The man's mouth was split open - straight to the base of the ear, and then from the base of the ear to the neck, he opened his **** mouth to swallow me into his belly


was eaten.

But it wasn't me who was eaten, but the man in front of me.

The person who was going to eat me up to a second ago was eaten instead.

Blood splattered on my face, so dirty.

He was directly bitten off half of his body, from his head to half of his shoulders to most of his chest—all gone.

With a thud, the rest of the body fell to the ground, blood spurting out on the ground.

I can't even scream.

It was a... a giant python that ate the man.

Monsters, man-eating monsters, but unlike anything you've seen in horror movies.

That pitch-black posture made people feel a little beautiful.

The giant snake did not eat me, but entangled me and took me away.

brought to the 'nest'

Yes, there is not only one giant python, there are many, and it has a root.

The root is hair.

It was a girl in a gothic loli outfit.

Kneeling down on the ground, eyes closed, fingers crossed on his chest, as if seeking redemption.

I have an impression of this girl. I have seen it at school and by my brother's side.

, I have a close relationship with my brother, and I even suspected that my brother had already shot at her.

The black hair changed into a giant snake wrapped around her, as if to protect her from being violated by others, and as if waiting for the girl to become a child.

At the moment of ripeness, it devours her.

Then the giant python that brought me over put me there...and then there was no more.

I looked at the 1oi in front of me and the giant snake surging around me. I didn't know what to do for a while, and I was afraid that if I approached the girl rashly, it would be huge.

The python swallowed it in one bite and could only stay in a daze.


That's enough!

Why do I always encounter these messy things!

so unlucky!


Chapter 26.62 Resilience and Elegance

After standing there for about three hours, my legs were about to go numb. I wanted to sit down, but I was stared at by those glowing eyes.

The legs have already started to tremble. This is the limit of performance. There is another serious problem.

I want to pee...

But, but!

Now there is no way to go to the toilet at all!

This **** big snake has been staring at me, what else can I do! I'm so desperate, okay?

I knew I wouldn't take off my bloomers, at least I really couldn't help it, and I could help absorb one... But if I couldn't bear it now, it would just flow down my thighs...

Ah ah ah ah!


It's a shame for a beautiful girl like me to have diarrhoea twice in a row in one day!

It's the biggest black history in life, isn't it elegant at all! If I let my brother know, don't say my perfect sister image, even the image of a girl is completely destroyed... Then the world will be destroyed. !

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening, I don't think it can go on like this!

Whether it's physical or psychological, I can't bear it anymore!

Isn't this locked up?

How can I go back!

Although it feels dangerous to act rashly, how do you know if you don't try it?

My brother said that you can only come to a conclusion after you have tried everything. It would be too much fun to give up without trying!

In short, the things to be done have not changed. First observe, collect information, and sort out effective solutions from various useful information.

I found out that not all of these black-haired pythons are guarding Xiangyuexun, there should be nine in total, hydra.

Three of them are basically not in this lair most of the time, and they will not come back. I think they probably extend far away.

\'Foraging', I have only seen it once in the past three hours, and I only stayed for a few minutes before going out again.

And three of them are like city officials, patrolling the nearby streets. The black-haired giant python that brought me here is one of these three.

I named him Mimi, and the other two were Jingjing and Tiantian.

These three will patrol in three directions respectively, and then swallow all the living things they encounter on the road. The evidence is that every time they come back, the blood on their bodies will become stronger.

Especially Mimi, it is definitely the most ferocious one.... Huh? How do you tell me which one they are?

In fact, it is not particularly difficult to distinguish which of the nine giant pythons is which. industry

However, this is only limited to us girls. I think it is not obvious for boys to see the difference.

Because the difference between these giant pythons lies in the method of 'weaving'.

Just like when tying the hair, there are two-strand braids and three-strand braids. The body structure of these nine pythons, that is, the way of braiding their hair, is also different.

Then it's actually because there are only these three to be divided, and the other three have obvious characteristics.

The three will surround her. From the inside to the outside, let's call them the first ring, the second ring and the third ring.

The outermost python has a crown, the middle one has a 'hood' like a cobra, and the innermost one has no obvious shape features, but it is obviously bigger than the others - circle, and -...has red pupils.

-It's the giant python at the innermost that keeps staring at me

Why are you staring at me like that, perverted hair snake!

Even if I'm cute, it's rude to stare at others all the time, you know! Only my brother can stare at anything I want, but not a monster like you!

That's what I said, but I'm nothing right now... Damn it!

Moreover, these hair snakes are obviously made from the hair of Xiangyuexun, but they are not entangled with each other. It's amazing... So, these hairs still have self-consciousness, right?

No, it's not--certain, maybe it's like a robot, acting according to the set program.

If that's the case.... The setting means that there are rules to follow, then as long as you observe patiently - you will be able to find the safe zone

It's a pity that now the ghosts know whether the giant pythons made of braided hair are really conscious or act according to the set program...

At least the one that has been staring at me gives people a feeling of 'soul'

...No, it's a bit of a flood =

Can't bear it any longer!

Now is the time to make a decision!

Bet - give it a try!

And I still have the stunt of pressing the bottom of the box to perform... Now it's time to show the real skill!

I've made up my mind that this step must be taken now, no matter what!

Diabetes insipidus here and psychological death, or being swallowed by a giant python--0 body. Death.--The worst is these two situations.

Just like what my brother said, after thinking about the worst possibility, the feeling of 'that's all' will emerge in my heart, and naturally the source of the gas is beyond the SF light novel.

The trembling legs took a step forward.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to escape. I am not confident that I can escape the patrolling Mimi and their nets, not to mention the three outermost giant pythons that can pursue super long distances... So I decided to go inside. .

Those three giant pythons that at least look very 'safe', if I can break through these three rings, I can reach Kazuki Kaoru, that gothic loli girl.

I believe that as long as the girl is by the side, these giant pythons will never hurt... but only if I can really pass?

No, no, now is not the time to think about possibilities, and I don't have that much time to think slowly!

No matter in terms of distance or possibility, this is the best choice!

Although this may be a more dangerous way.. Gambling has always carried risks!

The patrolling python will come back almost every half an hour, which means I have to go inside within half an hour, otherwise everything will be cold when the patrolling python returns.

Moving my body slowly, not even small steps, I felt like I was walking against the ground, making rustling noises.

But these giant pythons are not sensitive to sound, probably because snakes have no hearing in the first place, and it has nothing to do with snakes made from hair.

Approaching the third ring....the outermost one can only go around in circles, there is about half a meter of space between the body and the head...see the timing...cross it in front of it!

I stepped sideways, almost going in against the snake's head, but I didn't touch the giant python.

Sure enough, as long as you don't touch it, the three rings won't react!

Phew. After the first level, the second level is next!

As for the second ring, it's even simpler, just go straight to it!

It's right to run regardless of everything!

Erhuan, it will launch hair at a long distance to entangle the intruding prey and swallow it. But in other words, it will only attack at a long distance!

As long as it doesn't get tangled in the hair it shoots out!

Here's the speed test---and there's... luck

Destiny is activated.

(Everything is possible]


The dodge rate is ---. 100%!

Although there is no way to dodge all the raindrops when it rains, a long-range attack of this level... can be completely dodged!

All kinds of attacks passed by my side, it looks very thrilling; it's not.

At the moment when I use this ability, this situation becomes inevitable with Xiao Xian.

This is an absolute victory in probability!

In the dazzling hair jet attack, I didn't even dodge dodge, I moved forward leisurely, maintaining grace.

I punched the outline of my body all over and didn't touch my body, no-hit, all misses, which is the so-called \'human frame

I finally passed through the range of the artillery fire, and I came to the last checkpoint, which was also the last ring that I couldn't see through. Kazuki smoked was only less than + meters away from me.

But at this moment, the last giant python with shining pupils said.

"Hmph, it's pretty smart, but don't waste your energy, little girl, I won't let you get close to Xun.

Actually, can you speak!


"The other heads are just brainless. Only Faye and I share Xun's soul. I brought you here just to see that you are familiar. Rather than leaving you outside and being chased by all kinds of messy guys, it's better to bring you here. Come here."

"So...are you protecting me?

"Hmph, you think too much, I just use you as bait.

Still arrogant.

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