Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 157 The Proud Zhao Shiwen

Chapter 157: Zhao Shiwen's Rise

The next day.

The establishment of the Taxation Department and the news of city-wide recruitment spread throughout the city, even reaching the outer city area.

It was rumored that the Taxation Department was directly under the control of a real person, on par with the City Lord's Mansion in terms of status and power. The position was highly esteemed, and the benefits were generous. Once selected for the Taxation Department, even Foundation Building cultivators had to give face.

At the same time as the establishment of the Taxation Department, a new tax code for Shangyang City was also introduced.

Dan Yang, the real person, governed with a laissez-faire approach, managing things in a crude manner. At most, he collected spiritual energy taxes, while other profits were earned through monopolies.

After all, as a Gold Core real person, competing for profits with a group of Foundation Building cultivators and Qi Refining disciples would damage the image of a real person.

This was also the reason why the business in Shangyang Market was not good and lacked popularity.

But Yu Xian was different.

The real person cared about face, but he didn't.

What did a slightly mercenary image matter in front of shiny spirit stones? The most important thing was the benefits that came with it.

So the new tax code listed hundreds of different tax items, with the most crucial being the "to be continued" on the last page, with the interpretation rights belonging to the Taxation Department.

This meant that as long as he came up with new items, he could continue to collect money.

On the second day after the new tax code was issued, Yu Xian's Taxation Department welcomed its first batch of candidates.

The office of the Taxation Department was located next to the City Lord's Mansion, where they could call for the support of the great Xiao City Lord's martial strength at any time.


On this day.

Taxation Department.

Zhao Shiwen, dressed in the black uniform hastily made by the Taxation Department overnight, stood at the door with a cold and indifferent expression, blocking a large group of enthusiastic applicants on the steps.

At her feet was a ghost tiger that had been brought in as a guardian beast. At this moment, it rarely put away its lazy demeanor, its tiger eyes cold, and its dark pupils emitting a faint light.

Although Zhao Shiwen only had a cultivation level of Qi Refining Eighth Layer, she showed no fear in the face of a group of elite family members led by Foundation Building cultivators. Instead, she had a somewhat condescending air.

"I am Zhao Shiwen, the Deputy Director of the Taxation Department. The Taxation Department is newly established, and we are only recruiting twenty-four people in the first batch.

This recruitment will be strict and selective, so those who are over forty years old and have a cultivation level lower than the late stage of Qi Refining can leave first."

Zhao Shiwen said calmly.

For those under forty years old and in the late stage of Qi Refining, there was a slight chance of breaking through to Foundation Building. Such a requirement was almost like asking for Foundation Building seeds.

"Now those who meet the requirements can line up to register."

Zhao Shiwen gestured with a virtual hand, pointing to the staff responsible for recording on the side.

The crowd was initially stunned, but then they swarmed over.

"I'm Zhang San, I'm the first!"


Zhao Shiwen watched coldly, but she had a feeling of floating and transcending. It made her gaze somewhat blurred.

This was the charm of power, and it was also her best medicine.

Everything Yu Xian had told her was not an illusory promise, nor did she have to wait long.

On the second day of her arrival in Shangyang City, she took office immediately and became the second-in-command of this newly established department.

Although the Taxation Department currently only consisted of two people and a tiger, it did not prevent them from occupying the power center of Shangyang City.

Looking at these people who were applying, each of them outstanding descendants of their respective families, she had met them before and had to be polite and even please them.

Because one of them might be her future husband.

But now they could only stand here obediently and wait for her to choose.

This made her even more spirited.

"Are you Shiwen?"

A young and handsome girl in her twenties, wearing a red jacket and dressing in a neutral style, walked over in surprise.

Zhao Shiwen snapped back to reality and her gaze flickered as she recognized the person.


Lin Xiaoman was the direct descendant of the Yujian Lin family. Her grandfather was a Foundation Building cultivator of the Lin family and used to be a core figure in the upper-class circle of Shangyang City.

She had also lived in Shangyang City for several years and had interacted with young ladies from various families.

But at that time, she was just a follower, an insignificant person that no one paid attention to in the Zhao family.

But now, she had the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with the Foundation Building ancestors of various families.

"It's really you."

Lin Xiaoman looked at Zhao Shiwen, who was wearing a uniform and radiating with beauty, and smiled somewhat reluctantly.

"Just now, I didn't dare to recognize you. Didn't you marry a Foundation Building cultivator as a concubine and return to the Zhao family? How did you suddenly become the deputy director of the Taxation Department?

I heard from my grandfather that the Taxation Department is a powerful department. I heard that all the major Foundation Building cultivators are vying for the position of deputy director.

You're impressive now, being able to serve as the deputy director as a Qi Refining cultivator."

Zhao Shiwen avoided answering and just smiled in response, "Xiaoman, are you here to sign up for the selection of the Taxation Department?"

Lin Xiaoman smiled, "Yes, Shiwen, considering our past sisterhood, you should take care of me later."

Zhao Shiwen continued to smile, "Don't worry, Xiaoman, none of your Lin family members will be selected."

"Thank you... um... Shiwen, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Xiaoman's smile froze.

Zhao Shiwen said, "Xiaoman, have you forgotten what you said when I begged you?

'A Zhao family illegitimate daughter without a father, being noticed by my brother, is your good fortune.'

But I also have to thank you. If it weren't for you pushing me to a dead end, I wouldn't have met the Lord and wouldn't be where I am today."

After saying this, Zhao Shiwen let out a long breath and had an urge to burst into laughter.

Yu Xian had no enemies in this city.

But she did, and she had many.

Lin Xiaoman still maintained a forced smile.

"Shiwen, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to settle old scores with me? The Lin family now controls the Law Enforcement Department. Don't act recklessly and provoke powerful enemies for the people behind you."

Zhao Shiwen sneered, "Lin Xiaoman, you are you, Lin Wu is Lin Wu. You don't represent the Lin family.

Don't think you can scare me with the Lin family. According to rank, I am now on the same level as the Minister of the Law Enforcement Department. That means even if your Lin family ancestors come now, they would be on equal footing with me."

"But rest assured, I won't deal with you. I will only use my authority to make things difficult for your Lin family to the best of my ability."

"When the Lin family finds out that it was because of you that they lost their position in the Law Enforcement Department, they will treat you well."

Lin Xiaoman's expression turned cold.

"Zhao Shiwen, I came here today to sincerely reconcile with you. Name your price, and I will offer it with both hands."

Zhao Shiwen laughed, "Miss Lin is still putting on airs as a young lady. You won't even say sorry. How can I believe your sincerity?

And the price I want, you can't afford."

Lin Xiaoman angrily said, "Don't underestimate yourself. Just because you've attached yourself to a man, you think you can be arrogant?

In the eyes of men, we women are commodities, and we have a price.

As long as our Lin family is willing to offer enough money, the man behind you will not hesitate to betray you.

Now that the Zhao family is weak, they can't protect you!"

There are not so many coincidences in this world.

After many Foundation Building cultivators returned, Yu Xian and the woman behind him began to be investigated.

And Zhao Shiwen was naturally the most important target, as there was not much information on the others.

So the gap had to be opened through Zhao Shiwen, or at least understand Supervisor Yu's preferences and personality.

And Lin Xiaoman was the vanguard of the Lin family.

However, the Lin family did not expect that Zhao Shiwen would be so valued by Supervisor Yu, directly becoming the deputy director of the Taxation Department without consulting them.

They had the intention to disobey the order and prohibit their own children from serving in the Taxation Department, leaving the department without capable personnel.

But when they thought about not going while others did, they would definitely suffer in the end.

And even if they didn't act, what about the scattered cultivators?

In this matter, they couldn't deceive the City Lord together.

Zhao Shiwen calmly looked at the angry Lin Xiaoman, her smile blossoming.

"Let's see what price your Lin family is willing to offer. My Lord is quite greedy, you know."

She wasn't worried at all that Yu Xian would sell her.

This was baseless trust, and it was also the reason she was fascinated by Yu Xian.

This man was very possessive of his woman.

Lin Xiaoman coldly glanced at Zhao Shiwen, walked down the steps, and joined the Lin family Foundation Building cultivator standing in the distance. She whispered a few words in his ear.

The Lin family Foundation Building cultivator glared at Lin Xiaoman, seemingly blaming her for causing trouble. Lin Xiaoman felt wronged and her eyes turned red.

Seeing that Zhao Shiwen was watching, the Lin family Foundation Building cultivator put on a polite smile and then quickly left with Lin Xiaoman.

As for the other Lin family children, they would still sign up. They couldn't give up such a great opportunity just because of Zhao Shiwen's threat.

(End of this chapter)

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