"If you want to get together, you naturally need the left hand part, but the premise is that you can find me and take it away from me, huhuhuhu......

. . . let's continue the game!"

Look at me, look at me, look at me!

Juncheng accepted your love completely, purifies your hearts, and allows you to change your mind and be a new person.

Then, I, Lan Hua, will fully accept your hatred and your negative emotions, so that you will once again reveal your true colors as dangerous girls.

"Give it over, that left hand."

Huh, is the first one coming so soon?

I looked at the visitor with contempt, licked Juncheng's fingers with my tongue, and sneered.

"want to?

"That's not what you should hold.

"Come and grab it if you want. E\'

I, Lan Hua, will accompany me to the end.


Chapter 30 Juncheng and the handle

"General, the game is dead.

"One more round!

"Then, all monsters on the field attack directly, LP returns to zero, and you lose."

"Wa Dokana listed? Come on--pan!"

"Even if you pay ten mana in the next turn, it's useless, just admit defeat.

"I wouldn't choose death!"

"Wine, kill, you have no shield and no shield, so do you have medicine?"

"Why give up treatment?"

"KO, your health is back to zero, remember it's 50 games? Well, I've already won 26 games against you, so don't continue.

"- ah ah ah!"

"I've been single-killed ten times by me. Do you want to continue?"

"Go on ah ah ah ah! I'm not convinced ah ah ah ah!'

Repeated defeats, repeated defeats.

Changed all kinds of tricks, from chess and card games, to fighting games, to competitive games, and even the oldest guessing boxing, which can be used.

If this is in a casino, I'm literally running out of underwear to lose.

If this is playing a game, I can't count the number of times that this is the first time I have seen that victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. The subtitles, please come again, are floating in front of my eyes.

If this was a life-threatening game, I might have died a thousand times a thousand times.

It was a crushing defeat, but he was not convinced yet.

I don't want to admit defeat here.

Absolutely, absolutely cannot end like this!

Not to be outdone, I got up from the table, even if I was beaten to pieces and my spirit collapsed, my heart didn't mean to lose in the slightest.

"Come again! Guess coins this time!"

"Oh, yes.

The girl was still calm, no different from the first time she saw her when she came here.

Or still so beautiful.

"wor" yuan

No matter how you look at it, you won't get tired of it.

During this period, we have been sleepless, and we have been fighting endlessly for a long time... uh, although I don't know how much time has passed, the Black Soul 3 Speed ​​Pass competition has been held several times, plus the fight. I don't know how many rounds of Mahjong, I have tried every game I can think of.

Add them all together, why should it be a week... no, maybe more than a month?

Because there are no props that can record time in this world, and my personal sense of time is also confused, so I have absolutely no idea how long it has passed...

But what does that matter?

Continue until victory.

Don't stop!

For the Nth time, I saw the girl pick up the pipe, take a puff, and spit out a perfect circle of smoke. Unlike the puffed smoke that quickly dissipated, the smoke she gave out was more like a cloud, solid but not dissipating.

When the circular smoke ring opened in the air, the girl drew it into a heart shape with her fingers, and she blew it gently in front of me.

I waved it away.

Her expression did not fluctuate, she put down the pipe and said lightly.

"What are you going to bet on this time?"


Looking back, he thought about the things he still 'own', and found that he had nothing to himself.

According to the previous rules, I bet everything I could bet on.

Now I have even lost my body, from one piece of nails to one game to another, losing all body parts from the inside out.

Of course, the clothes on him have long been lost.

Others are like freedom, longevity, happiness, fear, etc. Abstract concepts and emotions are all lost.

I haven't lost it now just because she hasn't taken it back.

But one thing was broken

my memory.

First is the dream memory, then my "forgotten memory", then the one-year-old memory, the two-year-old memory, and the one just now. I finally lost all my memories.

Besides who I am, I can't remember why I am here, and why I am betting with the girl in front of me.

All previous experiences, all kinds of past, all lost present...

I've made all-or-nothing bets-toss.

I just don't want it to end like this,


It can't end like this.

FSF Light Novel

"Do you bet on intelligence? Or do you want to bet on common sense? Haha, then you will become an idiot if you lose, and you will be unable to continue the gamble.

Some things cannot be gambled on, such as intelligence, skills, mental power, etc. If even those are gone, then I

Then, what is the only gambling book I have left?

"This time, I - my own name! I bet on my own name, and I will definitely beat you!"

"Name... well, what's that?"

"Just... guess the coin!"


A coin appeared on the table out of thin air, and she made a gesture of please, meaning to let me toss it.

Every time she makes this kind of behavior as if to make me look down on me, it makes me very angry...

But what I'm even more angry about is that even so, I never beat her.

Toss the coin high.

Make a decision before the coin falls.

I began to squeeze the last trace of spiritual power. Although I have already reached the limit, the limit or something... is used to break through!

Speed ​​up your thinking!

The surrounding scene is slowing down, the girl is still calm, her eyes are not wavered, - one foot is raised and stepped on the stool, I can also see the snow-white skin and the wonderfully designed lace beveled socks.

But now is not the time to admire beautiful girls...

Let my mind be above phenomena!

In countless games, my mental power has been broken again and again. Now not only can I speed up my thinking, but I can even use high-frequency calculations for a short time to predict the future!

Predict the bounce trajectory, count the number of bounces, and finally... will stay at the corner of the table, and... front!

To release the acceleration of thinking, I said confidently.

"Then I'm the opposite. Let's see the result.

The coin bounced on the table a few times as I expected and stayed on the table_--it didn't stop!

The coin fell out of the corner of the table!

It stands to reason that it will continue to fall on the 'ground'.. But the space we are in has no so-called 'ground' at all

Some of them were just pitch black, and both I and the other side seemed to be stepping on a completely transparent glass, and this table was also placed on a glass.

Saying it's glass is just because I can't see it, I don't actually know what we're on.

Because apart from me and the girl and the table, nothing else touches this so-called 'glass'.

So the coin will not be stopped by the glass I said, but it will fall infinitely on the other side of the dark, and it is completely invisible.

or Gong Xiaoshen

I scratched my head and pointed below and asked

I said...how about this?"


Since she said to wait, she can only wait.

I don't know how long I waited. When I felt like I was going to die from boredom, I finally heard a bang.

The coin actually fell from above, hit the corner of the table, and bounced back to the table.

Is this space connected up and down?

Well! It's not important!

What matters is the result...

"Well. It's tails. I won. Then you lose if you guess the coin.


"According to the previous bet, I took your 'name'.

Finally, I lost my name.


Where am I..

What am I going to do...

The first two have no solution, but the last one has an answer.

I want to beat her!

I have forgotten why I am so obsessed with winning, but it doesn't matter.

"Then go on!"

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