Chapter 4 Unexpected Gains

When Zhou Bai woke up.

The street was being cleared of debris, and the soldiers of the city defense camp were carrying the bodies of their colleagues covered in white cloth. Their footsteps were slow, and everyone had a gloomy expression.

Not only was there a smell of blood in the air, but also a sense of sadness.

He sat in a corner of the street, with several of his subordinates guarding him.

"I'm not dead?"

Memories before losing consciousness gradually returned.

He was hit by Chen Xiao's Five Poison Palm, the poison entered his body, and his true qi was depleted too much. In the end, he fell down in despair and anger.

Yes, it was despair and anger.

If the Wang Mansion's offering had been willing to help, the two of them could have joined forces. With Chen Xiao's condition at the time, he would definitely not have been able to escape.

Now that Chen Xiao was already in the middle stage of the Innate Realm, once he recovered from his injuries, there would be no second opportunity like today.

Zhou Bai secretly felt annoyed at Yu Xian's cowardice and fear of death, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Someone! Where is the remaining offering from the Wang Mansion? Did he escape?"

"Chief Zhou, are you looking for me?"

A voice came from behind him.

Zhou Bai's hair stood on end, and he turned his head as if seeing a ghost. He saw a pale face, with sweat wetting the hair and temples, looking very exhausted.

"Offering Yu! Why are you here?"

Yu Xian innocently said, "Chief Zhou, why can't I be here? After all, I just did my best to save your life. Why don't you even have a good expression?"

"You saved me? The poison in my body?"

Only now did Zhou Bai realize that his paralyzed body had returned to normal at this moment, and all the poison had been forced into the palm of his right hand, bound by a powerful force.

Once he recovered his true qi, it would only take some time to force out this poison.

It seemed that it was Yu Xian who had been using his internal energy to heal him, which caused his appearance to be so exhausted.

Zhou Bai's face turned pale and then red, hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth, "Offering Yu, you saved my life, and I am extremely grateful. But today, your act of cowardice, Zhou Bai will report it truthfully to the Lord.

No matter how the Lord punishes afterwards, I am willing to bear it together with Offering Yu."

"Punishment? Why should we be punished?"

Yu Xian secretly suppressed his laughter, but on the surface, he pretended not to understand, "Moreover, when did I show cowardice? Didn't we catch the person? The Lord should reward us."


Zhou Bai looked confused, and then followed Yu Xian's finger.

He saw Chen Xiao, covered in injuries, half of his body turned into charcoal, unconscious and tied up on the side.

Zhou Bai felt a surge of blood rushing to his head, his face quickly turned red.

Not only did the other person save him, but also caught the person.

And he not only didn't give the other person a good expression, but also wanted to complain to the Lord.

This is simply... simply too embarrassing!

At this moment, Zhou Bai just wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Seeing Zhou Bai's appearance, Yu Xian secretly pinched his thigh to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

"Chief Zhou, now that you're awake, I can rest assured. In addition, Chen Xiao is an assassin who tried to assassinate the Lord. I have to take him to the Wang Mansion and wait for the Lord's decision. Chief Zhou, do you agree?"

At this moment, Zhou Bai couldn't even say that he wanted to take Chen Xiao to the yamen for interrogation. He could only awkwardly nod.

"That's right."

"Thank you for your understanding, Chief Zhou."

Yu Xian thanked him with a fist, stood up, and walked towards Chen Xiao, picking him up and leaving.

The reason why he staged this scene was that, on one hand, he thought Zhou Bai was a good person, and it was easy to cooperate with such a person, without any cost.

On the other hand, he thought about his retirement in the Wang Mansion. If the reputation of not going to the front lines today spread out, he wouldn't have to struggle anymore in the future.

Now that he had caught Chen Xiao, Zhou Bai owed him a favor, and the yamen would also have to thank him.

And all he had paid was a weakened version of the Fireball Technique.

He really won big this time.

Zhou Bai vaguely felt that something was wrong, but the debt of saving his life was greater than the sky. Even if he knew that Yu Xian had taken advantage of it, he had to reluctantly accept it.

Moreover, Changning County was originally the territory granted by the Prince of Fu. It was reasonable for the Wang Mansion to become the enforcer by bypassing the government office.

"Compile a list of the names of the injured and deceased brothers, and I will personally write the report. In addition, no one is allowed to touch their compensation money, I will personally deliver it."

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Bai stood up with the support of his subordinates and didn't forget to give instructions.

Today, the cost paid to capture Chen Xiao was not small, but fortunately, the Wang Mansion had made promises early on, and they would bear all the expenses and compensation.

Otherwise, if they wanted their brothers to risk their lives again without money, no matter how great his personal charm was, it would be in vain.


Cloud Arrival Inn.

Chen Xiao woke up slowly, his injuries had been preliminarily bandaged, but he still felt pain all over his body as if it was being torn apart.

He wanted to use his internal energy to heal, but he found that his body was weak and he couldn't muster any strength.

"It's useless. This is a special soft tendon powder developed by the Ministry of Justice specifically to control martial arts experts. Even a congenital warrior who takes it can't use their internal energy for three days and three nights."

A plain voice came.

Chen Xiao turned his head and realized that he was lying on the bed in the guest room. A young man in a green robe was sitting leisurely at the table in front of him, drinking tea slowly.

"It's you!"

Chen Xiao remembered. This bastard was the one who ambushed him in the end and mocked his Five Poison Palm.

"What kind of hero attacks from behind!"

Yu Xian was very surprised. "When did I say I was a hero?"

Just as Chen Xiao looked incredulous, Yu Xian took out two white crystal stones the size of quail eggs. They had edges and corners, and they were the common currency in the cultivation world - spirit stones.

White spirit stones were of the lowest grade.

"Enough nonsense, where did you get these things?"

It was a good habit to search a corpse.

It was precisely because he found the spirit stones on Chen Xiao's body that Yu Xian didn't immediately take him back to the Wang Mansion for interrogation, but planned to squeeze him first.

Thinking about how he used to make a living by farming for high-level cultivators in the cultivation world, earning only three low-grade spirit stones a year, and usually only willing to use lower-grade spirit sand, it explained why Chen Xiao was able to break through to the mid-stage of the innate realm in a world with thin spiritual energy.

With enough spirit stones, the influence of the thin spiritual energy would not be so great.

Thinking about how many spirit stones Chen Xiao had wasted in order to cultivate his martial arts, Yu Xian's heart ached.

Those were his!

"It seems that you are also familiar with spirit stones?"

Chen Xiao sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"But do you think I will tell you? Or maybe you can try begging me, maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you."

Yu Xian didn't get angry or annoyed, he just sighed. "Actually, I don't like using the weak to threaten others. It makes me look bad. But if you don't cooperate, I have no choice."

"Bring her in."

The door opened, and two Wang Mansion guards brought in a girl.

"You can leave."

Yu Xian dismissed the guards and pointed at the girl.

"With your martial arts, you could have left Changning City without anyone being able to stop you, but you didn't leave because of her, right?

The city gates have been sealed long ago, and you are still injured. It's not easy to leave with a delicate girl.

You are very clever. You wanted to distract the soldiers by pretending she was a guest at the inn and try to escape.

Unfortunately, you don't understand the thoughts of the upper class. They would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go. Speaking of which, you should thank me. I saved her life."

The girl was probably eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a plain white dress, with gentle eyebrows and eyes. She looked at the heavily injured Chen Xiao on the bed, tears silently streaming down her face.

When Chen Xiao saw the girl being captured, he became agitated and roared, "If you have the guts, come at me! Bullying a girl, what kind of man are you!"

Yu Xian walked slowly to the girl and gently lifted her chin, revealing her tear-stained face.

"You shouldn't have provoked me, because if I'm unhappy, she will be the one who gets hurt."

Chen Xiao's eyes were bloodshot, and even breathing became difficult.

"Let her go! I said I would cooperate, let her go..."

Yu Xian smiled faintly and released the girl. "Pleasant cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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