Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 8 Someone Wants To Make Friends

Chapter 8: Someone Wants to Make Friends

Since the day they went fishing on a boat, Yu Xian often took Mei Youwan to play, occasionally even going on a trip with three people.

Then Yu Xian suddenly understood why in his past life, couples would not go home during holidays and would have to go out and spend money on hotel rooms. That's what they call "fun".

In the same environment, facing the same face, it's easy to get tired of it.

When it comes to the feeling of freshness, if you can't change people, it's better to try changing the environment, perhaps there will be wonderful discoveries.

Anyway, Yu Xian felt a surge of motivation for cultivation, and his cultivation level was steadily improving.

But soon Yu Xian discovered a very serious problem - he was out of money.

As everyone knows, playing is an expensive activity, especially when accompanied by a woman and with special programs added.

The monthly two hundred taels of silver from the Wang Mansion was more than enough for a bachelor, but for a man with a wife, it was not enough.

However, Yu Xian didn't complain about the small amount of money given by the Wang Mansion.

The Wang Mansion provided housing and wives, free meals and accommodation, and he didn't have to work normally. He received two hundred taels of silver every month, and there would be a large subsidy when he needed to spend money.

Speaking of which, after the incident with Chen Xiao, the Wang Mansion had approached him twice, both times for the task of killing people and wiping out families. They gave him a considerable amount of silver, as well as additional spoils of war.

But Yu Xian found it troublesome and was also worried that if he encountered a hidden old yin who was more cunning than exposing his identity as a cultivator, he refused both times. He made up his mind that unless it was absolutely necessary, he would definitely freeload to the end.

The Wang Mansion didn't force him.

After all, the weight of being a heavenly-level offering was there, and the Wang Mansion had enough silver to support a martial arts master every month.

But don't expect any additional benefits.

The Wang Mansion wasn't stupid. They could give you wealth and prosperity, but you had to work hard for it.

But he didn't want to work, he just wanted to freeload. Where would the silver come from?

Yu Xian was annoyed.


Fu Wang Mansion, Offering Courtyard, Third Courtyard.

Unlike the Tianzi Loft, where the heavenly-level offerings lived in separate houses, the earth-level offerings lived in quadrangle courtyards, with one person assigned to one room.

However, most of the offerings had their own industries and houses, they just had their names registered in the Wang Mansion and would lend a hand when needed.

But there were also some people who would often stay in the Wang Mansion.

Like the doctor who was proficient in medical skills, Doctor Huang.

The reason he became an offering of the Wang Mansion was very simple, because the Wang Mansion had enough medical books for him to study, as well as various difficult and complicated patients for him to choose from.

The most important thing was that even if he couldn't cure them, no one dared to trouble him.

Because he was protected by the Wang Lord.

But at this moment, someone was troubling him.

"You ran out of money?!"

Yu Xian's gaze turned cold as he stared at Doctor Huang, who was wiping his sweat on the other side.

"That's the hard-earned money that I, Yu Xian, obtained after going through hardships and fighting against enemies for three hundred rounds. Are you telling me that it's all gone?

Is it because I, Yu Xian, am usually too easy to talk to, that people think I'm weak and can be bullied?!"

Misfortunes never come singly.

While he was still considering where to get money to take a girl out, Doctor Huang actually said that the medicinal ingredients for his Ten Complete Replenishing Wine had run out.

A thousand taels of silver notes, all used up in less than two months.

Were they used for making wine?

They were the fuel for his waist!

He could tolerate his aunt, but not his uncle!

If Doctor Huang didn't give him a satisfactory explanation today, he would make a high-profile move and engage in a Robin Hood act.

He heard that doctors were quite wealthy.

"I would never dare to deceive Offering Yu!"

Doctor Huang, whose name was Huang Yu, was in his fifties, with a slim figure and a short goatee.

At this moment, he repeatedly waved his hand and quickly took out a list from behind the bookshelf, placing it in front of Yu Xian with a look of grievance.

"Every use of medicine by Offering Yu has a detailed record. I haven't even charged a single penny for labor.

It's just that, Offering Yu, cough cough, the amount of medicine used in that aspect is really too large."

And the medicinal materials used are all precious items. Although a thousand taels of silver is a lot, it is still not enough for continuous consumption."

Yu Xian took the list and quickly scanned through it.

When he saw the precious medicinal materials listed, some costing more than ten taels of silver per qian, and the wild mountain ginseng that was hundreds of years old, his expression gradually calmed down.

The medicinal materials and their prices on the list were very clear. As long as he compared them with the outside pharmacies, he could easily verify them. Doctor Huang wouldn't make such a basic mistake.

Of course, the main reason was that the medicinal wine prescribed by Doctor Huang was indeed effective. Otherwise, even if he used the elixir listed on the inventory, he would have to vomit it out ten or a hundred times.

"I've wrongly accused you."

Thinking about the trouble with silver, Yu Xian unconsciously touched the spirit stones in his money pouch at his waist.

The preciousness of spirit stones in the mortal world goes without saying.

Especially for those martial artists who have reached the peak of the acquired realm, perhaps just one spirit stone could help them absorb qi and advance to the innate realm. They would be willing to exchange a fortune for it.

However, spirit stones can be exchanged for silver, but silver cannot be exchanged back for spirit stones.

Since Yu Xian obtained these two spirit stones from Chen Xiao, he hadn't been willing to use them. One reason was that his cultivation didn't require spirit stones, and the other reason was that they served as a trump card.

In case of any unexpected situation where he exhausted his mana and couldn't afford elixirs, he could quickly recover using the spirit stones.

But the Ten Perfect Nourishing Wine was equally important, as it was related to his cultivation and double happiness, and he couldn't do without it.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Recently, his expenses had increased, and it was really hard to bear it.

Should he take out one spirit stone to cover it for now?

Yu Xian was very conflicted.

Doctor Huang seemed to have noticed Yu Xian's dilemma and suddenly asked, "Is Master Yu short of silver?"

Yu Xian glanced at Doctor Huang expressionlessly.

Damn it, this old man dares to mock me!

Can't you see whether I'm short of silver or not?

Under Yu Xian's gaze, Doctor Huang couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. He forced a smile and quickly explained.

"Master Yu, please don't misunderstand. I suddenly remembered that a few herbal medicine merchants came to me not long ago, saying that they wanted to get to know you and be friends with you.

But I was worried about disturbing you, so I refused.

As far as I know, they are very generous when it comes to treating friends."

Yu Xian's eyes suddenly lit up, pretending to blame Doctor Huang.

"Oh, Doctor Huang, you were wrong. I, Yu, have always been approachable and love making friends.

By the way, how do they make friends? Please tell me in detail, Doctor Huang."

Upon hearing Yu Xian politely calling him "Doctor Huang," Doctor Huang almost couldn't help but burst into laughter. This change in attitude was too natural.

Before this, Doctor Huang was still worried that Yu Xian was a lofty person.

After all, Yu Xian had been behaving too seriously these past few months, even playing with several women inside the Wang Mansion.

Brothels, gambling houses, pleasure quarters, and restaurants... He didn't even go to any of them!

It made it impossible for others to have a chance encounter with him.

Because of his research on medical skills, Doctor Huang had dealt with various forces outside the Wang Mansion.

Among them, there were a few major herbal medicine merchants who he couldn't easily offend, so he had to agree to help them make connections.

However, he didn't rashly disturb Yu Xian, but waited for this opportunity today.

Upon hearing this, Doctor Huang pondered for a moment and spoke more implicitly, "Making friends, well, it's about having meals together, chatting, and incidentally giving Master Yu some small gifts."

Yu Xian was not satisfied when he heard this, and his displeasure was clearly written on his face.

"Small gifts? Am I of little importance?"

How vulgar! So vulgar!

Doctor Huang cursed inwardly, but forced a smile on his face and decided to be more straightforward.

"Not small, not small. When meeting for the first time, if they don't bring a gift worth a thousand or several hundred taels of silver, this old man won't let them off easily."

Yu Xian felt relieved when he heard that they would receive over a thousand taels of silver.

He nodded reservedly and said, "It seems that they are sincerely interested in being friends with me. I will give you, Doctor Huang, some face and meet them."

Of course, the gifts were just for the initial meeting. If they asked him for favors after receiving the gifts, that would be a different matter.

(End of this chapter)

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