Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 123 Don't Talk About Wu Morality, Sneak Attack!

Chapter 123: No Martial Ethics, Sneak Attack!

Witnessing Yu Xian activating the formation and unleashing the Heavenly Fire, a hint of astonishment flashed in Zhao Laozu's eyes, but his actions were not slow.

In an instant, he had already formed several hand seals.

With him at the center, ripples appeared in the air, like a stone dropped into a lake, sending out countless signals.

As a result, the Heavenly Fire extinguished, and the illusion of bamboo shadows dispersed.

The radiance of the two-color bamboo formation suddenly dimmed, and the mountain protection formation was broken without any attack.

Zhao Laozu had directly severed the operation of the formation.

Now, neither he nor Yu Xian could use the formation in this place to assist them.

"Friend Yu, what else do you have to say now? If you have no intention, why did you try to assimilate my Zhao family's mountain protection formation?"

Yu Xian didn't expect the city's mountain protection formation to be able to deal with Zhao Laozu. He only wanted to bring the two of them into a fair duel environment. With a cold smile, he said, "Think whatever you want, you're going to die!"

A fierce glint appeared in his eyes.

His figure soared into the sky, and the crimson light resembled a blood moon, radiating countless blood-colored rays. His momentum suddenly surged, and then a pair of blood-colored wings spread behind him.


He actually ran away!

"Friend Zhao, I'll wait to pay a visit to the Zhao family after your death!"

Seeing Yu Xian's resolute and murderous appearance, Zhao Laozu, who was on guard and ready to act, paused for a moment, and then his face turned red.

"Coward! Don't run!"

A layer of green light enveloped his body, and he immediately followed the aura and chased after him.

Under the night sky.

One red and one green, two streams of light were like shooting stars, chasing and pursuing each other.

A trace of impatience flashed in Zhao Laozu's eyes.

Tonight was not the time for him to take action.

He just underestimated Yu Xian's proficiency in formations and didn't expect his movements to be exposed.

The reason why he talked so much with Yu Xian was only because he wanted to cast a spell to control the city's large formation.

He thought that with the large formation in his hands, victory was already assured.

Although the power of the city's two-color bamboo formation was not comparable to the clan's protective formation, it was still one of the best among second-tier formations. Coupled with his cultivation at the mid-Foundation Building stage, suppressing Yu Xian, who was only at the early Foundation Building stage, should have been more than enough.

Who would have thought that the core of the city's formation had long been controlled by Yu Xian, and Yu Xian had even assimilated the entire two-color bamboo formation using the core of the formation.

In this way, even though he was the founder of the formation, he couldn't compete with Yu Xian in this place.

The power of the large formation relied on the advantage of the terrain and the people. It was the best way to defeat the strong with the weak.

Fortunately, he had left a backdoor from the beginning, just to prevent his own formation from being used by the enemy.

At most, he would rely on his own cultivation to fight.

However, he never expected that Yu Xian would run away without even making a move. It was ironic that he had previously spoken so heroically, as if he couldn't be defeated.

Unfortunately, Yu Xian's escape directly hit his weak spot.

If he were allowed to escape tonight, then the Zhao family would never have peace.

"Now that the Zhao family has a second Foundation Building cultivator, we already have someone to defend our territory. The trouble I personally brought in will be ended by me personally."

A stern expression flashed across Zhao Laozu's face.

Several drops of Foundation Building mana quietly spread from his dantian, and the light around him seemed to ignite.

Then his speed skyrocketed, and he was getting closer and closer to Yu Xian.

"Yu Xian, if you run away, do you not care about your wives and friends anymore?"

Under Zhao Laozu's eruption, Yu Xian had already entered the range covered by Zhao Laozu's divine sense.

Yu Xian responded with a sneer, showing a heartless and unscrupulous attitude.

"I am young and strong, there is no woman I cannot find. Do you really think a few women can restrain me?

Go ahead and kill me, kill one, and I will kill all the men of the Zhao family, and then take all the women of the Zhao family.

You want the Zhao family to continue its legacy, but I will make sure there is not a single drop of Zhao blood left!"

At this moment, the more he didn't care about Yulan and the others, the less likely Zhao Laozu would go back to take Yulan as a hostage.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be Zhao Laozu chasing after him, but him chasing after Zhao Laozu.

"Seeking death!"

Yu Xian's words were like touching a sore spot for Zhao Laozu.

He had lived most of his life for the Zhao family, and even in his final moments, he was still thinking about the future of the Zhao family, even if it meant going against his principles.

Yu Xian's previous words were not wrong.

Before, Yu Xian's existence had both advantages and disadvantages for the Zhao family, so he had been hesitating and struggling, even using the temptation of the Foundation Building Pill.

If Yu Xian really couldn't control himself and attacked, it wouldn't be his fault, and it would also give him a legitimate reason to openly get rid of him.

But Yu Xian didn't make a move, which made him hesitate and unwilling to directly act within the clan.

No matter what, Yu Xian was a hero of the Zhao family and had never done anything to betray the Zhao family.

Even with the help of a great formation, it would be impossible for him to silently take down a Foundation Building cultivator who was also a second-tier formation master.

Once news of the Zhao family attacking their heroes spread, who would dare to have close relations with the Zhao family in the future? Even their own people would probably gossip behind their backs.

But he didn't expect that his hesitation would lead to a tiger returning to the mountain.

The thought of Yu Xian hiding outside after his death, using his status as a Foundation Building cultivator to ambush the younger generation of the Zhao family.

Even if the Zhao family now had a second Foundation Building cultivator, it would still be a heavy blow and a great loss of vitality.

Zhao Laozu was in chaos for a moment, and a layer of blood-colored light appeared on his body, but he didn't notice the layers of clouds and mist rising in the surrounding darkness.

"Something's not right!"

Zhao Laozu was, after all, a second-tier senior formation master, just a step away from the third tier. He quickly realized that he had fallen into someone else's formation.

Yu Xian had stopped his escape light at some point and turned around to smile at Zhao Laozu. With his hands open, his figure slowly disappeared into the clouds and mist, only his voice came from all directions.

"Zhao Daoist, this place is beautiful with mountains and water, it's a perfect place for your burial. Consider it my gratitude for your guidance back then."

Zhao Laozu immediately recognized that this was a variation of the second-tier Cloud Mist Formation.

"You had already anticipated that I would come to kill you, and you even set up another formation?"

The power of formations was indeed great, but it couldn't be used on the spot. It had to be set up in advance, so it was generally not used in combat.

In the mist, Yu Xian's voice continued to sound.

"It was just for experimentation on ordinary days, I didn't expect it to trap you."

As he spoke, a loud noise came from the mist.

Behind Zhao Laozu, a series of formation patterns appeared, forming a tan-colored light wall that blocked a pair of iron fists.

An object that seemed square and yet not square, round and yet not round, like a compass, appeared above Zhao Laozu's head, emitting a light of formation patterns.

This was Zhao Laozu's low-grade spiritual weapon, the Formation Control Compass. It helped him organize formation patterns, find the core of the formation, and control the formation in the shortest amount of time.

Although this item was not good for combat, it was even more precious than a high-grade spiritual weapon in the field of formations.


Cracks appeared on the light wall, and a burst of fist force erupted. Zhao Laozu's robe behind him tore, and he almost fell forward several meters, almost falling from the air.

But he still spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

"You have an accomplice attacking!"

Zhao Laozu was instantly filled with grief and anger.

Speaking of which, his situation was somewhat similar to Yu Xian's. Both of them were not good at combat.

After all, he had always served by the side of the true person and was a formation master. How could he engage in direct combat with others? He relied on formations for assistance, even if it was a cultivator one realm higher than him, he couldn't threaten him.

In his daily life, others wouldn't dare to truly confront him because of the true person's face.

This surprise attack caught him completely off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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