Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

316. Chapter 313 First Acquaintance With The Human World, Meeting Chen Yi Again (6K, 1600 Monthly Vo

In the days leading up to the auction, Yu Xian was meticulously studying the information provided by the wealthy Venerable.

Of course, the free stuff usually isn't any good.

The free information provided by the wealthy Venerable was expressed orally and was extremely brief, with a lot of personal subjective opinions mixed in.

But for Yu Xian, this jade slip was still a priceless treasure.

Because through the eyes of the wealthy Venerable, it was the first time he had looked at the world from a global perspective.

This world is called the Human Realm, divided into two camps: humans and demons, with several hidden races lurking like mice.

With the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range as the dividing line, and the direction of the rising sun as the east.

To the east of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range is the territory of the human race, which has opened up twenty-six major domains and forty-six minor domains, making up the territory of the seventy-two Venerables of the human race.

However, the map is just a map, and now the human race can't even produce seventy-two Soul Formation cultivators.

A large number of territories have long been ownerless, nominally belonging to the rule of the Nine Venerables, but in reality, each does its own thing. If it weren't for the pressure from the Nine Venerables and the threat from the Monster Race, people would have gone crazy long ago.

It is said that becoming the master of a domain will receive the favor of heaven and earth's luck and break through the Soul Formation Realm.

Regarding this, the wealthy Venerable sneered and said that the Nine Venerables had explained it many times.

But people will only believe what they want to believe.

They only recognize that the Nine Venerables do not want to see cultivators of the same level threatening their own status, so they prevent unity.

As for the west of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, it is the territory occupied by the Monster Race, also with thirty-six Beast Realms.

But it's a little better than the human race, as all thirty-six Beast Realms have owners, and these Beast Realm masters are all living quite well.

In terms of lifespan, the Monster Race is really cunning.

Of course, both sides are in a state of restraint.

Except for the great battle between righteousness and evil five thousand years ago, the Monster Race has always been tacitly blocked outside the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

It's just that the influence of the Monster Race's bloodline curse has never stopped the war between the two sides.

Like the Phoenix Demon Venerable, who chose to bear most of the backlash from the bloodline curse, there is only one such anomaly among the human and demon races.

The wealthy Venerable also specifically mentioned the name of the Phoenix Demon Venerable.

He said that he was a great spy of the Monster Race, but unfortunately, there has only been one such anomaly in ten thousand years.

But he also said that no one would thank the Phoenix Demon Venerable.

Yu Xian was reminded by the wealthy Venerable and decided to study the Phoenix carefully after this auction.

In case it really is the Nirvana body of the Phoenix Demon Venerable.

As the future master of the Human Realm, it wouldn't be excessive to have a few more beautiful female mounts.

In short, after receiving the information from the wealthy Venerable, Yu Xian had a clear understanding of his own strength.

As long as he doesn't make mortal enemies with the top figures of the human and demon races, his safety is guaranteed.

Stepping back for a moment, even if he offends someone, as long as he keeps a low profile, there shouldn't be any problems.

The top Venerables of both the human and demon races are entangled with each other, like the needle of the sea god, not easily moved.

Once we can't kill him and force him into the demonic path, and then create a forbidden zone for the human race, no one will be able to laugh anymore.

The human race seems to have 72 Venerables, twice as many as the Monster Race, but in reality, their top combat power is not much higher.

Yu Xian touched his chin and thought, "Why do I suddenly feel like I've become the kind of villain in a third-rate novel who drags down the protagonist? I'm relying on the righteousness of the human race to make my own plans, and yet others can't do anything to me because they need to maintain a united front."

"Uh, I have also made contributions and shed blood for the human race."

"If I'm not mistaken, in the future, I will have to defend against the Phoenix Demon Lord alone, and my achievements will not be any less than anyone else's."

"But how did it feel so satisfying to lose the sense of morality? No, when did I have such a thing?"


In the blink of an eye, the auction that Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce had been preparing for years began.

Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, seventh floor space.

The auction venue was elegant, named "Flowing Wine and Curved Water".

A small stream, about three to four meters wide, meandered along the terrain.

On both sides of the stream, there were many pavilions with pearl curtains hanging around them, blocking the view from the outside. Inside the pavilions, there were drinks, tea, fruits, and the chamber of commerce arranged maidens standing gracefully. These were the private boxes of the auction.

In the lower part of the stream, there were many seats for ordinary attendees.

The auction items would flow down the stream later, allowing both the upper and lower sections to have a close look at the auction items.

The final destination of the stream was a water pool with a floating platform, where the host would be stationed.

"Flowing Wine and Curved Water, I didn't expect that as a rough person like me, I could still enjoy such an elegant thing."

Yu Xian arrived at the auction venue early and arrogantly occupied the top pavilion, right at the source of the stream. This meant that he would be the first to come into contact with each auction item, and he could even touch them personally without any scruples.

Although this position didn't have much practical use, he still had to spend money where necessary.

But it had a high level of prestige.

After all, he was about to take over the entire Xuan Yang Realm, so it was time for everyone to get to know his name.

As the chairman of the Great Unity Society, he naturally didn't have the qualifications to stay in this most prestigious position, but it was different for the Venerable's direct disciple.

There could be many Nascent Soul True Monarchs, and one could easily find one in the crowd.

But Venerable's direct disciples, in the entire Xuan Yang Realm, or even the entire Jiuyang Domain, could not be counted on one hand.

Sitting beside him was Qie Shaowei.

This outstanding junior of Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce, who had been cooperating with Yu Xian for many years, was recently promoted by Chairman Liu to the eighth position of the branch council, a position that only Nascent Soul True Monarchs were qualified to hold.

With the identity of a branch council member, he was qualified to entertain Yu Xian.

Otherwise, even if he had a good personal relationship with Yu Xian, if his official status was not enough, he would still be treated poorly as a Venerable's direct disciple.

"Elder, I didn't expect that you would actually be, be..."

Qi Shaowei hesitated to speak but stopped. This young man, who was nearly a hundred years old and had been deceived by Yu Xian, was now filled with admiration.

Since he had been promoted quickly and was now entertaining Yu Xian, it was natural that he already knew Yu Xian's background.

Yu Xian pressed his hand down and said with dignity, "My master is my master, and I am myself. The Great Unity Society is the cause of all of us, and it has nothing to do with my master. He just handed us a ladder, bringing us one step closer to the ideal of Great Unity."

Qi Shaowei nodded heavily, "That's right, relying on others is useless. Only the world we create with our own hands is the Great Unity world we want."

Yu Xian looked at Qi Shaowei seriously.

From the beginning of their contact, he could tell that Qi Shaowei wanted to achieve something.

However, initially, he wanted to make more money for the Chamber of Commerce. After being "correctly" guided by Yu Xian, he finally realized what he truly wanted to pursue.

Now that he had this relationship, the Chamber of Commerce would surely focus on cultivating him.

In this way, he would save a lot of training costs.

"I'm glad you think this way. We are comrades-in-arms striving for the same ideal. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me. I, as well as the Great Unity Society, will always be your solid support."

Yu Xian patted Qi Shaowei's shoulder heavily and said solemnly.

Qi Shaowei felt his breath become hot, and his mind was filled with the lifelong struggle for the ideal of Great Unity.

Most of this was influenced by the previous Great Love Law, and the rest was the power of the Heavenly Demon's rules.

It was too easy for a Gold Core cultivator to influence others.

Of course, the main reason was that the ideal and beauty of the Great Unity Society were what every normal person pursued, and they perfectly integrated with Qi Shaowei's own will.

If he was asked to do something evil and immoral, his subconscious might struggle to save himself and even break free from the influence.

But now, he was already a qualified soldier of the Great Unity.

Just then, a fragrant breeze blew in.

The bead curtain was lifted, and Yulan, Yuejiu, and others arrived.

Qi Shaowei immediately stood up, showing a silly smile on his face.

"Senior Bai, I won't disturb your enjoyment with your wife. But I'll wait outside. Just call me if you need anything."

As he said that, he bowed and passed by Yuejiu, bowing again.

This was the basic respect for a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Yuejiu nodded lightly in return.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come."

Yu Xian invited Yulan and the other women to sit down, then held Yuejiu's hand affectionately.

Yu Jiu glanced at Yu Xian, smiling ambiguously, and said, "You are the esteemed direct disciple of the Soul Formation Venerable. I dare not offend you."

Yu Xian chuckled and heard Yu Jiu's voice transmission in his ear.

"Don't make this a habit."

Yu Xian's face lit up with a smile, and he heard Yu Jiu's voice transmission again.

"Don't mind me. I'm not a little girl. Just focus on comforting Yulan. She's been trying to please me in various ways these days. But I have no ill intentions towards her. I just don't like being called sister or anything like that. I can't relate to your women either."

Yu Xian fell silent for a moment, then squeezed Yu Jiu's hand.

He turned around and smiled brightly at Yulan, telling a lame joke.

Unfortunately, Yulan couldn't stop laughing, giving him face.

Yu Xian was in a good mood, and his gaze towards Yulan became somewhat tender.

This silly woman actually understands everything.


"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

In a nearby pavilion, a voluptuous woman turned to a cold and elegant girl beside her, who was wearing a veil.

Chen Yixiu's hand trembled slightly in her sleeve, and her heartbeat accelerated.

She thought her heart was already firm enough, that there would be no more ripples. The person from her memories had long been buried in a corner unknown to anyone.

But life seemed to always play tricks on her.

Decades ago, the Profound Yin Sect was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Profound Yang Sect's new sect leader. As the most outstanding disciple of the sect, she naturally accompanied the elder of the sect.

According to her master, the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

People often overlook the shadows under the light.

Who could have imagined that the Profound Yin Sect would directly present a Dao Body as a front, and that whoever obtained the Dao Body would keep it hidden.

The more they openly displayed it, the less others would suspect.

Chen Yixiu didn't understand why before, but later, as her strength grew stronger and she became the true number one of the Profound Yin Sect with her mid-Nascent Soul cultivation, she began to understand the significance of the Dao Body.

It was the key to reaching higher realms, a key that every cultivator yearned for.

She remembered when she easily revealed the secret of the Dao Body to Yu Xian.

At that time, she felt a hint of fear.

Because she had already realized that when she went to Shangyang City back then, she not only had her senior sister accompanying her, but also the sect's hidden protectors sent by her master.

She was afraid that her master would kill to keep the secret.

Fortunately, she found out through investigation afterwards that the thing she was worried about did not happen.

She thought that the two of them would have no further connection.

Until the group from Profound Yang Sect, she saw a familiar figure again.

Only then did she understand that some people cannot be forgotten just by wanting to forget.

A simple sentence, an ordinary thing, a common scenery, or even an ordinary back view, can stir up the memories that weigh her down from deep within.

After the succession ceremony of the head of Profound Yang Sect back then, she stayed as a guest in Profound Yang Sect for two years, searching everywhere, but never saw that familiar person again.

So she finally began to let go, feeling that the fate between them had come to an end.

She couldn't always be the one to actively seek him out.

She is in Profound Yin Sect, with no hidden gates.

If he wanted to find her, he would have come long ago.

But he didn't come.

Perhaps he had already died, like the countless cultivators who fell on the path of cultivation, dying in some deserted corner, silently.

Perhaps he was still alive, but he had accepted his fate, understood the gap between them, and didn't have the face to come see her again.

Perhaps he was doing well and had become powerful.

But he still didn't come to find her, he might have... forgotten her.

Regardless of which outcome it was, it seemed that there was no possibility of continuing between them.

But perhaps it is something that can only be possessed in one's youth, and will eventually trap a person for a lifetime.

Chen Yi occasionally still thinks of that gentle man, the man who gave her a ray of light, the man who turned her dark life into a colorful one.

"Is he... here too?"

Chen Yi thought of the Yulan and others who had just passed by in front of her.

Her gaze was still so innocent, and her smile was gentle, as if she was still the woman who used to call her Sister Yi with a hint of flattery.

There was also a woman named Luo Han and a woman named Zhao Shiwen inside.

These were the only three she knew.

As for the other women, judging from their appearances, they were probably his new favorites.

A hint of mockery flashed across Chen Yi's lips.

Since he is so devoted, even bringing along the women from the countryside back then, why doesn't he come find her, even if it's just to send a message?

Could it be that in his eyes, she is not worthy of being his woman?

As for Yulan and the others betraying Yu Xian and throwing themselves into the arms of another man, Chen Yi never doubted Yulan's love for Yu Xian. It was something she couldn't compare to, the purest and most passionate emotion.

Seeing her junior sister's unusual behavior, Yu Xian, who had already broken through the Nascent Soul stage, felt a chill down her spine for some reason.

She secretly thought that as her junior sister's authority grew stronger, she forced a smile on her face:

"Sister, are you still worried about your brother? Don't worry, I've inquired about this auction. There will be a Heart of the Ten Thousand-Year Wood Spirit appearing, which is enough to break the shackles of the formation on his physical body and advance further, breaking through the Rank Three restraints and extending his lifespan to five hundred years."

Sister's brother, Chen Xiao, became a disciple of the Profound Yin Sect in order to protect his sister. In the shortest amount of time, he obtained Rank Three strength, but as a result, he was bound by the disciple's restraints. Not only could his strength not improve, but his soul was trapped in the disciple's puppet body after death, unable to reincarnate for eternity.

When they were young, they naturally didn't think it was a big deal.

Now, their lifespan is approaching its limit day by day. Even though they have used many methods to extend their lifespan, it seems that death is imminent.

Chen Xiao has accepted his fate.

But his sister is determined to extend his lifespan, hence this trip to the auction.

Of course, the main purpose is also to prepare some cards for the upcoming war between the two clans.

The background of the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce is unfathomable, and this auction is carefully prepared by them. The treasures being auctioned are bound to be extraordinary. If they can obtain something that will influence the outcome of the war, it would be even better.

"I am determined to obtain the Heart of the Ten Thousand-Year Wood Spirit."

Chen Yi pointed to the pavilion in front, which was covered by pearl curtains, and said, "But sister, I want you to find out the identity of the owner of that pavilion in the front."

Yu Xuanji hesitated and said, "The auction is about to start..."

But when she glanced at her sister at this moment, a woman's intuition told her that something was not simple. She quickly changed her mind and said, "Alright, I'll go and find out. I have a few acquaintances here at the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce."

"Thank you, sister."

Chen Yi's tone was calm, but her emotions were complex.

There was some anticipation, as well as unease and impatience.

If they were to meet again, how would they interact with each other?

But there was always an answer.

Chen Yi thought to herself.

Since fate has brought them together again, let her take the initiative once more.


Two quarters of an hour later.

"Sister, I found out."

Yu Xuanji ran back excitedly and revealed the information she had gathered.

"You might not believe it, but as soon as I went out, I met a good sister I knew before. From her, I already know the identity of the pavilion's owner. His name is True Monarch Da'ai, the leader of a small force called the Great Unity Society. His cultivation level is average, just like mine."

"But this person is not simple. His Dao companion is True Monarch Jiuyue of the Profound Yang Sect, a Nascent Soul cultivator who is said to be quite powerful. Under her jurisdiction, there is no disaster of the beast tide."

"It is said that none of the Monster Emperors who recently invaded her territory managed to escape. There are already three known Monster Emperors."

"Such a woman actually devoted herself to an average male cultivator."

"I heard that she even shares him with other women."

"I think there must be something special about this True Monarch Da'ai."

Yu Xuanji's face was filled with curiosity. Even if her junior sister didn't mention it, she became interested in these people.

"What is the true name of True Monarch Da'ai? Is there a portrait of this person?" Chen Yi asked.

Yu Xuanji said, "It seems like his name is something Bai Gu, people call him President Bai. As for a portrait, there isn't one."

"Bai Gu?" Chen Yi's expression darkened.

Could she have guessed wrong? But Yulan and the others couldn't have been lying.

Yu Xuanji's smile froze, and she cautiously asked, "Junior sister, do you have any questions?"

"Should I go and ask if there is a portrait of him?" Chen Yi shook her head and said, "No need, the auction is about to start, the main thing is important."

The True Monarch of September from the Profound Yang Sect.

She remembered the woman she caught a glimpse of during the succession ceremony of the Profound Yang Sect's sect master. She was indeed an outstanding woman, even she took a second look.

In an instant, a flash of insight crossed her mind, and the fragments of memory overlapped.

Wasn't that familiar figure the one accompanying the True Monarch of September?

"It really is you!"

"Someone is investigating me?"

Yu Xian received a report from Qi Shaowei and looked towards a pavilion a hundred meters away.

"Are they from the Profound Yin Sect?"

Qi Shaowei nodded and said with resentment, "Senior, I've heard from the Patriarch that the Profound Yin Sect is a group of women who are skilled at manipulating male cultivators. They are all beautiful snake-like women who devour people without leaving a trace. They suddenly investigate you, there must be some ulterior motive. I suggest we take the initiative and capture them, interrogate them about their intentions."

Yu Xian was taken aback. "Isn't Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce always objective and neutral?"

Qi Shaowei smiled awkwardly. "Naturally, we are objective and neutral towards others, but senior's identity cannot be compared to others. Besides, we haven't taken action against the guests, we just provided some information."

"I understand, maintain objectivity and neutrality in principle."

Yu Xian shook his head and said, "But you guessed wrong, if they want to know something, you should tell them the truth."

"Senior?" Qi Shaowei looked puzzled.

"They are my friends."

Yu Xian smiled and didn't explain further.

The bead curtain of the pavilion could block the divine sense of an ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarch, but it couldn't block the Primordial Spirit power of a Soul Formation Venerable.

Qi Shaowei wanted to advise the senior, the female cultivators of the Profound Yin Sect were indeed beautiful, but they were also dangerous.

But considering the senior's identity, Qi Shaowei decided to keep his mouth shut.

Who was the senior? How could he be compared to ordinary people? Maybe those female cultivators of the Profound Yin Sect would bow down at the senior's feet.

Qi Shaowei respectfully took his leave, imagining a great scene.


Only Yulan, who heard the words "Profound Yin Sect," guessed what was going on.

"It's nothing."

Yu Xian smiled and pinched Yulan's cheek, in a very good mood.

"Since we've encountered them, it's convenient to deal with them."

He no longer coveted the Dao seeds in Chen Yi's body.

Especially after learning that the seventy-two positions of the Human Race had been filled, he had even less expectations.

Of course, if Chen Yi was willing to be with him, he wouldn't mind.

But he didn't think Chen Yi would be willing, unless he was willing to reveal his current Soul Formation cultivation base, then there might be a chance.

But his Soul Formation Realm was only known by Yue Jiu, not even Yulan knew.

He didn't know how much information Chen Yi knew about the Soul Formation Realm.

But to be honest, she couldn't gain his complete trust.

Even if he forcibly changed her will with the Heavenly Demon Laws, her true heart couldn't be violated, and with her cultivation base, she might be able to break free.

It wouldn't be beautiful then.

Besides, he didn't want to change Chen Yi's will.

Now he no longer needed to calculate everything like before. His strength allowed him to experience a completely different woman in a higher posture.

After all, human nature is despicable, and he is no exception.

It's boring when every woman says she loves him.

He wanted to conquer this proud woman once again. (End of this chapter)

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