Chapter 181: Hostage

Faced with Wu Laozu's sneak attack, Zhao Shiwen had no time to react.

After all, she was just a Qi Refining cultivator, a whole realm lower than Wu Laozu at the peak of Foundation Building.

Even if it was just a casual move from Wu Laozu, it was not something she could handle.

Originally, she shouldn't have been so foolish.

Whether it was when she was in charge of the Zhao family's market or now as the head of the tax bureau, she rarely exposed herself to danger.

Since the development of the tax bureau, she always had two Foundation Building cultivators protecting her.

But now, because it involved Yulan, she lost her composure and exposed herself in front of Wu Laozu.

Also, she didn't expect that Wu Laozu would dare to make a move in front of Jiang Wang.

"Jiang Wang!"

Locked by the Foundation Building divine sense, Zhao Shiwen was like a bug frozen in oil, unable to resist, and only had time to shout Jiang Wang's name.

With this shout, Jiang Wang finally woke up from his daze and immediately reached out to grab.


But it was too late.

In such a short distance, there was no room for hesitation.

Countless claw-like vines turned into a giant vine ball, completely enveloping Zhao Shiwen.

Creak creak!

The vine ball twisted, making a teeth-gritting sound, as if strangling its prey inside like a monstrous python.

"Vice Director Zhao!"

Jiang Wang flashed forward, grabbing the vine ball with both hands, about to tear it open and rescue Zhao Shiwen.

"If you want her to die, then save her."

Wu Laozu's leisurely voice came over, causing Jiang Wang's movements to pause.

"What do you mean?"

Wu Laozu sneered, "This is a bloodthirsty vine specially cultivated by me. Once it touches blood, its roots will take hold in the flesh and blood. By now, her body is probably already covered in the roots of the bloodthirsty vine. If you tear it apart, her physical body will be torn apart as well. With a single thought from me, I can make her intestines burst and die. When the time comes, because you killed the woman of the Chief Manager, I don't know when I'll come to accompany me."

Jiang Wang's face turned cold.

"Are you forcing me?"

Wu Laozu smiled and transmitted his voice, "I didn't expect her to give me such a good opportunity. Now that I have a hostage, Jiang Wang, even if you release me, you won't let anyone find any faults. My previous words still stand, and even the first Five Elements Yuan Dan I refine can be given to you to consume. As long as you make a great oath to overcome the Gold Core stage, serve me for fifty years after breaking through the Gold Core stage, and assist me wholeheartedly in breaking through the Gold Core stage."

Jiang Wang stared at Wu Laozu, his gaze struggling slightly.

If it was something else, he wouldn't be tempted, but that was the Gold Core stage.

Even if it was just the false pill stage of the unorthodox Gold Core, even if he compared himself to Jiang Laozu, he still had some confidence in breaking through on his own.

But the unorthodox Gold Core still held great allure for him.

Finally, under Wu Laozu's expectant gaze, Jiang Wang slowly nodded and transmitted his voice.

"I agree, but I can't harm Vice Director Zhao. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the Chief Manager."

Wu Laozu's expression was greatly delighted, and without wasting any words, he immediately made a great oath in front of Jiang Wang, saying that he would give the first completed Five Elements Yuan Dan to Jiang Wang. If he violated his oath, he would make Jiang Wang go crazy, regress in cultivation, and have a miserable death, and so on.

"Jiang Laozu, I won't let you down."

Jiang Wang nodded imperceptibly and immediately shouted.

"Wu Laozu, how dare you kidnap Vice Director Zhao. If you don't want the entire clan to be wiped out, release Vice Director Zhao immediately!"

Wu Laozu was taken aback, then laughed.

"It's just a matter of life and death. With Vice Director Zhao accompanying me, I've made a profit! Jiang Wang, if you don't want Vice Director Zhao to meet an untimely end, leave now."

Jiang Wang was furious, "No way!"

Wu Laozu sneered, not giving in at all, "Then let's try."

The vine ball began to compress, causing Zhao Shiwen inside to emit a painful groan.

"Manager Jiang, don't worry about me!"

Zhao Shiwen's voice came from the vine ball.

Jiang Wang naturally wouldn't listen, but instead, he spoke helplessly.

"Alright! Wu Laozu, listen carefully. If Vice Director Zhao loses a single hair, I will make sure that not even a chicken or a dog from the Wu family will be left!"

He lowered his figure and said to the cultivators of the tax bureau and the law enforcement department.

"All of you, retreat first. We can't let Wu Laozu harm Vice Director Zhao."

"Manager Jiang, Vice Director Zhao was just beside you earlier. Why didn't you stop Wu Laozu?"

A Foundation Building cultivator from the tax bureau asked with an ugly expression.

He is one of Zhao Shiwen's bodyguards.

Now that Zhao Shiwen is in trouble, he cannot escape the consequences.

Even if he is a Foundation Building cultivator, the consequences are extremely serious.

After all, in recent years, there have been at least eight Foundation Building cultivators who died under the hands of the Taxation Department.

Jiang Wang sneered, "You couldn't even protect Deputy Director Zhao properly, and now you blame the supervisor?"

If Deputy Director Zhao hadn't suddenly caused trouble just now, the supervisor would have already persuaded Elder Wu to surrender.

Now that Deputy Director Zhao is not here, the supervisor is the person in charge on the scene. The supervisor orders you to guard the surroundings and make sure the Wu family members cannot escape."

After speaking, Jiang Wang looked up at Elder Wu and said, "Elder Wu, if you don't want the Wu family to be wiped out, do not harm Deputy Director Zhao."

Elder Wu grabbed the vine ball and descended into the mansion.

"This is my talisman, I will treat her well."


"Shiwen, sister!!"

Yulan, who was fighting against the Foundation Building cultivators of the Wu family below, panicked when she saw Zhao Shiwen being captured. She thought to herself,

"Why isn't my husband taking action?"

"You dare to fight with me and still dare to be distracted!"

A cold snort came from beside her, and the Foundation Building cultivator from the Wu family used his inkstone artifact to strike at the weak point of Yulan's peach blossom cloth, smashing it forcefully.


The pink tassel barrier was suppressed and shattered, and several temporary workers from the Taxation Department who couldn't dodge in time were severely injured, spitting out blood.

Seeing this, Yulan didn't have time to think about Zhao Shiwen's situation. She quickly formed hand seals and reactivated the defensive power of the peach blossom cloth.

She didn't expect to be in such a sorry state on her first mission in the Taxation Department.

She no longer waited for reinforcements, but fought while retreating.

Even if she retreated a certain distance each time, the Foundation Building cultivators from the Wu family would seize the opportunity to kill several temporary workers. She pretended not to see it.

Finally, the group retreated to the edge of the large formation.

Yulan flipped her hand and took out a silver-white talisman. With a sense of resentment, she struck the Wu family's large formation heavily.

The blue formation membrane rippled, and a small hollow appeared, slowly expanding.

"Second-level Breaking Prohibition Talisman!"

The expression of the Foundation Building cultivator from the Wu family changed. He no longer conserved his spiritual power and began to chase and attack Yulan fiercely.

Seeing this, Yulan gritted her teeth and took out another silver-white talisman.


The large formation made a crisp sound, and then the fist-sized hollow rapidly tore open, turning into a doorway the height of a person.

"You go first!"

Yulan shouted, protecting the many temporary workers as they escaped through the temporary opening in the formation.

"Another second-level Breaking Prohibition Talisman?!"

The Foundation Building cultivator from the Wu family's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but take another look at Yulan.

Another spiritual artifact, another Breaking Prohibition Talisman. Which Foundation Building cultivator's family is this? They are so domineering.

Spiritual artifacts are one thing, as they can be passed down through generations.

But Breaking Prohibition Talismans are disposable items. First-level ones are already rare, and second-level ones are priceless. Not only are they difficult to find for talisman makers, but the materials for making them are also hard to come by.

And yet, this person just casually took out two.

Judging from her posture, it wouldn't be impossible for her to take out a few more.

"Don't run!"

The Foundation Building cultivator from the Wu family continued to form hand seals, pouring out his spiritual power like a flood. The inkstone artifact suddenly enlarged, and cracks appeared at the bottom. A dense dark green light burst forth from the inkstone artifact.

Then, black water arrows fell from the inkstone artifact, striking Yulan's spiritual artifact barrier and emitting a corrosive hissing sound.

Yulan felt her connection with the spiritual artifact loosen, and the spiritual artifact that she had just been able to control now felt stiff and obscure. There was also a tingling sensation that followed her meridians.


The temporary workers quickly retreated, and within three or four breaths, they had all left the large formation. Seeing this, Yulan quickly retracted her spiritual artifact and retreated into the doorway.

The Foundation Building cultivator from the Wu family sneered as he watched Yulan's desperate escape. He retrieved his artifact and saw that cracks had already spread across the inkstone, as if it would shatter at any moment.

"You've been poisoned by my Ink Fragrance Poison. You'll suffer."


"Five Elements Yuan Dan?"

Outside the Wu residence, Yu Xian, who had arrived calmly, listened to Jiang Wang's report and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.

"Supervisor Jiang, you didn't feel tempted to tell the chief about such important news?"

Jiang Wang couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. He felt an inexplicable pressure in Yu Xian's gaze.

Clearly, this guy was just an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator.

"I was naturally tempted, but I also understand a principle. If you want to enjoy something, you must have the fate to obtain it. Such treasures should be enjoyed by the chief."

He wasn't without temptation, but he hadn't even seen the actual item. Just based on Elder Wu's words, he would have to bet the lives of his entire clan. That wasn't his style.

The most crucial point is that he is still young, unlike Wu Laozu who can only make a desperate move.

If possible, he would prefer to try to break through the Gold Core realm himself.

The False Dan realm is ultimately the False Dan realm, incomparable to the true Gold Core.

The most crucial point is a question.

Although Yu Zhenren did not show himself, the divine light he emitted that day caused the defeated Golden Peng Demon King to retreat. This kind of strength is truly terrifying.

Even if Wu Laozu's Five Elements Yuan Dan is real, even if Wu Laozu keeps his promise and hands over the Five Elements Yuan Dan to him, even if he swallows the Five Elements Yuan Dan and achieves the External Path Gold Core, is he a match for Yu Zhenren?

After going through so much trouble, is it just to have a fight with Yu Zhenren and risk the lives of the entire clan?

Not to mention the previous Xiao City Lord and the current Wu City Lord, both of them have suspected Gold Core strength.

This kind of strength is not something that a False Dan realm can resist.

Jiang Wang, who had calmed down, broke out in a cold sweat, and then decisively sold out Wu Laozu.

Yu Xian hung his hands down and turned to look at the array outside the Wu Mansion that was flashing with green light, and suddenly asked,

"When I heard that Shi Wen had an accident, you were there, why didn't you stop it?"

Jiang Wang swallowed his saliva, knowing that he was being set up.

At that time, he was attracted by the Five Elements Yuan Dan, and Zhao Shiwen suddenly appeared. Wu Laozu chose the perfect timing to make a move...

Of course, these are not the reasons. The real reason is that he hesitated.

This moment of hesitation allowed Wu Laozu to capture the person.

This moment of hesitation proved that he had ill intentions. If he answered poorly, he was afraid that it would incur the resentment of the Chief Manager.

After much consideration, Jiang Wang decided not to explain and directly admitted his mistake.

"It's my incompetence that allowed Wu Laozu to take Deputy Director Zhao away. Please punish me, Chief Manager!"

No excuses, no reasons, it was simply his uselessness.

This is the best explanation.

But Yu Xian paid attention to the whole process, how could he not know what happened at that time.

Although he said that he wanted to train Yulan, how could he not personally be present in such a dangerous situation.

At that time, he could have saved Zhao Shiwen, but he didn't make a move.

Zhao Shiwen had been smooth sailing for too long, even the Lin family, a cultivation family, had been defeated by her. She had control over the Foundation Building disciples, and she had developed an arrogant attitude and lost the proper awe.

Both Wu Laozu and Jiang Wang were peak Foundation Building experts.

She, a Qi Refining cultivator, regardless of the reason, dared to casually intervene in the battle between the two, as if their cultivation was just for show.

So she should learn her lesson.

Otherwise, when he left in the future, if she continued to be like this, there would be trouble sooner or later.

As for safety, Zhao Shiwen was Wu Laozu's talisman, but the entire Wu family was also Zhao Shiwen's talisman.

Of course, if Wu Laozu really couldn't bear it and suddenly killed Zhao Shiwen, it would be her own fault.

Afterwards, he would let the entire Wu family, including the bloodline of the Wu family's territory, be buried with her.

Now scaring her like this should be enough.

Yu Xian said to Jiang Wang, "Go and contact Wu Laozu, tell him that I am willing to exchange hostages with Zhao Shiwen. With me as a hostage, Wu Laozu should feel more at ease."

Jiang Wang was shocked and horrified. If Yu Xian became a hostage, wouldn't he have sold out his teammate for nothing?

"Chief Manager, you must not do this. Without you, who can oversee the situation?

And if Wu Laozu captures you, there will be no one who can control him. Then he will truly be a tiger returning to the mountain."

"No need to say more. Shi Wen is my woman. For her, I am willing to take a small risk. What does it matter?

Even if Wu Laozu becomes a False Dan cultivator, does he dare to provoke a true cultivator?

As long as he doesn't dare to tear his face with a true cultivator, then I will be fine."

Yu Xian analyzed with a serious tone.

In fact, even if he stood there and let Wu Laozu attack, he wouldn't be able to harm him at all.

The gap between a Foundation Building cultivator and a true Gold Core cultivator is too great.

Hearing this, Jiang Wang's face turned pale.

But soon he snapped back to reality.

Since the Chief Manager was willing to risk his life for the beauty, he might as well take credit for himself and continue his cooperation with Wu Laozu.

When Wu Laozu refines the Five Elements Yuan Dan, he will act accordingly.

After all, according to the Chief Manager's intention, he wanted him to continue being an undercover agent.

Both sides are his own people, neither will be on guard against him. Perhaps he will be the ultimate winner?

Jiang Wang's spirit was lifted, feeling that this matter had great potential. He immediately took the order and prepared to persuade Wu Laozu to exchange hostages.


That night.

In front of the gate of the Wu Mansion.

Wu Laozu stood behind the array with a pale-faced Zhao Shiwen, while Jiang Wang and Yu Xian stood opposite them.

"Chief Manager, I truly admire your willingness to risk everything for a beauty."

Wu Laozu smiled insincerely, his voice filled with malice.

"Since Lord Supervisor loves the beauty so much, aren't you afraid that I will reveal what happened that day to Master Luo Dan?"

Yu Xian calmly said, "Friend Wu, the love between Han'er and I is stronger than anything, and it cannot be shaken by mere rumors. Let's exchange hostages. With me here, you can take your Wu family and leave without anyone stopping you."

But Wu Patriarch smiled and said, "Lord Supervisor rarely visits my Wu Mansion as a guest. How can you not stay for a while? I also need to tidy up some things and don't want to leave the city temporarily."

The site for refining the Five Elements Yuan Dan is not just any place.

And the Wu Mansion has a refining site that he often uses. Changing the location may reduce the success rate by one or two percent.

Now that Yu Xian is a hostage, there is no need to worry about safety for the time being.

Yu Xian frowned and said, "Do you want to keep me as a hostage all the time?

Friend Wu, please don't deceive yourself. If it alarms Master Yu, the entire Wu family may not be able to protect what I want to protect."

Wu Patriarch said, "I believe everyone will help me keep the secret. How about this, three months. As long as Lord Supervisor stays in the Wu Mansion for three months, we will send Lord Supervisor away then."

Yu Xian pretended to hesitate and nodded after a while, "Alright."

One reason he was willing to be a hostage was to see what the Five Elements Yuan Dan was.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Lord Supervisor."

Wu Patriarch pushed his hand forward, and a green seed floated in front of Yu Xian.

"This is the Heart-Eating Seed I developed. As long as I think about it, it can grow rapidly and devour the internal organs."

But Yu Xian pointed his finger, and the Foundation Building True Fire appeared, burning the seed to ashes.

"I, as a mere early Foundation Building stage cultivator, do you really think Friend Wu can't defeat me?

I won't eat this Heart-Eating Seed. I'm not used to having all sorts of things in my stomach."

Although he was confident that his Gold Core realm could crush everyone, who knew if some strange means could kill him.

He wouldn't make such a small mistake.

Seeing the seed destroyed, Wu Patriarch felt a sharp pain in his spirit. He immediately grabbed Zhao Shiwen's neck behind him and said coldly,

"Lord Supervisor, Vice Minister Zhao's life is still in my hands."

Yu Xian was not threatened at all and replied with a cold smile,

"I'll give you three counts. If you don't exchange hostages, I will send people in. No one from the Wu family will be spared!"


Wu Patriarch felt wronged. Clearly, he was the one holding the hostage.



On the other side, Yu Xian had already started counting.

Wu Patriarch hurriedly shouted, "Alright, let's exchange!"

"Please enter the formation, Lord Supervisor!"

Wu Patriarch opened a small portal.

Yu Xian walked in calmly and saw Zhao Shiwen, who had a pale face. He gently touched her cheek and said with some concern,

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Zhao Shiwen shook her head, her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She never expected that Yu Xian would be willing to exchange hostages with her.

Although she no longer hoped for more love from Yu Xian, a huge surprise suddenly came to her.

At this moment, she was both surprised and guilty.

"Master, I'm sorry, I have caused trouble for you."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "What trouble? You are already my woman. Just don't be impulsive next time.

If Friend Wu wasn't rational enough, you would have become fertilizer in his courtyard."

"Friend Wu, why does Shiwen's complexion look so bad? Have you mistreated her?"

Yu Xian frowned and questioned him on the spot.

Wu Patriarch felt suppressed, even though he was the one in charge, he felt like a younger brother being scolded.

He felt frustrated but still maintained a forced smile and said, "Please rest assured, Lord Supervisor. Miss Zhao's pale complexion is due to excessive blood loss. In the mansion, I treat her as an honored guest and would never offend her."

"I hope you won't."

Yu Xian whispered a few words to Zhao Shiwen and let her leave the Wu Mansion.

"Go back and rest well. Everything will be fine after a good sleep."

"Friend Wu, last time I didn't have a chance to explore properly when I came. This time, you must fulfill your duties as a good host."

Wu Patriarch felt like he was the guest.

Damn it, having a real person as a backer is really impressive, huh?

Looking at Yu Xian walking confidently into the inner courtyard, Wu Patriarch found his answer.

Yes, having a real person as a backer is indeed impressive.

At this moment, he was even more eager to refine the Five Elements Yuan Dan.

If he became a Gold Core true person, even if it was just a false pill realm, he wouldn't have to be suppressed by a young junior.

(End of this chapter)

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