Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 78 Fishing (Read More!)

Chapter 78: Fishing (Seeking More Chapters!)

Three days later.

Outside the city, in the third shantytown area.

The third shantytown area is located near the eastern city wall, far from the main road, and receives less attention. It has always been one of the most chaotic areas in the shantytown.

Yu Xian, who had disguised himself and changed his height and body shape through bone shrinking, appeared here, curiously surveying the scenery of the third shantytown area.

After being in Shangyang City for almost a month, Yu Xian was no longer the naive person he used to be.

For example, the appearance of the shantytown.

At first, it was just a group of scattered cultivators who couldn't afford the entrance fee to the city, absorbing spiritual energy outside the city.

Although Shangyang City locked most of the spiritual veins and spiritual energy with the array on the city wall, there was still a small amount of spiritual energy that escaped.

So practicing outside Shangyang City was equivalent to cultivating on a first-grade spiritual vein, which was undoubtedly a great temptation for ordinary scattered cultivators.

Each year, the various managers of the shantytown would pay a tribute to Shangyang City, equivalent to rent.

As for why they didn't simply build a larger outer city, it was because Shangyang City was backed by one of the branches of the Wan Yao Mountain Range, and countless cultivators would enter the mountain range to obtain resources.

Perhaps because the cultivators had plundered too much, every few decades, Shangyang City would face a wave of beast attacks.

There was a period of time when an outer city area was established, but it only diluted the defensive forces in the inner city and caused heavy losses to the cultivation families in the outer city.

So since then, Shangyang City simply handed over the territory outside the city to the scattered cultivators, so that when the beast tide came, these scattered cultivators could be used as cannon fodder.

This was also the reason why most of the houses in the shantytown were poorly constructed.

Anyway, they came here mainly for cultivation. No matter how well the houses were built, they would be trampled and destroyed within a few decades.

Even if they went to the Wan Yao Mountain Range, someone else would occupy their houses.

Compared to the environment in the shantytown, the security and cultivation environment in Shangyang City were like heaven.

But let's get back to the point.

People were coming and going in the third shantytown area, walking hurriedly with a clear look of vigilance on their faces, as if someone might jump out and rob them at any moment.

Occasionally, a few obvious gang cultivators would lead a group of warriors, showing off.

In a chaotic area, the appearance of gangs was inevitable.

As the saying goes, cultivators are also human, and due to their powerful strength, they embody the law of the jungle, where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, even more clearly.

If the secular government wanted to kill someone, they had to fabricate charges and extract confessions through torture.

But when cultivators killed someone, as long as they were stronger than the other person, it was enough.

Of course, there was still some basic order.

These gangs were the maintainers of that order.

"Friend Zhou, please come this way."

A small-bearded cultivator smiled and led Yu Xian, who was using the alias Zhou Bo, into a small house.

The small-bearded cultivator was a middleman, and his task this time was to introduce Yu Xian to a shopkeeper who could accept the gold in his hands.

The fee was one-tenth of the transaction price, with a maximum fee of ten spiritual stones.

Inside the room, a handsome young cultivator was waiting. His cultivation was at the late stage of Qi Refining, probably around the eighth level of Qi Refining, still a bit away from perfection.

Now that Yu Xian had reached the Foundation Building stage, his vision was extraordinary.

Unless it was a secret technique like the Concealing Qi Art, he could basically tell the cultivation level of a Qi Refining cultivator at a glance.

The small-bearded cultivator introduced the two of them, saying, "Leader Li, this is Zhou Bo, a friend of mine. Zhou Bo, this is Li Wei, the deputy leader of the Golden Blade Gang."

"Friend Zhou, my brother Guo said you have hundreds of thousands of gold coins. Is that true?" Li Wei got straight to the point. The brother Guo he mentioned was naturally the small-bearded cultivator.

Yu Xian nodded indifferently, "Yes, what price can you offer?"

A glint flashed in Li Wei's eyes as he smiled and said, "Naturally, I won't let Friend Zhou suffer. Let's go with the market price. Twenty catties of gold for one catty of spiritual sand."

Yu Xian nodded, "Alright, let's go with that price."

It wasn't difficult to turn gold into refined gold. As long as it was a Qi Refining cultivator, they could do it.

Once they collected it, they could distribute it to the lower-level cultivators. Even if they only charged half the handling fee, they could still make a profit.

"Let's make the transaction."

Yu Xian waved his hand.

Gold, weighing less than two cubic units, appeared on the ground. One cubic unit of gold weighs about forty thousand catties, and several hundred thousand taels of gold may sound like a lot, but it would only fill up a refrigerator.

Li Wei looked at the gold on the ground, his eyes shining brightly, and finally smiled and said, "Friend Zhou, you're straightforward. Even if this is sixty thousand catties, it's only two hundred and fifty pieces. I wonder if Friend Zhou is satisfied?"

With a wave of his hand, Li Wei created a small pile of spirit stones on the ground.

Yu Xian scanned it with his divine sense and knew that it was accurate to the slightest detail. He then collected the spirit stones and handed ten of them to the little bearded man.

"Money and goods are settled."

After saying that, he was about to turn and leave.

"Friend Zhou, please wait a moment," Li Wei called out to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian stopped in his tracks, his face alert, his mid-stage Qi Refining cultivation ready to burst forth.

"What else does Master Li have to instruct?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "Friend Zhou should still have some gold on hand. Our gang is quite powerful. If Friend Zhou wants to sell more, Li will definitely give you a fair price."

Yu Xian's heart stirred, but he maintained a calm demeanor.

"I do have some gold left, probably more than one million taels, but it's all stored outside. If you want it, come find me at Fenglin Mountain with enough spirit stones in three days."

To be honest, he didn't really want to engage in the business of killing and robbing. He only wanted spirit stones to sell his resources.

But if he could lure a few foolish fish with this, he wouldn't mind taking them all.

Now that he had cultivated high-level demonic techniques and had a mid-stage Foundation Building cultivation, as well as a middle-grade spiritual weapon in his hand, his strength was no longer that of a weakling.

Even if Lin Jia'erlang came back to life, he was confident he could suppress him.

And mid-stage Foundation Building cultivators were few and far between in the entire Shangyang City.

Based on the transaction just now, even if he caught a fish, at most it would be an early-stage Foundation Building cultivator, or even no Foundation Building cultivators at all. The situation was completely under his control.

He suddenly looked forward to three days later.

This time, Li Wei didn't stop Yu Xian from leaving.

"Three days later, Li will definitely bring enough spirit stones. Friend Zhou, take care."

Shortly after Yu Xian left.

The little bearded man rolled the spirit stones in his hand and smiled, "Master Li, you don't seem to be in your usual style today."

"This Mr. Zhou seems experienced, but I can smell the scent of a greenhorn on him."

"Why don't we just go after him now and split the spoils?"

Li Wei shook his head and said, "If you want to catch a big fish, you have to be willing to bait it. Ordinary cultivators can't collect this much gold, so I suspect he may have discovered a gold mine."

"Aren't you afraid of hooking a monster fish that will swallow you too?"

Seeing that Li Wei rejected his proposal, the little bearded man quickly changed his attitude.

Li Wei sneered, a flash of blue light fleeting in his eyes.

"I haven't misjudged anyone with my blue-eyed spirit eyes."

"If Brother Guo really wants to get involved, I'll give you a share in three days. If there is a gold mine, you'll get ten percent of it."

The little bearded man touched his beard at the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"I want twenty percent. If there is no gold mine, I want thirty percent of the gold on him."


Li Wei smiled.

This Mr. Guo had been lurking in the slums for many years and had always been mysterious, but Li Wei knew that his strength was formidable and not inferior to his own.

With his help, coupled with the strength of the Golden Blade Gang, it would be no problem to seize a gold mine.

To be able to mine so much gold, it must be a large-scale gold mine.

If they could mine it clean and add the savings of the Golden Blade Gang over the years, it should be enough to exchange for a Foundation Building Pill.

Only a gang with a Foundation Building cultivator as its leader could be considered the overlord of the slums.

And if the gang leader could break through to Foundation Building, he would follow the gang leader into the inner city and live in the cave mansion on Shangyang Mountain.

Perhaps he would also have a chance to break through to Foundation Building.

Foundation Building!

A hint of excitement flashed in Li Wei's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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