"Black Street?"

This familiar place made me frown, but it shouldn't be that fruit street, after all, the inner world no longer exists.

"Ah, it's not that black street, it's the most famous website for bounty tasks on the dark web. The employer publishes task content and rewards.

, and then the killer?

"It's the same as the task delegation form in the game---that is to say, this time I also use this website to hire a killer to deal with me.

"Yeah, although ordinary members can't see other people's commissions, they can't see the commissioners, but I can see them all.

In the market.

Well, that's it, the content of the task is to bring the eldest lady of the Ji family, there is no limit to the form, other people who are in the way can deal with it at will, and solve it - one person 3

)w. "

I stretched out the cup, and Lianbing also poured me a cup of black tea.

I took a sip and said.

"So we're only worth 300,000..

"Well, after all, in terms of the difficulty of the task, it's only B-level. I probably think that you were the only one who took Xiao Bingbing away, Juncheng, so it's not a

What a difficult difficulty. ’

"Is there a difficulty of the task? =

It really looks more and more like a game.

"Yes, according to the difficulty of the task, the reward will be different, and it is also divided into the killer level, if you are not enough, you can't accept it.

A highly difficult commission. "

"It's obviously a killer who still does this...

"A killer is different from a special agent. You don't need to remain anonymous. The more famous the killer, the more expensive the commission. Of course, it's just a code name.

That said, the most important thing in this business is credibility, or in other words, credibility comes first.

If you don't have any actual achievements, no one will entrust you.

In these days, even being a hero depends on how much contribution you have made to the society.

"For example, the group of guys that Yan Jin came to our house just now are the E-class killers called [Broken Motorcycle Heads], a rookie killer group with no advantages other than humans.

"It turns out that it is indeed a real dish. Who can find out the employer?"

"Well, although the name is not fully displayed, but I can find it, the employer seems to be Long... If you want to know the name, you need to further investigate, but I also know that this Long Shao must be a young master of the Long family, Xiao Bingbing. Do you have an impression?\"

"Hahaha, I'm not interested in trash fish."

"Also... By the way. By the way, Juncheng, you are also on the list."


Sprayed directly on the face of the basket

Lan was also very happy.

(2N.SF Light Novel


I'm actually on the list. I'm famous?

Why can't I remember that I was a killer?

"Well, that's it. The quest acceptance rate is 0, but because of his strength, he is on the list. It's this [Wuyingluo, the tenth-ranked S-rank killer on the list."

What the hell, he's a super sophomore, but he's quite handsome.

"Wait, how do you know this is me... maybe it's someone else?"

"Huhuhu, as long as it's about you, Juncheng, I know everything~"

It's really convincing.

"What's the name of the killer in the first row?"

"The one ranked -- is called [Abyss Heavenly Emperor].

"These are the names of killers who were in the middle of the second and exploded."

Ah, Nana did say that the so-called superpowers are the guys who did not graduate from the second illness...

I guess these killers who can make the list also have supernatural abilities.

"Huh? Zero? It's not even twelve o'clock, has it been exchanged?"

"There's a little something, wait a minute, isn't the woman you brought back a saint?"

"Uh, Sheng, so she is Sheng?"

"Hey! Really, I didn't find it because I didn't wear a nun's uniform."

"Haha, I thought you guys would have discovered it long ago."

Lianbing seems to have discovered it long ago. Now that you have discovered it, let us know...

I myself have no memory of this old witch, that is not what I have experienced.

But she is indeed one of my old witches.

It's just that the future has been changed.

So I have never met her.

Right here, at this time, this is the first encounter.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful blond girl who was rescued at random turned out to be her old witch...

This is indeed destiny.

Tongue said, the family has become better... It's time to change to a bigger house.


Chapter 4 Homeless Girls Part 7

"I thought you would bring her back some time ago, but I didn't expect the 'encounter' to happen until today, and your fate is still so unpredictable.

Zero said with emotion.

Regarding my fate, even as a world she can't see clearly.

"But the saint itself is also very special, although she is your old witch, so she also inherited the previous world.... But she still knows nothing about you, she doesn't know you at all, just like You've never seen her like that.'

"Does it mean that they are strangers to each other...

"This kind of situation doesn't even count as a stranger, and there is no connection between the two of you. However, as your sorceress, she still has a strong destiny connection with you, which is very unusual.

"No, she seems to know me.

Although I didn't know that this beautiful blonde girl was my last shrine maiden named Saint, but this beautiful blonde girl seemed to know me.

After hearing my words, Zero frowned and asked back.

"You said she knew you?

"Yeah, she said that the gods guided her to come to me, and she called my master on the spot to bow down to me... er, gods or something, although I don't think it's possible, but let's ask - down, It shouldn't be Zero, what's the 'inspiration' you are going to give her?"

"It's not me, although I've noticed her existence before, but I've been waiting for 'go with the flow' and didn't add...-. The **** she said might be something else, and Or her own memory came out...

"Can't you even confirm Zero?"

"I can't find out or change the fate of Juncheng, you and your old witch, maybe she can do it.

"But Miss Yi doesn't seem to want to help at all. When I asked her about the whereabouts of Xueqing, Xun'er, and Xiao An, she didn't tell me.

"Didn't I tell you?

"Although it's a pity that I can't get their whereabouts directly, but I always feel that Miss Yi's reaction seems to be... different.

"This is what you said is different. In the past, the soul cleansing and forced reincarnation of one person could only be carried out after she and I both agreed, but this time she did it on her own without asking me. this kind of thing.

"Hmm? You mean, she didn't get your consent? That means...she 'means herself'?

"That's right, it's her 'own opinion'.

Both I and Zero emphasized 'our own', which is enough to show how strange this thing is.

Because when Yishe was still the world sauce,

She has never expressed her wishes, and will only passively obey our arrangements, and she will not have any opinions, because she feels that everything is 'meaningless'.

Well, this time, when she showed her will, it was a bit intriguing.

Is it really because she named her that she is moving in the direction of 'people'?

"Hahaha, what's so surprising about this? Since it is a split personality, it must have its own opinion.

"Oh? Lianbing, you seem to understand it?\'

Miss, do you have any experience to say?

"Oh, after all, I used to share a body with an annoying guy, and her changes, which I don't want to know about, will be passed on to me like a subscription number that can't be unsubscribed.

"Then what is the specific change?"

"In the beginning, she just 'passively liked your doll', and then gradually awakened her love. After I exchanged losses with her, she came to your side and took the initiative to fall in love with you, Juncheng.

"That's it....

Indeed, when I first saw Ruan Ruan, I was just blushing and shy, but later when I saw Ruan Ruan, I took more initiative and was willing to tolerate me.

"Change from passive to active...

After listening to Lianbing's words, Zero was thoughtful.

"That's right, everyone will experience a schizophrenia once in their life. You see, I've been split too~"

"No, yours isn't the level of schizophrenia, right?"

Zihua is not the spirit you split from, right? Although - at first, we all thought that Zihua was an existence similar to Ruan Ruan.

But it was only later that she discovered that Zihua was split; not only was she intact, but she had also gone through countless time retrospectives and had become an infinitely great spiritual body.

"And Juncheng, you've also split up~"

Zi Ai and I are two souls. The current situation of Zero and Yi is more like the former Love Ice and Soft Ice, or Lily and the black-skinned succubus Lily.

But everyone has two sides, and this may be true.. - it's just that ordinary people haven't been so extreme that the two faces are completely separated from each other.

"Forget it, tell her she won't come out, let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired."

"It's really rare to be tired." Ct,

"In the morning, in order to make Yi Ye appear at the same time, I also took part in the control of my destiny, which means that today I was equivalent to working a whole-day.

or see V

"It's hard work, come and let me rub your shoulders for you.

"No, I want to sleep."

I even refused to kill my horse, it seems that I really can't get enough of it.

Although our body's energy is infinite, it also simulates the feeling of 'tiredness', because if the feeling of 'tiredness' is lacking, it will be uncomfortable to sleep, right?

It's just hugging each other when you're exhausted -- getting up and going to sleep will make you feel comfortable and stable.

"Well, then let's go to bed earlier today... Ah, Lianbing and Lan can also be?\'

"Is sleep the sleep?"

Lan blinked, closed the laptop, and looked at me expectantly.

I tapped her forehead with my index finger and said.

"Don't think about it, there is no other meaning, it's just ordinary sleep. She even said that she is going to sleep, so it's not appropriate for us to do piston exercises next to us.

"Hey..-but the one that was interrupted just now....

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