Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 91 Extremely Angry Me A Slide Shovel

Chapter 91: My Extreme Anger Leads to a Slip...

Another two days passed.

No. 44 Courtyard.

In the courtyard, Yu Xian sat leisurely on a stone bench, sprinkling small pieces of meat into the pool. A group of silver fish fought over the bait, creating small splashes of water.

Beside him sat Zhao, the steward, with a troubled expression, wanting to speak but hesitating.

After a while, Zhao finally let out a sigh and tentatively asked, "Xiao Yu, do you know about the recent major incident in the Zhao family?"

Yu Xian remained calm and said, "Zhao Lao Bo, I am focused on my cultivation and do not pay much attention to outside matters. Please tell me what happened."

Zhao, the steward, smiled bitterly and said, "The legitimate heir of our Zhao family, Zhao Zhongliu, the son of the family head, was mysteriously assassinated the night before last, and his body has not been found yet. There are rumors that he offended you, so people suspect that you are responsible for this. Of course, I know it's not you. The Patriarch has said that the person who attacked must have at least Foundation Building cultivation. But the family head, devastated by the loss of his beloved son, has gone mad and wants to investigate all the suspects, so he wants you to come and explain. Don't worry, I'll be there, and it's just a formality."

However, Yu Xian shook his head and said, "If he suspects me, should I just cooperate? Am I a criminal to be interrogated and monitored?"

Zhao, the steward, smiled bitterly and said, "The more you resist, the more the family head will suspect you. He might pour all his anger on you. It's just a temporary inconvenience. Even if he lost his son, he won't go mad for long."

Yu Xian responded with a cold smile, "So, the Zhao family would actually attack a Foundation Building cultivator just because of a little suspicion?"

Yu Xian had no intention of hiding.

Since he dared to do this, he had already planned to reveal part of his strength.

As he gained a deeper understanding of Shangyang City, the awe he once had for it gradually dissipated.

It was like a rural young man who had just entered a big city to work. At first, he was timid and didn't dare to enter even a slightly upscale restaurant casually. But later on, he could enter high-end office buildings and government buildings without changing his expression, feeling that it was no big deal.

Not to mention that the rural young man had now become one of the top few people in the city.

He had hidden his identity as a Foundation Building cultivator only out of caution, not because he was afraid of anyone.

Originally, he planned to become a Foundation Building cultivator in a few years, but now he was just doing it ahead of schedule.

After all, he didn't have any enemies.

Who would come looking for trouble with a Foundation Building cultivator for no reason?

In addition, the entire Zhao family was supported by the Zhao family patriarch. If there was another Foundation Building cultivator, he would admit defeat on the spot.

That's right, he was just bullying the fact that the Zhao family had no one.

As long as his value was greater than that so-called Zhao Young Master, even if his father was the family head, what could he do even if he was dissatisfied?

Without direct evidence of him killing someone, they had to keep their mouths shut!

"What? Foundation Building?!!"

The steward Zhao almost couldn't catch his breath, wondering if his ears were playing tricks on him.

"What are you talking about?"

Yu Xian smiled calmly, releasing the pressure of a Foundation Building cultivator. The silver fish that were fighting for food just now all hid at the bottom of the pool, not daring to show their heads.

Zhao, the steward, also felt his breathing become tight, feeling an added pressure on his shoulders out of thin air.

The pressure of a Foundation Building cultivator was a kind of mental pressure that could bring fatal consequences.

Yu Xian had witnessed the Foundation Building elder of the Jiang family using extreme spiritual pressure to make many ordinary soldiers' heads explode.

After all, in a certain sense, spiritual pressure could be considered real damage.

Faced with the pressure, the steward Zhao was not surprised but delighted, looking at Yu Xian with eyes full of excitement.

"Good! Great!"

"Yu... my talented nephew, when did you have a breakthrough? Why didn't you remind me? I was worried about you before I came."

Yu Xian calmly replied, "On that day, when I found out that the clan only made Zhao Zhongliu reflect on his actions and sent him home, I became more and more angry."

"So I decided to seek justice for myself."

"I have heard that in extreme anger, a mortal can open a tiger's belly with a single swipe."

Therefore, it is reasonable for me to break through Foundation Building in a state of extreme anger."

"I must admit that I was terrified during the process. Without the Foundation Building pill, I rashly attempted the breakthrough and almost failed."

"Now that Zhao Zhongliu has met an unfortunate end, it has relieved my anger to some extent."

It is indeed possible to break through Foundation Building without the Foundation Building pill, but it is easy to fail and lose one's life.

Upon hearing this, Zhao's steward's heart skipped a beat, and his gaze towards Yu Xian immediately changed.

This person is ruthless. For a trivial matter, he dared to gamble with his life.

Unconsciously, he labeled Yu Xian as someone who is extremely dangerous and passionate.

Then he nodded and sighed, "If Zhongliu knew that his death would result in one more Foundation Building cultivator in our Zhao family, he would probably be able to rest in peace."

"I will go see the Patriarch immediately. Nephew, stay at home and wait for good news."

Although Yu Xian had just broken through and Zhao Zhongliu was killed in an ambush, these two events happened too coincidentally.

But in front of a Foundation Building cultivator, whether Zhao Zhongliu lives or dies is no longer important.

Zhao's steward stood up excitedly, keenly aware that this was great news for him.

Among the Zhao family, besides Zhao Shiwen, his relationship with Yu Xian was the best and their bond was the deepest.

After Yu Xian broke through Foundation Building, his status naturally rose.

Perhaps in the future, he could even sit in the position of the Zhao family's patriarch.


Shortly after the steward left.

Zhao Shiwen walked out of the side room, her face flushed, tears in her eyes, and a look of gratitude.

"Master, I'm sorry. It's all because of me that you almost fell into danger."

She had heard everything just now.

Master was still young and could have prepared for another ten years. By then, with the help of a Foundation Building pill, the chances of a successful breakthrough would have been much higher.

But he forcefully broke through without any preparation.

It seemed casual, but it was actually like dancing on the edge of a cliff.

Moreover, although there was no evidence linking it to Master, Zhao Zhongliu's death was definitely related.

How could she not be moved by all this?

Yu Xian smiled gently and said, "Although you have just started your cultivation journey, since you are my woman, I won't allow others to bully you. Besides, I didn't do it all for you. I accumulated enough strength and confidence before attempting it."

The more Yu Xian said this, the more moved Zhao Shiwen became.

This domineering yet gentle love was exactly what she, a woman who had never experienced a father's love, lacked the most.

Of course, the premise of this feeling was that Yu Xian always maintained a high posture, the one she looked up to.

As for the love of a sycophant, it was always worthless, and no woman would care about it.

Only Yulan stood by, smiling and not exposing her husband's lie.

At the same time, she felt a sense of happiness in her heart - her husband never lied to her.

"Today is a happy day, let's celebrate."

Yu Xian walked forward with big strides and embraced the two shy girls, one on each side.

A gentle breeze blew, causing the petals on the trees to sway and fall into the pond, where mischievous fish swallowed them.

Another beautiful day began.

(End of this chapter)

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