Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

314. Chapter 311 I, Who Love True Monarch, Make Money! (57K)

Chapter 311: I, True Monarch, Give Money! (5.7k)

There are still a few days left before the auction begins.

The women have chosen their rooms and are waiting for Yu Xian to flip the cards at night.

The next day, they start shopping with their private money, and their mood is quite good.

In Yu Xian's view, the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is more like a high-end commercial plaza serving middle and high-level cultivators.

The Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce uses its influence to attract middle and high-level cultivators to trade. When the customer flow increases, they provide storefronts to other forces or individuals for a fee. Coupled with their core business, they have no competition.

A Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is like a treasure trove that can continuously generate income without doing anything.

Yu Xian, who was in dire straits, almost couldn't resist the urge to snatch this treasure ship.

But it was just a thought.

He doesn't have the reputation of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce yet. If he snatches the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, he won't be able to do business with the Myriad Treasures Trading Firm and will only offend the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, gaining a powerful enemy for no reason.

Most importantly, since his debut, he has never taken the initiative to seize by force.

Most of the time, he was forced to fight back out of necessity.

Of course, Demonic Beasts and demonic cultivators don't count.

The former are not of his kind, and the latter are not worth sparing.

After accompanying the women for a while, Yu Xian felt bored.

Although the goods in the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce were abundant, and there were many rare treasures he had only heard of but never seen, he had already passed the stage of searching for resources all over the world. Now, if he wants something, he just needs to give an order, and someone will automatically deliver it to him.

So he found a reason to leave early.


The sixth floor space, the main hall of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce's headquarters.

Vice President Qi's reception room.

Qi An had a smile on his face as he poured a cup of fragrant tea for the person sitting across from him, while explaining:

"I received news of President Bai's arrival yesterday. I originally wanted to visit immediately, but then I thought that President Bai is traveling with his family and must be tired from the journey. It's better to let you rest for a night and disturb you the next day."

Unexpectedly, President Bai and I had the same idea, and he arrived before me."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "It's me who is being presumptuous to disturb you. However, President Qi's ability to come and see me immediately gives me some confidence in this trip."

Qi An's smile slightly diminished as he picked up the teacup and took a sip, probing:

"It seems that President Bai doesn't visit the Three Treasures Hall for no reason. I wonder how I, Qi, can assist President Bai?"

Yu Xian said, "It's not a big deal. I believe President Qi has heard of the trade of Spirit Rice Pills. This time, I came to sell some Spirit Rice Pills to your esteemed Chamber of Commerce."

He didn't have many valuable resources at the moment, and Spirit Rice Pills were considered his trump card.

"I see."

Qi An breathed a sigh of relief and said with regret, "That kid, Shao Wei, did a good job with the Spirit Rice Pills. If it weren't for the Beast Tide disrupting our Chamber of Commerce's business and operations, Shao Wei might have been directly promoted to the headquarters based on his performance with the Spirit Rice Pills."

Unfortunately, Shao Wei didn't have that luck.

Since President Bai personally came, it must mean that the quantity of Spirit Rice Pills involved is not small. I can give President Bai a rough estimate: I can make decisions within one billion spirit stones.

But President Bai should give me a better deal, after all, our Chamber of Commerce also needs to make some profit, otherwise I won't be able to explain it."

The original version of Spirit Rice Pills from the Great Unity Society cannot be perfectly replicated.

It's not that they can't be replicated, but in order to achieve the same effect, the cost would increase exponentially, making it more cost-effective to produce low-cost, medium-effect imitation pills.

Fortunately, this cost difference can be completely offset by the huge quantity advantage and channel advantage.

So in reality, the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce doesn't really need the original version of Spirit Rice Pills from the Great Unity Society.

Because even if the original version of Spirit Rice Pills is sold, the final profit may not be comparable to their imitation pills.

But out of respect for the Great Love True Monarch and the September True Monarch, Qi An felt that it was okay to earn a little less.

After all, it's still profit.

Even if others know that he has some unclear relationship with the Great Love True Monarch in private, they can't say too much.

In this way, it's equivalent to using the resources of the Chamber of Commerce for personal favors.

However, Qi An's imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

"I have always heard that President Qi is highly respected in the Chamber of Commerce, a senior and elite member. A small goal of one billion doesn't really match President Qi's status. How about this, thirty billion. From now on, the Great Unity Society will conduct a thirty billion Spirit Rice Pill transaction with the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce every year."

Yu Xian opened his mouth and directly tripled the amount.

He originally wanted to say fifty billion, but he was afraid of scaring President Qi.

He planned to save twenty billion Spirit Rice Pills to pay the salaries of the Great Unity Society.

Qi An's face stiffened, and he smiled bitterly, "It's not that I don't want to help President Bai, but if President Bai wants to do business with us, he must also make a profit. I heard that the Great Unity Society sells Spirit Rice Pills at four pills for one spirit stone, and the cultivation effect is equivalent to one and one-third of a spirit stone.

On the other hand, the Spirit Rice Pills produced by our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce can be purchased at six pills for one spirit stone, but the cultivation effect is only equivalent to one and a half of a spirit stone.

Of course, I know that the Spirit Rice Pills from the Great Unity Society have better effects, but unless President Bai lowers the price to six pills for one spirit stone, only then will our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce be willing to purchase the original version of Spirit Rice Pills from the Great Unity Society in large quantities."

Otherwise, even if we buy it and bring it over, the customers are not fools. How could they be willing to spend a high price to buy the original version of Spirit Rice Pill?"

Qi An sighed and said, "In fact, our Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce has already cultivated enough low-level alchemists over the years, and the production cost of this Spirit Rice Pill has been compressed to about one-ninth of a spirit stone. Even if we add the intermediate cost, it is only about one-seventh of a spirit stone."

His implication was clear.

Even if the wholesale price of the Spirit Rice Pill from the Great Unity Association is six pills for one spirit stone, the actual cost is higher than the Spirit Rice Pill produced by their chamber of commerce. He has already given enough face.

Yu Xian fell into silence upon hearing this.

Although even if he wholesales six pills for one spirit stone to the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, he can still make a profit based on the one-tenth of a spirit stone cost to refine the Spirit Rice Pill. Previously, when he asked the Danfa Sect to refine and sell the genuine Spirit Rice Pill in other Tiancheng cities, the price he gave was actually lower than this.

But the past is the past, and the present is the present.

Originally, this Spirit Rice Pill was a pirated version of his pill formula, and it was openly sold. If the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is willing to buy all of his Spirit Rice Pills at the original price, he naturally wouldn't mind. After all, his total sales are only this much, and he wouldn't feel too heartbroken if others eat what he can't.

But now, the imitations are squeezing the space for the genuine version to survive, and they are not willing to digest his Spirit Rice Pills, causing his genuine Spirit Rice Pills to pile up in the warehouse.

This was something that the previous Great Love True Monarch could tolerate, but the current Great Love Venerable couldn't.

"President Qi, if I remember correctly, your chamber of commerce's Spirit Rice Pill is made by imitating our Great Unity Association's Spirit Rice Pill, right?"

Yu Xian smiled, but it made Qi An inexplicably feel a chill.

Qi An's heart trembled, and he smiled without smiling, saying, "President Bai, since the Spirit Rice Pill has circulated in the market, we should be mentally prepared for it to be imitated. It has always been like this throughout history. If it cannot be imitated, it means our abilities are lacking. But if it can be imitated, then the Great Unity Association doesn't need to break the rules that have been in place for a long time."

The Great Love True Monarch was just a newly promoted True Monarch in the early Nascent Soul stage. He hadn't even reached a hundred years since breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm.

He was being polite because of his business habits and was polite to everyone. It was also because the previous cooperation between the two sides was still pleasant, and he wanted to save face for his Dao companion, the September True Monarch, a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But being polite didn't mean he was afraid.

Not to mention his identity as the vice president of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce branch, even his own mid-Nascent Soul stage strength was not something the Great Love True Monarch could threaten.

"No wonder I was wondering before. Although the research and development of the Spirit Rice Pill is difficult, the level of a Rank Four alchemist is enough to study it. Why hasn't the alchemy technology in the Immortal Cultivation World developed a pill like the Spirit Rice Pill after such a long time? If my hard work cannot be protected and can only be used by others, I suppose not many alchemists would be willing to waste their efforts. It's not entirely their narrow vision and lack of connection with the common people. They only focus on researching higher-level spirit pills."

"Because higher-level elixirs cannot be replicated." Yu Xian sighed inwardly.

"So, I will be the one to make the first move in the Immortal Cultivation World's patent battle." Qi An frowned when Yu Xian remained silent.

"President Bai, harmony brings wealth. I am giving you face, and I hope you can give me face as well." Yu Xian shook his head and spoke in a calm tone, "President Qi, the rules have changed starting today. We may not have control over other places, but here, in the Xuan Yang Realm, the rules of our Da Tong Society are the rules."

His tone was calm, as if he were talking about something ordinary.

Qi An almost laughed in anger. He thought Yu Xian was blinded by wealth and had lost his mind due to spirit stones, speaking nonsense.

However, as a seasoned businessman, he maintained the necessary restraint. They would not completely break ties with any customer unless absolutely necessary.

He forced himself to endure, but still made a slight sarcastic remark, "President Bai, rules are not just spoken words; they need strength to uphold. Personally, I would like to be friends with President Bai, but I cannot explain it to the Chamber of Commerce. If President Bai can convince our president, then I, Qi, will not speak any nonsense. We will buy as many Spirit Rice Pills from Da Tong Society at the original price as they have."

Yu Xian nodded slightly, "President Qi is right. I wonder if this rule can be upheld by a Soul Formation Venerable?"

Something seemed to explode in Qi An's mind. His brain went blank, and then he felt his heart pounding violently. A sudden pressure overwhelmed him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Soul Formation Venerable.

Just four simple words were enough to make 99.9% of people lower their proud heads.

"President Bai, you must not be joking with me, right?" Qi An pretended to remain calm but couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Yu Xian sighed, "Originally, I wanted to do business with your Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce. After all, you have the existence of a wealthy Venerable. But now, I can't argue with you or defeat you, so I have to confront you. I, the Great Love True Monarch, the president of Da Tong Society, am the only direct disciple of the human Venerable, Peach Blossom Venerable! Since I don't have the weight, let the old man come and negotiate with you."

As Yu Xian's words fell, a faint and elusive aura appeared behind him.

It was just a trace of aura, but Qi An felt that the world had changed. His status as a Nascent Soul True Monarch seemed to be no different from that of an ordinary person, and he couldn't muster any resistance.

He had a vague premonition - if this aura pressed down on him, he might die.

To be honest, Qi An had never seen a Soul Formation Venerable before.

Among the entire branch, only the President had been received by the Supreme President, Venerable Ju Fu, once.

So he couldn't determine the true origin of this aura, nor could he confirm that this Great Unity Society President was personally transmitted by Venerable.

And although he had never seen a Soul Formation Venerable, the titles of the 72 Venerables of the Human Race were recorded in their chamber of commerce's secret vault. After all, businessmen were most afraid of offending those they shouldn't offend.

There has never been a title for Peach Blossom Venerable among the 72 Venerables.

But this doesn't mean that Peach Blossom Venerable is an imposter.

After all, the recorded titles are just well-known names, and many cultivators have other aliases, especially figures like Soul Formation Venerable, who have undergone thousands of years of cultivation. They wouldn't just use one title.

Just like their President, Venerable Ju Fu.

He used to be called Venerable Wan Bao, but that title offended Venerable Duo Bao.

After all, just hearing the name Wan Bao overshadowed Duo Bao.

It is said that after a relatively "friendly" negotiation between the two Venerables, Venerable Wan Bao changed his name to Venerable Ju Fu.

Who knows if Peach Blossom Venerable is in a similar situation.

He didn't dare to gamble, nor did he need to.

If he won the gamble, he wouldn't gain anything and would offend True Monarch Da Ai and True Monarch Jiuyue to death.

If he lost the gamble, his entire Qi family might be implicated, and they would be sent to the Venerable as compensation by the chamber of commerce.

Qi An immediately stood up, no longer playing with his posture, and said in a humble tone:

"President Bai, just now I failed to recognize the distinguished guest. It was just a small matter, there's no need to disturb Venerable."

"But thirty billion spirit stones is not a small amount. Please give me some time to consult with the President. President Bai, can you give me a little time?"

Seeing President Qi being so humble, Yu Xian suddenly felt like he was taking advantage of him.

President Qi didn't do anything to him, but he had to scare him like this.

But he felt inexplicably pleased.

So this is what it feels like to be a second generation.

He couldn't solve the problem with his own words, he just needed to casually mention his background, and all obstacles would instantly disappear.

Although he was also a first generation himself.

"Then I'll trouble President Qi. Just give me a reply before the auction. I hope it will be good news."

Yu Xian smiled faintly, suddenly becoming very easy to talk to.

"After all, I have had a pleasant time with President Qi."

"I won't let President Bai down."

But Qi An didn't feel relieved at all, on the contrary, he had to quickly appease him, while secretly pondering.

Could he really be so lucky to casually become a disciple of a Venerable, and the only direct disciple at that?

Looking at President Bai's current state, he felt a bit like a poor man suddenly becoming rich, still worrying about a few tens of billions of spirit stones.

That's a Soul Formation Venerable.

Just a little bit leaked through his fingers, I'm afraid it would be more than a hundred and eighty billion spirit stones.

Qi An suddenly felt a bit sour.

Damn, what kind of luck is this!

But he couldn't ignore the possibility that President Bai was deliberately acting to confuse him.

With various doubts in his mind, Qi An sought out his own President.


In the third level space, Building 4 of the A-grade area.

Yu Xian lay in the courtyard, feeling quite happy. He felt that showing off was indeed a great pleasure in life. Occasionally doing it was enough to please the body and mind and cultivate one's character.

In the animal kingdom, male animals try to show off their advantages, such as strong bodies, loud voices, and colorful feathers, in order to attract the attention of females and win mates.

Humans are also social animals, and reproduction is imprinted in their blood.

So in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, everyone has had the thought of enjoying the spotlight and appearing saintly in front of others.

Yu Xian was no exception, but he could endure a little more.

Because he knew that some people who wanted to be the focus ended up becoming clowns, while others stood there and became the focus.

He didn't want to become a clown, so he had to make himself shine.

"In conclusion, showing off is really enjoyable."

Yu Xian let out a long breath and adjusted his mood.

Showing off is fun for a while, but in order not to become a background for others to show off, he must always stay alert.

At least by doing this, I can distance myself a bit when others are showing off, so they won't feel so pleased.

Just at this moment.

The voice of Yulan came in.

"Lord, you seem so happy."

Yulan walked ahead alone, with the other women following half a step behind, surrounding her as they walked in.

Only Yuejiu was not there; she still wasn't used to being with the other women.

"These people here are really despicable. I suspect they must have practiced some kind of bewitching secret technique. The things they say sound so nice, and I ended up spending a lot of spirit stones unintentionally. Those were my hard-earned private savings."

Although Yulan complained, there was a smile in her eyes and on her face, obviously she was very happy with this shopping trip.

"By the way, a few sisters and I bought gifts for you, Lord. Would you like to try them and see if you like them?"

As she spoke, Yulan was about to reach into her storage ring.

Yu Xian quickly shook his head: "As long as they were bought by you, I will like them. There's no need to look."

"You must be tired after playing for so long. I have prepared a hot spring spirit pool for you. I heard it was brought from an underground spiritual spring and has a rejuvenating and skincare effect."

Yulan pouted, feeling a bit disappointed: "Well, alright, but I spent a long time picking out the gifts..."

Yu Xian pretended not to see it.

Funny, the reason he didn't accompany these women shopping was because he didn't want to be tried and manipulated by them.

As a Venerable with great love, he really had no face.

With a movement of his figure, he had already disappeared.

Yuejiu hadn't come back yet, so he had to go find her and comfort her.

He regretted bringing so many women out at the same time.

As a scumbag, it is reasonable to arrange time properly, and it is the correct choice to be the Sea King at different times. Forcing the women to be together is really a stupid move.

He won't make this kind of low-level mistake again next time.


Two days later.

Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, sixth floor space.

In a solemn room.

The room was large and empty, with a stone pedestal in the middle in the shape of an altar. It was black and white, with the black material resembling obsidian and the white material resembling marble. It was about a yard in diameter and three feet thick, with mysterious runes and formations carved on it.

Yu Xian could only judge from experience that there were some spatial fluctuations in the formation on the altar, possibly a teleportation formation or something similar.

Speaking of teleportation formations, this thing is also one of the highest achievements of formation masters. A formation master who can set up a spatial teleportation formation must be at the peak of Rank Four, but a Rank Four formation master can only set up a teleportation formation with a distance of a million miles at most.

A Rank Five formation master can set up a spatial teleportation formation that can travel between realms.

But this kind of technology is completely controlled by major Soul Formation-level forces and has never been circulated among the people.

Anyway, Yu Xian has been practicing for so long and has never seen any incomplete inheritance in this regard.

"President Bai, later our president, the legendary wealthy Venerable, will descend with a strand of divine consciousness, so I would like to ask if you can also invite a strand of divine consciousness from Peach Blossom Venerable to communicate."

Qi An received a signal from the president next to him and reluctantly stepped forward to say.

He knew his request was audacious.

But when it comes to Soul Formation Venerables, it is not something they can handle.

If they really provoke the wrong person and bring great enemies to Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, they will not be able to atone for their sins even if they die a hundred times.

So after thinking it over, the president decided to summon a strand of divine consciousness from the president to personally make the decision, and at the same time, it was also a test for Yu Xian.

If he dares not, then the idea of Venerable personally passing on is simply a fantasy.

By then, even the True Monarch in September won't be effective, and Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is not easy to mess with.

"Can't we summon the true body of the wealthy Venerable?"

But Yu Xian just frowned, seemingly not feeling uneasy about the arrival of the wealthy Venerable.

"My master has been friends with the wealthy Venerable for a long time. If they can communicate in person, it will definitely make him very happy."

"The president is fighting against the Monster Race on the battlefield of humans and demons, suppressing luck, so the true body cannot leave. But there may be a chance."

The branch president was an old man with white hair and a youthful appearance, a Nascent Soul cultivator, with astonishing cultivation in Divine Ability. At this moment, he looked like a kind old grandfather next door.

He took a deep breath, no longer hesitating, activated the spiritual talisman in his hand, and a faint light lit up on the altar. Countless spiritual energy swarmed in, and the twelve Supreme Grade spirit stones embedded on the altar quickly dimmed.

After waiting for a while.

A divine consciousness reverberated in the space.

"Who is calling this Venerable?"

(End of this chapter)

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