Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

187. Chapter 186 Gold Core Ceremony (Part 2)

Chapter 186: Gold Core Ceremony (Part 2)

One by one, members of the Wu family were summoned before the ancestral Wu.

Among these people were direct descendants of the Wu family, as well as collateral relatives and even those from other clans. They could be considered representatives of various levels within the Wu family.

They had received prior notice and thought that the ancestral Wu was going to reward them. Each of them was filled with pride and eagerly awaited this moment.

However, they were met with the sorrowful words of the ancestral Wu:

"As far as I know, during the month that I was in seclusion, consolidating my cultivation, there were members of the Wu family who acted recklessly in my name, committing all sorts of evil deeds, bringing shame upon the reputation of the Wu family.

It is well known that the Wu family is a renowned alchemy clan, and our current status and reputation are thanks to the support of all of you.

Many of our fellow cultivators, out of respect for me, have tolerated these unworthy descendants, but instead, it has only fueled their arrogance.

I was born and raised here, and I do not wish for the Wu family to be elevated just because I have broken through to the Gold Core stage.

Therefore, today, I have made a painful decision."


With a command from the ancestral Wu, several Foundation Building cultivators from the Wu family took action.

The dozen or so Wu family members who had just stepped forward were caught off guard and had their cultivation sealed, rendering them powerless to resist.

Even among them was a Foundation Building cultivator, but in front of the ancestral Wu, there was no room for any waves.

A true cultivator was still a true cultivator, and not just any Foundation Building cultivator could resist.

Many of the guests watched in confusion. When did the Wu family start following rules like this?

Bullying the weak with strength was the norm, wasn't it?

Furthermore, the Wu family was considered relatively mild and rule-abiding among the many clans.

The Wu family members who were named by the ancestral Wu hadn't committed any outrageously heinous acts that would anger the heavens and the people.

Killing a few people, forcefully taking female or male cultivators, extorting money, and using threats and intimidation, were these considered serious offenses?

Many people even felt that the ancestral Wu was making a big deal out of nothing.

Some even thought that the ancestral Wu was intentionally putting on a show to test their reactions.

Soon, a "clever person" took the initiative to speak up.

"Master Wu, you are being too harsh. As the saying goes, who among us is without faults? They are not extremely wicked individuals.

Everyone here knows your character, fair and strict, with no tolerance for wrongdoing.

But today is a day of great joy for you, don't let a small group of people ruin your mood. It would be better to give them a lesson as a warning."

"Shut up!"

The ancestral Wu shouted, glaring at the person who had just spoken, his eyes seemingly spewing fire.

"Do you think I'm joking with you all?"

Damn it, if these brats don't die, it will be my own misfortune.

Especially one of them even dared to have ideas about the wife of the Lord Manager. How many lives does he have left to compensate?

Old Ancestor Wu lightly stomped his foot, and suddenly, green seeds appeared under the bodies of the captured Wu family members on the stage.

The seeds quickly took root and sprouted, growing along their feet, ankles, calves, thighs, and half of their bodies, forming thorny green vines.

Until the thorns pierced their skin, causing them to grind their teeth and their chests to feel a sharp pain.

Only then did these Wu family members finally realize that the Old Ancestor was not joking, and they all cried out in pain, begging for mercy.

"Grandfather! I am Wu Chang, your Chang'er, I am your grandson!"

"Father, it's me, Father, my mother is your thirty-sixth concubine, I am your biological son!"

"Old Ancestor, spare us, I will never dare again! Never dare again!"

"Old Ancestor..."


The voices went from high to low, not lasting for three breaths.

The green vines that had sucked blood seemed to have grown into ferocious beasts with claws. They quickly continued to grow, wrapping all the cultivators on the stage into a red and green vine ball.

Then, the sound of sucking could be heard from within the vine ball.

Not long after.

With a snap.

The vine ball expanded to the extreme, bursting like a bubble, leaving only faint bloodstains on the stage.

A trace of reluctance flashed in Old Ancestor Wu's eyes.

Regardless, these people were all his blood descendants, including his own sons and grandsons.

But if he didn't use them as examples, it would seem like he lacked sincerity. If he casually found a few Wu family members to fool the Lord Manager, he would be the one to suffer in the end.

He could only kill his own sons and spare himself.

After all, sons could be born again, but once the father was gone, he was truly gone.

Old Ancestor Wu's eyelids drooped, making it difficult to see his expression, but this act of publicly sacrificing his own kin made everyone present know that he was not joking.

"I reiterate once again, the Wu family is still the Wu family. Just because I have broken through to the Gold Core realm, it doesn't mean that the Wu family has any privileges and can disregard the rules of the Lord Manager's Mansion.

In my heart, the Lord Manager's Mansion will always be the master of Shangyang City, and Master Yu is the sky of Shangyang City!

Under my leadership, the Wu family will firmly unite under the leadership of the Lord Manager.

Anyone who attempts to oppose the Lord Manager and Master Yu will be my enemy!"


Many guests' faces changed drastically, thinking that Old Ancestor Wu had gone mad.

Starting the Gold Core ceremony with a public sacrifice of kin was already enough.

They could still explain it as him setting rules, giving other forces a peace of mind, not thinking that just because the Wu family had a Gold Core cultivator, they could treat them as nothing. If the Wu family members made mistakes and disrupted unity, even if they were his own sons, he could kill them to show them.

So some people were quite excited.

They were just waiting for Old Ancestor Wu to raise his arm and they would stand up and follow him, forming a new faction to challenge Master Yu.

The result is that he raised his arms, but he wants to surrender.

"Master Wu!"

"What you said before was not like this!"

Some people were furious, and if they weren't unable to defeat him, they would have rushed up and fought Master Wu to the death.

These people are opportunistic speculators.

Thinking that Master Wu would break through to the Gold Core stage, they risked everything to support him and gamble on their future.

Master Danyang had already left, and the eight major families had become history. It was time for a new force to emerge in Shangyang City.

Master Wu's breakthrough is the best opportunity.

But... why did Your Majesty surrender first?

Master Wu sneered, "You ambitious people, attempting to provoke a fight between me and Master Yu, but you don't know that I and the Lord Commander have already become kindred spirits.

Now that I have set a trap, I'm just waiting for you troublemakers to fall into it.

Today, in the presence of the Lord Commander, I will offer your lives as a sincere gesture to him."

Master Wu's momentum soared, and the powerful spirit of a Gold Core cultivator overwhelmed the entire scene.

"Prepare to die!"

His magical power transformed into a giant hand and grabbed towards the pre-determined target.


"Master Wu, do you think that siding with Master Yu will bring you stability? You are already a Gold Core cultivator, and you will eventually become an obstacle to Master Yu. Without our support, you will inevitably meet your demise!"

"I hate it!"

"Master Wu, you are cutting off ties with the local forces!"

Nearly half of the guests in the venue had contacted Master Wu before, and now the attack of the giant hand was like a clear mark.

The cultivators used various tactics, and the brilliance of their magical tools and spiritual arts shone, intending to resist the pressure from the Gold Core cultivator.

Those who were not marked decisively moved to the side, secretly grateful that they didn't choose sides too quickly, otherwise they would have been tricked by Master Wu.


A somewhat familiar and clear voice came.

"Everyone, please stop for now."

Just when everyone thought that the reckless young man was not afraid of death, the momentum in the venue suddenly subsided, and then they heard Master Wu laughing and clasping his hands.

"So it's the Lord Commander who has arrived. I was just about to clean up and welcome you."

Outside the courtyard, a slender figure of Yu Xian walked slowly.

Although he looked no different from before, under Master Wu's strange polite attitude, he appeared mysterious and unpredictable, unfathomable.

Everyone speculated that the Lord Commander must have used some means to make Master Wu, a newly promoted Gold Core cultivator, so polite.

Or perhaps the reclusive Master Yu's strength is truly profound and unfathomable, and he has long secretly impressed Master Wu.

Only Yulan, who was mingling among the guests, smiled with admiration in her eyes.

This is her husband!

Then she quietly clenched her fist and glanced at the group of cultivators gathered together to resist Elder Wu. They were her future targets.

What she would do next was to kill them all.

At the age of eighteen, she felt compassion and discussed right and wrong with her husband, pleading for a group of strangers she had never met.

But now she is fifty-eight years old.

Whatever her husband asks her to do, she will do it, even if it means dying, she will believe her husband is right.

On the other side.

Yu Xian stood side by side with Elder Wu, looking at the cultivators in the field. Most of them were newly promoted Foundation Building cultivators in the past few years, about thirteen or fourteen, representing the new generation of power in Shangyang City.

Due to the disappearance of Master Yu, the city lord only cared about making money and playing with women, and the noble families were fighting for power and profit. The Taxation Department intended to cultivate the power of scattered cultivators.

Coupled with the two recent waves of beasts that occurred in a short period of time, the resources in Shangyang City were temporarily abundant, and the difficulty of Foundation Building had slightly decreased.

Therefore, the number of newly promoted Foundation Building cultivators has been increasing year by year.

Now in Shangyang City, not to mention those Foundation Building cultivators who have established small families in remote areas, there are still more than fifty people left.

Compared with the era of Master Danyang, there are nearly half more.

This is still the case after killing quite a few.

However, the resources in Shangyang City are ultimately limited, which has also led to the difficult lives of these newly promoted Foundation Building cultivators.

Of course, this difficulty refers to compared with those old Foundation Building cultivators.

So after Elder Wu, this newly promoted Gold Core cultivator appeared, the ones who acted the fastest and had the most positive attitude were them.

If they didn't compete, didn't fight a few battles, didn't shed blood and kill people, and didn't vacate the territory, how could they make progress?

However, they chose the wrong person from the beginning.

Instead, those Foundation Building families that have been passed down for hundreds of years are the ones who would rather not do anything than make mistakes.

If this newly promoted Gold Core cultivator Elder Wu could compete with Master Yu, they wouldn't mind bowing their heads and adding glory to him.

The current situation proves that their caution is reasonable.

Yu Xian swept his gaze around and sighed, saying:

"As the city lord, I have never treated you unfairly. Yet, you secretly incite Elder Wu to attack me and Master Yu. It seems that I have been too gentle with you all these years.

Now that I think about it, Master Danyang's attitude was right. We shouldn't have allowed too many Foundation Building cultivators to appear in Shangyang City.

When there are too many people to feed, unity is lost."

"At this point, what's the use of the city lord saying all this? We cultivators go against the heavens. Which one of us Foundation Building cultivators here hasn't gone through bloodshed and hardships?

Today, we are just one move away from victory. But if the city lord wants us to surrender like this, I'm afraid it's a waste of effort."

A young cultivator with sharp eyebrows and a strong aura sneered.

His cultivation level was the highest among the people present, reaching the mid-stage of Foundation Building. He seemed to be the temporary leader.

"Oh, you haven't asked yet?" Yu Xian wasn't angry either.

The young man replied, "He Wendong!"

"So it's Daoist He, it's a pity we didn't meet earlier. Otherwise, with your proud character, I would really like you. I would definitely include you in the Taxation Department," Yu Xian shook his head.

"Today is Daoist Wu's Gold Core ceremony, and it's not easy to have too much killing, which would ruin the beautiful scenery. So, as the chief, I'll give you all a chance. Within one day, leave Shangyang City, the farther the better. At sunrise tomorrow, the law enforcement team of the City Lord's Mansion will go after you, for a period of ten years," Yu Xian revealed a malicious smile.

"Wish you good luck, it will be an interesting time," Yu Xian said.

Everyone looked at Daoist Wu.

They were still accustomed to the strongest person being in charge.

Daoist Wu snorted coldly, "Since it's the intention of the chief, even if you have good luck, as long as you don't appear in front of me, I won't take action against you. Now, leave!"

He Wendong bowed to Daoist Wu and Yu Xian.

"Today's grudges, in the future, if I, He Wendong, don't die, there will be retribution!" He Wendong said, taking the lead and leaving the Wu Mansion with the other cultivators, under the puzzled gazes of the crowd.

Daoist Wu continued to greet the guests.

"It's just a small accident, everyone should treat it as if nothing happened. Come, clean up the ground and set up new seats! Continue with the music, continue with the dance!" Soon, the servants of the Wu Mansion came to clean up and set up the banquet again.

There were also singing and dancing troupes that came to entertain.

Daoist Wu and Yu Xian walked down the stage and hid in the background, leaving space for everyone to imagine and discuss.


Outside the Wu Mansion.

The cultivators who were watching the excitement had already dispersed in groups of two or three, spreading their observations in front of the Wu Mansion.

A group of cultivators with deep cultivation bases left early, causing many people to speculate.

"Daoist He, now that we are on the City Lord's Mansion blacklist, and there will be experts from the City Lord's Mansion chasing after us in the future, where should we go from here?" a cultivator asked, sounding anxious.

He was just an ordinary Foundation Building cultivator and couldn't withstand the experts from the Law Enforcement Department.

"I think Chief Yu intended to give us a way out. Maybe he is waiting for us to voluntarily surrender to him. Otherwise, why not try his attitude?" another cultivator suggested.

"Chief Yu only gave us less than a day. Although I have sent away many people from my family, there are still some left. I won't accompany you all. But I think Chief Yu probably doesn't care about us small characters. It's just ten years. I'll find a hiding place in the mountains for ten years, and it will pass," another cultivator said, willing to accept defeat. Being able to keep one's life was already a big gain.

He Wendong nodded, "Qian Daoist is right. It's better for us to separate and act. It's too risky to have the same target, which will easily attract attention. Let's take care of ourselves for the next ten years."

With that, He Wendong bid farewell with a bow.

After all, they were just a temporary small group. When the pressure of survival appeared, it was normal for everyone to go their separate ways.

He Wendong had also considered uniting these Foundation Building cultivators under the pressure of Chief Yu. However, after careful consideration, he gave up.

He couldn't suppress these people with his own strength, and relying on external forces would eventually backfire.

Chief Yu was someone who could sit on an equal footing with True Immortal Wu, and no one knew what cards he held.

This was a pursuit, not a game.

When the risks brought by these people outweighed the benefits, they should be abandoned without hesitation.

Seeing He Wendong's carefree figure, someone spat, "Damn it, he was the one who found us in the first place, and now he's the one leaving. Fellow cultivators, I'm also taking my leave. I'm alone, and there are endless possibilities."

The discussion ended without any result.

The cultivators dispersed with their own thoughts, destined to be a sleepless night.


In the backyard of the Wu Mansion.

In the tea room, Yu Xian looked at the anxious Daoist Wu and said softly, "Daoist Wu, you haven't been honest with me."

As soon as Daoist Wu heard this, he immediately knelt down with a crisp sound.

"It's my selfishness. Those people are ultimately my clan members, and I couldn't bear it. Please punish me, Master!" Daoist Wu said.

Yu Xian had requested strict and severe punishment, but he had taken the initiative to kill more than a dozen typical cases, which was obviously not in line with the requirements.

But if he really killed half of them, he wouldn't be able to continue as the ancestor.

No ancestor would kill half of their clan members at a joyous occasion.

And he believed that he still had some value to Yu Xian, so he shouldn't receive too heavy a punishment.

After all, he had personally killed his own son and grandson, which showed his sincerity.

Yu Xian flipped his palm, revealing a blood-colored token with a ghostly face surrounded by it. It was Daoist Wu's soul token.

He lightly tapped the token, and a crack appeared on it.

Daoist Wu, in front of him, felt as if he had been struck heavily. His whole body went into convulsions, large beads of sweat quickly appeared on his forehead, and he curled up, biting his teeth tightly, feeling the pain of his soul being torn apart.

After a while, Wu Laozu finally regained his pale complexion. He looked at the token in Yu Xian's hand and realized that the Soul Control Token had a deeper control over him than he had imagined.

The excruciating pain he had just experienced was something even a Gold Core cultivator like him couldn't endure too many times.

He had a premonition that if he were to endure that kind of injury multiple times in a short period, his soul would suffer permanent damage, even endangering his lifespan.

"I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong," Wu Laozu gasped, begging for mercy repeatedly.

After kneeling once, he lost his dignity in front of Yu Xian.

Of course, in front of outsiders, he was still the awe-inspiring Gold Core cultivator that everyone respected.

Yu Xian put away the token and said indifferently, "This is the first time, so I'll let it slide. But if you dare to disobey my orders again, don't blame me for being heartless."

Wu Laozu repeatedly expressed his fear.

"Also, this year, the alchemy tasks for the Wu family will be doubled. And after the ceremony, you will secretly protect Yulan. For the next ten years, she will be responsible for hunting down today's rebellious Foundation Building cultivators, and you will keep an eye on her. But unless absolutely necessary, don't let her discover your presence."

After completing this task, I won't pursue today's matter any further," Yu Xian added simply.

Yu Xian casually added more responsibilities to Wu Laozu.

With Wu Laozu, a Gold Core cultivator, secretly protecting Yulan, he didn't have to worry too much about her safety.

Most importantly, he was freed from being a tailing fool.

"Please rest assured, Master. I will definitely protect Madam," Wu Laozu said, his heart trembling. He didn't expect Yu Xian to value this woman named Yulan so much, secretly making him her protector.

If he could take the route of being a lady's man, maybe he would have a way out if he ever violated his master's taboos again.

"Get up," Yu Xian patted Wu Laozu's shoulder and said, "Do your job well, and I guarantee that the Wu family will produce a true Gold Core cultivator."

"And in the future, you don't have to call me Master anymore. Just call me Manager. If someone hears it, they won't know how to arrange you, a Gold Core cultivator."

Wu Laozu suddenly felt less aggrieved, and even a little touched.

Clearly, his life was already in the hands of the Manager, yet he was still willing to make promises and consider his well-being.

He really treated him well.

"Thank you... Manager," Wu Laozu stood up and sat opposite Yu Xian.

"There is actually one more thing waiting for the Manager to handle."

"What is it?"

"It's about the Zhou family. They said they have a treasure to offer to the old man and want the protection of the Wu family."

"Oh, since you're interested in coming, it must be an extraordinary treasure."

Yu Xian didn't pay much attention to it.

It's not that he looks down on people.

What good things can there be in this poor and shabby place of Shangyang City's cultivation world? He has had in-depth exchanges with the true transmission of the main sect, so his perspective has already been broadened.

Wu Laozu unconsciously lowered his voice.

"It's a spiritual stone mine!"


Yu Xian unconsciously crushed the teacup in his hand, and his breathing became heavy.

"A spiritual stone mine?!"

Wu Laozu quickly explained, "It's just a small mine. According to the Zhou family, the annual output is only about five thousand spiritual stones, and that spiritual stone mine is in the Wan Yao Mountain Range, not easy to obtain."

Upon hearing that it was just a small mine, Yu Xian finally calmed down and calmly analyzed,

"So that's how it is. The spiritual stone mine belongs to the accompanying mine of the spiritual vein, and it can only be born with a third-grade or higher spiritual vein.

There is only the Wan Yao Mountain Range nearby that has this foundation.

The Zhou family must have put in a lot of effort to find such a spiritual stone mine in the Wan Yao Mountain Range. This is like a golden egg-laying chicken.

If they are willing to take it out, it's probably because they are in dire straits."

Wu Laozu nodded and said, "The Zhou family is said to have the inheritance of a geomancer who can search for veins, explore dragon caves, and determine the flow of energy.

If the Lord of the Manor is not interested, I will go and reply to them."

Yu Xian pondered for a moment and shook his head,

"Since the spiritual stone mine is in the Wan Yao Mountain Range, if they want to obtain it, it depends on the Zhou family's abilities. If they can mine the spiritual stone mine, it's fine for you to protect them.

I'm also interested in the inheritance of the geomancer. Let's add this condition as well."

The annual output of five thousand spiritual stones may seem small, but it is sustainable.

In a hundred years, it would be five hundred thousand, and a Gold Core True Immortal can live for five hundred years, which is two million five hundred thousand.

Since Wu Laozu brought it up, he must be very interested.

Although he doesn't think highly of it, it won't hinder his subordinates from getting rich.

After a detailed conversation with Wu Laozu, Yu Xian quietly left the Wu Mansion.

As for Yulan, she had already taken the Lord of the Manor's order and returned to the Taxation Department to mobilize troops and coordinate with the Law Enforcement Department's cultivators.


Yu Xian, who was walking on the road, felt a movement in his heart and touched his waist, pulling out a piece of jade talisman.

"Why is my divine sense jade talisman responding?"

He followed the induction and looked over.

He saw a pure and beautiful girl waiting with her head held high in front of the gate of the Wu Mansion, occasionally looking towards the gate, accompanied by a male cultivator.


(End of this chapter)

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