Buildings, utility poles, street lights, cars - 4 per"

That was all cut off.

All things on the slashing track

Nothing can escape.

Feels good.

In this world without death, 'killing' still plays a role. . annihilation is associated with death.

Originally, it was possible to make an object lose its life. But in this world, the object is broken.

But the original 'stop

Shoudong' still works, and can still cut objects.

I don't know if I can "kill the soul"

No need to try.

The body is turned into two halves, that's all for now, just lie here until the game is over.

Jing Jiyuan is much stronger than before, but the consumption is also stronger.

In addition to physical strength, it also consumes fate.

Can't last too long.

The exhibition can only cut out '-one time' ●

With this level of slash, every time you cast

With this kind of power, he would not be weaker than Ji Lianbing.

can do it

"La? You know my ability

In this world, she has never fought against me.

But I know that her ability can lift molecules.

Like me, cut off everything.

However, it is also clear that the cutting surface is very smooth, which is a benefit for obsessive-compulsive disorder. "

The old man wearing a long coat fell to the ground, and put the boy just now on Changzhi Road

Nian pointed at me, his face was covered with horror, and tremblingly stretched out his index finger to look.

pointed at me and said.

"The only one! You,"

is human.

Until I kill (

everyone sees

But Juncheng has no one

The responsible me.

SjsF Light Novel

I will not betray his trust.

. The days are separated, tsk tsk. Ah, you're doing well, boy

"Luckily, Hu Yi jumped up in time, otherwise this one's eyes will be big, hahahaha!"

Thank you so much, otherwise you would have to deal with that group of miscellaneous

"Hahaha, no."

, The young man's expression froze.

.For example, young man, human beings can only 'save themselves',

Use your own strength to try to escape, right? Only in this way can you break through the limit and turn on several levels of warmth!

"Then, why did you teach me just now?,

The county has a long-standing problem, and when I see it, I can't help but want to save it.

"Also, Ah Yi said with white hair and a bright smile,

He put the gentleman's hat on, but I'm already a grandfather, hahahahaha!

...a tough test with good words...

...a familiar feeling.

It's very strange, obviously it should be the first time I've seen it.

. Zecai also shared my story of hunting and killing murderers.

It should be that all the aunts who survived during their lifetime... haven't changed at all. "

No, he really "knows" me.

Even if not, at least not to let

"At that time, I had a feeling of 'it must be you', one of Te's four major disasters, the disaster of killing, haha

You continue to blog and have in the "Spiral of Killing"

"Who are you?"

Tiantou continued speaking to the ponytail maid.

But Shiren Xiao is called Yanyang, right? Well, Miss Yanyang::.

The ability is a paradox 'Maxwell's Fairy', and he is good at using swords, right?

"Who is Changxia?"

There are more. And your all-knowing Jinneng Xiaojingjia police station, tied Juncheng's head with a strap, and held it for a long time.

on the handle of the knife.

"Did the head of your bag come from?

SF Light Novel

I silently took out the small sword again.

Put on a fighting stance.

This man is not simple. .

I have no interest. I heard the radio just now, it seems to be

"Oh, yo, is this really so fashionable for young people nowadays?

Let's play some game. It seems to be collecting body

"You don't believe me, are you here to do the right thing!

Heneng Lun Station, I just want to see you."

Huang has a wonderful name.

I have something beautiful

Are you a lo*ic*n old man?

"However, I also have that kowtow. You won't give it to others even if you sacrifice your life."

"I'm sorry to refuse

M's risky haha, then I'll be very happy. "

"Just now, Young Master Juncheng's head seemed to move."

Juncheng's head?

Why is this state able to move?

just wrong.. no

The possibility of an illusion is very small.

Telegram from Emma,

Has there been a reaction?

, I am relieved, old man. Besides, now

"Meet" is nothing, let's wait

Good 7, I see that you take him so seriously

Come back until you decide the winner.


not murderous,


Wang, especially the lady who called me here,

"I'm very happy to see you, I'll take care of Cai Ruo! It's rare to get out of prison, so of course you have to take good care of yourself.

I'm sorry, yes, we meant to do it, straightened our collars, and patted the ash on his legs,

, put on your hats again and we

said hello.

5. Goodbye then. Little... Well, little girl, I saw you

Strange, I can't have killing intent towards him.

If you hadn't come to rob Jun Cheng's justice, why don't you leave me alone!

"Huh?! Wait, wait, my Neng Yizi is about the same age as you, but much better than you.

Is the machine so powerful!"

"Eye warmers, of course, you have to tell me, grandson--oh. That's right."

The old man who hadn't gone far turned his head and asked me plainly. .7....what are you going to do? do you still hate her

"Little girl, the ghost who made you like this is probably called here too.


1 Yu fell into a slaughter vortex, and this body could not grow up.

Possess me, let

After the mechanic was deeply concerned,

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to see Juncheng.

Juncheng's matter is more important.

"I'm not interested in him anymore Miz...but you've gotten rid of her shadow, it's good.

"Haha, that's it, we waved our hands and walked away, very drunk.

And there is a kind of intimacy.

He said that he sent me to this city, then he might like you

. The movement on the north side of the city seems to be not small.

"Miss Xueqing, I will also speak first here...

"Well, I'm going to find Juncheng's 5-year-old Youtong, so you don't know, it's the cat-eared maid.

"81 Great China emits a strong light, the orientation is in the north, which is the place where the horse maid said.

Can't see anything clearly.

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