These girls, who were originally abnormal, acquired even more terrifying abilities after acquiring the trait of fate.

It's like a more violent chemical reaction has occurred--like.

And Teacher Lily is also the most special kind of them all. She is a succubus herself, and she is also the queen of succubus. She is also the ordeal of two major tribulations, and she has the highest level of fate on her body.

The result of its mixing led her to obtain the ability closest to the essence of "Fate Force",

"Between half-dreaming and half-awake, the fateful ability to overwrite dreams into reality, [Butterfly Dream].


"She can turn dreams into reality."

This is also the key point of the 'Go back to the past and change the world' plan that I can devise.

Use Li Nai's memory to reconstruct the dream world, and then overwrite the real world by overwriting the dream world.

And Zihua used the ability of the devil Lily to complete the most important part.

Completed the act of "rewinding the whole world to five years ago" and deceiving the world.

"This ability may not be easy for others to use, after all, no one can control what he dreams of, and he can't maintain a state of dreaming at any time - but it is different for her.


Dream demons can enter the dream state at any time, and can also control the dream state.

Then she can bring the dream into reality.

"Ji Lianbing is the creator of this world. She has the authority of the creator and can make anything. Teacher Lily is the same. Although the process is more complicated, she has already touched the realm of 'what she wants to do'."

Yang Shifan's mouth was so wide that he couldn't close it. Well, it's no wonder he was so surprised.

This guy was originally a life hunter, and he hunted down a lot of old witches and life masters, but he should be the first time with such an outrageous combination of fate.

"When I first saw An Juncheng, I was thinking that his ability is so unbelievable, the sorceress shouldn't be too weak.

.But now it seems that I was completely wrong...

He sat down on the ground decadently, with his hands on his knees, feeling several years older in an instant.

"You are the real monsters...

"I don't deny this, but I hope you don't add me too.

I'm just an ordinary person, I just got involved in these dangerous things and had to make a change.

I think Juncheng has the same idea as I do.

In the sky, the 'Demon King' and the 'Demon' are still fighting against the gods.

That is not a realm that mortals can reach.

But the result is the same, there is only one person left standing in the end, and we are here to wait for the result.

Then you can move on to the next step...

Next step?

What do I want to do.

Wait, what am I...

Suddenly I noticed a terrible thing.

That's why I'm planning these things? 2PKSEAC.cO

If it is to relieve the madness, these steps seem to be completely unnecessary. 0

Why do I feel that Teacher Lily must be awakened?

To deal with Ji Lianbing?

It is indeed a reasonable approach to let the two snipe and clam compete, but my initial thought should not be this.

....was used unknowingly?

No...I was 'driven' from the beginning...because my very existence is...

who is it!

"No! Stop them now!

When I suddenly called out, Lan-head looked at me and asked.

"What's wrong? Zi Ai?"

"Not good! I was wrong!"


"Everything I do has a purpose!

"Isn't that of course? You didn't do it for...

"No! I mean, I was taken advantage of! Someone drove me to do these things, all for the sake of some kind of yours.... I just found out now! I am the problem! '

"Calm down, Zi'ai, I don't understand what you're saying at all."

At least, it can't go on like this anymore.

Yes, I remembered it, the sense of disobedience, the feeling that someone is doing something behind the scenes.

Ji Lianbing is not the real mastermind behind the scenes!

And someone else-...

(Thank you for your hard work, An Ziai, you really didn't disappoint me.)

This sentence resounded from my heart.

I was stunned on the spot.

(Then it should be replaced

I saw my shadow under my feet turn sideways and smiled wickedly.

like a devil.


Chapter 47.74 Snow and Beginning

It was no longer an explosive light. Instead, countless lights gathered in her hands.

Condensed into a crystal clear sword, the blade is transparent, it no longer emits light, but reflects other light, so

That is herself.

I can feel.

She has poured everything into that sword.

A weapon is not just a weapon, it carries all the emotions of the user and becomes a part of the user.

Therefore, facing her with that sword in her hand, I was already slightly inferior.

But only killing intent, I am stronger than her.

Full of killing intent, he eliminated all other emotions.

Qu Zhang, my hand is a 'cup'.

Into the cup, filling, filling, filling...

came out.

The killing intent is so strong that it can become my weapon, and it was the short knife that I used most at first.

This is all I have.

I have lived to this day and have killed a total of 474 people, condensing the pure killing intent.

Proof of my existence.

In this way, we are equal.

"Oh! This is the sword of killing intent! Have you touched it! The realm of Taoism!"

It's very noisy, the only regret is that I didn't kill you with my own hands.

.No, there is another regret.

From now on, can I still hug you and kiss you?

I'm afraid I... can't help but kill you...

Sincere--- hurts, it hurts...I hurt..."..

This is to set you free.

Being a ghost, the power obtained is stronger and deeper than ever.

On the other hand, is Xun also completely immersed in it?

I will use this power well.

The time of confrontation was infinitely prolonged. During the time of stagnation in thinking, my body moved on its own.

Hands no longer had the feeling of holding the knife, and his entire body became a 'hilt', and he 'swung himself out'.

When 'slowly' approached her, her blade also burst into a dazzling light.

In the countless fragments of light I heard.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, what she said.

"Please kill me

That was a request made to me.

Wish I killed her.

I have seen the same scene countless times.

SF Light Novel

Those ferocious, cruel and seemingly inhuman murderers said what they said when they were about to die.

Not a threat, nor a panic, just a plain, accepting expression of imminent death.

Said the same words as her.

--Kill me...

Seeking liberation, eternal sleep, that is, death.

In her heart, there is a certain arrogant woman who is loved by death.

I do not like her.

But her feelings for the deceased are real.

For some people, perhaps death is the best destination.

The same is true for her in front of her.

Yes, she is also a murderer.

But I'm afraid, she has long since wanted to kill people.

No one likes to hurt others.

Hidden beneath the distorted thoughts is a heart that is difficult to communicate with others.

In the end, only killing is the way to connect with others.

The spiral of killing, the end of love and hate, the unreachable dream.

"I will.

The knife in his hand fell, but there was no knife in his hand.

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