Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

307. Chapter 304 Shu Lao’S Strength, Yu Xian Hatches Eggs

The thunder gathers, and the sky trembles.

Several figures suddenly appeared, their attention focused on the progress of the Nirvana process of the Phoenix Demon Lord.

A powerful figure with a human body and a lion head, a charming and enchanting woman, and a domineering black-robed king.

"I sense the disappearance of the Phoenix's aura."

"It seems that Nirvana has ended."

"This is the aura of Old Tree. Why is Old Tree angry? Did something unexpected happen to the Phoenix?"

"If it weren't for this old guy protecting the Phoenix all these years, I would have already eliminated this Monster Race traitor!"

"What cultivation level does Old Tree have? Even I feel fear from this Thunder Tribulation. Is this the Ascension Tribulation?"

"The Great Tribulation of Ten Thousand Years has not yet arrived, and the door of heaven and earth remains closed. Even Old Tree has no possibility of Ascension."

"Let him go crazy. Although Old Tree is strong, the limitations of his true body confine him to one place, having no impact on the overall situation."


These three individuals are the Demon Lords of the three neighboring Beast Realms next to the Phoenix Beast Realm.

The figure with a human body and a lion head is the Mountain-moving Demon Lord, possessing the Divine Ability to carry mountains, with boundless strength and a devouring mouth. His true strength is unfathomable.

The enchanting woman is the Fox Demon Lord of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, born with six tails, skilled in illusion and dream techniques, and extraordinarily charming. Even after slaughtering billions, she still thrives among both humans and demons, with countless followers.

The king in dragon robes is the Black Dragon Demon Lord, with true dragon bloodline, capable of controlling rain and clouds, and manipulating the water of the five elements. He is the king of water.

They have no major grudges against the Phoenix Demon Lord.

But in their positions, personal grievances sometimes don't count for much.

Their true conflict lies in the competition for resources.

Even though they are already at the top of one realm as Demon Lords, it does not mean that they have no desires or needs. On the contrary, the cost to satisfy their desires and needs has become even greater.

To achieve stronger cultivation, higher status, they need a larger territory and more resources.

Since the Nirvana of the Phoenix Demon Lord is imminent, it means that she no longer has the strength to protect the Phoenix Beast Realm.

Not taking what is given will lead to blame.

Coupled with the actions of the Phoenix Demon Lord in recent years, it has already caused dissatisfaction within the Monster Race.

This is also the important reason why they are openly targeting the Phoenix Beast Realm without any objections from the Monster Race.

Of course, if given the opportunity, they also want to obtain the divine seed from the Phoenix Demon Lord.

Human cultivators need Dao seeds as keys and tokens to break through the Soul Formation Realm.

The Monster Race is the same.

Since the Supreme of the human and demon races set the fate of the Ten Thousand Year Great Tribulation, the positions in the world have been fixed. To break through the Soul Formation or Demon Venerable Realm, one can only wait for a vacancy to appear.

And the token of the Monster Race is called the divine seed.

There are only two ways to obtain the Divine Seed of the Demon God. One is to be born from the offspring of a chosen Demon God by the heavens and the earth, which is the natural Demon Lord.

However, since five thousand years ago, after the Phoenix Demon Lord occupied the last position of the Demon Lord in the heavens and the earth, there have been no naturally born Demon God seeds within the Monster Race.

Therefore, there is only one way to obtain the Demon God seed.

That is to wait for the fall of the Demon Lord, creating a vacancy, from which a new Demon God seed will condense.

Of course, possessing the Demon God seed does not guarantee a breakthrough.

It is merely a key, an opportunity.

But without this key, there is not even a chance to attempt.

Just as the three Great Monster Lords were about to proceed further and investigate, an angry voice came.

"It's you!"

A giant palm encompassed the heavens and the earth, freezing the space, seemingly wanting to crush the three Great Monster Lords with a single palm.

This move had no technique, only pure power.

But the more so, the more terrifying it became.

To break through, one could only use force to overcome force.

The three Great Monster Lords each used their own methods. A giant yellow lion's phantom appeared on the Mountain Moving Demon Lord, opening its mouth wide enough to devour the heavens and the earth, swallowing the raging winds and tearing through space, causing cracks to appear.

The Azure Hill Fox Lord smiled faintly, and six furry tails behind her swept out, like six heavenly pillars, propping up the heavens and the earth, preventing the palm from pressing down.

The Black Dragon Demon Lord snorted lightly, and a black dragon soared into the sky, carrying the aura of a king, shattering the heavens and the earth.

In the blink of an eye, the giant palm shattered like porcelain.


The ancient voice of the Phoenix Tree God echoed in the ears of the three Great Monster Lords.

"Phoenix has just undergone Nirvana, what do you mean by being so impatient?"

"Tree God, please don't misunderstand. I only heard about the bad news from Phoenix Sister and felt anxious in my heart, so I wanted to come and visit."

The smile on the face of the Azure Hill Fox Lord was refreshing and sincere.

"Tree God, as a senior, I respect you. Leave the Demon God seed left by Phoenix to us, and we will leave immediately."

The Mountain Moving Demon Lord said so.

"You old thing, do you think you have us under your control?"

The Black Dragon Demon Lord seemed disrespectful and fearless.

"Can your power reach this far?"

"Seeking death!"


In the thunderclouds, the eye of thunder opened, and a divine thunder fell on the canopy of the Phoenix Tree. Thunder and heavenly fire filled the sky.

But following that, the shadow of the Phoenix Tree covered the heavens and the earth, and the brilliant leaves fell gently, instantly brushing away the three Great Monster Lords.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The figures of the three Great Monster Lords exploded almost simultaneously, turning into dots of light and dispersing.

The three demonic lords who had just confronted the Phoenix Tree turned out to be nothing more than a strand of Spirit Partitioning.

"Within ten years, do not let me see your presence in the Qinghuang Beast Realm. Otherwise, even if I have to face the Heavenly Tribulation, I will still cut you down with it! Do not say I didn't warn you!"


The heavens and the earth trembled once again, and the eye of thunder suddenly opened, but no thunder fell.

Because the Phoenix Tree had already converged all its majesty, like an ordinary tree that had lived for millions of years, without any leakage of power.

The eye of thunder slowly disappeared into the thunder.

And the thunderclouds condensed in the sky continued for half a month, seemingly unwilling to give up, wanting to find the person who should have faced the tribulation, but in the end, it dissipated helplessly.

Tens of thousands of miles away.

The figures of the three Great Monster Lords condensed once again, with varying degrees of damage to their aura.

Since they knew the power of the Phoenix Tree, they naturally wouldn't risk using their true bodies.

But the strength of Spirit Partitioning was also not to be underestimated, yet it was instantly brushed away by the Phoenix Tree, revealing a terrifying power gap.

Moreover, although their Spirit Partitioning disappeared just now, it would still affect their true bodies.

Just this one attack would be enough for them to recuperate for decades.

"So strong!"

"If he hadn't been unable to leave his true body too far away, I'm afraid he would have become the leader of the Monster Race."

"No wonder those old guys are so indulgent towards the Qinghuang Demonic Lord."

"What does his final warning mean?"

"What's the point of ten years?"

"Could it be that the Qinghuang Demonic Lord will recover within ten years?"

"Should we agree?"

The three Great Monster Lords fell silent.

After a while, the Fox Lord of Qingqiu smiled and said,

"Black Dragon, you should ask whether we dare not to agree. It's just ten years, and I'll give the senior face.

If the Phoenix Sister can recover within ten years, I will offer a gift as an apology."

The Mountain-moving Demon Lord said, "I don't want to gamble, but that doesn't mean we won't do anything. The Qinghuang Beast Realm has been protected by the Qinghuang for many years and is rich in resources. Ten years may not be long, but it's enough for me to take a portion."

The Black Dragon Demon Lord said, "Since none of you are willing, don't expect me to be the vanguard."

"Then let's disperse."

Although the Mountain-moving Demon Lord is from the Primitive Beast King faction, he is not impulsive or reckless.

"Old Tree, you hit me hard just now. It hurts. I'm going to find a handsome guy to comfort me. See you in ten years, both of you."

The Fox Lord of Qingqiu swayed and disappeared into the void.

"Seductive fox!"

The Black Dragon Demon Lord glared fiercely at the enchanting figure of the Fox Lord of Qingqiu.

He considered himself of noble blood, a true dragon bloodline, and had once sought to marry the Fox Lord of Qingqiu, but was mercilessly rejected.

Moreover, it was said that the Fox Lord of Qingqiu had countless suitors, but he was not among them.

The true form of the Black Dragon Demon Lord turned into a splash of water, disappearing in an instant. It was the Water Escape technique of the Five Elements Escape.

At the same time...

The Tree Spirit of the Wutong Divine Tree looked at the calamitous clouds still lingering in the sky, silently saying,

"Little Phoenix, no matter where you are now, I have used my ten thousand years of life to calculate for you. In ten years, you will be able to turn calamity into fortune and have smooth sailing from then on."

"But... will you still remember Grandpa Tree in the future?"


"This works?!"

Yu Xian, who was cultivating in the Mingyue Peak, looked bewildered at the egg in front of him.

It was a green and white eggshell, a plain and unadorned giant egg about the size of a person's embrace.

This egg was not a curious item sent by a subordinate, but was transformed by Qingfeng.

Not long ago, Qingfeng was basking in the sun as usual, absorbing the spiritual energy of the Rank Four Spirit Vein, drinking the Spirit Spring, and eating Spirit Rice, living a carefree life.

Due to a lingering suspicion in his heart, Yu Xian did not casually discard Qingfeng, but kept it with him all the time.

But he never expected that Qingfeng would suddenly turn into an egg.

However, seeing Qingfeng turn into an egg, he had a feeling of both surprise and inevitability.

What really made him feel extraordinary was that the egg contained a power that made him feel palpitations.

It felt as if there was an equal force hidden in the egg.

Once it erupted, not to mention a radius of a thousand miles, but at least several hundred miles would become barren.

"You said you have no connection with the Qinghuang Demon Lord?"

"But do I have to hatch the egg? It's not my area of expertise, you know?"

But he was reluctant to let someone else hatch the egg for him.

It is said that if the egg hatches, the first person the little bird sees will naturally become close to it.

This egg is so strange, it means that it is the Phoenix Demon Lord. Yu Xian feels that he also believes it.

After all, birds can turn into eggs.

If the egg can turn into the Phoenix Demon Lord, then what is impossible?

Dang dang--

Yu Xian curiously tapped the egg, making a sound of metal hitting metal. Obviously, this egg is not as fragile as it appears on the surface.

Yu Xian estimated that even if a Gold Core Perfected Being with a Law Treasure wanted to break this egg, it would probably take some effort.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xian directly sat on it.

"It's just hatching an egg, I'll do it like an old mother hen."

But as soon as Yu Xian sat on it, he heard a cracking sound from the eggshell, which startled him and made him jump up.

"No, don't trick me!"

Crack, crack.

The sound of the eggshell breaking became more and more frequent, and cracks appeared all over the surface of the giant egg. Then countless rays of light emerged from the cracks, as if a super-sized light bulb was incubating inside.


A figure resembling a peacock stretched out a sharp beak from inside, pecking open the crumbling eggshell, revealing a hollow space. Then all the light converged, and a strange little peacock drilled out.

The shadow of the previous bluebird could still be faintly seen on the little peacock, but its feathers were longer and more magnificent, not the flashy kind of brilliance, but a restrained luxury like silk.

The most noticeable thing was its tail feathers, dragging a cluster of blue and red flames.

Yu Xian could imagine how stunningly beautiful it would be when its tail feathers spread out.


Yu Xian softly called out, squatting down and extending a hand, with a smile on his face as gentle as possible.

"Do you remember me?"

The Qingfeng, who was pecking at some mysterious liquid inside the eggshell, turned its head and looked up and down at Yu Xian.

Its eyes were very agile, giving the feeling that it was not a bird in front of him, but a little girl scrutinizing a weirdo.

"Are you Qingfeng's servant?"

Qingfeng suddenly spoke, with the voice of a little girl.

Qingfeng's memory remembered that Qingfeng should have a servant.

Yu Xian's face sank, slowly stood up, like a Great Demon King, a huge shadow enveloping Qingfeng.

"I didn't expect you, who just hatched, to enter the rebellious phase so quickly."

He swiftly took out a straight and slender ruler.

"Let me teach you today who the master is."

Smack, smack, smack!!!

Fifteen minutes later.

Qingfeng stood in front of Yu Xian, feeling wronged, and said with a drooping head,

"Qingfeng was wrong, but Qingfeng cannot call you master. Qingfeng is of noble blood, and Qingfeng has no master."

Yu Xian lifted Qingfeng up and looked left and right.

The terrifying power that had made him fearful before had disappeared. Even when he used the Eighteen Techniques of Teaching, he couldn't bring back that power.

The Qingfeng in front of him, besides being more beautiful and resistant to beatings, able to speak, seemed to have no difference from before.

"Do you still remember who you are?"

Qingfeng said, "Qingfeng is Qingfeng."

"I mean, who were you before?"

"Qingfeng was an egg."

Qingfeng looked at Yu Xian with a look of a fool.

Yu Xian: "..."

He was actually despised by a bird?

And he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Do you still remember the title Phoenix Demon Lord?"

Yu Xian asked with a little anticipation.

"Phoenix Demon Lord?" Qingfeng tilted its head and pondered, "Such a familiar name, does Qingfeng know her?"

"Forget it." Yu Xian shook his head, "Whether you do or not, it's just raising a bird, it's not like I can't afford it."

"Go play."

Yu Xian casually threw Qingfeng away.

Just at this moment.

He suddenly felt a terrifying wave coming from a distance.

He immediately flew up into the air, his divine sense instantly spreading out, sensing the information in the air.

"Such a powerful strength, I feel that the location of the battle is extremely far away from us, but the waves of the battle still reached here."

He looked at Yuejiu, who appeared by his side at some point.

"Could it be the Phoenix Demon Lord?"

Yuejiu pondered for a moment and said, "That's the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, and the closest one to us is probably the Phoenix Demon Lord."


Yu Xian looked down at the playful Qingfeng below. She was like a carefree child, completely forgetting the annoyance of being beaten just now, chasing butterflies among the flowers and jumping around in the woods.

He was certain that there was some connection between Qingfeng and the Phoenix Demon Lord.

As for whether they were the same entity, that remained to be seen.

The Phoenix Demon Lord couldn't be so foolish and bold, daring to transform into a little bird without fear of encountering someone like him.

Well, he had already encountered him.

Yu Xian said to Yuejiu, "Send someone to find the Golden Peng Monster Emperor and have him investigate for any news."

"If it's really a battle between the Phoenix Demon Lord and other demon lords, and the Phoenix Demon Lord loses, then we need to prepare early."

"I'm sorry, but I have to trouble you this time." Yu Xian apologized, "I have to bring Yulan and the others here. If we have to leave, we have to leave together, not leaving anyone behind."

Yuejiu fell silent for a moment and said with a hint of stubbornness, "You're not allowed to bring them to Mingyue Peak."

"No problem."

Yu Xian hugged Yuejiu tightly and kissed him deeply.

"Indeed, my own wife is the most doting!"


Profound Yang Sect.

After the continuous beast tide for the tenth year, the connection between Profound Yang Sect and the major heavenly cities under its command suddenly became closer.

Of course, Mingyue City and Zhongming City were exceptions. These two heavenly cities were essentially occupied by the Great Unity Society, and they had the Nascent Soul cultivator, True Monarch Jiuyue, as well as hundreds of Dao soldiers from the Mist Shadow Legion stationed there.

Even Profound Yang Sect was unwilling to immediately break ties and waste its own strength.

After all, the entire Xuan Yang Realm spanned a distance of ten thousand miles. Although most of the areas were barren and lacked resources, if calculated by total area, the combined area of Mingyue City and Zhongming City accounted for less than three percent of the entire Xuan Yang Realm.

The other six heavenly cities initially wanted to follow the example of Mingyue City and take advantage of the chaos to establish their own rule.

Of course, they didn't intend to betray Profound Yang Sect. According to the rules of Profound Yang Sect, during the continuous beast tide, the affairs of the heavenly cities were to be managed by the lords of the cities themselves.

In other words, during this period, all the resources plundered by the heavenly cities belonged to themselves, and they didn't need to pay taxes to Profound Yang Sect.

However, the longest any of these city lords lasted was eleven years before they had to seek help from Profound Yang Sect, and ended up emptying all the resources they had plundered over the years.

It was really because the duration and intensity of this beast tide were too terrifying.

Not everyone can afford to maintain a Daoist army and continuously produce fake Perfected Beings.

Therefore, the Profound Yang Sect quickly adapted to the situation and dispatched True Monarchs, inner sect elders, and elite disciples to various places.

Just like the Great Unity Society, they suppressed the chaos caused by the beast tide while also exploiting all available resources in a fish-in-a-drying-pond manner.

It won't be long before the thousands of years of peace are broken, and war will spread to all places.

These resources will all become dangerous in the wilderness, and if they want to exploit them again, the cost will be tenfold or even a hundredfold.

So now is actually the period when the Profound Yang Sect has the tightest control over various places.

As he looked at the resources continuously transported from various places in the sect's warehouse, along with his disciples who were expected to reach Soul Formation and had already reached Rank Five, producing the protective array's spiritual formation, the Great Sun True Monarch became more confident in defending the Profound Yang Sect.

After all, the Profound Yang Sect was originally built as the first line of defense in the human-demon war.

The overall strength of the former True Monarch Xuan Yang was not as powerful as theirs now.

"They finally arrived."

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, the Great Sun True Monarch's strength also stood at the peak of the Nascent Soul realm. He also sensed the aftermath of the battle happening in the distance.

Just at this moment, an old man with white hair condensed in front of the Great Sun True Monarch. His eyes were lifeless, without any divine light, as if he was not interested in anything.

And this old man was the spiritual formation of the protective array, the Annihilation God Formation's spiritual formation.

The protective array was a combination of nine Rank Four formations, supplemented by the core Annihilation Formation. In reality, it was ten major formations with unpredictable power, enough to contend with a Soul Formation Venerable.

Unfortunately, since the formation was completed, there had not been a single actual battle against the Demon Lord.

"The envoy of the Immortal Sect is about to arrive. You should go and meet them quickly."

The spiritual formation had no expression.


The Great Sun True Monarch's face slightly changed.

When the envoy of the Immortal Sect arrives, they will definitely bring the will of the Nine Yang Immortal Sect, which is the highest authority of the protective array.

By then, all his plans will be exposed.

But he cannot resist the will of the Immortal Sect, so he didn't think too much about it.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with falling flowers, and golden lotuses surged from the ground.

The protective array had unexpectedly activated on its own, extracting the spiritual energy from the underground spiritual veins, creating a magnificent phenomenon throughout the sect, welcoming the arrival of the Immortal Sect's envoy.

In the center of the Profound Yang Sect, a formation platform suddenly condensed in the void.

Countless mysterious formations appeared on the platform, radiating brilliant light. A Daoist figure crossed thousands of spaces and slowly appeared.

The Great Sun True Monarch didn't have time to think too much and could only go forward to greet them.

"Profound Yang Sect's acting sect leader, Meng Sanqian, the head of the Great Sun Peak, greets the envoy of the Immortal Sect!" (End of this chapter)

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