That being said, it was actually because Nana started her 'evolution' that I was relieved.

Otherwise, don't talk about an afternoon, maybe it's really possible to reproduce what happened in those days when Zero and I were like beasts.

"Mom, she also joined the side." F light novel

"Yeah, for you, she chose to cross over here.

Here, that is outside the cycle, in Lao-Dian’s words, it means jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements’

Slightly different, but the meaning is similar.

Nana, after absorbing a sufficient amount of my essence, she began to transform towards undead creatures.

That's why she said that if I failed Lily's her, she would--beside, me--kill me.

Since then, she has become an undead that clings to me and lives.

"She didn't worry about leaving you alone, so she chose to follow.

"Mom.- It's so impulsive... Mingming, it's easier to forget...


Obviously it would be easier to forget.

"I don't think she was impulsive, she was very calm the whole time, and we could even talk, which is the most amazing thing about me.

"Mom, can she still maintain consciousness?

"Yeah, when you were first confused by me, she talked to me a lot.

"...that is.

"It's okay, don't mind, it's cute, that's your advantage.

Lily rubbed against me like a clingy kitten, be good.

"It seems that even as a human, her mental power is still very strong, but there is another place that makes me wonder, in general, even if we explain k, few people will believe what we say. Those absurd things are right."

"After all, it's a very complicated process. If you didn't experience it yourself, almost no one would believe it.

8 letters.

"But she believed it without any doubt, and she did such a thing...

"Because mother is such a person, she will unconditionally trust people she trusts, and she will believe those words because it is me.

"That's right, that's it.

Indeed, before Lily came, she was doubting my identity.

And he didn't listen to my explanations at all, and he wondered where my real purpose was.

"There are some things that haven't changed, like where my mom is sloppy at home, and where you get drunk and become another crying type and that -- where you get involved with some inexplicable organization." Busy. to play

"Huh? What organization?"

"I don't know. Mom, she didn't want to tell me before. It seems that... a secret service organization? Killer organization? In short, it seems to be influential in the world.

"It sounds amazing.

A capable woman will stand out in any world.

"Maybe, so mom, she can actually continue to climb to a higher position, but it's just because I didn't do that.

But now she doesn't have so many worries, because Lily will have me by her side.

Then, what Nana said before is true.

She is really going to conquer the world...

"Then, it's almost time for you to go back. The evening self-study is about to start."

Lily raised her head from my arms and suggested thoughtfully.

"Ah, yes, also......

It doesn't matter if you skip the evening self-study, I'm more worried about your side.

"Are you okay? For the first time...

The body should still be in pain.

Lily said with a blushing smile.

"It's alright, my body's recovery ability and physical strength are inherited from the original succubus' body, so then... some special gameplays can also be tried.

"Oh, that's it, hehe...

"Laugh, what are you laughing at?

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought, Lily, you hated your strong body before. You said that the succubus' physical ability is good to withstand all kinds of extreme gameplay. In the end, it's obviously not a succubus anymore, and the body is strong. Still used in this place.”

It conforms to the law of true fragrance.




"Okay, okay, the aphrodisiac that bothers you the most is gone, but the good parts of being strong are all left, isn't it great?

"Actually, apart from this physique, there are other abilities that also have 'residuals'."

"What! Could it be the Force of Destiny!"

I excitedly grabbed Lily's shoulder and shouted.

This really surprised me a bit.

Destiny, a force that destroys the fundamental structure of the world, should never appear under the rules set by me and Zero.

"No, it's not the power of fate, it's not as exaggerated as before, not to mention turning the dream into reality, I don't even have the power to sneak into the dream now.

" it a 'residue of fate'?"

"What's the meaning

"How do you say. Hmm," is it similar to the ability of the spiritual system? Although there is no fate force, we old witches have all retained some spiritual-related abilities.

"Abnormal ability...?

Are spiritual abilities allowed in this world?

Ah, yes, since there will be people with 'special constitution', there will naturally be people with 'spirits that are different from ordinary people'.

It was my negligence that created such a loophole.

This is probably the 'sand that slips through the net'.

Although the laws of the new world formulated by me and Zero have screened out all anomalies, some abilities that are vaguely defined seem to have been passed.

As a result, this world is not a 'completely ordinary world' in the true sense.

But people who develop supernatural abilities like this shouldn't... Well, the impact isn't that big.

It's just that the top of the human pyramid will probably be occupied by these so-called power users.

"Then what is your ability, Lily?"

"Well, I'll use it for a while, you'll know after you see it.

Saying that, Lily closed her eyes. At first nothing happened, but then an incredible scene happened immediately.

Lily's shadow actually came from the ground. It's gone! C Mang's great production

Then the black image is like molting, and the outer black part peels off piece by piece.

What appears in front of us is

Another Lily!

Dark skin, snow-white hair, sharp horns on the head, wearing the standard exposed clothing of the succubus-clan, with a big heart on the chest, a small **** tattoo on the lower abdomen, and black translucent on the thighs stockings... no, black silk stilettos?

There is a tail with a heart-shaped end on the back, and the shedding shadow becomes a pair of wings floating behind her.

Under my stunned gaze, she slowly opened her eyes.

The sharp pupils were flashing with scarlet light, and he opened his mouth to smile, revealing his fangs.

Ran-.-- pounced directly, came up and hugged my neck, twisting and shouting.

"Master! Master! Master! I finally see you! My dear master! Ah~ it's great, the taste of master... Sinu misses master! Please whip me! Punish me! Give me the education of love! "


What the hell?

Lily pulled the black skin Lily's arm directly, frowning and scolding.

"Stop making trouble! I won't let you out if you do this!"

"It's not fair! You've had a good afternoon! It's my turn! Master, please give Si Nu a favor, Master~Si Nu wants~"

Wow, it's too open.

A grinding goblin on the same level as Lan.

And it's still black leather, the clothes are good, the skin color is good, the words and deeds are good, all aspects are very astringent.

" shouldn't have let you out! Give it to me! Go back!

Lily became furious - she grabbed the black skin Lily's demon tail, and then pulled it fiercely, pulling it straight down.

Black skin Lily covered her butt, bared her teeth and screamed at Lily.

"Yah! Ontology.... Hate! I hate you! Why don't you let me be with you! - Isn't it better! Let's share our feelings! You can also experience double, even double the happiness what!"

"Let's talk about it when you can control yourself a bit.

".-.boring! I am your true nature! I am the purest you! I am Lilith, the succubus queen! I have more heart for the master than you! I can serve the master better! That's why I should be the noumenon! Why are you! Why are you like this.

Before he finished speaking, the black skin Lily whose tail had been pulled off was dyed pure black again and turned back to Lily's shadow.

I was dumbfounded.

what happened?


Chapter ③ The physique is special and different from ordinary people's sixth

Is this what Lily said, supernatural?

Lan didn't tell me about it at all, but she must have some ability.

Did the sly fox hide something from me again?

"...That's it, I don't know why, um, the completely succubus-like me is left as my shadow, and it only takes some mental energy to summon her.

"Oh, that's amazing.. She bumped into me just now, which means she has an entity?"

"Well, it's essentially my shadow materialized, kind of like... well, it's that, the dark shadow monster I've seen before.

It's talking about no survivors.

It is indeed very similar, but if there are no survivors, they should not be seen by others, and now in this world, there are no survivors anymore.

In this non-anomalous world, there are people who can be blacklisted by Zero and directly deprived of their existence. If there are such people, what a crazy thing they have done.

"If I want to say, I'm just an ordinary human's 'Yang Lili', so since I can see and touch it myself, she should have a real body."

"I see, it's really reasonable to think so.

She even has this special ability. Sure enough, even in an ordinary world, the sorceress is not an ordinary existence...

Those who are chosen are chosen beings no matter what world they are in, it seems to be true.

"And her rhetoric is actually not wrong, she is the real succubus 'Lilith', and she can use all the succubus' abilities, no

"This ability is a bit powerful.

Although this has been weakened a lot, B is still a very powerful ability.

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