Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

205. Chapter 204 Dao Immortal Body

Chapter 204: Great Dao Immortal Body

As Yu Xian's half personal grandfather, Wan Shou Zhenren knew that he couldn't hide it for long, and he didn't plan to hide it from him for too long.

But he didn't expect that Wan Shou Zhenren would bring it up on his own, and he was even willing to pay the price of a third-grade demonic pill.

A third-grade demonic pill represented the life of a demonic king, and it also represented half of a Five Elements Yuan Pill. Its importance to him was self-evident.

Previously, he had promised to help Wan Shou Zhenren seek revenge and had received a demonic pill and two demonic soul tokens as a deposit.

Wan Shou Zhenren's urgency made Yu Xian realize that his absorption of Heavenly Dao spiritual energy seemed to have more serious consequences than he had imagined.

Thoughts raced through his mind, but his expression remained unchanged as he casually said, "Since Yang Daoist friend asked, I have nothing to hide. I can indeed gain some benefits from other people's Heavenly Dao spiritual energy."

He still had to absorb a lot of people's Heavenly Dao spiritual energy, and he couldn't use the excuse of novelty every time.

Moreover, Wan Shou Zhenren had completely attached himself to him, with his life and death in his hands, and the great revenge and Soul Banner as shackles to keep him in check.

He wasn't worried about him leaking any information.

And he believed that besides the existence of the Golden Finger, none of the other secrets were worth mentioning.

There were many strange and unusual physiques in this world, and in his opinion, absorbing Heavenly Dao spiritual energy was nothing special.

"What benefits?!"

Upon hearing Yu Xian's admission, Wan Shou Zhenren's soul fluctuated with excitement, as if the signal transmission was poor and could dissipate at any moment.

"Yang Daoist friend, please calm down. If you faint like this, who will I ask for the reward you promised me?"

Yu Xian smiled and spread his hands, saying, "I have already answered your question, and the reward is one demonic pill."

Wan Shou Zhenren's face turned serious, and he spoke with a seriousness that he had never had before, "Yu Xian, I am not joking with you. This matter is important to both of us, and even concerns your life."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the Soul Banner on the table trembled and opened a vortex-like hole. A fiery red demonic pill flew out of the hole and landed in front of Yu Xian.

"I can give you the demonic pill now, but I hope you can be more honest with me in the future."

Yu Xian caught the demonic pill with his hand and put it away in his bag.

No matter how much Wan Shou Zhenren exaggerated, the benefits he obtained were his own.

"Since Daoist friend is so straightforward, alright, let's consider it making friends."

"There aren't many benefits, actually. It just feels like my cultivation has improved a bit, my comprehension has increased, and I can understand things that I couldn't understand before."

"Besides this time, how many times have you absorbed it?"

Wan Shou Zhenren asked eagerly.

Yu Xian frowned and answered, "Twice. Is there any hidden danger in this?"

"No! Haha, there are no hidden dangers!"

Wan Shou Zhenren looked at Yu Xian as if he was looking at a rare treasure, and his excitement couldn't be concealed anymore.

"Great Dao Immortal Body! Great Dao Immortal Body!"

"Yu Xian, you have the foundation to become an immortal, and my great revenge has hope! It has hope!"

Wan Shou Zhenren seemed crazy, but fortunately, this place was already concealed by Yu Xian's formation, otherwise, this commotion would have attracted the attention of others.

However, Yu Xian knew that he was just an ordinary person with poor aptitude, relying on cheats all the way, so he remained extremely calm.

"It is well known that people cannot be generalized, and everyone has different physiques. Even if I have an immortal body, it is not surprising."

Furthermore, whether someone possesses a celestial body or not cannot be determined solely by your words."

Yu Xian picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

"The tea has gone cold. In important matters, one must remain calm. Yang, you are too agitated."

In the cultivation world, cultivation aptitude is divided into five levels - Mortal, Spirit, Profound, Dao, and Immortal.

This was knowledge that Chen Yi had explained to him. Among the people in the world, 99% of them belonged to the Mortal level. Those who could reach the Spirit level had the potential to break through to the Gold Core stage.

Moving up, the Profound level corresponded to the Nascent Soul stage, the Dao level corresponded to the Divine Transformation stage, and the Immortal level naturally surpassed this realm.

Chen Yi, as talented as he was, was only at the Dao level.

As for the Immortal level, it was a legendary physique. Once it appeared, it was destined to lead an era as an extraordinary figure.

So when Yu Xian heard the Beast Tamer say that he possessed a Great Dao Immortal body, he didn't even consider the idea of pretending to be one.

Pretending to be a Spirit or Profound body was fine, as he had fooled Chen Yi like that before.

If he made too big of a fuss, it would be easy to expose himself.

Seeing Yu Xian so calm, the Beast Tamer's excitement gradually subsided, and he began to doubt himself.

"A Great Dao Immortal body is naturally in harmony with the Dao, favored by the heavens. It is bestowed with innate knowledge of the Dao, astonishing comprehension, and can gain enlightenment in any situation. It is a legendary physique.

Although your cultivation is considered excellent among your peers, compared to the legendary Immortal body, you are indeed far behind.

Moreover, the legendary Great Dao Immortal body can observe and comprehend the aura of the heavens, which others cannot easily access. Every time, he can sense the aura of the heavens and become closer to the Great Dao.

On the other hand, you have to absorb the aura of the heavens from others to gain some benefits, which is indeed quite different."

The Beast Tamer sighed and said, "When a legendary Immortal body appears, it is a grand event for a clan and will affect the destiny of the human race. Regardless of whether they are from the demonic or immortal path, the big shots will all make a move to seize it. How could it be so coincidental that I encountered it?"

Soon, the Beast Tamer overturned his previous conclusion.

"But it is true that you can repeatedly absorb the aura of the heavens. At least, there is some connection with the legendary Great Dao Immortal body, and your potential should not be underestimated."

Yu Xian rolled his eyes and said, "Alright, you've said enough. Regardless of the physique, can someone become an immortal just by lying down? Well... maybe they can. In any case, whether I have a special physique or not, it won't change the path I will take in the future.

On the contrary, you are now so worried and unstable in your soul. I'm really afraid that you will pass away too early. It's better for you to hand over your inheritance to me for safekeeping, so as not to waste it later."

The calm Beast Tamer smiled faintly and said, "No need to worry, my friend. I can still hold on for a few more decades. But you still need to be careful about this matter.

Once the news of your ability to absorb the aura of the heavens spreads, if I can have such a speculation, then others may have the same idea.

Regarding the news of the Immortal body, even if it's just a glimmer of hope, countless big shots will cast their eyes on you.

By then, your idea of developing quietly will be in vain, and it may even attract calamity.

After all, there is a method of seizing bodies in this world. Even some old immortals who are nearing their end will go crazy for a little hope."

"That is indeed a problem."

Yu Xian rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"I was thinking too simply before. Next time, I'll have to come up with a better excuse for cover."


"Or maybe alchemy? Yes, alchemy. The Dao of alchemy incorporates all things in the world into medicine. Since the aura of the heavens is something that exists in the world, it is naturally a great medicine.

If I use it to refine pills, even if others find out, they will only say that I am wasting precious resources and acting foolishly. They won't think that I can absorb the aura of the heavens."

As for how to refine pills, you can only compromise with yourself.

When the time comes, get a bigger pill furnace, stuff yourself in it, and perform alchemy on the spot. With the Deception Technique and the isolation provided by the pill furnace, no one except the alchemist himself will be able to detect his presence.

As for this alchemist, naturally, it is a matter that does not bother the main character. It is entrusted to the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts to play the role.

When he absorbs the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Dao in the pill furnace, the alchemy process will end.

In fact, the solution to this problem is so simple.

Unfortunately, he had never thought about it before. It was not until the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts reminded him of the hidden dangers in this matter that he revealed his Voldemort-like nature.

In the end, it was because he had been the tyrant for too long and had become accustomed to being the only one. Although he repeatedly reminded himself to keep a low profile after coming to the Xuan Yang Realm, he could no longer bear to compromise himself.

Yu Xian reflected inwardly, and the restlessness that had been lingering in his heart gradually subsided.

The heart is like a clear mirror, it needs to be polished diligently in order to remain free from dust.

Suddenly, he understood why some kings in history would do things that seemed ridiculous to ordinary people.

Being the only one for too long, and no one daring to advise, one would naturally fall into a mental trap, thinking that they knew everything about the world.

Fortunately, he was always easily frightened. As long as someone threatened his life, he would immediately reflect on his shortcomings and make corrections.

Of course, these corrections were usually temporary, and he would dare to do it again next time.

Yu Xian looked at the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts and his gaze suddenly became much kinder.

As the saying goes, having an old person in the family is like having a treasure. With an old grandfather like the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts by his side to remind him at any time, he could actually eliminate many dangers.

In this case, he really had to seriously consider the grudge of the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts.

He has always hated owing favors to others.

Except for women, that is not a favor, but a sentiment.

So Yu Xian knocked on the table and said, "My matters have temporarily come to an end. Yang Daoist friend, let's talk about your matters. You have seen and know much more than me. Your knowledge is something I can't compare to.

But you seem to know too much.

The inheritance of various constitutions has always been monopolized by many major sects, and only some common spiritual bodies are spread among the people.

Yet you seem to have knowledge even about the legendary Immortal Body of the Great Dao.

So I am very skeptical that a small Gold Core family like yours can cultivate outstanding successors like you.

If you don't tell me the truth, it will be difficult for me to avenge you."

The True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Indeed, the Yang family I come from is indeed a Gold Core family, but our ancestors were passed down by a Nascent Soul True Immortal, and even established a peak inheritance in the Xuan Yang Sect.

But that was a long time ago."

But seeing Yu Xian's expression of 'you're making it up again', the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts had to continue, "Actually, I am qualified to inherit the inheritance passed down by our ancestors.

It's just that there were no talented individuals in the past, until I appeared and coincided with the competition for the peak inheritance, which attracted the attention of the sect.

I suspect that our Yang family had trouble in the past because of the competition for the inheritance of the peak.

Now the new peak master is already a Nascent Soul True Immortal.

I don't expect you to help me seek justice from him, but that woman who deceived my feelings and brought injustice to my Yang family must pay the price!"

When mentioning that woman, the True Man of Ten Thousand Beasts' emotions on his face were quite complicated.

Only then did Yu Xian smile.

"Yang Daoist friend, don't hide such important information from me next time. When it involves a Nascent Soul True Immortal, and a powerful figure in the Xuan Yang Sect, just tell me if you want to kill me.

Fortunately, you have come to your senses and told me the truth, so even if you are a Nascent Soul True Immortal, I will clarify things for you when the time comes.

The Beast Tamer sighed bitterly, "Is this your promise?"

He originally wanted to lead Yu Xian over and then take advantage of the situation to involve him, but by the time he realized it, it was too late.

After all, he was already a dead man, even if Yu Xian were to scatter his soul afterwards, it wouldn't matter.

He couldn't handle it in this lifetime, let alone worry about the next lifetime.

But he was not Yu Xian, he couldn't do such a thing, and he also realized that he probably couldn't trick Yu Xian.

With Yu Xian's personality, without investigating thoroughly, he probably wouldn't go over.

His possessions were quite attractive to the current Yu Xian.

But in a few decades, at Yu Xian's rate of development, he probably wouldn't be interested anymore.

Fortunately, he had done his best for Yu Xian over the years, speaking honestly and sincerely.

Anyway, he had done everything he could, whether Yu Xian was willing to help him or not, it depended on his conscience.

Looking at it now, the result was not bad.

At least Yu Xian was still willing to appease him.

Yu Xian, however, didn't understand the situation and said, "My promises are only for women, Yang Daoist, don't think too much."

The Beast Tamer shook his head, turning into a wisp of smoke and entering the Soul Banner.

Yu Xian didn't mind, but instead picked up the teacup, took another sip leisurely, and tasted some pastries on the table before deactivating the formation as usual and opening the window of the private room.

Downstairs, a storyteller was telling the story of Li Jia True Immortal.

It must be said that teahouses were an important medium for gossip dissemination.

It had only been a few hours since the incident between Li Liangyu and the cultivators, and various versions of the story had already emerged.

For example, the storyteller downstairs was telling the story of how Li Liangyu left home more than three years ago, the adventures he had, and how many beautiful women he encountered.

And there were inevitably various colorful anecdotes mixed in.

Everyone enjoyed this kind of story, and when it reached this part, the storyteller would stop and have a cup of tea to moisten his throat.

The other tea guests were also considerate, quickly calling for the waiter to serve tea, and it had to be good tea.

So the storyteller smiled modestly and continued to tell the story of Li True Immortal's romantic encounters.

The manner in which he spoke made it seem as if he had been there watching Li Liangyu practice, even participating in guiding his posture.

In this day and age, words didn't offend people, and how could someone like Gold Core True Immortal bother with these small characters?

Of course, it was fine to fabricate stories about newly promoted cultivators.

But in general, they had to be portrayed in a positive light, otherwise, if they angered a true immortal, a massacre was inevitable.

Being a storyteller was also a high-risk profession.

Although they knew it was all made up, Yu Xian still listened with relish and even gave generous tips several times, which excited the storyteller and made the story develop even more scandalously.

So in just three years, Li Liangyu not only managed to cultivate while also breaking through to the Gold Core stage from the Foundation Building stage, but he also had unspeakable encounters with forty-nine female cultivators.

In terms of time management skills, even Yu Xian felt inferior.


In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

I don't have any ideas, just a short chapter, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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