Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

177. Chapter 176 Blood Sacrifice Formation

Chapter 176 Blood Sacrifice Formation

Yu Xian didn't know what Chen Yi and this student who seemed to be from the Jiuyang Immortal Sect were discussing on the mountain. He only felt exhausted and confused about the situation being out of control.

Reality was not a script he had woven, and it was impossible for everything to develop according to his intentions.

Even when the situation began to deviate from his expectations, he didn't even have the strength to make corrections.

The seemingly fierce beast tide seemed to be losing momentum, and the killings and bloodshed outside the city were far from satisfying his Blood Sacrifice Formation.

In his imagination, the battle between humans and demons in the outer city was just an appetizer.

The real climax would be when the beast tide attacked the city, and countless demons would perish under the resistance of the city's defensive formation and the inner city cultivators.

Endless blood would gather underground, forming a sea.

His blood puppets would evolve and be reborn in the sea of blood, and he would also transform into the demon king behind the scenes, gaining the greatest benefits.

However, reality was that the demon horde outside the city was stagnant, and since the Golden Peng Demon King retreated, Shangyang City seemed to have become an isolated island.

Yu Xian stood on the city gate tower, watching the demons patrolling outside the city, while his sea of consciousness sensed the blood sacrifice formation underground.

Since he broke through the late Foundation Building stage and reached the pseudo-Gold Core realm, not only did the amount of mana in his dantian increase significantly, reaching 288 drops of liquid mana, but he also reached the peak state of high-level cultivation techniques.

Top-level cultivation techniques could condense 365 drops of mana in the dantian, corresponding to the number of days in a year.

But there was no way around it. Top-level cultivation techniques were hard to come by, and he had to join a sect that had produced a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

Yu Xian was not the kind of person who pursued perfect combat power. He didn't have to seek top-level cultivation techniques. After all, high returns meant high risks.

For now, breaking through to Gold Core with high-level cultivation techniques was enough.

Or maybe if he had extraordinary talent, one day inspiration would come, and he could upgrade the cultivation techniques himself.

But all of this was not important.

After all, he was taking the route of bullying the weak with strength.

Even if he encountered a genius who cultivated top-level techniques, he would still be superior by a large realm.

In addition, his divine sense, which had astonishing talent, could now extend to a radius of nearly three miles, or about five hundred zhang.

He could see that less than one-fifth of the blood pool in the blood formation underground, and he had arranged eight such formations around the city in the eight trigrams positions.

"Not enough..." Yu Xian sighed softly.

After Chen Yi took action, there wasn't much he could do.

After taking the healing medicine, Chen Xiao's qi and blood seemed to have improved a lot. At this moment, he stood aside foolishly.

"Xiao Yi took action, and there will be peace."

Seeing Yu Xian's worried expression, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask, "Yu Xian, aren't you happy?"

Yu Xian pulled the corners of his mouth and said with a touch of sadness, "It's a pity for those who didn't enter the city."

Originally, their deaths still had some value, but now they had lost even that.

The blood formation couldn't be fully filled, so its power couldn't be unleashed, which was equivalent to dying in vain.

Chen Xiao really thought that Yu Xian was pitying those innocent souls. He patted Yu Xian's shoulder, playing the role of an older brother.

"It was inevitable to close the city gates. At that time, no one knew what problems would arise if we were a little late. Don't blame yourself."

"Yu Xian, although you are greedy, lustful, and like to embezzle spirit stones, and you bully others, overall, you are still a good person."

Yu Xian: "......"

If you can't speak, then don't speak.

He didn't say anything anymore, but leaned against the city wall and looked into the distance.

The bricks and stones on the city wall were made of special materials and engraved with the formation patterns of the Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation. They felt warm to the touch, which calmed his restless heart a bit.

Seriously speaking, he didn't lose anything in this matter.

It was just a few sets of temporarily recorded formation discs and flags, and the established goal was not achieved.

It couldn't be said that he suffered a great loss just because he didn't make a profit.

When he wasn't fixated on getting something, he felt that the world in front of him suddenly became vast.

Without desire, there is strength.

Without greed, there are no weaknesses; without attachment, there are no worries.

Yu Xian let out a breath and turned to ask Chen Xiao, "Big brother, do you know the origin of the Jiuyang Academy?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "I was just an outer disciple in the Xuan Yin Sect, and I couldn't even enter the high-level areas like the scripture pavilion. I don't know much. But Xiao Yi must know. The two things she used to love the most were cultivation and reading. Well... you could say it's the same thing. She read books to improve her cultivation."

After hearing Chen Xiao's words, an image of a girl alone, giving up all her hobbies and focusing on cultivation, appeared in Yu Xian's mind. She did it just to see him sooner.

When Chen Yi was with him, she never mentioned her past, but it was Chen Xiao's unintentional words that made the image of her in his mind more vivid.

Yu Xian chuckled self-deprecatingly and turned his gaze back to the front, waiting with Chen Xiao for the conversation on the mountain to end.

Soon enough.

Probably just the time it takes to drink a cup of tea.

A red-haired girl wearing a red feathered robe flew down from Shangyang Mountain like a flame, shouting as she came, her voice echoing throughout the inner city.

"Who is Yu Xian? Who is Yu Xian?"

Yu Xian hesitated, unsure whether to respond.

Beside him, his eldest uncle shouted at the top of his lungs, "Yu Xian is here!"


The red figure flew past, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, without using any magic, relying solely on her physical strength.

And this was in the state of the third-level formation, when the power of the forbidden airspace was at its strongest.

Yu Xian's face darkened as he almost couldn't resist using the full power of the formation to suppress her.

Just getting close to such a powerful opponent made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Are you Yu Xian?"

The red-haired girl quickly arrived in front of the two of them, staring at Chen Xiao, who replied awkwardly and pushed Yu Xian, who was standing behind him, saying, "He is."

Yu Xian stared expressionlessly with a pair of dead fish eyes at Chen Xiao.

If looks could kill, Chen Xiao's Xuan Yin Fighting Soldier would be riddled with holes by now.

"Yes, I am Yu Xian. Since you came down from the mountain, you must have received the permission of the real person. May I ask what instructions you have?"

Yu Xian bowed to the red-haired girl.

The red-haired girl looked Yu Xian up and down, then furrowed her brows and said, "Chen Zhenchuan told me to be cautious of you, saying that you are good at dealing with women. But you don't seem like it."

Her tone was similar to before.

Even Chen Xiao realized it now and his face turned red, realizing that what was said earlier didn't mean he lacked charm.

But thinking that Yu Xian also had the same evaluation, he felt much better, thinking that his little sister must have been blind to like Yu Xian.

This red-haired girl had a normal eye for things.

Yu Xian, however, didn't care at all. If he cared about others' evaluations, how could he freely make money and play with women?

"Let's get to the point."

He still had the lesson from Chen Yi in mind, and now he had no interest in women who were stronger than him, as they would only bring trouble.

The red-haired girl pouted and said, "You're really boring. Okay, let's get to the point. You should have seen the situation just now. If I hadn't intervened, the horde of monsters would have attacked by now."

"It was you?!"

Yu Xian clenched his teeth, feeling somewhat excited.

Immediately, he realized, seeing the expressions of Chen Xiao and the girl, and quickly added, "On behalf of the entire city, I thank you!"

Saying that, he bowed and saluted, quickly adjusting his expression.

The red-haired girl couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just did what I should have done. After all, it was my sixth brother who made the move, so I also have some responsibility."

"In fact, this whole thing was a misunderstanding. I've already clarified it. Now this land is under the management of the Xuan Yin Sect, and we got the wrong person."

Yu Xian keenly caught the key point - the sixth brother.

Doesn't that mean the girl in front of him is also a monster?

He couldn't help but take a few more glances. This was the first time he had seen a living transformed monster, and she was quite polite.

"What are you looking at?"

The red-haired girl glared at Yu Xian, but instead of getting angry, she seemed quite pleased to be noticed.

Yu Xian quickly apologized.

"You just said that you are a disciple of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, so how did you get involved with monsters? I'm a bit confused, so I took a closer look."

The red-haired girl confidently showed herself in front of Yu Xian, then asked, "Then take another look, do I look like a monster to you?"

The girl had an oval face, narrow eyes, high arched eyebrows with a hint of sharpness, a high nose with a touch of playfulness, a cherry-like mouth that was red and glossy, and a head of flamboyant red hair, giving off a feeling of a campus queen.

A bit social, but not too much.

The figure is ordinary, and the shape of the legs is hidden under the long skirt, so it is difficult to tell.

Yu Xian pretended to look and shook his head, saying, "Doesn't look like it."

This is an easy question. If he answers yes, it means he lacks emotional intelligence.

Sure enough, the girl was happy to hear that it didn't look like her, but then she became a little disappointed.

"But I am a member of the demon race, and I am the daughter of the Demon Emperor. However, I am an outsider disciple of the Jiuyang Immortal Sect, and my mother is from the human race, so I can be considered half-human."

The girl seemed to care a lot about her human identity and emphasized it again.

Yu Xian didn't understand, but still agreed a few times.

The girl was indeed happy, and then, with Yu Xian's reminder, she continued to talk about the matter at hand.

They were sent by the Golden Peng Demon Emperor to investigate the murder case of the Demon King. If it was a human cultivator who violated the rules, they would face heavy retaliation.

That's why they brought many groups of demon beasts deep into the mountains.

Now that they have figured out the situation, it was done by Zhang Yan, a true disciple of the Xuan Yang Sect. So they will go to the Xuan Yang Sect to inquire about this matter.

As for the current ownership of Shangyang City belonging to the Xuan Yin Sect, it naturally has nothing to do with the grievances involved.

"...Brother Liu has a hot temper. Even if he knows the truth, he won't let it go easily. Fortunately, Chen Zhenchuan doesn't care about the details and agreed to have a confrontation with Brother Liu. I hope he will back down."

Yu Xian listened in a daze.

"You believe it just because the real person said so, without us presenting evidence?"

The red-haired girl was puzzled, "Since we have already found the real culprit, this matter will be clear with a simple inquiry. Would Chen Zhenchuan, as a true disciple of the sect, joke about her own reputation?"

Yu Xian nodded in agreement, "I judged others based on my own standards. As a member of the demon race, you have the spirit of our race's heroes."

The red-haired girl was delighted to hear this and waved her hands repeatedly.

"Just a little bit."

"But you just said that the real person wants to have a confrontation with your brother. What is the procedure?"

Yu Xian continued to ask.

The red-haired girl didn't care and said, "It means to fight. Brother Liu has a bad temper. If he doesn't get beaten up, he won't accept it. Don't worry, Chen Zhenchuan said that Brother Liu is no match for her."

Yu Xian felt relieved and asked again, "In that case, it seems that the matter has nothing to do with me. Why did you come to find me as soon as you came down the mountain?"

The red-haired girl said, "Chen Zhenchuan asked me to come. She said that you are responsible for everything in the city. This misunderstanding has caused you so much loss. I saw it when I came over. The city outside is completely destroyed."

Yu Xian swallowed and felt like it was a dream.

"What do you mean... you want to compensate us?"

The red-haired girl nodded, "Yes, of course. If you break something, you have to pay for it. But my compensation is not in spirit stones, but in the form of those demon beasts outside the city."

"What do you mean?"

Yu Xian didn't understand.

The red-haired girl said, "After Brother Liu and Chen Zhencheng finish their fight, I will let the big fool, the stupid giant ape outside, command the remaining demon beasts to attack the city. Your defensive formation seems powerful. You can kill as many as you can. The corpses of the demon beasts are valuable to you, so that will be our compensation."

Yu Xian didn't expect such a turn of events. There was actually hope for his Blood Sacrifice Formation to be completed.

According to the red-haired girl's plan, without the intervention of third-order demon beasts, these first and second-order low-level demon beasts attacking the city would be killed as many as possible.

What kind of "demon treachery" was this?

Looking at the red-haired girl who seemed to take it for granted, he felt like he was in a dream.

The problem is, if all the students taught by that Jiuyang Academy are pure demon traitors like her, not to mention other areas, but in the Jiuyang Domain, the demon race becoming vassals of the human race is just a matter of time.

Cultural invasion, gentle evolution?

Who came up with this plan? The key is that the demon race agreed to it.

The red-haired girl seemed to understand Yu Xian's thoughts and explained, "Those low-level demon beasts have mixed bloodlines and don't even have the qualifications to transform. They are not considered part of the demon race."

Yu Xian forced a smile and nodded.

From the ghost tiger and little white tiger he raised, it can be seen that the intelligence of some low-level demon beasts is not weak. If they undergo systematic learning, they can be comparable to the human race.

But in the eyes of the red-haired girl, these low-level demon beasts were probably no different from consumables.

Emotions are the same in any race.

For those at the bottom, the low-level, and the powerless, in the eyes of those at the top, they are just endless resources.

But that has nothing to do with him.

Their villain, our hero.

Without the explosive operation of the red-haired girl, his plan to increase his combat power would have remained stillborn.

The two quickly discussed the details of how to make the monsters line up to die.

The red-haired girl wanted to take a stroll in the city. According to her, ever since she returned to the Ten Thousand Monster Mountains after graduating from the academy, the surrounding monsters have been rude and impolite. It has been a long time since she has felt the pure atmosphere of the human race.

However, the giant ape outside seemed to be getting restless, stomping its feet on the ground, causing the earth to tremble.

"Forget it, the big fool is urging me," the red-haired girl said reluctantly as she glanced at the scenery in the city. With a swoosh, she quickly flew out of the city.


The next day.

The Golden Peng Demon King revealed his true form and challenged from outside the city. A divine light shot out from the city, causing the Golden Peng Demon King to immediately flee in defeat.

Next, another wave of beasts surged towards Shangyang City.

The third-level city defense formation displayed its might, and endless flesh and blood evaporated under the golden light, staining the earth red with blood.

Whenever the formation reached a low point and it seemed like the monsters were about to break into the city, the support from the rear of the monster horde would stagnate.

In this way, for several days, nearly a million monsters lost their lives under the city defense formation of Shangyang City.

It sounds like a lot, but most of them were ordinary beasts tainted with some demonic energy, such as a group of hunting-toothed rats. Just a group of rats alone would require the deaths of two or three hundred thousand.

However, there were also about three or four thousand truly advanced monsters, and dozens of second-level monsters.

The originally scattered beast horde became sparse, and then receded like a tide.

The entire city cheered like thunder.

Due to Yu Xian's excellent command, the death rate of the defending cultivators was extremely low, and his prestige soared for a while. Countless low-level cultivators even made longevity plaques for him in their homes.

However, they didn't know that tens of thousands of cultivators and mortals in the outer city area had accompanied the monster army due to his selfishness.

Just as the people in the city were about to celebrate with a banquet, Yu Xian declined and instead gained a reputation for not seeking fame.

On the top of Shangyang Mountain.

Yu Xian formed a hand seal, and a faint formation covered the inside and outside of Shangyang City. The blood-red lines of the formation, covering dozens of square kilometers, emerged from the ground, as if they had drunk blood and carried a hint of evil.

However, the lines of the formation seemed to be intermittent.

After all, it was a combination of many small formations. If they were not of the same origin, they wouldn't even be able to connect with each other.

However, with the blood and flesh sacrifice of a million monsters, this originally incomplete formation miraculously merged together, becoming an extremely large-scale blood sacrifice formation.

And at the core of the formation, it was in front of the real person's palace on the top of Shangyang Mountain.

Chen Yi silently appeared behind Yu Xian.

"The blood demon path is endlessly toxic, notorious even in the major demon realms, and they devour each other to grow stronger.

Because of this characteristic, the blood demon path's inheritance is scattered throughout the major realms, constantly being destroyed but never completely eradicated. I never expected that you would also obtain this inheritance. Once people find out that you cultivate this path, other cultivators who practice the blood demon path will come looking for you, seeing you as a source of cultivation resources."

Yu Xian was not surprised by Chen Yi's appearance.

It was surprising that she didn't show up despite such a big commotion.

But the blood sacrifice formation was so massive that it couldn't take shape without using Yangshan as its core.

He smiled faintly at Chen Yi, looking very calm.

After seven years of not seeing each other, they didn't feel unfamiliar at all. On the contrary, because they were not bound by their identities, they felt more comfortable.

"So that's how it is. I was worried that there might be traps in this inheritance, so I never dared to delve deep into cultivation. Now that you've explained it, I can rest assured."

Chen Yi felt that Yu Xian's smile was still dazzling. She lowered her eyes and said lightly,

"You already have the Red Peach Blossom Technique, so why do you still want to cultivate the blood demon path? As far as I know, the scattered inheritances outside never surpass high-level techniques."

Yu Xian sighed, "But it's not strong enough."

He looked into the distance and said, "After meeting you again, I realized how weak I am. If I rely on the Red Peach Blossom Technique as my main cultivation method, I might spend a very long time just looking up at the sky from the ground."

The blood demon path progressed rapidly, with formidable combat power and various demonic treasures. After considering for a long time, he still couldn't bear to give it up.

Of course, although his mana was blood demon mana, it was still unbelievably pure.

He had never intended to cultivate using the essence of living beings.

Chen Yi's heart trembled.

She felt that Yu Xian had embarked on this path because of her.

If a man was willing to fall into demonic cultivation for her, then this feeling didn't need any further proof.

"If you insist on cultivating the blood demon path, I hope you can maintain your current state and not let external forces corrupt your own mana.

My master once said that the blood demon path is based on blood, devouring all things. It seems all-encompassing and progresses rapidly, but it loses its purity in the end, making it difficult to hold onto one's original intentions and being invaded by external demons, ultimately merging with the blood god.

If someone can remain pure and focused, perhaps there is a chance to reach the end.

Consider these words as advice from a friend."

Chen Yi turned and returned to the palace.

"I have already revealed my identity and cannot stay here for long."

Yu Xian was stunned and shouted after Chen Yi's figure,

"I will come find you!"

(End of this chapter)

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