Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

Chapter 96 Zhao Family Land

Chapter 96: Zhao Family Land


A strange sound pierced through the clouds, disrupting the formation of the flock of birds ahead. A dumb bird with a white crown and black feathers fell behind, flapping its wings in panic as the main force flew further away.

Just at this moment.

A big hand grabbed its abdomen and pushed it forward.


The dumb bird seemed to have been equipped with an accelerator and hurriedly caught up with the team.


Yu Xian withdrew his gaze and burst into hearty laughter.

Once the thought of running away arose, the heavens and earth would open up.

After the auction ended, he went home directly to pack his belongings and set off with his sister.

Only after leaving Shangyang City did Yu Xian realize that his first stop after returning to the cultivation world was such an immature decision.

A novice should stay in the novice village. Going to an advanced place rashly not only won't win favor, but will also feel suffocating.

Just the thought of there possibly being seven or eight Foundation Building cultivators who could threaten him in the city, as well as dozens of violent gangs and a mysterious Gold Core cultivator suppressing the area, made him feel helpless.

But this couldn't be entirely blamed on him.

Shangyang City was a dream of his when he first crossed over. Of course, he would come here to fulfill his dream as soon as he had the ability.

Moreover, a place like Shangyang City could provide the best cultivation environment for Yulan.

But whether the shoes fit or not, one can only know after wearing them.

Obviously, Shangyang City was not suitable for him, at least not temporarily.

Especially when he saw that Shangyang City was about to become a vortex.

Even if there was no request from Patriarch Zhao, he would probably find a reason to leave for a while.

The red sword light in the sky was like a skateboard, swiftly passing through layer after layer of clouds.

Yulan and Zhao Shiwen stood on either side of Yu Xian, their eyes filled with excitement, nervousness, anticipation, and a hint of confusion.

But Yu Xian's face only showed enjoyment as he savored the delicate touch on his arm.

The small one on the left and the big one on the right, it felt comfortable and smooth.

"I suddenly look forward to the future." Yu Xian looked back, only to see the sky and clouds getting farther and farther away.


Strictly speaking, the area within thousands of miles centered around Shangyang City is a remote place in the cultivation world, or rather, under the jurisdiction of Xuan Yang Sect.

After all, it is a place bordering the mortal world, so one cannot expect it to be very prosperous.

This can be seen from the fact that the strongest cultivator here is only a Gold Core cultivator who is not valued by the sect.

Of course, no matter what, Shangyang City is the center of this area.

It is where the most powerful cultivators, the most powerful inheritances, the most complete professional inheritances, and the largest spiritual veins gather...

But outside of Shangyang City does not mean it is a blank space.

There is a broader world outside.

However, there is no national system here, only villages and towns of various sizes, occupying spiritual veins and implementing self-governance in the form of families and sects.

Under the power of time, they flourish, decline, rise, and change owners one after another.

For example, the Nangong family, where Yu Xian used to be a tenant farmer.

The Nangong family was originally just a Qi Refining family, but when their ancestor broke through to Foundation Building by chance, their status rose rapidly, directly upgrading from small landlords to big landlords.

They occupied a first-grade superior spiritual vein, developed spiritual fields and medicinal mountains around it, started fish farming, tree planting, and industrial development.

They also opened shops to attract nearby wandering cultivators and mortals.

Gradually, a small town where cultivators and mortals coexist formed around the Nangong family as the core.

Unless something unexpected happens, most people in the town will depend on the Nangong family for their entire lives.

Their biggest goal is to serve the Nangong family in the hope of gaining recognition and becoming an outsider of the Nangong family, and then placing their hopes on the next generation.

Of course, many people choose to travel outside and seek opportunities.

But basically, there is no news at all.

Just like Yu Xian.

He has been away from the Nangong family for nearly ten years, and those who used to know him probably think he died on the way.

As for why they live so hard but don't go to the mortal world to have some fun.

Yu Xian has summarized a few reasons based on personal experience.

One reason is that there are many braggers but few doers.

Even if they are all pretending, most people have intermittent ambitions.

Not everyone can be as direct and determined as him, willing to take all his savings and risk his life to have fun in the mortal world.

To be honest, he was purely forced at that time.

As a mighty time traveler, he was constantly shouted at and ordered around, trampled on his dignity, and pointed at his nose and scolded him for being delusional and never making anything of himself.

His idea was simple, even if he was going to die, he had to taste what it's like to be a big shot first.

And then he arrived in Yue Country.

Another reason is that those cultivators who go to the mortal world hardly ever come back.

Going to the mortal world is more like a consolation for many low-level cultivators, similar to how college students would say that if they can't make something of themselves this year, they'll go back to their hometown and take the civil service exam.

But who knows if they really become big shots in the mortal world.

They might even be killed by mortals.

Where there is the unknown, there is fear.

Another reason is that they still hold a glimmer of hope in their hearts. On this vast land, new legends appear every moment.

Perhaps good luck will come to them in the next moment.

If they really go to the mortal world, then they will truly never be able to turn their lives around.

Of course, those who cheat are excluded.

To get back on track, the situation Yu Xian is heading to in the Zhao family's territory is similar to that of the Nangong family.

About eighty years ago, the Zhao family was still a small Qi Refining family living five hundred miles away from Shangyang City in Zhaojia Gou.

There was an unranked spiritual vein in Zhaojia Gou, and the Zhao family had worked hard for several generations to develop over a dozen acres of spiritual fields, barely supporting several Qi Refining cultivators and resisting various natural and man-made disasters.

Until Shangyang City held an ascension ceremony, the purpose of which was to select qualified young men and women to go up the mountain and serve the immortals.

At that time, Zhao Laozu was the most outstanding member of the Zhao family and happened to meet the requirements.

So the current patriarch of the Zhao family, against popular opinion, mobilized the entire family to support him in going to Shangyang City. Zhao Laozu obtained the opportunity to become an immortal and entered Shangyang Mountain.

Later, Zhao Laozu broke through the Foundation Building stage and gained the favor of Dan Yangzi. He did not forget the kindness of the family and did his best to support the Zhao family, making them one of the newly emerging eight major cultivation families in Shangyang City.

However, the Zhao family did not move the entire clan to Shangyang City. Instead, they left most of the clan in their ancestral land.

Shangyang City was used to cultivate elites, while the ancestral land served as the foundation for the family to grow their bloodline.

Other major families followed a similar pattern.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket. It's a family's instinct.

In Yu Xian's opinion, Zhao Laozu asked him to stay in the Zhao family's ancestral land and promised him fifty percent of the profits, but more likely, he hoped that Yu Xian could protect the bloodline inheritance of the Zhao family.

After all, Zhao Laozu couldn't split himself into multiple bodies.

With his identity, he couldn't leave his post and personally stay in the ancestral land, so he urgently needed a Foundation Building-level combat power.

About two hours later.

From a distance, a light barrier resembling an inverted white jade bowl could be seen in the valley. Inside the barrier were rows of magnificent buildings, like a mirage appearing in the mountains.

Yu Xian paused, and Zhao Shiwen beside him showed a happy expression and said, "That's Zhaojia Gou, our Zhao family's ancestral land."

"I'll go down first and have them open the formation to avoid any misunderstandings."

This Zhaojia Gou is not the original Zhaojia Gou, but rather a new one built by the Zhao family after seizing a first-grade superior spiritual vein from a small sect.

After developing for a long time, later generations only knew about the new Zhaojia Gou and didn't know where the old Zhaojia Gou was.

"No need."

Only a red light fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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