"Same as above.

"Can we start?

"Then a game begins =

The game for the older brother begins. "


Chapter 10.01 Rain and Energy

....the taste of mutation.

What is going on in this city, this is not intuition, but a hunch brought to me by studying the constellation records.

The "experience" of the "past" tells me that whenever something of this scale happens around me, it is always inseparable from that adult.

And this time, it must have something to do with that adult.

The number of changes in this life is particularly high. This is already the first time... No, is it the fourth time? In the past, every time a change of this magnitude occurred, it was the end of one life, that is, "dying" forward'.

And the same is true in this life, every mutation makes Lord Juncheng on the verge of death.

I didn't do anything, I only helped in a trivial way.

It can't go on like this.

I should fully support and help that lord. My existence is for that lord, and I should dedicate everything to him, satisfy all the wishes of the lord, and absolutely obey the command of the lord. This is the value of Bai Yuhui'.

However, Lord Juncheng's last order was 'Don't meddle in my affairs, and don't go to trouble with Xu Jiao'. So it's in standby mode now.

But now that the mutation has happened, how can I

...No. It is not yet certain that this mutation is related to Lord Juncheng.

Therefore, it is precisely because of uncertainty that we need to go to the field to investigate-fan.

That's right, if it is confirmed that it is related to Lord Juncheng,

Just follow the orders and don't interfere.

Perfect explanation.

After finding an excuse, I immediately rushed to the place where the mutation occurred, and found Young Master Juncheng.

Young Master Juncheng himself was not injured, but the man in front of Lord Juncheng had a different demonic aura on him. Did he use foreign objects to complete the demonization? He has completely entered the evil way.

The power called destiny force in this life is not the first time I have seen it, it has also been seen in several reincarnations, and it is also called "merit"

, and this world revolves around 'karma'.

Even the 'this reincarnation itself' that I experienced with Lord Juncheng is based on merit and karma.

But that man wanted to use his destiny to come to a certain w sister.-. and it was irreversible.

I saw her coming.

It's a familiar face, but its true form is revealed.

'That kind of demon' is unheard of, maybe it's the legendary Heavenly Demon of Great Freedom?

I don't know, and I have no interest in going into it. I only care about the safety of Lord Juncheng.

Fortunately, even if it becomes this demonized appearance,

She didn't forget to take care of Master Juncheng, and sent him to a safe place.

But I forgot that the demon still has a "master", which devoured a man's destiny. After she opened up a new world as the master, she took action against Lord Juncheng.

I just hid on the side and bit tight...I can't interfere in Lord Juncheng's affairs.

Bite tightly, my lips were bitten, and I squeezed tightly, the blood on my arm was thin, and the smell of blood made me more awake. On the other hand, Lord Juncheng was being strangled by the eldest lady in the back seat of the same class.

Orders must be obeyed.

I can't interfere in the affairs of Lord Juncheng, but if Lord Juncheng just dies like this, the order will be invalid. Yiyuhuiyi will definitely kill him.

That woman, and then find a way to revive Lord Juncheng, no matter how many times, she will definitely-...

The surrounding windows are shaking and the wind is blowing in.

Someone was rapidly approaching here, and as the glass was shattered, the addition of the younger sister brought a new twist to the matter.

The addition of new forces has changed the situation, and the head maid seems to intend to maintain a neutral position. I don't know her position.

How long can this form last, but as long as she still maintains this 'demonized form, then no one will be able to oppose her.

It won't work if you come by yourself.

The female foreign minister set the rules of the game, and then divided Lord Juncheng into seven parts. I can see that even the soul is divided into seven parts.

There are seven parts, each part has exactly one soul, and the head and the two halves have a soul respectively.

The magical technique, can be said so lightly = a complete soul, and does not hurt the slightest, and it is not ordinary.

The soul of a human being, but the soul of Lord Juncheng, who has accumulated a great power of destiny, even an angel cannot do it.

The most incredible thing is the two points of 'attaching the limbs - the same division' and 'turning the half body into a baby'.

This is no longer a gap in realm, but a second

I don't understand why such beings appear so easily in front of us, which has already been

The estrangement in Yuan.

But none of this matters, or I should thank the head maid.

Because, the current Lord Juncheng is not complete anymore, he has lost the ability to 'autonomy'.

In other words, the next game and Lord Juncheng are not the matter of Lord Juncheng himself, he is just forced to participate in this game

Among them.

Then, I personally judge that the order has lost its effect.

Until I change Lord Juncheng back to his original state, I don't need to obey orders anymore.

The movement restrictions are lifted, there are many things to do, but there is only one primary goal.

Exclude all the others and restore Lord Juncheng

Yu Hui dare not try to get everything from Lord Juncheng... But since this is the rule of the game, if he wins in the end,

Then this is also 'something that can't be done'.

With the sound of the start of the game, the eyes of the monster also appeared under my feet, teleporting me to other places.

Sure enough, he still noticed my existence.

I was teleported to a tennis court in a community, and I discovered the "sacred artifact" that was deliberately placed beside me immediately.

I picked it up carefully, then immediately took off my clothes and carefully wiped the entire part before

Put it in front of you and take a good look.

...... Lord Juncheng's left hand.

Not only did that monster not miss me, but even identified me as a 'seed player' and gave this Lord Juncheng's left hand.

Really...thank you!

It is really disrespectful to call 4 you a demon. Your kindness to Lord Juncheng and to me is unforgettable!

Great, great~ Lord Juncheng's hand~ rub, rub~

-.--No failure temperature, warm.

The thick feeling of being touched on the cheek, yes! There is one more thing I have always wanted-.

Changed and steamed my head... I feel my soul has been healed

I put Lord Juncheng's left hand on top of my head, covering my head with a broad palm,

Yes, this feeling of being touched by a die. Good. Blessing... just put Lord Junjian's left hand on his head for safekeeping..

As a woman, you can't be satisfied so easily? Even if you are very happy and satisfied

Huhu, Bai Xuemei, you are too honest.

Now, I have to think about how to be happier. It is the nature of a woman to pursue happiness.

Why do I think of what that woman once said at this time?

Pursue happier...


publish novels

I was suddenly shocked, and a bold idea that I had never dared to think came up in my mind.

Since it can be placed on my head, it can also be placed in my arms, and I can make a skin-to-skin kiss and let my palm touch my body.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, and all kinds of ideas that could make better use of this hand sprang up like mushrooms after rain.

After a while, I sank into all kinds of delusions when-..no!

Isn't this using Lord Juncheng's left hand as a prop!

How is this possible!

Cheng, what kind of system!

Bai Yuxuan, you're pretty decent. Do you want to be a girl? It's shameless, what's the difference between this and the fox spirit of Senior Sister Lan Hua!


But this hand belongs to me now

I hugged Lord Juncheng's hand tightly, and then \'--accidentally' put the palm of my hand on my chest, and before I pressed it hard, there was a

An electric current was conducted to the front tip, and I couldn't help but clamp down and shrank my trembling body.

The feeling of being unable to stop.

Evil desires can always easily occupy the minds of mortals, and I even began to want to lick Lord Juncheng's hand into my mouth.

Actually I have done this, but it's just an experiment.

That's right, I don't have any evil thoughts, I just want to confirm the feasibility of the idea.


A laughter leaked out of his mouth, which sounded really obscene.

It's really offensive, it's really good that I'm so happy.---

This is also a reward to keep me motivated, yes, it's just an advance payment reward.

Yuxuan is not used for anything bad, even if it is shattered, Yuxuan will definitely protect this hand and will not be taken away by anyone.

So.-- It's not too much to ask for a little reward, right?

Then next-..put this already wet hand to the entrance of the corruption.

But is it really possible to do so?

o) pSF Light Novel

At the same time, I felt an inexplicable excitement in my heart, as if I was standing on something very sacred, which made me unable to


Zhi, no one saw it anyway...

Although the spiritual sense has spread, I can't feel anyone's breath, and there is no one in the radius, inside and outside, but I still looked around.

Around the next week, he left the tennis court with Lord Juncheng's left hand, walked into the residential building, and set up a barrier.

I knelt down on the ground, put my palms together and bowed to the left hand in front of me.

Then-..I'm going to enjoy it.

Lord Juncheng, thank you for your gift.

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