Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

294. Chapter 291 Unexpected New Discoveries About The Jurisdiction

Chapter 291: A New Discovery in the Law Domain

Night fell.

The vast wilderness was filled with a strong smell of blood, but there was no trace of any remains.

Even just a piece of flesh.

It was as if a greedy beast had extended its thorny tongue and licked the entire land, leaving no residue behind.

The land was so clean that it made people anxious.

Yu Xian stood under the starry sky, satisfied as he looked at the cruel scene he had created with his own hands.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, I have discovered that you have the potential to be a great cleaner. You have cleaned everything so thoroughly that we will surely have a bountiful harvest here next year, without any outbreaks of plague. It is truly a great merit, well done, very well done."

"I have protected thousands of innocents for my own selfish reasons. The world is truly amazing."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts sighed.

His face was rosy, and he couldn't suppress his own momentum. There were constant waves rolling inside him.

Even though he had given most of the blood food to the Blood Puppets, the dozen or so squads of Dao Soldiers had harvested millions of Demonic Beasts, and there were tens of millions of wild beasts.

In the face of an absolute difference in strength, they couldn't even withstand a bit of the Dao Soldiers' momentum and would be crushed into meat patties.

Even though most of these Demonic Beasts were of low rank, the essence of blood and flesh gathered from their massive numbers was still not to be underestimated.

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts had only collected all of it into the Blood Sea Banner, and it would take some time to completely refine it.

Meanwhile, the Blood Puppet had devoured most of the essence of the blood food, and its aura was steadily rising, faintly showing signs of advancing to Rank Four Middle Grade.

It should be almost there when the remaining blood food in the Blood Sea Banner is digested.

However, Yu Xian spat and said with righteous indignation, "Nonsense! We clearly did this for the sake of the thousands of people behind us, using our own strength to resist the beast tide. It is an act of great love! This matter must be widely publicized, let the world know of the achievements of our Great Unity Sect."

The Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts: "..."

He looked at Yu Xian, who seemed so serious, as if it were the truth, and couldn't help but ask, "Are you really not ashamed?"

Yu Xian gave a light snort and said confidently, "If I can't even deceive myself, how can I deceive others?"

"Besides, people only care about the results. It doesn't matter why we did this as long as it benefits them. They will applaud. Saints only judge by appearances, what does it matter if we ordinary people have a little trick up our sleeves?"

If he didn't know the real reason, the Perfected Being of Ten Thousand Beasts would have almost been convinced.

After the beast tide passed, the Spirit Field would become barren, unable to provide a large amount of Spirit Rice as material for the Great Unity Sect, greatly reducing their profits from selling Spirit Rice Pills.

In addition, Yu Xian had shown his desire for many Demonic Kings' inner cores in the Demon Vein, but he was worried about being too high-profile and had been patient all along.

This beast tide had actually fulfilled his wishes.

But as Yu Xian said,

No matter what his intentions were, the result was good, so it was a fortunate event for everyone.

As for the loser...

Well, he should have run quite far by now.

"It's a pity that I don't have much time left. The number of Misty Shadow Dao Soldiers is too small. Otherwise, if I stretched the battle line to five thousand miles, not a single Demonic Beast would be able to leave the Golden Peng Demon Vein."

"After having a satisfying meal today, what's left is a delicate task. But with the support of the Dao Soldier Legion, these Demonic Beasts won't be able to last long."

"Imagine this scene: when all the cultivators in the city are surrounded by Demonic Beasts, relying on a large formation that may or may not have been repaired, struggling to survive, and could lose their lives at any moment, everyone is praying and hoping."

"At this moment, the Dao Soldier Legion of our Great Unity Sect descends from the heavens, saving the world from danger."

"Everyone will become followers of the True Monarch of Great Love."

"Tsk tsk, it serves me right for getting rich!"

Yu Xian rested his hands on the back of his head, humming a tune, and swaggered away.


One month after the beast tide began.

The city of Great Love maintained its usual tranquility. Any group of Demonic Beasts that appeared within a hundred miles of the city were dealt with immediately, and only a few scattered Demonic Beasts managed to break through, but they didn't cause much trouble and were turned into delicious roasted meat.

Great love for True Monarch Manor.

In the flower pavilion.

Yu Xian looked up at the blue sky, holding a shrunken Ah Miao in his arms, stroking its fur, and then his finger was bitten.


Ah Miao's eyes, filled with bloodshot veins, welled up with tears. In pain, it opened its mouth, revealing a mouthful of rotten teeth that it had bitten off in such a short time.

How could a Nascent Soul cultivator like him be injured by a small Demon King?

"Ah, it's really pitiful. Is the bloodline curse really so unbearable?"

Yu Xian frowned slightly, but he had no intention of relieving Ah Miao's pain.

The only way for Monster Race to alleviate the bloodline curse is through killing, and it has to be killing humans. Killing the same race is simply ineffective.

During the last wave of beasts, Ah Miao was still a Rank Two Demonic Beast, and the bloodline curse only made her more violent during that period of time, but it didn't cause any major trouble.

But this time, Ah Miao had already become a Rank Three Demon King. When the bloodline curse erupted, it was like being torn apart by a thousand knives, almost making her lose her senses.

If it weren't for the protective measure he left on Yulan's body, he would have been injured while trying to stop Ah Miao.

"I have already asked the Queen Bee and the Ape King. They both endured the bloodline curse with their willpower during the last eruption. They were just weakened in their vitality afterwards, so you can do it too.

Only when you reach the Monster Emperor realm will the bloodline curse cause substantial harm to you."

Yu Xian pinched Ah Miao's soft neck and said softly,

"Be good, I believe you can do it."

"Otherwise, if you almost hurt Yulan, I won't be able to let you stay by her side in the future."

Ah Miao shivered all over and finally woke up.

"Master, I will definitely endure it."

She didn't think that the master would really send her back to the mountains and forests. Naturally, he would take her Beast Core and contribute to the great cause.

She, Ah Miao, had read three thousand books of the human race, unlike her master who was blinded by love.

Although she admitted that the master was a very charming man, almost fulfilling her fantasy of a future husband.

But her liking was useless. It had to be reciprocated by the master.

Under the stimulation of life and death crisis, she actually suppressed the pain little by little, and her trembling body gradually calmed down.

Seeing this, Yu Xian nodded and said, "It seems that Yulan hasn't spoiled you. In that case, I'll help you again."

His True Monarch domain quietly opened, and invisible vitality poured into Ah Miao's body.

"Master, it feels so comfortable."

Ah Miao stretched out its limbs, lying in Yu Xian's arms like a whole tiger. It couldn't help but let out a soft moan, as if a cat was calling for spring. It seemed that the pain just now was just an illusion.

Yu Xian's heart moved.

Can it really work?

He originally just wanted to use the blood vitality in the True Monarch domain to heal Ah Miao, but he didn't expect that it could also help her resist the power of the bloodline curse.

But one case does not prove a rule.

Perhaps Ah Miao's physique is special after all. After all, demons cannot be compared to each other.

His thoughts spread out, and the Queen Bee and Yang Hou, who were enduring the pain of the bloodline in the specially crafted quiet room, received the order and were guided by a special force to True Monarch Manor.


The Queen Bee's face was flushed, her eyes filled with watery charm. However, the pain of the bloodline made her reveal her true form, turning into the appearance when Yu Xian first met her, with a beautiful upper body and a cocoon-like lower body. Her ferocious mouth was open, dripping with light green saliva.

Yang Hou transformed into a silver-backed violent ape about ten feet tall, with bloodline symbols shining on his fur, and the tips of his fur were blood red, as if they could erupt at any moment.

Their strength was stronger than Ah Miao's, so the pain of the bloodline curse was naturally more severe.

In addition, they have been working for the Great Unity Society for these years and have not hesitated to take lives. Their desire for killing has become even more intense.

On the other hand, Ah Miao has been relying on Yulan's feeding for her cultivation. Her tiger claws have only tasted meat and have not killed anyone. Her combat experience is only stronger than Yulan's, so she doesn't know the feeling of killing and feels less pain.

Yu Xian didn't say much, and covered them with his True Monarch domain.

Now that he has become a Nascent Soul cultivator, he is capable of covering an area of nearly a hundred miles with his domain, which happens to be the territory assigned to him by the Profound Yang Sect.

However, he has never fully displayed it.

After all, the Great Unity Society is here to serve him, not for him to protect the Great Unity Society.

Half an hour later.

The Queen Bee and Yang Hou both let out a sigh of relief, as if they had just unloaded a heavy burden. The lower body of the Queen Bee gradually shed its cocoon, transforming into a pair of crystal-clear and smooth long legs, which were partially hidden and partially revealed under a thin gauze skirt, making them particularly enticing.

But Yu Xian only glanced at them twice.

If he hadn't seen the original form of these legs, he might have been fooled.

However, he could accept the Beast Ear Girl, but he couldn't accept a bug, especially a bug that had produced countless offspring.

After the relief of their pain, Yang Hou's bloodline Divine Ability gradually dissipated, and his body shed its fur, turning into a weak white-haired youth.

The two demons looked at each other, both feeling incredulous.

Since they broke through to the Demon King, they had been paying close attention to the bloodline curse. They usually collected records and books on this topic, and even shamelessly consulted Moon Jiuyi, a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Profound Yang Sect.

So they knew that the Daoist Clan had no secret technique to suppress the bloodline curse of the Monster Race.

Otherwise, the Beast Tide of the Profound Yang Sect wouldn't be so punctual.

"This is the secret technique I found for you through hard work. It can temporarily suppress the bloodline curse. How do you feel?" Yu Xian explained in a timely manner, his face calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

As a man who was good at finding opportunities, he knew very well what this ability meant. The bloodline curse that had plagued the Monster Race for countless years would end because of him.

And he would become a friend of the entire Monster Race, or... their master.

He believed that many members of the Monster Race would be willing to become his subordinates, Spirit Beasts, in order to alleviate the bloodline curse.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

If he had known about this ability earlier, he should have had a good talk with the Golden Peng Monster Emperor.

Given his personality, if he could exchange a hundred years of service for his future bloodline freedom, he would probably agree.

Once the Golden Peng Monster Emperor had spent a hundred years in his Great Love Domain, he would probably become the guardian spirit emperor of the Great Unity Society.

Unfortunately, he discovered this ability too late.

After all, the bloodline curse was hidden in the bloodline of the Monster Race and would not normally erupt. If it hadn't been for Yulan's request to help Ah Miao, he wouldn't have easily used his own domain.

Upon hearing this, the Queen Bee took a step forward, emitting an aura of courtship.

She had always admired the strong, and Yu Xian's rise had deepened this emotion.

"Master, just now, I felt as if a pair of big hands gently caressed my whole body, dispelling my pain. I thought I couldn't hold on any longer."

"If you couldn't hold on, I would have chosen a good feng shui place for you. Yang Hou, how do you feel?" Yu Xian replied casually.

"When the bloodline curse erupted, besides the pain, there seemed to be a mysterious will in my mind, urging me to kill. But after the master used the secret technique, that will disappeared, and then the pain disappeared as well."

Yang Hou, who had been experimented on as a demon, knew how to describe the key points.

"Good, I understand. You can leave now. If the curse erupts again, come to the True Monarch's mansion to find me. I will be here these days."

Yu Xian nodded slightly and dismissed the two demons.

"Thank you, Master!"

The two demons really thought that Yu Xian was thinking of them, and they couldn't help but feel touched, especially when they saw Yu Xian's casual appearance, they imagined how much effort he had put in to obtain this secret technique.

After all, even someone like Jiuyue True Monarch had no way to deal with the curse.

Although they also knew that they were most likely just incidental.

The two demons looked at Ah Miao, who was lying in Yu Xian's arms, with envy.

Especially the Queen Bee, she couldn't compare to this little girl who hadn't grown up yet.

But she didn't dare to say anything and respectfully withdrew.

Yu Xian lifted up the weak and powerless Ah Miao and rubbed her soft belly.

"In consideration of the good luck you brought and the fact that you almost hurt Yulan, I will spare you for now."


Ah Miao's eyes became unfocused for a moment, and then she suddenly transformed into a human form—a well-developed loli girl. She fell from mid-air and happened to straddle Yu Xian's thigh.

"Master, Ah Miao really likes being with you."

She grabbed Yu Xian's hand like a cat and rubbed against his back, even sticking out her tender tongue.

Yu Xian's body stiffened, and then his mind exploded.

"A little Demon King dares to covet my body. Do you think anyone can sleep with me? Wait until you become a Monster Emperor."

"And also, fix your teeth first."

Yu Xian shook his head and left.

"Why doesn't it work? It's clearly taught in the book. Did I read a pirated version?"

Angrily, Ah Miao scratched her head.

In the next moment, she summoned a water mirror and saw herself with missing teeth.

Thinking back to when she was driven crazy by the curse before, she dared to offend the adult and ended up biting her own teeth.

She couldn't help but feel regret.


Yu Xian never understood the meaning of refusal. In the past, he would have taught Ah Miao how to be a mature woman. After all, Ah Miao had already grown up, and her pair of small tiger teeth made him quite interested.

But now that her tiger teeth were broken, the fun was diminished by half.

In addition, he had more important things to study, so he temporarily put aside this delicious meal.

"What reason could suppress my domain and even resolve the bloodline curse of the Monster Race?"

Sitting in the True Monarch's quiet room, Yu Xian fell into deep thought.

If he could find the reason behind it, he would have a great advantage over the Monster Race.

Waves of blood-colored ripples spread beneath him, unfolding a small domain for him to ponder the power within.

"There's nothing wrong. This is a technique I personally derived under the guidance of the Heavenly Dao. I should know its effects best."

Time passed bit by bit.

Yu Xian recalled every detail of his domain's formation, as well as the changes in the many cultivators who had been nurtured by his beloved domain over the years. Every detail quickly replayed in his mind.

He didn't know how long had passed.

Finally, Yu Xian grasped a glimmer of insight.

"Yang Hou said that the bloodline curse is accompanied by a mysterious will, and indeed, my domain contains my own will. This causes those influenced by my domain to instinctively befriend me.

Could this be a conjecture? That there was once a domain power similar to mine that influenced the initial group of the Monster Race, and this influence was passed down through the bloodline, forming the bloodline curse of the Monster Race.

However, this influence is negative.

And the reason why Ah Miao, the Bee Queen, and Yang Hou can be suppressed by me against the bloodline curse is because my domain counteracts this negative will.

But how can my will withstand the mysterious curse that can influence the entire Monster Race?"

Yu Xian was very self-aware.

Even though he was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, it would take decades of accomplishments for his beloved domain to silently influence a Nascent Soul True Monarch to completely side with him.

Yue Ji was an exception.

She willingly absorbed the power from his domain to suppress the Ghost Consort, causing her Dao heart to be in chaos and making it easy for him to conquer her.

So even if the will of the bloodline curse may be insignificant, its ability to influence the entire Monster Race is likely immeasurable, like a diamond.

And he was at most an egg. No matter how many eggs he smashed, he couldn't break even a bit of the diamond's surface.

"Yue Ji once told me that the reason she was able to suppress the Ghost Consort was because there was a magical power in my domain that seemed to allow her divine soul to evolve.

And this power, which I previously roughly understood as the fusion of my will with hers, now it seems that it's impossible for it to be me, the power that can resist the bloodline curse of the Monster Race."

At this moment, Yu Xian suddenly froze.

Then he showed a bitter smile.

"So that's how it is."

"What will in this world can compare to the Heavenly Dao? A mere bloodline curse, how can it compare to the will of the Heavenly Dao?

The magical power hidden in my domain is actually the residual power I absorbed from the Heavenly Dao's spiritual energy. I thought I had integrated the fragments of its will with my Astonishing Divine Eyes, but in fact, it had long integrated with me."

He stared blankly at his own hands, his rare emotional turmoil, and even a hint of fear.

"Did I steal the power of the Heavenly Dao? Or did the Heavenly Dao parasitize me?"

"Will I still be myself in the end?"

PS: Yesterday, seeing that the subscriptions weren't increasing and the bookmarks weren't moving, I impulsively checked the power ranking of this book, only to discover a terrifying reality. Although I am on the list, my ranking has dropped to the bottom.

It means that my word count has fallen behind my peers.

In times like these...

A dream-driven author chooses: If those who perform better than me are working so hard, then I have to work even harder and surpass them!

But a lazy author chooses: If those who perform better than me are working so hard, then what's the point of me working hard? I'll just lie down.

Obviously, I am the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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