To her, the only people who can truly be called human beings in this world are herself and Juncheng, and other human beings are not human at all.

So it doesn't matter what others do, and it doesn't matter how the world becomes.

I remembered Zihua and I at the time. We both had the same idea.

Finally did the same thing

So, I don't have any hatred for you, I even thank you very much, thank you for staying by Juncheng's side instead of me

Before she finished speaking, I clapped the table and stood up, standing up and glaring at her.

"Shut up!"

Only this sentence, I do not admit it!

Whatever you said before, we are all good, whether we are bitches, idiots, women, or sows, or we are Juncheng's play, we all admit it

But there is only this, I do not admit it, nor do I want to admit it!

"We! It's not because of you that we are by Juncheng's side! It's not because of your arrangement that we are with Juncheng!

This is the only point that must be denied anyway.

Maybe it was because of you that we were able to meet Juncheng, but what happened after the encounter has nothing to do with you!

"It's useless for you to deny it. Your encounter is just due to each other in the previous life, and that is also my operation. Before you become the 'heroine' in this life, you must have been a 'supporting actress' in the previous life, that's all. Only by replacing the C position can you get the final qualification.

I was so excited that I wanted to fight back, but when the words came to my mouth, I swallowed them back.

Because I saw her lonely expression.

"Is that what you are envious of?

SF Light Novel

Jiuyuan didn't answer my words, but I thought this would be an admission.

"Because - before Juncheng, he said he would give up, he said that he had already given up looking for you."

You're right when you think about it this way. The way she looked just now is not so much targeting us, but rather hurting us.

"On the one hand, you think that if Jun Chengcheng gives up like this, it is the best choice for him, so that his soul can be preserved, but on the other hand, you don't want him to forget you, right?

yes. "


she said so.

Then both eyes darkened, the highlights and focus were lost, and there was nothing.

"Yes, yes, yes,

Started to repeat the reading, but the tone became stronger and stronger, and finally broke out in the wave.

"Yeah! You're right! I'm just envious! Envy, jealous, hate! Obviously you can kiss him casually, and you can have **** whenever you want, as many times as you want. How many times have you slammed, like a rabbit, you only know how to mate! You can even go further and play all kinds of PLAY, you can use all kinds of show poses! You can wear all kinds of beautiful clothes to show him, you can wear maid clothes, he, You can feed him mouth-to-mouth! You can stick your tongue in and stir, and you can eat and eat, I'm really envious! I'm so envious! I haven't even once! In the end, I'm a virgin! I was the first, why did you enjoy it! It's not fair! It's not fair at all! He doesn't even remember who I am! Man! Unscrupulous! Scum! Asshole! Pervert! lo*ic*n! It doesn't matter! Any woman you like is fine! Please come and see me too! Come see me! Don't just look at them I have always liked you too! - I have always loved you, and the first person who loved you was me! Do you know how I spent it at all? Seeing you so happy, I I want it too, I want it too! I look at you every time! I look at you with all my might! I see all of you in my eyes! Not a single scene is missed! When you talk, you hug -When you're together, when you kiss, when you're together, I'm watching! Feeling your feelings! Feeling your moods! Simulating your feelings! Even erasing yourself and turning yourself into you ! I've been every one of you! 'Killed' myself - over and over again, forced to regenerate - over and over again! At last my ego was forced back! I really want to Be any of you - keep on being in this **** place! Can't stand it! Enough! Enough! Why must it be me! I want to die! I want to die but can't die! Only Paralyze yourself! Try your best to paralyze yourself! Repeat the scene of reconciliation, filth, intercourse, and love! Countless repetitions! Reproduce that pleasure! Zoom in and reproduce! The feeling of stimulation, from the feeling of pain to the feeling of pain! Even if foaming at the mouth, even if the body cramps, and the ** becomes a rag, as long as I can temporarily immerse myself in that false happiness! As long as it can make me happy all the time! But it's not enough! I feel more and more empty! Empty and lonely! There is no one here! Please, everyone is fine, come and talk to me! Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Been there? Has been by my side all the time, the one who never left me, hasn't reached me yet? Hasn't found me yet? I can't wait anymore, don't want to wait any longer! Come fill me up , fill my body, my inside, fill me up! I want him! I want to be with him! I want to feel the resonance of my soul with him! I want to leave everything else behind , being held in his arms! I want to tell her my love! I want to serve him! No matter what it is! He can do whatever he wants me to do I will satisfy him with anything! It's just an opportunity. Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Want! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give me! Give him back to me! Give him back! Give him back! Give me back! Give him back! Give me back! Give me back! Give me back!

The confession that made me pause on the spot, the emotion and momentum have shocked me, everyone who hears it will think so, so what if I say it, and I say it all? Yes, Your analysis is right, I admit,

"It's the beauty that's going to die, the jealousy's going to explode, and I'm still scared. Every time I think about it, my hands and feet get cold."

I am indeed very envious. This woman has already gone crazy.

That's right, she doesn't need madness, she is mad herself.

I've been thinking all the time before, \'Will he just forget me like this?

'Will he not want me anymore?'

"My 2?' 'Am I no longer needed by anyone?', I have thought about every question for a long, long, long time, and no one knows me. I can't imagine how long it will be."-


"I chose the latter, I can't forget him, so I want to see him again, if this will make Jun Cheng go into ruin, Zhuo Lai will add color to our reunion. ’

I would rather destroy everything and meet again after a long absence.

The world has come to this sentence.

I suddenly

"So. SF Light Novel

"Wait to stop her, but she has already stood up from her seat, and the tables and chairs are in ashes, which means that they are not happy.

I want to persuade I to come and just piece him together completely, only the head is left.

"The next part has already fallen into Jiu Yuan's hands. Cheng's head.

In front of Yu Hui, who was still holding the young Jun Cheng, except Jun Lu, he held Jun Cheng's wrist and said.

She walked to him already

"Finish me

Unspoken slaps.

A loud forehand slapped Jiuyuan--slap! Oh my God! Yuhui, what have you done? She is

After the rain was over, it was followed by a backhand slap!

But this still

Clap! The second sound is louder, and it hits again!

Jiu Yuan was a little stunned compared to the last slap in the face, but he recovered immediately.

Bad color.

Yi Lian also stood up, holding the child Juncheng's hand in one hand, and stepped forward to Jiuyuan.

And Yu Hui stared at the opposite, the distance between his cheeks was less than five centimeters, and the tip of his nose had even touched--up. give me.

"Take him as an adult and stay away.

"Li Juncheng is a dialogue of dialogue.

Completely not the surrounding temperature rising, the scene-triggered.

But it made the Holy One go out of control.

The mad woman who never gave up chasing after him for the tenth lifetime has been in love with things. One is the one who has been waiting for him since the earliest times:

one is

At the end of the mad woman who counts the time, after all the old witches have been wiped out, there will still be such an asura field, no one would have thought of it.

In the end, Yuhe, who was by Juncheng's side the longest, and a long-term relationship that hardly accompanied Juncheng for a long time.

The encounter that accompanies you is the one you get along with later.

It was this scene at first.

i will see


Chapter 63.63 Longevity and Disgust

What? What is it called?

..who is that, a name I've never heard of before.

...Well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't remember.

It was the soul that followed Jun Cheng's reincarnation.

When I first saw it, I didn't think there was anything special, it was just an ordinary passer-by character A, like the village girl character of the Novice Village. There is such a person every time, but the protagonist will never develop a relationship with him.

At first, I didn't even realize that those passerby characters would be the same person, until I accidentally found this soul a little familiar.

Afterwards, it was also used as a fun, so that her relationship with Juncheng was deeper-some, so that she changed from a passerby role to a supporting role, but it was just a whim.

But after that, and after that, again and again, it keeps appearing,

You are not in the script I arranged, so don't appear on your own accord.

No matter how stubborn you are, there must be a limit. How many times you have been dumped, the relationship between him and you will not deepen, it is almost time to give up.

An eyesore.

An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore. An eyesore.


Enough? Why continue? Are you stupid?

Why are you still here?

Why can you still... persevere?


Her cheeks stinged as if they were on fire, and she threw these two slaps with all her might.

That's right, it's you.

book, SFA

I remember you.

Get up on the spot - you're a white-cornered runner. SF Light Novel

"what are you going to do?"

-She kept her hands behind him and stared at me, and said words with a hint of warning, she probably lost her normal communication ability, she just acted instinctively.

The curse has penetrated deep into her bones, and she has lost her humanity.

"Unable to doesn't matter."

I never thought about communicating with you.

Hand over his body parts, now is not the time for a passerby like you to take up time.

I directly ignored Bai Yuxuan's warning, reached out to grab the child's wrist, and bound Bai Yuxuan with a black shadow.

Bind it so that you can't move.

Mere fish, still want to prevent me from reuniting with him?

For the sake of your sincerity in protecting him, I won't destroy you, so I'll let you watch it here.


A crack appeared on the black shadow, and the purple-black aura that emerged from Bai Yuhui's body shattered my pure black shadow.

"To protect... Jun Chengda...

A little surprised.


With her own strength, she was able to break free from the shackles of the shadow.

It's almost impossible for her to be able to hurt her own, but she did it.

But, so what?

Once again wrap her in a deeper and deeper darkness, this time is no longer a bondage, I will devour you, just like I devoured other witches, and you will become my shadow. '.

The black sewage climbed up from Bai Yuxuan's feet; the unnecessary clothes were dissolved, leaving only the body, which was successfully wrapped around the neck but could no longer be wrapped up.

"Guangmu Little Play

"Forget it, that's okay, you just stay here and don't move.

It's really getting in the way, knowing that it's impossible to win me, but still standing in front of me, that's all--it's really annoying.

Already know the result but still struggling?

It's ridiculous.

"Come on, come to my side.

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