Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

300. Chapter 297 I Am Indeed A Genius! (64K, 800 Monthly Votes)

Chapter 297: Laozi is Truly a Genius! (6.4k, 800 Monthly Votes)

The sun was setting, gradually turning into dusk.

The mood of the many cultivators who remained in Zhongming Heaven City was like the setting sun, gradually losing its light. An atmosphere of unease permeated the city.

This was because True Monarch Chongming had charged into the enemy's camp and had not returned since, his life or death unknown.

Chen Zhong was one of the cultivators guarding the city. With his cultivation at the mid-stage of Foundation Building, he was considered neither high nor low in Zhongming Heaven City. But with his cultivation level, he lived a relatively comfortable life, without any great ambitions. He just wanted to live out his life peacefully.

Seeking the Immortal Dao and pursuing immortality were matters for important figures.

He was self-aware that he was only benefiting from his ancestors' blessings, having found a place in Zhongming Heaven City. With the favorable environment provided by the Rank Four Spiritual Vein and the Foundation Building Pill obtained from his ancestors' inheritance, he was able to break through to the Foundation Building stage.

The mid-stage of Foundation Building was achieved through the accumulation of spiritual energy and daily cultivation.

If he were placed outside, he probably wouldn't be able to make a breakthrough.

So he cherished his identity as a permanent resident of Zhongming Heaven City's West City and took great pride in it.

He had heard that in some small rural areas, Foundation Building cultivators dared to call themselves great cultivators and establish their own clans, with hundreds or even thousands of descendants calling them ancestors in unison, appearing quite imposing.

As a Foundation Building cultivator himself, he could only marry one wife and have a son and a daughter, and then he dared not have any more children.

Living in the heavenly city was not easy.

The environment here was good, but the cost of living was high.

However, despite his life being less carefree than those Foundation Building cultivators outside, he would never want to trade places with them.

Although he only had one wife, she was also a Foundation Building cultivator. It was said that she used a Foundation Building spiritual object to break through to the Foundation Building stage on her own. Compared to her, he was like a toad.

But it was precisely because he was a toad that he was able to catch this white swan, relying on his identity as a permanent resident of the heavenly city.

As long as they became Dao companions, his wife would also gain the qualification to permanently reside in the heavenly city, and her enemies outside would never have a chance to find her again.

Chen Zhong knew that his wife actually didn't like him, who had no prospects. But in order to stay in the heavenly city, she still gave birth to two children for him.

But he didn't care about love or affection.

After all, his wife belonged to him, and his son and daughter also belonged to him. That was enough.

He thought that life would always be peaceful like this, perhaps one day his wife, who was still dissatisfied, would break through to the Gold Core stage and become a Perfected Being, seeking revenge outside, only then would his otherwise plain life have a little ripple.

But he never thought that there would be a day when Zhongming Heaven City would be breached by the Monster Race.

Since the construction of Zhongming Heaven City, there had never been a record of it being besieged by Demonic Beasts. Even when True Monarch Chongming fought against the Monster Emperor to the death, it was said that the heavens were torn apart, but Zhongming Heaven City remained calm.

It was heard that there was chaos outside, and his wife's clan was a victim of the chaos, wiped out by an opposing clan.

Such incidents were rare in the past.

Because there were county officials, mansion masters, and cultivators secretly monitoring the situation.

But after True Monarch Chongming was injured and went into seclusion, the prestige of the heavenly city declined, and its control over the lower levels became increasingly weak.

But even so, Chongmingtian City still lived like a paradise, enjoying peaceful days.

Therefore, he would not give up his status as a permanent resident, even if someone offered him spirit stones that he could never earn in his lifetime, he still did not sell it.

He had to pass on this status to his son, his grandson.

This is the foundation of the Chen family.

But in the end, Chongmingtian City was breached, even if it was just a guard city.

Chen Chong could never forget the scene of that day, still appearing in his mind like a nightmare.

Countless ferocious Demonic Beasts surged like a tide, wherever his eyes could see, it was a dark mass.

That suffocating feeling was something he had never experienced before.

He was a delicate flower grown in Tiancheng, with only Foundation Building cultivation, but he had long been out of practice in battle, and his Spiritual Weapon was collecting dust at home.

Cultivation was more about prolonging his lifespan, strengthening his body, and finding a good job.

The order in Tiancheng was strict, and there was no need to worry about danger.

At that time, he thought he was going to die.

But his wife, who he thought didn't love him, appeared. She wielded a magic sword, protecting him and their children, fighting and retreating. In the last moment, she used a life-threatening secret technique that was originally meant for revenge, burning her own life, and rushed out with him and their two children, merging into the retreating crowd.

And she, right in front of him, was trapped in the surging group of Demonic Beasts, gradually becoming motionless.

Chen Chong felt that his heart was also swallowed up at that moment.

He became silent, entrusted his lifelong savings and two children to a friend to take care of, and joined the city defense team.

Everyone knew that this was the most dangerous place, the place where they fought the Demonic Beasts head-on.

But he only wanted to use his last life to kill a few Demonic Beasts.

He wanted to die.

Unfortunately, his luck was good, or perhaps he had some hidden talent for battle.

In just a few months, his fighting skills became more proficient, narrowly escaping death several times. The team leader who was with him even praised him and sent him spirit pills that he could only dare to look at in front of the shop, to heal his injuries and assist his cultivation.

But he was not happy, only regret constantly gnawing at his heart.

If he had this strength back then, perhaps he could have changed something.

"Chen Ge, are we going to die?"

The person speaking was a young man with a pale complexion, his tone somewhat panicked.

His name was Wei Ming, indeed very young, only in his twenties, but he had already broken through the Foundation Building realm.

It was said that he used to be the young master of the Wei family, one of the prominent families in the West City, but he got separated from his family after the guard city was breached.

Later, because he was searching for someone and causing trouble in the city, he was caught by the law enforcement cultivators patrolling the streets and was simply incorporated into the city defense team.

He saved Wei Ming once, so he became close to him.

"Everyone will die, even the lofty True Monarch, he will also die."

There is a rough stubble around Chen Zhong's lips, and there is a deep scar at his left eye, which has already scarred and looks weathered.

He is smiling at this moment.

While everyone is in panic, he feels a sense of relief.

"But Chen Ge, aren't you afraid? Don't you still have children? If the city is breached and you die, what will happen to them?"

Wei Ming wants to find some comfort.

When the children are mentioned, Chen Zhong hesitates for a moment, then shakes his head and says,

"I am protecting them now. If the city is breached, I will be at the forefront, giving them a little more hope to survive. As for what will happen in the future, I probably won't be able to see."

Chen Zhong leans against the wall, looking at the setting sun sinking into the earth, with a calm expression.

"Take another look at the sky and the earth, the scenery is beautiful."

Tears uncontrollably flow down Wei Ming's eyes, suddenly remembering the carefree days when he was a young master of a prestigious family.

"If I can survive, I will definitely cultivate diligently and never be lazy again."


Thud! Thud! Thud!

A dull sound comes from the horizon.

The Heavenly City of Chongming is built on flat ground, with a vast and boundless terrain.

Chen Zhong wakes up from a nightmare and looks at the approaching horde of beasts with an expressionless face.

Wei Ming, who was meditating beside him, also regains consciousness. He is somewhat nervous, but after looking at Chen Ge beside him, he suddenly feels much more at ease.

"True Monarch has not returned yet. I heard that several city defenders are preparing to escape."

He waited until late last night, but there was still no news of the return of True Monarch Chongming. Instead, he heard that important figures were organizing an evacuation team and trying to recruit him.

But Wei Ming did not agree.

He stayed here to defend the city, even if he died, he would be considered a hero.

If he really ran away with those so-called important figures, at most he would be cannon fodder.

Chen Zhong looks at the rising array of light and shakes his head, saying, "The array has not been broken yet, it will take a while for the Demonic Beasts to attack the city. I'll take a nap first, wake me up later."

He loves to sleep now.

Because when he falls asleep, he can see his wife.

In his dreams, his wife is alive, she scolds him, gets angry with him, and makes the children happy.

He closed his eyes, wanting to continue the dream he had just had.

But not long after, he heard Wei Ming's excited shout beside him.

"Brother Chen! Brother Chen! True Monarch didn't deceive us! Reinforcements! Reinforcements! We don't have to die!"

Chen opened his eyes and saw that the Demonic Beast horde that had been charging towards the city was clearly fleeing for their lives.

In the sky, dozens of blurry giant Spirit Beast shadows descended into the beast horde, killing countless Demonic Beasts with each strike. Faint human figures could be seen within the Spirit Beast shadows.

In the distance, the voice of True Monarch Chong Ming could be heard.

"People of Tiancheng! Our reinforcements have arrived, brought by the benevolent True Monarch from the Great Unity Society! Now, follow me, the city lord, and exterminate the demonic horde!"

The protective city formation flickered, revealing a massive gateway.

Numerous cultivators from the Gu family wielded various Law Treasures and Spiritual Weapons as they charged out, followed by hundreds of Gold Core Perfected Beings from various families, each exuding a powerful aura.

Chen collapsed to the ground, muttering to himself.

"The Great Unity Society... the benevolent True Monarch..."

"Why didn't you come earlier?!"

For the first time since his wife's death, the man shed tears, wailing as if he were a child.


Tiancheng of Chong Ming, Gu family in the inner city.

Unlike the 361 Cave Mansions established in Mingyue Tiancheng, Chong Ming Tiancheng had a structure that belonged to both a sect and a family.

Therefore, the entire Gu family was located in the most spiritually rich and core area, occupying the most essential and refined territory.

If the core area of the Rank Four spiritual veins were divided into 361 Cave Mansions, then the Gu family would occupy more than 100 of the most central Cave Mansion regions, while the remaining areas would be allocated to other families or cultivators as needed.

Even though there was such a severe war outside, it had not affected the tranquility here.

Because if the tranquility here was broken, it meant that the entire Chong Ming Tiancheng had lost its place of peace.

But at this moment, the Gu family was bustling.

Everyone was busy, the young masters who were used to being noble and pampered were being taught by their elders, not to lose face, not to neglect their distinguished guests.

If anyone made a mistake, it wouldn't just be a matter of death, but it would also affect their own family and relatives.

So they had to put away their arrogance and stand at the door in an orderly manner, like servants waiting to receive guests.

And many young ladies had already dressed up, wearing the most grand and magnificent dresses, like a competition of a hundred flowers, their eyes full of anticipation.

Because they were about to receive the arrival of the benevolent True Monarch who had come from afar to support them.

Chong Ming Tiancheng relied on him to save them from the city's destruction.

It was said that the benevolent True Monarch was very young, only a little over a hundred years old, and had already built a great foundation from scratch. His strength was extraordinary.

At this age, the cultivators still have some interest in women, so the ancestor intentionally selected a female cultivator from the clan to marry into the Great Love True Monarch's mansion as a token of gratitude.

Therefore, these noble women from the thousand-year-old families are eagerly anticipating the possibility of being chosen by the Great Love True Monarch, as it would greatly change their status and future.

On the other hand, the figure of the September True Monarch, who is also the Lord of Tiancheng, is deliberately downplayed and not well-known.

However, despite everyone's anticipation, there is no sign of the Great Love True Monarch, not even the shadow of the ancestor. It is not until Gu Tong, the chief steward of the Gu family, comes and disappointingly dismisses the welcoming party.


The Illusionary Pool is the place where the True Monarch Chongming cultivates.

Yu Xian is soaking in the pool, allowing the spiritual liquid accumulated by the Gu family for thousands of years to wash over his body. He looks angry as he turns to the Moon Ji, who is also soaking in the pool.

"This True Monarch Chongming actually used such despicable tactics, trying to corrupt and win me over. He is truly wicked!"

"But don't worry, these superficial and ordinary women can't compare to you. I won't even spare them a glance."

Moon Ji glances at Yu Xian and says calmly, "I see several good ones inside. The Gu family has inherited for thousands of years, and these ladies are different from me, an ordinary wild girl who only knows how to fight and kill, without any understanding of romance."


Yu Xian puffs up his face and moves closer, not wanting to continue the discussion on this topic.

This kind of matter cannot be explained clearly, and it would enter the realm of women's inherent strength if they continue.

He pulls Moon Ji's body into his arms and smiles, "What others think doesn't matter. In my eyes, you are the best. Come, I will now teach you the technique of 'Yin and Yang Harmony and Unity'. This method can allow you to absorb my essence and vitality, and see if it can make up for the loss of your lifespan."

As he speaks, he points to Moon Ji's brow, and a secret technique is transmitted.

He now has many dual cultivation techniques. The Great Love True Monarch is no longer the inexperienced novice without fame or strength.

He has collected numerous dual cultivation techniques, whether from the common people, noble families, or sects, and has dispatched people to secretly gather them.

This "Yin and Yang Harmony and Unity" technique was collected from a certain declining small family. It has profound intentions and a long history. It is said to be an ancient cultivation method. After obtaining it, he studied it thoroughly.

Moon Ji is highly skilled, and it doesn't take long for her to digest the technique. She furrows her brows and says, "I can see that this technique was originally a peaceful method of dual cultivation, where both parties cultivate together to accumulate life essence and prolong lifespan. How did you turn it into such an evil method? There is no reason for only output without input. You let me absorb while the yin energy is strong and the yang energy is weak, which is not a long-term solution. If we practice this technique together, it won't be long before you suffer from a severe loss of vitality."

"This technique is not commonly used. Otherwise, with your cultivation as a Nascent Soul cultivator, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Consider it as accompanying me in an experiment, and remember to give me a detailed user experience report."

"In the future, we will also need to cultivate the 'Dao Heart Devil Seed'. Right now, we are just laying the foundation."

Ignoring Moon Ji's objections, Yu Xian has already taken the initiative to transfer his essence and mana.

Moon Ji sighs helplessly and starts to operate the technique, but her gaze towards Yu Xian becomes even more tender.

She knew that her husband must be apologizing for the incident yesterday when he had cut her lifespan to kill the Monster Emperor, but how could she blame him?

She was already a Nascent Soul cultivator with a lifespan of 1,500 years, and she was only a little over 500 years old this year.

It was only a hundred years, and she didn't really care.

After a few hours.

Yu Xian's aura weakened greatly, but soon there was a mysterious force that emerged and was absorbed by his body, giving him some breathing room.

"This cultivation technique is indeed powerful."

Yu Xian activated his cultivation technique and absorbed the spiritual liquid in the illusionary pool without any cost.

This spiritual liquid was the essence formed by the gathering of spiritual veins, and it took a year to accumulate a small pool. The Gu family had been accumulating it for hundreds of years, originally for the breakthrough of the next generation's True Monarch.

But now, in order to support the September True Monarch, the Gu family naturally offered the spiritual liquid pool.

Yu Xian felt that the September True Monarch should be quite willing.

Anyway, he came in to take a bath, and the September True Monarch didn't object, right?

It didn't take long for Yu Xian to feel that he had recovered almost completely.

Of course, what he had recovered was only the mana in his dantian. What he had truly lost was his own essence and energy source.

This thing was similar to lifespan. If you had a little less, you would have to deduct a portion of your lifespan.

But his essence and energy source could be restored through a pleasant cultivation process, so it wasn't too much of a loss.

After waiting for a while.

Moon Ji woke up from her cultivation, and her aura was noticeably stronger.

"How is it?"

Moon Ji helplessly said, "It can only make up for a little bit, but what you have lost is tens of times what I can make up for. I can recover for one or two years, but you will have to deduct decades from your lifespan. But your cultivation..."

There was shock in her eyes, but also a sense of pride.

This was the Dao companion she had chosen!

Yu Xian didn't deliberately hide it.

"Not bad, your husband here is now also a high-level cultivator, but this is still a secret, only you and I know."

"Why is your cultivation progressing so fast? Why do I feel like it's even faster than breaking through to the mid-stage of Nascent Soul? Could it be that you..."

Moon Ji remembered the three hundred years she had wasted in the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, feeling a sense of envy and frustration.

But at the same time, a terrifying guess appeared in her mind.

"If you want to say Dao Body, then I probably have it."

Yu Xian shrugged and told a well-intentioned lie.

"But this time, I even showed you my underwear. If you sell me out, Soul Formation Venerable will come looking for trouble in no time."

He had no intention of challenging the common sense of the Immortal Cultivation World.

Since Pure Yang True Monarch said that only the Dao Body can break through Soul Formation, then what's wrong with him being this Dao Body?

Yue Ji's eyes were even more moved.

Although she was not Yu Xian's only Dao companion, she believed what Yu Xian said. She must be the one who knows the most secrets.

"It's better to keep things secret. You didn't have to tell me, and I wouldn't blame you."

"No wonder you said before that you would help me break through after you break through. I didn't understand it before. I'm really stupid."

You're thinking too much.

Yu Xian muttered to himself, but his face showed an expression that said otherwise.

"Don't worry, my Dao Body may not have other abilities, but it has a strong foundation. You can trust me to absorb it. At most, it will just delay the time for my breakthrough."

Yue Ji quickly shook her head and said, "I am not that kind of unreasonable woman. Your cultivation is the most important thing. I see that this method can not only gather yang to nourish yin, but also reverse it to gather yin to nourish yang. When you break through, I can be your cauldron."

Yu Xian struggled and hesitated.

But he quickly firmly refused.

"If my breakthrough would harm your foundation and I have to use you as a cauldron, then I would rather not break through. You are the woman I love the most, how can I hurt you even a bit? If it weren't for the spiritual imprint of the Mountain Moving Demon Lord on the Monster Emperor, I would have killed him long ago to vent my anger for you. After I break through Soul Formation, I will definitely use him as a sacrifice!"


Yue Ji couldn't control her emotions.

He could sacrifice his own foundation for himself, but he didn't want to harm her.

Soul Formation, a realm that many people dream of.

Zhang Youyang loved her master deeply, but for the sake of the Great Dao, for the sake of breaking through, he decisively cut off this thread of affection.

But now someone can give up the Great Dao and only wants her.

She remembered what Yu Xian said when he confessed to her, he said that she was his Great Dao.

That was not just a sweet talk, he actually did it.

Yue Ji felt that her shattered Dao heart was suddenly completely broken, and then it was glued together by a mysterious force, becoming radiant and flawless again.

And the core of this Dao heart is the word "love".

People always say that love cannot last, that loving someone can last for a hundred or a thousand years.

But after ten thousand years, can this love still exist? No one has the confidence to claim that.

But she was willing to use love as the Dao, to explore the truth for all.

From this moment on, Yu Xian became her Dao!

Gugu gugu gugu!!

Bubbles emerged from the Illusionary Pool, and the water level decreased visibly, revealing Yu Xian's flawless and perfect body. Her aura gradually became complete.

Yu Xian is different from an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator.

Her breakthrough is an Integrated Union after surpassing the peak Ghost Emperor, even though the Ghost Empress's physical form is incomplete, her essence is still there.

After her breakthrough, Yu Xian should be able to quickly cultivate to the Nascent Soul Great Perfection, also known as the Pure Yang True Monarch, the same realm as the Ghost Empress, and have the qualifications to break through the Soul Formation realm.

But her Dao heart has never been complete, so her cultivation has always been stagnant.

At this moment, she found her Dao heart, and the obstacles no longer exist. With the Illusionary Pool as an added bonus, her cultivation progressed smoothly.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xian consciously withdrew from the pool to avoid competing with Yu Xian for the spiritual liquid.

But he still didn't understand.

When did his daily sweet talk become so powerful?

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand. He clearly feels that Yu Xian's strength has become stronger, and at the same time, she emits an aura that unconsciously attracts him.

His intuition tells him that this woman in front of him is worthy of his complete trust.

Yu Xian silently guards Yu Xian's cultivation, without disturbing her, but he recalls their cultivation just now.

Although he lost some of his essence, even though the conversion rate of this essence is less than one-tenth, the fact that Yu Xian can successfully replenish her lifespan is enough to show that the bloodline Divine Ability of the Monster Emperor's death curse is not so threatening to him.

Previously, he heard that the death curse of the Monster Emperor could intervene in battles between Soul Formation cultivators, which made him quite worried.

In case he becomes powerful in the future and becomes the man who ends the enmity between the human and demon races.

As a result, the Monster Race disregards the rules and sends dozens of Monster Emperors to attack him, depleting his lifespan and causing him to perish. Wouldn't that be a great shame?

But now he is not afraid at all.

This death curse seems dangerous, but based on the feedback from Yu Xian, it damages the essence and vitality of the human body. When the essence is damaged, the lifespan disappears.

It is already very difficult for ordinary people to replenish their essence.

Not to mention Nascent Soul True Monarchs and Soul Formation Venerables. Once their essence is damaged, the treasures that can replenish it are too precious.

Using him, a Nascent Soul cultivator, as a furnace, Yu Xian can only replenish one or two years of lifespan with one cultivation session. To restore a hundred years of lifespan, it would take a hundred sessions, or seventy to eighty sessions.

And each session would consume thirty to forty years of his lifespan. Even if he cultivates until death, he can only recover several decades.

Not to mention other cultivators, if they are affected by this death curse, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

But he is different. He has a Dao companion to assist him, and what he fears the least is consumption.

"Damn, I'm indeed a genius. I've found a way to fleece the Goldfinger sheep again."

Yu Xian rubbed his chin and laughed heartily for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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