Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 24 The Divine Fire Lord Attacks

Chapter 24: The Attack of the Divine Fire Lord

Half a month had passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in the Tianzi No. 2 Building of the Fu Wang Mansion's Offering Courtyard.

Yu Xian sat cross-legged in the meditation room that had been transformed from a study. In front of him was a huge green jade stone.

His palm pressed against the jade, and his mana continuously surged out from within him. His spiritual consciousness transformed into an invisible large net that enveloped the jade.

Invisible flames were burning it.

The emerald green jade seemed to be breathing, its size expanding and shrinking, as if it had come to life.

"Now is the time!"

Suddenly, Yu Xian opened his eyes, bit his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the jade. The blood did not flow down with gravity, but extended inward like a spider web.

As if triggering some magical mechanism.

A layer of red and green light emerged on the surface of the jade, and then blood vessels automatically formed a mysterious seal character inside the jade.


In an instant, the jade seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and sun. Countless tiny pores appeared on the surface, and grayish-white impurities flowed out of the small holes.

After about a quarter of an hour.

The impurities had piled up into small sand dunes around it.

The originally three-foot-square jade had shrunk, leaving less than two feet. However, the color became more intense, and the texture resembled clear and transparent lake water.

Looking at the already formed embryo, Yu Xian let out a long breath and stopped today's forging.

Feeling the consumption of most of his mana, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It's a good thing that Yulan is helping me. Not only does it improve my cultivation, but it also restores my mana. Otherwise, just recovering my mana every day would cost me my life. And every three days, I have to spit out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately, I don't need to do that anymore once the embryo is formed. Otherwise, even the landlord's family wouldn't be able to withstand such torment. It's no wonder that this primitive blood forging method has been eliminated by mainstream cultivators. It's really too demanding. Perhaps only poor people like us are willing to use such outdated forging methods."

Thinking this, he picked up the wine gourd next to him and took a few big gulps.

Recently, he had asked Doctor Huang to increase the dosage of the Ten Complete Nourishing Wine and added some medicinal herbs to nourish his qi and blood.

But Doctor Huang also said that this was already the best medicinal herb available on the market, and the dosage could not be increased any further.

Otherwise, it would no longer be medicine but poison.

After resting for a while, Yu Xian got up and left.

Recently, due to the Great Robbery at the Baibao Tower, the atmosphere in the Wang Mansion had become tense.

After all, just a few months ago, there was an incident where Chen Xiao assassinated the Fu Wang, causing severe damage to the Wang Mansion.

The lessons of the past were right in front of them. Those thieves were powerful and reckless in their actions. Coincidentally, the Wang Mansion was particularly wealthy, so they might target the Wang Mansion for a big score.

Therefore, Yu Xian had to take time out every day to protect Fu Wang.

After all, he was still a member of the Wang Mansion's Offering Courtyard.

Of course, Fu Wang was also sensible. If you want to use people, you have to pay them. His monthly salary had been temporarily increased to three thousand taels of silver.

If he was willing to guard day and night, this price could be even higher, reaching ten thousand taels a month.

If it were before, he might have had to bow down for five dou of rice and earn ten thousand taels before saying anything.

But now, he had fifteen thousand taels worth of gold in his room. Being able to be a half-day bodyguard was still due to the pleasant relationship between him and the Wang Mansion after he joined.

But to be honest, he actually wanted to protect the Wang Consort more.


Fu Wang's study.

After entering the room, Yu Xian greeted Ding Le, who had been on duty all night.

"Ding, you've worked hard. Let me take over for the Prince."

As a senior elder of a major sect, Ding Le didn't have as much freedom as Yu Xian did. After joining the Wang Mansion, he had to work like a horse.

(Note: Some names and terms have been romanized based on their pronunciation in Mandarin Chinese.)

After all, he can leave at any time, and no one cares.

But if Ding Le dares to leave today without giving face to the Duke of Fu, tomorrow the army will dare to surround his Changle Sword Sect and force them to clean up their own mess.

This is the entanglement and involvement of family business.

A few days ago, Ding Le was scolded by the Duke of Fu because of the case of the Sun Family Medicine Shop.

When he took action, the main person in charge of the Sun Family Medicine Shop had already disappeared, leaving only a few scapegoats acting as a front.

Now Ding Le saw Yu Xian, and his face immediately turned black.

He had already found out that the Sun Family Medicine Shop was not originally his responsibility; it was this bastard in front of him who set him up.

In addition to being embarrassed by Yu Xian's palm strike before, he had no good expression on his face. He walked out of the study without even looking back.

"Tsk tsk, Ding Le still remembers the grudge, be more magnanimous, man."

Ding Le almost stumbled when he had not walked far.

Magnanimous? Magnanimous my ass!

He quickened his pace. If he couldn't afford it, he couldn't hide from it either.

Seeing that there was no fun anymore, Yu Xian nodded at the Duke of Fu, who was calmly watching the show behind the desk, and found a place to sit down on his own.

Not long after, a maid brought tea and pastries to serve him, with a posture even more leisurely than the Duke of Fu.

The Duke of Fu, who had been busy and stressed recently, felt quite unbalanced.

But when he thought that he had asked for this himself, he immediately remembered Ding Le's merits: hardworking, obedient, not fighting back or talking back.

This was his good subordinate.

Unfortunately, his strength was a bit lacking.

As usual.

Yu Xian ate the pastries carefully prepared by the Duke of Fu's personal chef, occasionally taking a sip of the top-grade tea brewed with spring water, which was said to be a tribute to the court, while slacking off in front of his employer.

Meanwhile, the Duke of Fu was working seriously, looking at the documents presented by his subordinates, his brows furrowed.

Unconsciously, nearly an hour had passed.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

A guard rushed to the front of the study in a hurry, but was stopped by the guards outside the door. Yu Xian put away his leisurely posture and stood in front of the Duke of Fu.

"My lord, something big is happening!"

"What's the matter?"

The Duke of Fu also walked out from behind the desk.

"Someone wants to kidnap the princess!"

The guard was panting heavily, running in a hurry, with black marks on his face and an indelible fear.

"That person can set fire and control divine fire, somewhat resembling... the legendary Divine Fire Lord. Ding Le has already gone, but we can hardly stop him."

"Yu Xian, please save the princess!"

The Duke of Fu was shocked and quickly looked at Yu Xian.

He had tolerated all of Yu Xian's slacking off just for this moment.

"My lord, please don't worry. It might be a strategy to lure the tiger out of the mountain."

Yu Xian analyzed the situation seriously. From the guard's description, he knew that the person who came was a cultivator, probably using fireball techniques.

But he didn't really want to meet a cultivator, and cursed inwardly that this person came at the wrong time.

His own magical weapon had not been fully refined yet. If it were a few days later, no matter what kind of powerful beings came, they would have to kneel down and call him father.


Concerned about his own safety, the Duke of Fu suddenly calmed down and thought that what Yu Xian said made sense.

"Yu Xian, you're right. But I have confidence in my own self-defense. You go and save the princess first."


Yu Xian reluctantly nodded. He didn't want to, but he wasn't afraid.

"Lead the way ahead. Let me see who dares to be so audacious!"

(End of this chapter)

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