I have become his shape.

"Listen to me, of course you are not Keling, you are different, but it doesn't mean that I want you to disappear like this, I want you to stay by my side. But I want you to use my body and use a new The attitude of being alive. Not attached to others, but as yourself."

"As... myself?"

"Yes, didn't you just give yourself a name? Jiuyuan... It's not bad, you can call it An Jiuyuan in the future."

"An Jiuyuan..."

my name.

"Then back to the question just now, my body is used by you, so do you want to be a woman or a man? I don't care..."

"It doesn't matter what you say, but I still hope for another beautiful girl's harem. What a superficial man."

Lou Ling looked at Jun Cheng with contempt, and spit in disgust.

On the other hand, An Ziai also pretended to be faulty and said.

"Juncheng, congratulations, you have finally become a real scumbag."

"Don't say that to me..."

Well... this is the bond between him and them...

That's right, I've seen it countless times...

And this time, I too, can I finally, like them, establish a bond with him...


"I want to be a woman."

"Is that so? Once you've decided, you can't change it, because there won't be anything messy after that."

"Well, I want to be your woman."

Hearing my clear reply, Jun Cheng scratched his head and said.

"Oh, this is really... I'm embarrassed."

"Obviously my heart is happy."

"And with a silly smile on his face."

"It's really cheap to sell well."

The three of us spoke one by one, and we cooperated very well.

Well, that's how it feels, hehe... This is what I've always wanted, a sense of belonging.

"Uh...Miss Shirley, please do it."

"Okay, the gender is female, so what about the appearance and body shape?"

"I'll decide this myself."

Since I want to be myself, I can use my appearance as 'myself'.

Sure enough, I am who I am.

Yes, Jun Cheng is right, I am not An Keling, and I am not his sister.

I will continue to accompany you in the way I was when I was by your side at first.

Using the shadow to transfer the soul and spirit into Juncheng's body, from a certain point of view, it can be regarded as a fit with Juncheng, hehe...

Opening my eyes again, I have got a new body.

In front of him is Jun Cheng, and An Keling who wakes up and looks confused.

"Um... brother?"

"Well, I'm here, I'm very tired, go to sleep first, everything will be fine when you wake up."

"Um...Brother...don't leave us again..."

"No, 'never' not."

I always feel that his expression is very heavy now, and his eyes are too deep to be seen through.

An Keling just woke up and fell asleep again.

Jun Cheng came to me and said to me with a smile.

"Then, it's time for the most important part... However, I leave the decision to you. It's up to you to decide whether to continue."

"What? Although I have already guessed that you might have a way to break this situation... but I don't know what to decide yet."

"Yes, then explain it... There should be enough time..."

Jun Cheng pondered, while Lou Ling reminded him.

"There are about ten minutes left. It's enough if you speak quickly, but then there's no time for her to hesitate."

"I don't need the time to hesitate, just tell me."

"Well... Then let's talk about it after you left. After you left, I was left at the end point, and I didn't disappear... Probably because I was also an Akashic recorder."

"What! You too...!"

Jun Cheng is also an Akashic recorder! ... Thinking about it carefully, this is also possible, because at that time it was indeed the two of us who created our souls together, so it is not surprising that Jun Cheng was selected.

"Well, but I'm probably just making up for it. When you collapse because you can't bear the excessive information, it will be replaced by me... Well, in short, because of this, my spirit stays in that place, and I start At the beginning and the end, Houlou Ling also came in."

"Zero... a fragment of the world?"

"Yes, probably when you filled the paradox world just now, you 'mixed up' with this world, so Lou Ling also appeared there."

"Just now, when I used your left hand, Juncheng, to activate the power of destiny, I was stopped by her when I wanted to destroy this world."

At that time?

I filled the cracks in the world with my own parts, and as a result, the world has also been restored back to the 'initial beginning'.

"We had a few things going on there... I won't say much here. In short, I found a way. Using zero as a benchmark, we recreated a new one, which is almost indistinguishable from this world, the world."

"You... have you copied a world!"

"Yes, that's it."

Copy a world?

Because there are fragments of the world, do you simply make up a complete world?

That's why I just felt that Lou Ling is complete...because she is already a separate world!

"We can't meet because you are on the 'end of the world' and we are on the 'world line'."

That's right, it's because of this that I have to wait...

There is no way...

"If that's the case... then it's enough to 'erase the point'."


Erase the... point?

"In simple terms, it is to connect the current world and the world created by zero, the two worlds are reversed and connected, separated from the entire system, and circulated independently."

"Connecting... two worlds...?"

"Well, then there is no so-called point, 'all are lines'. But in this way, the two worlds will merge and become a closed circle."

The closed ring...

"I see. I understand what you mean. Are you trying to create a world with an infinite loop?"

"Yes, as expected of Zi'ai, my confidant."

"But it will repeat forever."

"Yes, not only does it repeat forever, it does make a difference each time a different choice is made, but it resets 'next time'... well, the ring doesn't fit in that way. I should say yes, mo Ring of Bius."

The Möbius ring is an infinite loop that is connected inside and outside.

"But this way..."

"This is a 'necrotic' method."

He knew it, so he did it.

He knew that there would be such a result, but he still chose this method.

"This means that we have no 'end', there will never be an 'END', even so..."

"I will!"

Hearing my answer, Jun Cheng smiled wryly.

"Really... don't answer right away, it's really going to be forever, repeat it, even if you get tired of it, hate me, regret it, it will keep going back and forth... it will never stop."

"It doesn't matter... I don't want to be separated from you again... It's okay to reincarnate forever like this..."

"That's really happy..."

I ask you to bear this heavy feeling.

As long as I can be with you, I don't care about anything...

"I still have a question, in reincarnation, will others remember?"

"Well, the memory will be retained. First of all, it's me, because Zero... The world is my woman. Uh, don't kick me... Anyway, I won't forget it again, and I can't die, every time They will all wait the same long time, waiting to meet you."

"Then Jiuyuan, she will also retain the memory of reincarnation like me. No matter what the form, the world needs truth, and of course Miss Shirley... I'm sorry for dragging you into the water, you will be with us. Let's go back together."

"Hahaha, I originally thought that I would have no regrets if I could accompany the eldest lady for the rest of my life... well... I can continue. Thank you so much, Master Juncheng."

"I got you involved... Thank me or something, it's really unnecessary, Miss Shirley."

Juncheng, you don't understand, she is just like me, I got her home from you, and she also got her home from Ji Lianbing.

That's why we can accept this reincarnation calmly.

"What about Lan and Lianbing?"

"They will also remember that all the old witches will fall into this reincarnation, so does Keling. But to be precise, it's not because of me, but because of Jiuyuan... uh, she is using my body now, So they will keep their memories as part of the long-term relationship, but..."

"I know, I can't, right?"

"...Zi Ai..."

"It doesn't matter, I was originally a 'trace', but I will ask you to take care of the real me."

"I will."

"If you push me down, it's a crime."

"Cough, I wouldn't do such a wicked thing."

"I hope you can."

"Hey, hey?"

An Zi'ai will not step into reincarnation with us, because she was created by me, an afterimage of memory.

There is nothing, and there is no connection with anything, so naturally it cannot continue...


Involuntarily apologized.

Because of my selfish thoughts, I brought you here, but in the end I couldn't take you away.

"Finally, I have another wish. When I was in the mirror world, when I saw you dancing with Ji Lianbing, a little wish that appeared in my heart..."

The black breath turned into a black evening dress, and she twisted her hair.

She came to Juncheng and stretched out her hand with a smile.

"Can you dance with me?"

"Oh...it's my honor."

In the shattered brilliance, the two danced gracefully.

Lou Ling held my hand, the meaning is self-evident, right now... The end of this life will be connected with the beginning of the next life, and the two worlds will become a closed Mobius ring, repeating indefinitely. go down.

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