Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

197. Chapter 196 Fourth Grade Gold Core Supernatural Sword Light Differentiation!

Chapter 196: Fourth Rank Gold Core Technique - Sword Light Differentiation!

"Manager Yu, I have heard of your name for a long time. Have you ever thought that our first meeting would be like this? It must not feel good to be treated as a discarded pawn by Master Yu, right?" Lin Zhanlong stood in front of Yu Xian, unable to hide a hint of pride on his face.

There was a time when he, as the ancestral figure in the hearts of the Lin family, the Divine Needle of Dinghai, could only watch as the Lin family was suppressed and forced to retreat step by step.

No one knew the anger and sorrow in his heart.

If not for this, why would he risk going out at his old age and seek a breakthrough?

Fortunately, his luck was not bad. He encountered the greatest benefactor in his life, who not only gave him the opportunity to break through to the Gold Core realm, but also recommended him to join the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, becoming a wanderer in the Four Directions.

Once he established the Lin family as the true first-class family in Shangyang City, he would embark on a new chapter in his life.

Yu Xian sighed slightly and asked again, "Lin Zhenren, do you think I still have a chance?"

Lin Zhanlong sneered coldly, "Since you are not the main culprit, I will give you a chance to take your own life."

"In that case, there's nothing to talk about."

Yu Xian looked at Lin Zhanlong with pity and said, "I gave you a chance."


Lin Zhanlong furrowed his brows slightly, thinking that Yu Xian had gone mad due to some stimulation.

Just then, wisps of clouds and mist dissipated in the void. Within a few breaths, the sky was covered by clouds and mist. Looking up, the mist was dense in the world, and a heavy pressure emerged.

Figures appeared in the mist, accompanied by faint sounds of peaks.

"Playing tricks!"

Lin Zhanlong pointed his sword with his hand, and a sword qi was unleashed, directly attacking a hundred zhang away.

As a Gold Core sword cultivator who had the opportunity to cultivate high-level sword techniques, his casual sword strike was almost equivalent to a full-force attack from a Foundation Building cultivator at the peak stage.

However, when the sword qi entered the clouds and mist, it disappeared from his perception in an instant, as if a mud ox had entered the sea.

"Lin Zhenren, weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is."

"Who gave you the confidence to boldly step into my territory without any scruples?"

Yu Xian's voice seemed to exist throughout the entire space.

"This formation is called Mist Prison, a prison prepared for you."

As soon as his voice fell, endless mist rolled in, turning into chains of mist that drilled out like venomous snakes, attacking Lin Zhanlong.

The Mist Prison formation at this moment used the second-grade superior spiritual veins of Shangyang Mountain as its energy source, supplemented by spiritual stones, greatly reducing the consumption of spiritual stones. Therefore, even though it trapped a Gold Core cultivator, the consumption was even less compared to the time at Baoyuan Mountain.

"Very well!"

At this moment, Lin Zhanlong finally understood that Master Yu had long prepared a trap for him, deceiving him that night.

But he was not unprepared either.

He activated his Gold Core, and immediately his body was filled with sword qi, forming a pale golden sword shield.

As the misty chains approached, they melted away without a trace, as if oil had entered a hot pan.

Upon closer inspection, the sword shield was actually composed of countless tiny strands of sword qi. Once the misty chains approached, they would be shredded by the sword qi.

"Wu Dao-you, Wan Dao-you, why are you still not making a move?" Lin Zhanlong invited Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou to come over, not just to show off in front of them, but also to use their power to balance against Yu Zhenren.

Although he was confident in his ability to fight against Yu Zhenren, this was ultimately the other party's home ground. Just in case, he called on the two of them to accompany him.

As cultivators from the Shangyang City family, they understood the principle of mutual dependence. If he were to lose, the power of speech in Shangyang City would forever be in the hands of outsiders.

The two of them, as false Dan-stage cultivators, were no match for a true Gold Core cultivator. The best way for them to benefit was to slightly intervene, creating a balance between him and Yu Zhenren.

Just like the struggle between the Jiang and Lin families, these lower-ranked families were just opportunists.

So as long as the two of them still had their wits about them, they would not do anything to help outsiders.

However, reality is never like a script.

His call received no response.

Behind the continuous mist.

Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou stood awkwardly behind Yu Xian, hearing Lin Zhanlong's call, they quickly expressed their loyalty, saying, "Master, this damn Lin is trying to sow discord between us. I am loyal to you!"

"Of course, I know your loyalty and won't be swayed by such small provocations."

Yu Xian focused on two things at once, carefully sensing the effect of the Mist Prison Formation on Gold Core cultivators.

After all, it was only a second-grade high-quality formation, even with his continuous improvements, approaching a quasi-third-grade formation, but facing a true Gold Core cultivator, it was still somewhat lacking.

In less than a moment.

Lin Zhanlong was about to tear apart the entire formation.


Brilliant sword light illuminated the sky, and the sound of breaking through the air echoed throughout the formation space. Yu Xian saw a crack appear on the formation plate that served as the core of the formation.

His eyes twitched.

The price of refining a formation plate was not cheap.

"Attack together, cooperate with the formation, and capture him alive!"

Yu Xian quickly formed two channels in the rolling mist.

Wu Laozu and Wan Tianchou exchanged a glance, both seeing a touch of bitterness on each other's faces. They had briefly fought against Lin Zhanlong and knew how formidable he was.

Fortunately, they believed they still had the ability to save their lives.

So they gritted their teeth and each summoned their spiritual weapons, diving into the misty passage.

Boom boom!!

Explosions quickly resounded in the distance.

The two of them had already engaged in battle with Lin Zhanlong.

"You're crazy!"

When Lin Zhanlong saw that the person who attacked him was actually his supposed ally, his mind was momentarily thrown into chaos.

"We are the ones who should be on the same side. Master Yu will eventually leave, but our family will always remain in Shangyang City."

"We're not crazy, you are, Lin Daoist. You shouldn't have come back."

The spiritual weapon in Patriarch Wu's hand was a peach wood staff.

At this moment, under the activation of his Gold Core's magical power, it transformed into a lush and vibrant green vine dragon, full of vitality, biting towards Lin Zhanlong.

On the other hand, Wan Tianchou controlled a wrist-style spiritual weapon. With the activation of his magical power, he summoned a group of iron-backed blue wolves, which turned out to be the ancestral spiritual weapon of the Wan family, the Wolf-Binding Ring.

The power of the Wolf-Binding Ring depends on the strength of the demon souls refined within it.

And the main spirit beast of the Wan family is the iron-backed blue wolf. Although this spirit beast's bloodline is not advanced, it grows rapidly and is passed down from generation to generation.

The Wan family actively collects the souls of demons that died in battle or are old and weak to refine the Wolf-Binding Ring.

After two hundred years of refinement, the power of the Wolf-Binding Ring has reached its limit. When the group of wolf demon spirits is released, it is almost equivalent to the strength of a cultivator in the later stage of Foundation Building.

Now, with the refinement of Wan Tianchou's Gold Core's magical power, the power of the Wolf-Binding Ring has further increased, reaching the strength of the old ape king during the Savage Ape Mountain incident.

But facing Lin Zhanlong, this level of power is far from enough.

"The old man will first kill you two traitors who betrayed the camp!"

Lin Zhanlong was wary of Master Yu, after all, he had the backing of the Xuan Yang Sect. He didn't judge people by their appearance but by their strength.

Even if he could defeat him, he couldn't kill him.

But these two true Dan stage cultivators, who were born locally and had no backing, he was not afraid of at all.


Lin Zhanlong's flying sword unsheathed from behind, dancing in the air, transforming into a golden dragon with teeth and claws, emitting a surging sword aura from the mouth of the golden dragon.

His Zhanlong Sword was refined from the spine of a third-order dragon, naturally possessing the aura of a dragon, and had its own dragon transformation technique. Moreover, it was in tune with his mind, making his swordsmanship spiritual.

The green vine dragon controlled by Patriarch Wu couldn't dodge in time and was blown by the storm of sword aura, riddled with holes. Then, a golden figure shot out, it was the golden dragon.

It bit down on the neck of the green vine dragon.


The peach wood staff broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"My Green Vine Staff!"

Patriarch Wu's mind was distracted, and he also suffered minor injuries, with a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.

The iron-backed blue wolf demon spirits on the other side were even more miserable. They were blown away by the sword light without any resistance, turning into specks of light and dissipating.

Wan Tianchou's face changed, his hands formed a seal, and his whole body landed on all fours. A wolf tail grew out from his coccyx.

Then, dense wolf hair grew on his face, and his entire body quickly grew larger, directly tearing through his clothes, transforming into a Ironback Azure Wolf King that was seven or eight zhang long and six or seven meters tall.


The Ironback Azure Wolf King leaped up and engaged in close combat with the Golden Dragon.

"The Beast Transformation Technique, just a trivial skill!"

Lin Zhanlong knew that some beast-taming cultivators would willingly refine the blood essence of demonic beasts into their bodies, using secret techniques to transform into demonic beasts and instantly gain a powerful physique comparable to a body-refining cultivator.

However, this method was easily influenced by the bloodline of the demonic beast, confusing the identity of the human and the demonic beast. It had long been abandoned by orthodox beast-taming masters, and only some inheritors with no proper lineage would continue to use it.

"Sword Qi, split!"

Scales suddenly spread open on the Golden Dragon's body, then elongated and sharpened, as if countless longswords had grown on its body.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!!!

Golden sword qi shot out from the Golden Dragon's body, and in terms of appearance, it was exactly the same as the Zhanlong Sword.

There were a total of 108 sword qi.

Each sword qi possessed thirty percent of the power of the Zhanlong Sword.

This was the terrifying secret technique of sword cultivators!

The Golden Dragon itself transformed into a hundred-meter-long giant sword, as if a mountain was collapsing, smashing down towards Wan Tianchou, who had transformed into the Ironback Azure Dragon King.

After Wan Tianchou transformed, he struggled between his human and demonic blood, easily falling into a state of madness. At this moment, he did not dodge or avoid, but instead charged towards the giant sword with his head.


The Ironback Azure Wolf King let out a painful cry as it was sent flying, crashing heavily onto the ground. There was a deep sword mark on its head, with its flesh and skin torn open, revealing its skull and blood flowing incessantly.

Its body was pierced by the 108 sword qi, leaving behind numerous large holes. Countless sword qi wreaked havoc inside its body, causing it to struggle to breathe.

Then, the body of the Ironback Azure Wolf King slowly shrank and returned to its human form, but it was covered in sword marks and blood holes.

Plop! Plop!

Wan Tianchou covered his body full of holes, blood mixed with fragments of internal organs, spraying out as if it were free.

With just one move, life and death were determined.

The mist behind him churned, revealing an opening, and Wan Tianchou quickly dodged and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Zhanlong wanted to chase after him, but saw chains of mist attacking, blocking his path.

He shattered the chains of mist with a palm strike, and his cold gaze fell on the trembling Wu Laozu.

"You, you?!"

Wu Laozu couldn't believe it and said, "That day, was it not your true strength?"

Lin Zhanlong sneered, "You fake Foundation Establishment cultivators, how could you know the true strength of us true Gold Core cultivators? I will kill you like slaughtering pigs and dogs!"

"It's just the arrogance of a Gold Core cultivator."

Yu Xian emerged from the depths of the mist, smiling as he looked at Lin Zhanlong.

"Fourth-grade Gold Core technique - Sword Light Differentiation. No wonder Lin Daoist friend is so confident. So this is the reason behind his confidence."

"Even within the main sect, there are not many cultivators who can practice fourth-grade techniques."

"But to inscribe a fourth-grade Gold Core technique, the resources required are not a small amount. Even if the entire Lin family is sold, it would not be enough to gather half of it."

"It seems that Lin Daoist friend has gained a lot from this trip."

"Of course, it is not a small amount. He exchanged it with a price almost equivalent to selling himself as a slave in order to obtain the resources needed for the Gold Core technique. That's why he is able to be so proud this time."

"Of course, not everyone can become a dog for a big shot. Many people want to but can't."

Lin Zhanlong narrowed his eyes. Yu Xian, who was originally unremarkable in his eyes, now seemed to have a hint of inexplicable danger.

"You dare to appear in front of me? Where is Yu Zhenren? Why hasn't he shown up yet? He protects you so much, why don't you dare to show up and meet me?"

Yu Xian calmly took out the Soul Banner from his waist, gently shook it, and the banner opened up, turning into a Soul-summoning Banner.

"Wasn't I always standing in front of you?"

Lin Zhanlong's mind suddenly shook, finally realizing.

"Good, Manager Yu! Good, Yu Zhenren! So Manager Yu is Yu Zhenren! No wonder I had such a hard time handing you over."

"No wonder Yu Zhenren never shows up. So you have been by our side all along!"

"The question has been answered. Now, Lin Daoist friend, please go to your death."

The Soul Banner floated out, turning into a sea of blood. Countless demonic souls floated out from the banner, turning the sea of blood into a sea of souls.

However, most of them were weak demonic bees, giving off a taste of a beggar legion.

Only a middle-aged man with graying temples looked at Lin Zhanlong with pity.

Why did he provoke Yu Xian when everything was fine?

"Although Lin Daoist friend is strong, he lacks a precious sword. Without a treasure-level flying sword, how much of his strength can Lin Daoist friend exert?"

"Defeating you is enough!"

At this point, Lin Zhanlong still cared about the reputation of Xuan Yang Sect and didn't want to harm Yu Xian's life.

However, Yu Xian only wanted his life.


The sword light collided with the surging tide of souls.

Lin Zhanlong felt as if he was sinking into a quagmire. The invincible Zhanlong Sword became difficult to wield, and he felt his vitality being gradually drained, becoming weaker.

He couldn't continue like this!

Lin Zhanlong's gaze became clear, knowing that he had no more chances today and had already considered retreating.

He pinched his fingers again, and the Zhanlong Sword, which was currently killing the demonic souls, exuded a powerful aura, transforming into a golden dragon and hundreds of sword lights.

Sword Light Differentiation!


He wanted to completely break the formation with this move.

"Excellent timing!"

As the main soul of the Soul Banner, Wan Shou Zhenren had to take on the responsibility of the main force at this moment.

I saw the blood sea rolling, countless demonic bee souls squeezed together, and a huge demonic bee beast soul stood in front of Lin Zhanlong, emitting the aura of a Demon King.

This is the terrifying aspect of the Wan Shou Soul Banner.

Even if it's just a group of weak demonic bees, with enough numbers, they can forcibly create Demon King-level demonic souls.


The sword light was divided and swallowed by the giant demonic bees, and it also exploded with a loud noise.

But soon, the demonic souls gathered again and transformed into giant demonic bees at the Demon King level.

This is the second terrifying aspect of the Wan Shou Soul Banner.

As long as there is still vitality in the Soul Banner, the dispersed demonic souls can be endlessly reborn.

"I want to see how many times you can be reborn!"

Lin Zhanlong's expression changed, the Dragon-Slaying Sword flew back, transforming into a golden dragon, and directly drilled into his body.

The fusion of man and sword, Sword Escape!

He wasn't stupid. If he couldn't win, he couldn't keep entangling like this.

Continuing like this would only deplete his mana and lose his ability to resist.

Although the Gold Core divine ability doesn't consume much mana, that only applies to the first time it is used. The mana consumed in subsequent uses can almost drain half of the dantian.

Only after a certain period of time, when the dantian's mana is replenished, will the Gold Core divine ability automatically recharge.

If there were no restrictions on the use of the Gold Core divine ability, even a Nascent Soul True Immortal would have to be careful.

A straight golden light shot straight into the sky, even the mist lock of the Mist Prison Formation couldn't stop it.

Just as it was about to break free from the formation's restriction, the sky suddenly changed color.

It was a dark red blood curtain, rippling like water waves, with countless beast soul patterns flickering.

It turned out that from beginning to end, Lin Zhanlong had been in the domain of the Wan Shou Soul Banner.

This is the final terrifying aspect of a top-grade treasure - Domain!

Just as a Gold Core True Immortal has divine abilities, a Nascent Soul True Immortal also has their own domain, which is a semi-illusory and semi-real domain space, similar to a semi-plane, and is the Nascent Soul True Immortal's exposition of law and principles.

When a Gold Core True Immortal falls into it, their strength will be greatly weakened.

The so-called top sect secret realm space, apart from a few naturally formed secret realms, most of them are formed after the sitting of a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

And a top-grade treasure already has a similar effect to a domain, but it is relatively crude and not worth mentioning in the eyes of a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

But in front of a Gold Core True Immortal, it is an insurmountable barrier.

The sword light fell into the blood sea, transforming into a human form, revealing Lin Zhanlong's slightly pale face.

At this moment, he had consumed most of his mana, was blocked by the blood curtain, and was surrounded by demonic souls. His mana and vitality were gradually weakening.

After all, he was just a recently breakthrough Gold Core True Immortal. Even though he controlled a fourth-grade divine ability, facing a wheel battle with multiple Gold Core-level powers and a top-grade treasure like the Wan Shou Soul Banner, how many rounds could he hold on for?

Two hours later.

Finally, Lin Zhanlong, whose last bit of mana had been exhausted by endless evil spirits, fell powerless and was directly sealed off from his dantian, cutting off his possibility of absorbing spiritual energy to restore his mana.

The blood sea dissipated, and the mist disappeared.

In front of the real person's palace, half of the mountain was in ruins due to the battle, with countless large and small craters, as if it had just been bombarded by a meteor shower.

"Lin Dao friend, I haven't exerted much effort, why did you fall?" Yu Xian looked down from a high place, as if stating a simple fact.

He still had three third-stage blood puppets and the reinforcements of two great demon kings that he hadn't used yet.

Lin Zhanlong said with a cold face, "Lin is willing to admit defeat. Since you have won, you will continue to be in charge of Shangyang City. Lin will leave with the Lin family soon."

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "Lin Dao friend, I don't have the habit of letting the tiger return to the mountain. Since you have made a move against me, you must bear the consequences."

Lin Zhanlong's pupils suddenly contracted, unable to believe it, and said, "You dare to kill me?"

Yu Xian smiled faintly and said, "Why wouldn't I dare? Although the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is strong, it is not your talisman. Otherwise, why would it still do business? It would directly unify all domains."

"But since Lin Dao friend is now a businessman, how about doing business with me? I wonder how much the lives of the entire Lin family are worth to you?"

"You dare?!" Lin Zhanlong growled, his momentum surging.

But without mana, even though his physical body was as strong as a second-stage body cultivator, he couldn't break free from the current restraints.

"Judging from Lin Dao friend's meaning, I still need to kill a few members of the Lin family to prove whether I dare or not." Yu Xian sighed and asked, "I wonder which members of the Lin family Lin Dao friend thinks are worthy of dying in front of you?"

Lin Zhanlong gritted his teeth and said, "I am a wanderer of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. I came back to Shangyang City this time with a mission. If I die here, it will definitely be investigated by my superiors. As the person in charge here, you won't be able to escape! Xunyang Sect won't be able to protect you either!"

"What mission?" Yu Xian became more interested in the mission.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Zhanlong said, "This matter is confidential. I have already made a solemn vow not to reveal it."

"Forget it, I don't really want to know either. Let's talk about the issue just now. Does Lin Dao friend want to save the lives of your entire family?" Yu Xian refused.

However, he thought to himself that he could always search Lin Zhanlong's soul afterwards. Even though they were both at the Gold Core stage, the effect of soul searching might not be satisfactory, but he would still obtain some information.

Lin Zhanlong said in pain, "Even if you want to kill me, as a defeated subordinate, I have nothing to say. But why involve my family?"

Yu Xian said, "It's the principle of uprooting the grass. Lin Dao friend should understand better than me, after all, I am still young and inexperienced compared to you."

Lin Zhanlong struggled with his expression and finally said, "Huangsha Venerable, it's about the inheritance of Huangsha Venerable's cave! Is it enough to exchange for the lives of me and my entire family?"

Yu Xian quickly stopped him: "Stop, I don't want to know! I'll pretend I didn't hear anything, I just want your life."

The so-called "Elder" is an honorific title for Nascent Soul cultivators.

The caves and legacies of such figures are enough to attract the covetousness of Nascent Soul True Immortals. If he dares to get involved, he's seeking death.

He won't even have time to run.

He's missing a Nascent Soul legacy, he's cheating.

Seeing that Yu Xian is unmoved, Lin Zhanlong smiles bitterly: "I now regret provoking the Lord Manager. You're like a venomous snake, anyone who gets involved with you will be poisoned to death."

Yu Xian shrugged and said, "Coincidentally, my women all say I'm a giant python."

Lin Zhanlong clearly doesn't understand the subtleties, it's like talking to a wall.

Yu Xian is quite bored and says, "Lin Daoist friend, if you want to save the lives of your clan members, it's simple. Use a secret technique to condense your Gold Core legacy, and I want your Gold Core!"

A Gold Core legacy can only be separated voluntarily.

Of course, being voluntary is also voluntary.

Some demonic secret techniques can forcibly extract it, but a Gold Core obtained in this way is filled with resentment and can only be used to refine demonic treasures.

He wants to refine the Five Elements Pill, so purity is preferred.

Lin Zhanlong shakes his head and says, "I won't use such secret techniques."

Yu Xian smiles and says, "Lin Daoist friend, rest assured, I've prepared everything."

Although he doesn't have it himself, Wu Laozu has it. The first Five Elements Pill he refined was from the Gold Core legacy of a Gold Core cultivator.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Wu family, how could they have a Gold Core as the main material?

And the True Beast cultivator also has a similar legacy, after all, they come from a prestigious background.

Lin Zhanlong says miserably, "Lord Manager Yu wants to use my Gold Core to refine an unorthodox Gold Core. It's a good plan, but how can I trust that Lord Manager won't turn against my Lin family after obtaining the Gold Core?"

Yu Xian calmly says, "You can only choose to trust me."

Lin Zhanlong's momentum weakens, and he nods sadly.

Everyone has a weakness, and once you seize that weakness, even if you want their life, they will willingly give it.

Zhao Laozu was like this back then, and Lin Laozu is the same today.

Their weakness is their family.

Yu Xian coldly watches Lin Zhanlong's desolate appearance and reminds himself of the same.


Special Reporter: Yu Xian, Yu Xian, what do you have to say about your new title as the nemesis of the old ancestors?

Yu Xian: Slander, you're slandering me!!!

Special Reporter (counting on fingers): Jiang Laozu's bones were refined into a blood puppet by you, Zhao Laozu died without a trace under your hands, Wu Laozu and the previous generations of the Wan family have become your servants, and Lin Laozu is about to offer up his Gold Core to you...

Of the top eight families in Shangyang City, five ancestral ancestors have fallen at your hands. Can't that prove it?

Yu Xian (defiantly with hands on hips): Hmph, I have nothing to say!

(End of this chapter)

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