Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 67 Turtle Breath Containing Qi Art

Chapter 67: Turtle Breathing Technique

At a time when the outside world was filled with corpses and chaos reigned.

Under the ruins of a brick wall.

Yu Xian's eyes were tightly closed, his breathing had completely stopped, replaced by internal circulation of breath. His qi, blood, mana, and consciousness seemed to have completely fallen silent.

At this moment, even if a Foundation Building cultivator used their consciousness to carefully scan him, at most they would only discover a well-preserved corpse.

Having witnessed the old man's terrifying power and the devouring blood web, even though Yu Xian was also a Foundation Building cultivator, he was still terrified.

For him, the gains from this trip were less than satisfactory.

As for the combat power and battle mode of Foundation Building cultivators, he already had a basic understanding, enough to digest and absorb for a period of time.

Not to mention anything else, just based on the previous display of the old man's extreme spiritual pressure.

Yu Xian was only affected by the aftermath, but he keenly felt the profound changes in consciousness within it.

Compared to before, when he only used consciousness as an upgraded version of spiritual perception, the old man was like a live demonstration, showing him another wonderful use of consciousness.

Learning from others is not embarrassing.

But in the instant that Jiang Xuanwu appeared, Yu Xian felt a sense of danger in his heart.

This was an extremely dangerous person.

Once he discovered that Yu Xian, a Foundation Building cultivator who was not involved in the matter, he would most likely die!

Since coming to the mortal world, Yu Xian had always had smooth sailing, always being the first to run away. This was the first time he felt what it meant to be in a life-or-death crisis.

In life and death, there is great terror, but also great opportunity.

In this extreme pressure.

Yu Xian suddenly found that his comprehension of the Turtle Breathing Technique was steadily improving, reaching a state of perfection.

There were even flashes of inspiration in his mind, as if there were still areas of improvement for the Turtle Breathing Technique.

In his mind, he recalled a mortal world cultivation technique he had obtained in the secret chamber of the Fu Wang.

This technique was called the Hundred-Year Turtle Breathing Technique, which taught a breathing technique that imitated the breathing of a hundred-year-old turtle, effectively reducing one's own energy consumption.

When it reached the highest level, the heart would beat slowly during sleep, resembling an old turtle, and living healthily for over a hundred years would not be a problem.

At this moment, Yu Xian took the essence of this technique and integrated it into his Turtle Breathing Technique, and it had a miraculous effect.

He was confident that even if a peak Foundation Building cultivator carefully examined him with their consciousness, they would not be able to find any difference between him and the nearby corpse.

As for whether a Gold Core cultivator could discover it, he had never seen a Gold Core cultivator before, so he couldn't guarantee it, but it definitely had some effect.

However, because it was a rough technique, once it was used, he would be unable to move.

But it was already enough.

At this moment, there were countless corpses on the ground, and he was just a drop in the ocean. If he was still discovered and whipped, then it was his fate, and he couldn't blame others.

After using this second-level Turtle Breathing Technique, Yu Xian's state of mind seemed to be similar to that of an old turtle, suppressing any thoughts of nervousness or fear.

He was now like a stone, unaffected by the ever-changing outside world.

Yu Xian silently opened his eyes and saw a golden light flash across the sky, followed by an exclamation of "Elder Jiang" from above.

A middle-aged man slowly descended, holding in his eyes the elite Foundation Building cultivator Lin Jia'erlang.

"Elder Jiang?"

Even though Yu Xian was once a small spiritual farmer, he had also heard of Elder Jiang's reputation.

He was the number one Foundation Building cultivator in Shangyang City and one of the most hopeful people in Shangyang City to break through to the Gold Core realm.

Facing such a figure, Yu Xian silently lowered his eyelids, not daring to give him an extra glance.

He just wanted to finish quickly.

When cleaning up the bodies later, it would be best to have him taken away as well.

But in the next moment.

Yu Xian trembled all over, almost breaking out of his turtle breathing state and leaking his breath.

He looked up and saw through the cracks in the bricks and stones the sudden gathering of dark clouds in the sky, as well as the thunder brewing within the clouds.

Four words suddenly flashed in his mind - Gold Core Thunder Tribulation!


"Gold Core Thunder Tribulation!"

Lin Zhen's face was full of astonishment as he looked at Elder Jiang with an incredulous expression.

"The spiritual energy in the mortal world is depleted, and even replenishing mana is difficult. Are you crazy? How dare you undergo the Thunder Tribulation in this place?"

Jiang Xuanwu's expression was indifferent as he looked up at the thunderstorm gathering in the sky, his momentum gradually rising.

At the same time, his divine sense swept through the surrounding void repeatedly, preventing another Lin Zhen from appearing to take advantage.

"Lin family junior, you have hindered my path to the Gold Core Dao. Today, I will use you as a sacrifice to assist me!" Jiang Xuanwu reached out his hand, and Lin Zhen felt as if his entire body, including his mana, blood, and even his soul, were being pulled away.

"This is not a spell from the Jiang family. You have actually fallen into the demonic path!" Lin Zhen roared, trying to stop Jiang Xuanwu from plundering him.

"The Blood Transformation Technique of the Taiyin Demon Sect. It is an honor for you to die under such a demonic technique," Jiang Xuanwu said calmly. "The more you resist, the more you will suffer. Although your Three Yang Spirit Body is not a top-tier spiritual body, it is enough to withstand the first thunder tribulation for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a net-like lightning tore through the sky and struck instantly.

A blood and energy shield appeared around Jiang Xuanwu's body. If one looked closely, they would see that the source of the shield's energy was actually provided by Lin Zhen.

"Jiang ancestor, do you really think you have caught me?" Lin Zhen grinned at Jiang Xuanwu through the pain. Then, the remaining trace of mana in his dantian broke free from Jiang Xuanwu's suppression.

Suddenly, it erupted.


A transparent talisman appeared from Lin Zhen's dantian, turning into a bubble that enveloped him, and then disappeared in an instant.

"A Third Rank Escape Talisman?!" Jiang Xuanwu saw a broken transparent talisman suddenly appear where Lin Zhen was, but Lin Zhen had long since disappeared.

At this moment, the thunder tribulation had arrived.

A huge mushroom cloud rose out of thin air. After the smoke cleared, Jiang Xuanwu was left with a dirty face.

Although he didn't suffer any major injuries, in his expectations, he could only pass the first wave of thunder tribulation unscathed in order to have a chance of surviving the remaining tribulations.

"Heaven wants to destroy me!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunder tribulation didn't care who was below. Since it had come, it would strike until nothing was left.

Jiang Xuanwu displayed various techniques of body cultivation, his blood and energy transforming into the Vajra Mingwang, his physical body becoming a pagoda. However, he couldn't withstand the waves of thunder tribulation attacks.

The Gold Core Thunder Tribulation, also known as the Thirty-Nine Thunder Tribulations, consisted of twenty-seven waves.

Each wave stronger than the last.

By the time the eighteenth wave arrived, Jiang Xuanwu's physical body had completely turned into charcoal, leaving behind only a translucent jade skeleton that the thunder tribulation hadn't destroyed, occasionally flashing with electric sparks.

Seeing that the person who should have been struck by the tribulation was dead, the thunder tribulation didn't immediately dissipate. Instead, it lingered above the palace for a while.

After a moment.


Lin Zhen flew over from a distance, with traces of blood still on the corners of his mouth, unable to hide his joy.

The Third Rank Escape Talisman was a life-saving treasure given to him by his ancestor of the Lin family's Gold Core lineage.

After activating it, he could teleport himself a hundred miles away, and even a Gold Core cultivator couldn't stop the explosive power of the talisman.

But this kind of teleportation spell put a lot of pressure on the physical body. He already had injuries, and now they were even more severe, leaving him with only fifty percent of his peak strength.

But Lin Zhen didn't run away. Instead, he hurried back.

Because he was certain that Jiang Xuanwu, the ancestor of the Jiang family, would not be able to survive the tribulation in such a hasty manner!

"Jiang ancestor died by my hands. With such great achievements, I can take control of the Yue Kingdom. If anyone has any objections, they can only bury them in their hearts."

"I have delayed my cultivation for nothing, hiding in the Yue Kingdom for nearly ten years. Old thing, you died well!"

Lin Zhen landed on the ground and looked at Jiang Xuanwu's skeleton, his mind racing.


A flash of golden light appeared, and the Golden Scale Sword struck the jade skeleton, producing a crisp sound of metal colliding. However, only a tiny dent the size of a grain of rice appeared on the skeleton.

"Jiang Xuanwu, you killed my father with your fists. In the future, I will refine your skeleton into a magic weapon. It will be roasted by the flames of the earth every day, to extinguish the hatred in my heart."

Lin Zhen was filled with satisfaction and was about to reach out and take the skeleton when he saw blood vessels moving on the skeleton, and a skeletal hand quickly grabbed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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