Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

168. Chapter 167 The Old-Fashioned But Effective Hero Saves The Beauty (Two In One Chapter)

Chapter 167: The Cliché but Effective Hero Saves the Beauty (Two-in-One Chapter)

In the moment when the light array rose, it was as if the world had been isolated.

The cultivation technique that Luo Han practiced was called the "One Mind, One Pill Technique," a mid-level technique passed down by a secluded small sect called the One Mind Sect.

This technique was somewhat peculiar as it required the simultaneous cultivation of pill refining. If one only cultivated spiritual techniques without cultivating pill arts, the difficulty of cultivating this mid-level technique would be high and the efficiency would be low, making it a mediocre technique.

However, if one had talent in pill dao and reached the entry level, cultivating pill refining alongside it, then the efficiency of cultivating this mid-level technique would be close to that of a high-level technique.

This was also the reason why Luo Han was able to break through the Foundation Building stage at such a young age.

It should be noted that she was only in her twenties when she reached the perfection stage of Qi Refining, and she was in her thirties when she broke through the Foundation Building stage.


This technique was not good at combat.

Moreover, Luo Han had never experienced any decent battle scenes. The most recent battle she could remember dated back more than twenty years ago.

At that time, she had not yet broken through the Foundation Building realm. In order to collect materials for refining Foundation Building pills, she went out of the city and was ambushed while trading in the slums.

But she was well-prepared that time, holding two second-grade spiritual talismans in her hand. She immediately sensed that something was wrong and fought her way out with the help of spiritual medicine.

Later, she successfully refined the Foundation Building pill and settled on Shangyang Mountain, rarely descending from the mountain.

This time, when she was ambushed, she instinctively took out a Purple Thunder Talisman.

This second-grade medium-grade offensive talisman, when fully activated, possessed the strength of a late-stage Foundation Building cultivator.


Electricity flashed, and the Purple Thunder Talisman turned into a purple sphere, emitting electric plasma, directly hitting the rising array.


The entire room shook as if there was an earthquake.

However, the light array remained stable, and runes flashed one after another. Prohibitions appeared on the doors, windows, floors, and walls of the entire room.

Obviously, beneath its ordinary appearance, it was actually a well-planned trap.

"Luo Dan Master, there's no need to waste your energy. This is the second-grade top-grade array, Copper Wall and Iron Wall Formation, refined by Master Wen. Even a peak Foundation Building cultivator would have to spend some effort to escape from this formation."

"Moreover, with me here, Luo Dan Master, it's better not to struggle. You can save yourself from some trouble."

The door opened, and an old man holding a peach wood staff walked in with a smile.

Surprisingly, it was Wu Fan, the ancestor of the Wu family.

Luo Han's expression changed slightly, "Master Wu, what do you want?"

Wu Ancestor took a step forward, exuding a strong oppressive aura.

"Luo Dan Master, what I want is you."

"As long as you agree to become my forty-third concubine, I can be gentler with you tonight," he said, his gaze moving up from bottom to top, as if a sticky tongue was licking Luo Han's body all over.

As someone with forty-two concubines, Elder Wu knew very well what kind of gaze would provoke the greatest disgust in a woman.

Acting, huh? This villain definitely had to show the utmost sincerity.

The worse he acted now, the better the effect would be when the righteous manager arrived to save the day.

And the more satisfied the manager was, the more pleasant their cooperation would be.

With this in mind, Elder Wu's gaze became even more lascivious.

Not looking closely, one wouldn't realize that this Luo Dan Shi had a good figure and temperament, but she rarely appeared in public.

Therefore, outsiders only praised her alchemy skills.

Indeed, she was the person the manager valued.

Sure enough, under Elder Wu's gaze, Luo Han suddenly felt a chill down her spine, and goosebumps appeared all over her body, accompanied by an uncontrollable feeling of nausea.

"Wu Dan Shi, I am friends with Manager Yu. If you lay a hand on me, he will definitely not let you off!"


Elder Wu let out the characteristic laugh of a villain, then abruptly stopped laughing and said sinisterly,

"Do you really think I'm afraid of such a little brat? He's just relying on his reputation. Once we leave Shangyang City, he won't have much influence."

"To tell you the truth, the trap I set today was specifically for him."

"Do you think I need this impenetrable formation to deal with a mere alchemist like you who is unfamiliar with combat techniques?"

"It's just that you might have been confused by your alchemy, foolishly venturing in alone."

"I thought Manager Yu had deep feelings for you, and as long as you spoke up, he would definitely accompany you here."

"But it turns out he didn't come. It seems your position in his heart isn't that great."

"But that's fine too. Taking you down won't be in vain for the trap I set."

"You should know that I put a lot of effort into finding out about your sect background and locating your senior sister."

Elder Wu stared at Luo Han's well-proportioned body, his eyes narrowing slightly, emitting a lewd light.

"Luo Dan Shi, are you going to take matters into your own hands, or should I help you?"

Luo Han tightly held a purple talisman in her hand, the second Purple Thunder Talisman, but it couldn't give her the slightest sense of security.

Elder Wu was a cultivator in the later stage of Foundation Building, and one strike from him was equivalent to a Purple Thunder Talisman, which couldn't harm him at all.

At this moment, all she hoped for was to buy a little more time, so that the voice transmission talisman she sent before leaving the city gates would arrive at its intended destination sooner.

"What do you mean?"

Wu Laozu stroked his chin and smirked, saying,

"Of course, it's first consummation, then marriage."

"Dong Dan Shi, I remember that you prepared a medicine for me last time. Do you still have any left?"

"Your junior sister has just experienced her first time, and some medicine can help alleviate the pain."

Dong Yueyue, who had been holding her son in the corner like a transparent person, was pulled out to gain some presence.

Facing Luo Han's incredulous gaze, Dong Yueyue lowered her head and fumbled around, taking out a pill bottle and stammering, "There's still some left."

"Forget it!"

Luo Han's expression turned furious.

The Purple Thunder Talisman flew out of his hand, and at the same time, he swallowed a crimson pill. His aura suddenly surged, breaking through the bottleneck of the late Foundation Building stage and reaching the mid Foundation Building stage.

This was the Violent Spirit Pill, a life-saving pill that temporarily stimulated the potential of the dantian.

Over the past few decades, she had been entrusted by many Foundation Building cultivators to refine pills, and as a reward, she had received a share.

Some of them were particularly interesting, so she kept them.

The Violent Spirit Pill was one of them.

Furious mana surged out, and a golden-white flame emerged in Luo Han's hand, which was the alchemical fire she had cultivated for many years.

Although it was used for alchemy, it also possessed the power to melt gold and forge iron.


The flame suddenly expanded, turning into a sea of fire, rushing towards Wu Laozu.

However, even though she had temporarily broken through, she was only at the mid Foundation Building stage, let alone controlling such a violent mana.

The seemingly powerful sea of fire was actually a dispersion of mana.

In the face of absolute strength, Wu Laozu remained calm and just lightly tapped his peach wood staff, causing a green light to bloom from the bottom of the staff.

Then the green light became more intense, with flowers and plants growing within it.

The green light first formed a shield, which then grew larger until it filled the entire room.

As for the sea of fire, it silently dissipated within the expansion of the green light. At the same time, countless vines grew along the green light and attacked Luo Han.

Caught off guard, Luo Han defended against the vines' bites with her alchemical fire that she had cultivated for many years.

However, with prolonged defense, she was bound to lose, especially since Luo Han had little experience in combat.

With a simple diversionary tactic, Wu Laozu tricked Luo Han into using most of her mana to defend against an illusory attack, exposing a flaw, and was then entangled by a slender vine that snaked into the shield of fire.


The vines suddenly swelled, lifting Luo Han's entire body in mid-air like a giant python.

"Luo Dan Shi, so you still enjoy this position. I can fulfill your desires," Wu Laozu said with a smirk, admiring Luo Han's struggling figure while cursing her in his heart.

Damn it, she put on such a grand show, but it shattered with just a touch.

He had already held back, using only the techniques of the light shield and spirit vines that he usually taught the younger generation in the clan.

Yet, even with such a simple level of combat, she couldn't last three minutes.

"Lord Administrator, if you don't come soon, I won't be able to continue acting!"

As for taking advantage of the situation while acting, Wu Laozu wasn't that desperate.

He still had professional ethics.

Of course, the main reason was that he was afraid of being resented by the Lord Administrator.

Just at this moment, as Wu Laozu approached Luo Han, an invisible force burst inside her body. The flames of the elixir erupted from all over her body, turning her into a fire person.

The vines entwined around her were burned to ashes by the flames.

Wu Laozu felt a sense of joy in his heart, but he pretended to be surprised and took several steps back, appearing cautious.

However, Luo Han's eruption was only temporary. The flames on her body quickly extinguished, and the power of the violent spirit elixir in her body began to dissipate, leaving her in a weak state.

She collapsed on the ground, her face filled with despair.

"Hehe, so it was just a desperate struggle before death. You scared me," Wu Laozu said with a smile. He tapped the floor with his peach wood staff, and green vines crawled out from underground, like poisonous snakes, entering Luo Han's body.

Blood flowed from under her skirt.

"You don't drink the toast, so you'll drink the punishment!" Wu Laozu sneered and began to add more drama to the scene.

"I want to see how unyielding your will is when you come begging to me."

The green vines grew thorns, like fangs, sucking Luo Han's delicious blood. The vines began to show traces of blood.

Luo Han smiled sadly, black blood flowing from the corner of her lips, and black qi rising from her face.

"I can't escape, but I won't let you succeed!"

"Damn it, you've poisoned yourself!"

Wu Laozu's face turned pale with shock. He quickly moved forward, grabbing Luo Han's wrist and channeling his spiritual power into her.

"You can't die!"

"Spring Wind and Rain Technique!"

Intermediate spiritual technique, Spring Wind and Rain Technique, a relatively rare healing technique that has the effects of detoxification, healing, tissue regeneration, and hemostasis.

A breeze suddenly appeared in the room, followed by a drizzle.

A green light flickered on Luo Han's body, and her face regained some color. However, before Wu Laozu could relax, the black energy returned.

Wu Laozu's face turned dark, and he took out a pale green spirit pill from his pocket.

"Detoxification pill? Useless."

Seeing Wu Laozu's appearance, Luo Han relaxed instead and smiled.

"Don't forget that I am also an almost third-level alchemist. This is a poison pill that I specially improved. You won't be able to crack it for a while. By the time you figure it out, I'll be dead."

Wu Laozu forcefully stuffed the detoxification pill into Luo Han's mouth and sneered.

"You want to die like this?"

Luo Han responded with a cold smile and looked at her senior sister in the corner.

"If I don't die, do I have to become your plaything like her?"

"I have never seen my senior sister, but my master told me how proud she used to be. But does she still resemble her former self now?"

Hearing this, Dong Yuanyuan lowered her head in shame.

She had no idea about the acting from beginning to end. She thought Wu Laozu really wanted to assassinate Yu Xian and capture Luo Han.

"Alright, I'll grant your wish!"

Wu Laozu nodded heavily, raised his palm, and exuded the aura of the late Foundation Building stage, like a mountain and a sea, making the air stagnant.

Luo Han closed her eyes silently, and scenes of her and Yu Xian in the pill room flashed through her mind.

"If only I hadn't rushed him away so quickly yesterday."


A loud noise resounded.

The prohibition on the room began to flicker randomly, and then the rising light array shattered, and an even stronger aura than Wu Laozu's pressed down.


The entire room exploded, and the roof and walls collapsed like building blocks. In the midst of the dust, Luo Han vaguely saw a figure in black standing in mid-air, anxiously looking at her.

"He's here."

Luo Han suddenly felt a strong will to survive and began actively refining the detoxification pill that Wu Laozu had just given her. At the same time, she used the remaining trace of her meager spiritual power to suppress the spread of the toxin.

If she could avoid death, she didn't want to die.

Finally, Wu Laozu breathed a sigh of relief.

He finally arrived.

Wu Laozu protected Luo Han and left the room, only to see Yu Xian and the city lord standing in mid-air, looking down at them from a high position.

"Wu Fan, you are so bold. I warned you a few days ago, but today you dare to make a move against Alchemist Luo!"

"Today, Lord Xiao is here. Even if you have wings, you won't be able to escape!"

Yu Xian's face was full of anger and shock.

Wu Laozu sighed inwardly at his acting skills. If he hadn't known in advance, he wouldn't have been able to detect any flaws.

He chuckled, "Master, you misunderstood. I just invited Alchemist Luo here for a night talk. Because the conversation didn't go well, there was a conflict."

Wu Laozu put down Luo Han, revealing his injured appearance.

"What did you do to Alchemist Luo?!"

Yu Xian was furious again, but quickly suppressed his anger and asked gently, "Alchemist Luo, are you okay?"

Seeing Yu Xian's concern for her, Luo Han felt warm in her heart and shook her head.

"I'm fine."

"Alchemist Luo just took a self-made poison pill, and even I couldn't solve it for a while. If we continue to delay, Alchemist Luo's life will be in danger."

Wu Laozu half-threatened and half-reminded.

Yu Xian understood his intention and struggled.

"What do you want?"

Wu Laozu chuckled and said, "I know Lord Manager's power is invincible. Today, I made a move against the city lord's woman, and there may be a disaster for my clan in the future. So I want to ask Lord Manager to promise me one thing."

"What do you want?"

Yu Xian asked.

Wu Laozu said, "As long as Lord Manager and the city lord make a solemn vow that they will not target me and the Wu family because of tonight's incident, I will immediately return Alchemist Luo to you."

Yu Xian agreed without hesitation, "Okay, I can swear, but I can't control Lord Xiao."

Chen Xiao, who was brought in as a temporary actor overnight, had no expression on her face and just looked coldly at Wu Laozu.

"The city lord doesn't care about her life."

Wu Laozu sneered, "Then please make the vow, Lord Manager."

Yu Xian immediately made a solemn vow, saying that if he made a move against Wu Laozu because of today's incident, he would be plagued by inner demons in the future and his cultivation would be unable to progress.

Wu Laozu immediately felt relieved.

Although everyone is acting, he is really afraid that Yu Xian will play a trick on him and really do it, leaving him with no place to reason.

"Master, it's all set."

Wu Laozu made the final assist, throwing Luo Han into the air.

Yu Xian possessed Luo Han and held her in a princess carry position, looking at her pale lips and weak breath, feeling very distressed, and said,

"Didn't you send me a voice transmission note? Why didn't you wait for me? If something happened to you, I would regret it for the rest of my life.

Where is the antidote? Hurry up and take it out."

Luo Han curled up in Yu Xian's arms, allowing Yu Xian's hands to search her body without any resistance.

Only a sense of security enveloped her, and from this moment on, a person took up residence in her heart.

Although the hero saving the beauty routine is old, it definitely works.

"It's in the storage bag, I'll get it myself."

Yu Xian grabbed the storage bag and handed it to Luo Han.

Luo Han struggled to raise her hand and took out a small bottle.

Yu Xian immediately took it and poured out a brown pill to feed Luo Han.

After taking the detoxification pill, Luo Han's complexion improved significantly, but Yu Xian still had a worried look on his face.

She didn't know where she got the courage, and gently pressed her finger on Yu Xian's brow, smoothing out the wrinkles.

"Don't worry, my injuries will heal after some time."

Yu Xian took the opportunity to hold Luo Han's hand and placed it on his face, smiling bitterly,

"With your appearance, how can I not worry?"

Luo Han tried to pull her hand away, but it didn't move, so she let Yu Xian hold it.

"I'm a little tired now, I really want to sleep, but I also want to look at you. I'm afraid that if I close my eyes, you'll disappear."

Luo Han rarely showed a childish side.

Yu Xian smiled gently, "Go to sleep, I promise that the first thing you'll see when you wake up is me."

"Really? Then I'll sleep."


Not long after, Luo Han opened her eyes and saw Yu Xian's helpless smile. She stuck out her tongue, like a child caught stealing candy.

"This time I'm really going to sleep."

Saying that, after a while, Luo Han fell into a deep sleep in Yu Xian's arms.

Having watched the play for a while, Chen Xiao, who didn't know he had become a temporary actor, had an unhappy expression and said,

"Yu Xian, you dare to flirt with other women in front of me and still ask me for help. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you in a fit of anger?"

Yu Xian lightly stimulated a point behind Luo Han's head with a trace of magic power.

These acupoints would make her sleep deeper and more soundly.

So she couldn't hear what he said next.

After doing all this, he casually said,

"Brother-in-law, I'm currently ordered to flirt with girls. Your sister has taken away my official wife, so can't I find a few other women?

You know what I was like before, and we've known each other for so many years. Are you willing to kill me?"

As for Chen Yi, he could only guess half of it now, but Chen Xiao, he had a firm grip on.


Chen Xiao was forced to laugh helplessly by Yu Xian's rascal demeanor.

"I really don't know what my sister sees in you."

Yu Xian laughed unreservedly, "Men who are not bad don't get loved by women.

Don't try to guess a young girl's mind, brother-in-law, you've never been in love, so you don't know the taste.

Rest assured, I won't laugh at you."

Chen Xiao's face darkened, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Yi has mentioned more than once in front of me that she wants to have you all to herself.

Your current behavior is challenging her tolerance limit.

Although I would love for her to leave you, you just said something right, we have known each other for many years.

I don't want to see you die by Yi's sword one day."

After a moment of silence, Yu Xian said calmly,

"Then let's part on good terms. This is my true self, it was like this before, and it will be like this in the future. I won't change, if you can't stand it, then leave.

If she wants to kill me, although I am weaker than her, I won't just wait to be killed."

Seeing Yu Xian's serious expression, Chen Xiao was actually taken aback and forced a smile,

"I was just teasing you, why did you take it so seriously? Yi doesn't want to kill you."

Yu Xian raised an eyebrow and smiled, "I was just teasing you too."

"Alright, you go play with your women, I'm going back."

Chen Xiao didn't think the previous words were a joke.

This is probably the tacit understanding between men, they didn't talk much about this topic.

"Take care, brother-in-law."

Yu Xian flew home with his biggest gain of the night in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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