Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 148 Heavenly Rewards Hard Work, Continuous Practice

Chapter 148: Heaven Rewards Diligence, Cultivation Never Stops

Chen Yi stayed behind, using the name of Yu Xuanji.

She knew that if her identity was exposed, it would only bring trouble to Yu Xian.

In addition, she didn't want Yu Lan to think that she had come back to steal her man, and there was also that damn Shou Gongsha.

The next day.

When Yu Lan woke up, she found Yu Xian in Chen Yi's room, his hand wrapped like a zongzi, and she felt sorry for him.

"Husband, does it hurt? Let me blow on it for you."

"It's nothing serious. I had a sudden inspiration last night and practiced a spiritual technique. I accidentally injured myself, but it will heal soon."

Yu Xian casually shook his wrapped hand.

However, the injury from this prohibition was far from simple. It not only affected his physical condition, but also a spiritual will that constantly suppressed his recovery.

According to Chen Yi's introduction, this was the spiritual will of her master, Xuan Yin Zhen Jun. It was also a realm of spiritual cultivation called "Fa You Yuan Ling".

It meant that a spiritual technique could give birth to the most basic spiritual will, and if it happened to be preserved by chance, it might even have the opportunity to transform into a human form.

In the cultivation world, there was once a Yuan Ling Daoist who was transformed by a certain powerful person's spell. After countless years of nurturing, he became humanoid.

He was born with a body that could comprehend all laws, was close to the Dao, and was proficient in all kinds of spells. He later integrated all the spells into one, creating a myriad of magical powers, and was invincible in the various domains of the world.

But because his magical powers were too strong, he incurred heavenly condemnation and after death, his body returned to its original form and was plundered by others.

Yu Xian listened with a stunned expression, and was also frightened.

Could it be that his right hand injury would never heal?

Fortunately, Chen Yi also said that because he didn't touch it deeply and reacted in time, the spiritual will he acquired was not heavy.

He could slowly erase it with his divine sense, and the effect of grinding the Soul Refining technique.

But this zongzi hand would probably have to be carried for a while.

"Oh, then be more careful next time, husband."

Yu Lan obediently sat down and secretly glanced at Chen Yi, who was sitting next to her, looking lively.

Last night, her husband didn't return all night, and she thought he might have gone wild with this new sister Fish, but seeing this injury, it didn't seem like it.

Could it be that her husband had changed and spent the night studying spiritual techniques in the new sister Fish's room?


"Heaven rewards diligence, cultivation never stops."

In the following days.

Yu Xian made up for the two years of cultivation that Yu Lan had missed.

In order to let Yu Lan cultivate her state of mind, he forcibly suppressed his enthusiasm for cultivation and didn't disturb her often.

They only met once a month, with Yu Xian acting as a mental garbage bin for Yu Lan, and then using appropriate physical and mental exercises to eliminate negative emotions.

So his progress in cultivation was somewhat slow in these two years.

But there's always a bitter before the sweet. After breaking through the Foundation Building stage, Yu Lan's strength was indeed extraordinary.

Not only did it double his cultivation points, but it also increased the duration of his cultivation.

Now that everyone was at the Foundation Building stage, their physical bodies were extraordinary and they could withstand the bombardment of spiritual techniques, so their physical condition was naturally different.

So they practiced from dusk till dawn, and from dawn till dusk.

It was a case of meeting a worthy opponent and encountering a talented person.

Even with one hand tied up like a zongzi, Yu Xian still fought for three days and three nights.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Late Foundation Building Stage (10288/110000)]

[Soulmate: Yu Lan (1/2)]

"Is this my limit?"

Yu Xian stared blankly at the green panel in front of him, trembling lips questioning himself with unwillingness.

He gained 288 cultivation points in three days, averaging only once every half an hour.

But he really couldn't go on anymore, feeling completely drained.

Yu Lan beside him was no better, her eyes vacant, her soul seemed to have drifted away.

Then the two of them slept for a day and a night before barely recovering a bit.

But when Yu Lan woke up, she refused to accompany Yu Xian in his antics anymore, and went straight to the Moon True Sect, saying she would come back in half a month.

This kind of intensive cultivation was not as effective as the usual steady progress.


After listening to the Spring Palace play for three days and three nights, Chen Yi looked at Yu Xian lying on the chair with a pale face and said seriously, "You're sick."

Yu Xian rolled her eyes and said, "You're the one who's sick."

Chen Yi explained, "Normal people can't have such strong desires. It seems that I misunderstood you before. You really need a lot of women."

Yu Xian suddenly had a thought and doubted herself, "Could it be that I'm really sick?"

Chen Yi nodded and said, "I've only seen this kind of illness in ancient texts of our sect. Some people call it hypersexuality. Whether male or female, they constantly crave physical pleasure. If their desires cannot be satisfied, they become mentally depressed and physically weak, like walking corpses. But you're better off, you can restrain yourself on normal days, except when you're with Yu Lan, you become a bit crazy."

Yu Xian pondered for a moment. He knew that he was just lustful and far from being addicted. His craziness with Yu Lan was only to test the limits of his cultivation. But this misunderstanding seemed to be good. He looked nervous and asked, "Is there any hope for me?"

He knew that Chen Yi must have a solution since she brought up this question. Seeing Yu Xian's appearance, Chen Yi chuckled and said, "For ordinary people, they can only rely on willpower to forcibly abstain. Once they fail, they become puppets of desire. But we are different. We are cultivators, and we can actually use this desire for cultivation. In some sects that practice dual cultivation, this kind of illness is seen as similar to having a special spiritual body. Because they also get tired of that kind of thing, but their cultivation cannot be separated from it."

Yu Xian thought to himself, "That's exactly right."

"Are you saying that I should practice dual cultivation? Actually, I have looked for it before, but it seems that there is no such practice here," Yu Xian said.

Chen Yi said, "Do you know what the name of the Xuan Yin Sect I am in now used to be?"

"What?" Yu Xian asked.

Chen Yi said slowly, "It used to be called the Cha Nu Yin Mo Sect."

"..." Yu Xian was speechless.

"So, now the demonic sects are openly mixing with the righteous path?" Yu Xian asked.

Chen Yi said, "This matter is not a secret within the Nine Yang Domain. Both the righteous and demonic cultivators are cultivators seeking immortality. The righteous can become demonic, and the demonic can become righteous. Our ancestor left the Tai Yin Demon Domain and came to the Nine Yang Domain for certain reasons, and then attempted to merge the righteous and demonic paths in order to achieve a breakthrough to a higher realm. However, she failed. So our sect had to change from evil to good. The method of dual cultivation has long been locked away in the sect's secret vault. The cultivation methods in the sect are now all righteous, focusing on the Yin and Yang Great Dao. As a result, the female disciples in the sect are pursued by many male disciples from other sects. For example, my Yin Yuan Qi can help male cultivators break through the Nascent Soul realm. The Cha Nu Xuan Yin Jing that I practice happens to have this kind of technique as a reference, so I carry a high-level dual cultivation technique with me."

Yu Xian touched his chin and said, "So your Yin Yuan Qi is so important. That's why your master placed restrictions on you, to protect you?"

Chen Yi nodded and said, "More or less. My cultivation progresses more smoothly with a pure Yin body."

Yu Xian pondered for a moment and shamelessly said, "Although it's taking advantage of you, we are already inseparable. What's yours is mine, so I won't be polite with you."

He didn't expect that the dual cultivation technique he had been longing for would come so unexpectedly. The initial investment had now brought a hundredfold return. However, the risk was a bit high.

Chen Yi smiled faintly and asked in return, "Is what you have mine?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Xian pulled her into his arms and pecked her on the lips.

"Even I am yours," he said.

Although Chen Yi appeared calm on the surface, her heart was already blooming with joy. She took out a pink jade slip and said, "This is the 'Pink Peach Blossom Scripture,' which suits your garden full of peach blossoms."

She lay in Yu Xian's arms, enjoying the colorful peach blossoms in the garden, and wondered if she had completely fallen into the trap of love. But what should she do if she didn't want to break free from this calamity?

(End of this chapter)

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