's fight.

I will never let you take away my brother

I will protect my brother.


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