Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

185. Chapter 184 Influence

Chapter 184: Influence

The sky over Shangyang City has changed!

As they watched the proud Wu family cultivators send invitations to various families, inviting them to attend their ancestral Gold Core ceremony, everyone had the same thought again.

Who could have imagined that just three months ago, the Wu family was on the verge of extinction, but with a little carelessness, they managed to turn the tables.

For a while, there was a hidden undercurrent in Shangyang City.

Many wandering cultivators voluntarily applied to become retainers of the Wu family.

The front gate of the Wu residence was bustling, in stark contrast to the days when everyone wanted to distance themselves from the Wu family.

Even several forces boldly placed their bets and secretly approached the Wu ancestor, hoping to become a rising star in the Wu family when they were short of manpower.

After all, since Wu ancestor broke through to Gold Core, he had to do something and bring back some benefits from the City Lord's Mansion and Master Yu.

In the eyes of many, the Wu ancestor's Gold Core ceremony was a signal.

If there were many supporters of the Wu ancestor, it wouldn't be impossible to form a faction in Shangyang City that could stand up to Master Yu.

In the past, Master Yu's family had been dominant, with the City Lord's Mansion ruling the entire city, leading to the Tax Bureau investigating and punishing anyone they wanted, making everyone feel insecure.

After all, these days, who would follow the rules seriously?

This also meant that as long as the Tax Bureau wanted to investigate someone, they would always find a reason, without even giving them a chance to resist.

Just like what happened to the Wu family before.

The Wu family was one of the top eight cultivation families, and they were in charge of the alchemy department. It wasn't easy to take them down, and there wasn't even a sign.

If it weren't for Wu ancestor's breakthrough to Gold Core, the Wu residence would probably have been burned to ashes by now.

No one thought that Wu ancestor would become the number one person in Shangyang City with just one breakthrough, but at least he would be on the same level as Master Yu, with the qualification for equal dialogue.

Master Yu was not easy to get close to, but Wu ancestor was a native cultivator of Shangyang City, and over a hundred years of time had allowed him to have interactions with many people.

In other words, as long as they were willing, they would always be able to find some connections and reasons to meet Wu ancestor.

With Wu ancestor as the representative of the local forces, it meant that the local forces had a true core and pillar.

Under the dominance of one family, everyone had to bow their heads and be submissive.

But when two families fought, it created space for others to grow.

Many people were looking forward to Wu ancestor's Gold Core ceremony and waiting for Master Yu's reaction.

In just a month's time, the hearts of the people in Shangyang City had become restless.


But all of these things had nothing to do with Yu Xian, who was fishing in the small courtyard.

He just scattered some bait, whether or not there would be fish biting depended on the individual understanding of the fish.

"Sir, those people are so annoying, always spreading unreliable rumors. Shiwen sister couldn't stop several typical examples that were caught," said Yulan, sitting beside Yu Xian, frowning and looking worried, not knowing what to do.

It was unclear who started the rumors first.

The rumors said that Master Yu might withdraw Yu Xian from his position in order to please Wu ancestor.

The rumors were so detailed, as if they were heard from Master Yu himself, and they gained the agreement of many people.

Yulan was naturally not worried about Master Yu.

She was worried that if things continued like this, her husband's prestige would be lost.

Yu Xian half-lay on the recliner, his eyes fixed on the fishing float in the small pond, looking indifferent as he said, "As long as they don't go too far, let them say whatever they want."

Seeing that her husband didn't care about such trivial matters, Yulan suddenly thought of something and pouted, saying angrily, "And, and, those Wu family cultivators are so annoying. So what if they have an ancestor who broke through to Gold Core? Yesterday, a Wu family cultivator even harassed Shiwen sister."

There were many people watching at the time, and Shi Wen's face turned red with anger, but she couldn't do anything about them. Moreover, she was afraid of causing trouble for her husband, so she didn't let me tell you."

"But I knew that you would definitely have a solution, so I didn't listen to her."

"You did the right thing. You are the main wife, how can you listen to a concubine?"

Yu Xian's smile faded from his face, and his voice couldn't be discerned as happy or angry.

"This matter will be resolved quickly, and then you won't have to hear so much idle gossip."

Regarding the fact that Wu Laozu is on our side, he didn't tell anyone, not even Yulan.

After all, a secret is no longer a secret once there is a third party involved.

He believed that Yulan wouldn't leak the secret.

But now Yulan is working in the tax office, where there are many people and distractions. If someone manages to get information out of her, his plan will be half-failed.

As for the reason why the Wu family cultivators are so bold, it is naturally because Wu Laozu has kept the secret well.

Another reason may be that Wu Laozu intentionally indulged them.

He has mentioned the need to rectify the family's style in front of him more than once.

This Gold Core ceremony is a good test.

Those Wu family members who have been bullying others and tarnishing the family's reputation will most likely be sent back to their ancestral land to be pigs.

As for killing, there won't be too many, at most one or two as a warning.

After all, they are all family members, even if they make mistakes, they are still family.

But now there are Wu family cultivators who dare to bully his woman. Obviously, the Wu family cultivators have been floating around recently, thinking that with an ancestor at the Gold Core stage, they can walk sideways in Shangyang City.

So this time, Wu Laozu's rectification is destined to be much bloodier.

Those Wu family members who are about to be sentenced to death would never have thought that their deaths were caused by a few disrespectful remarks from some people.

Yu Xian shook his head inwardly.

You reap what you sow. He didn't really want to get involved in other people's family affairs, but someone provoked him, so they were destined to pay the price.

But of course, he wouldn't say these words to Yulan.

And when Yulan heard Yu Xian's praise, she also smiled happily.

"I knew that you would have a solution."

She stood up, the worry between her eyebrows disappeared, and she pecked lightly on Yu Xian's face before happily walking outside.

"Husband, it's my turn to be on duty today, so I'll leave first."

"Go ahead, go ahead."

Yu Xian lazily waved his hand, his whole person shrinking into the recliner, feeling slightly tired.

During these days, he didn't waste his time, but focused on comprehending the upgraded Gold Core divine ability.

The current Deception Technique was already a Rank 8 divine ability.

Because it was comprehended through the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao and forcibly upgraded, even Yu Xian himself only had a partial understanding.

But after nearly a month of comprehension.

He had already fully integrated the newly born divine ability.

After all, it was originally his Gold Core divine ability, but because the upgrade was too fast, it seemed unfamiliar, but after re-comprehending it, it was very fast.

Originally, the function of the Deception Technique was simply to conceal one's aura, even if it could deceive a Gold Core cultivator, it was just an enhanced version of the Concealment Technique.

But now, the Deception Technique was advancing in the direction of the Concealment Technique.

Before, he could conceal his aura, but the cultivation level of a cultivator couldn't be hidden, at most, it could be changed from Gold Core to Foundation Building, Foundation Building to Qi Refining.

But now, he could completely become an ordinary person, making it impossible for others to see any traces of cultivation on him.

It feels... not very useful.

But it's just going from Rank 9 to Rank 8, both are low-grade divine abilities, and the difference between them is not that big. We can't expect too much.

Another reason Yu Xian vaguely sensed.

That is, his foundation is too weak, and he lacks sufficient accumulation.

So even if he has the opportunity of Tian Dao Ling Qi, he cannot truly unleash the potential of that comprehension.

As the saying goes, a clever woman cannot cook without rice.

Even if he directly incarnates as Einstein, he cannot deduce relativity with elementary knowledge alone. He must go through a systematic learning process and have sufficient accumulation before the birth of relativity.

If he wants to truly transform the Deception Technique into what he dreams of, daily accumulation is essential.

"However, this newly comprehended Hidden Spirit Technique can be applied to my formation.

If the formation is activated and there is almost no fluctuation of spiritual energy, it can naturally achieve unexpected effects.

By then..."

Yu Xian couldn't help but daydream.

Just at this moment.

A knocking sound came from outside the house.

Yu Xian thought it was Yulan forgetting something, but when his divine sense swept over, he discovered a stranger's face.

He got up to open the door.

"Friend, you look quite unfamiliar. Is there something you need?"

Yu Xian behaved quite politely.

In daily life, he has always been a polite and gentle person.

Only towards those who annoy him, he would show an extremely unpleasant side.

After all, he is petty and if someone disgusts him, he will definitely disgust them back.

But he didn't expect the person to look at him disdainfully, and walked straight in, looking around the simple and crude courtyard. He sneered and said,

"I didn't expect Friend Lan's home to be so shabby, and I didn't expect Friend Lan's husband to be a freeloading pretty boy.

I heard that you stay at home all day, relying solely on Friend Lan's support. You need to eat and drink the top-grade spiritual food, which leads to Friend Lan not making ends meet. As a Foundation Building cultivator and the captain of the Taxation Division, you actually have to squeeze into such a small courtyard with her.

Don't you feel ashamed?"

Yu Xian was first stunned, thinking that he was some admirer of Yulan.

After all, his current image is that of a homebound cultivator, rarely going out, naturally having no income.

In the eyes of the neighbors, it is Yulan who works hard to support this family.

Although the attitude of the person in front of him is not very polite, it can be considered as sincere advice, giving him the feeling of being motivated to work harder.

But who is Yu Xian?

Even if his current image is fake, even if it's real, he can still be open and say confidently, "I'm not ashamed."

"You! Shameless! What kind of skill is it to let a woman support you?!"

The person didn't expect Yu Xian to be so shamelessly accepting being a freeloader.

"If you have a bit of dignity as a man, and a bit of love for Friend Lan, you should take the initiative to leave her and let her embrace a better future!"

Yu Xian's expression turned cold, and his voice became colder.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you care about my family matters? If I can make the Foundation Building cultivator serve me willingly, that's my skill. Why should I be ashamed?

It's you who inexplicably barged into my house to lecture me. Believe it or not, I will sound the alarm now, and when the law enforcement team arrives, you won't be able to stay."

He didn't want his peaceful image and life to be disrupted by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Upon hearing the law enforcement team, the person sneered.

"Law enforcement team? Oh, I'm so scared. Do you even know what this young master's surname is?"

Without waiting for Yu Xian to ask, he couldn't help but say eagerly:

"This young master's surname is Wu, the Wu of the Wu Zhenren, and the Wu Zhenren, the ancestor of the Wu family, is this young master's great-grandfather.

Even if you give the law enforcement team a hundred times the courage, they wouldn't dare to touch a single hair of this young master.

I believe Lan Dao friend must have mentioned my name, Wu Yi, to you.

Originally, this young master intended to persuade you to leave Lan Dao friend as an ordinary person, but now this young master gives you two choices.

Either leave Lan Dao friend and promise not to appear in front of Lan Dao friend again, or this young master will personally send you to the prison of the law enforcement team."

Yu Xian pretended to be surprised.

"You, you can actually mobilize the law enforcement team?"

Wu Yi was quite pleased and said, "What is the law enforcement team? It won't be long before the tax department is under the control of our Wu family.

If you are afraid, then behave and cooperate with me and Lan Dao friend to achieve something good, and I can still give you a way out.

Otherwise, I will make sure you don't see the sun tomorrow. With this young master's status, even if it means killing a few people, it's the same as crushing an ant."

Damn it, how dare he come in front of him and disgust him, and even think about betraying him.

Yu Xian made up his mind. If any of these unfilial descendants of Wu's ancestors dared to ask for his forgiveness, he would personally dig out Wu's ancestor's Gold Core.

It just so happened to test whether the Gold Core of a fake pill cultivator could be reused.

Yu Xian sounded the alarm of the warning formation, and the sound suddenly became loud.

"I refuse to believe that there is no reason or rule in this world?!"

But Wu Yi just crossed his arms and sneered.

Soon enough, the members of the law enforcement team arrived, led by a cultivator named Jiang Lu, a newly promoted Foundation Building cultivator from the Jiang family, and also a trusted subordinate of Jiang Wang.

He glanced at Yu Xian, his eyes flickering, obviously having received instructions from above.

However, he didn't know Yu Xian's specific identity, he was only told to be more careful.

But then he heard Wu Yi introduce himself, and couldn't help but hesitate, but still waved his hand.

"Capture him!"

It was true that the Wu family was flourishing, but Wu Zhenren couldn't control him.

Wu Yi was held down by two law enforcement cultivators, and his dantian's spiritual power was sealed, causing him to struggle immediately.

"You've got the wrong person, you should be arresting him!"

But the team led by Jiang Lu were all his trusted subordinates, and they wouldn't change their stance just because of a name.

"Do you fucking know who I am? My ancestral master is Wu Zhenren! My ancestral master is Wu Zhenren!"

Wu Yi shouted frantically.

"Seal his mouth, take him away, and wait for someone from the Wu family to come and claim him. What can the Wu family do? Can they just barge into private residences?"

Jiang Lu gave the order, and the surroundings immediately quieted down.

He led Wu Yi out, loudly proclaiming to the cultivators who were watching the commotion in groups of two or three around them:

"Listen up, private residences are protected by the City Lord's Mansion and the Law Enforcement Department. If anyone trespasses without permission, they will be severely punished!

This person trespassed into a private residence and even intended to harm others. Immediately detain him and punish him severely!"

After saying that, he led the person towards the direction of the Law Enforcement Department.

Outside the small courtyard, there was inevitably a lot of discussion, pointing fingers and gossiping, and the story's protagonists couldn't be separated from Yu Xian and Yu Lan.

Yu Xian closed the door, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The atmosphere was almost set, and the next act was about to begin.

Of course, he would never admit that this was an act of retaliation.

Three days later.

The grand ceremony for Wu Zhenren's Gold Core was officially held, and Yu Xian, as a family member of Yu Lan, was invited to attend.

(End of this chapter)"

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