Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1,031: Emperor Chao

Before it really came out, the ministers from the previous court had already lined up their ranks and were conducting the morning court in the Jinluan Hall. **

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Among the courtiers, one by one came out and spoke in simple words. Naturally, this court meeting would not really be the time to govern the country, let alone formulate policies. It was the time for the two governments. However, many times, the words and statements made at court meetings have the effect of being a weather vane, and are the source of many uproar.

Therefore, every court meeting cannot be treated lightly. Whether it is ministers who want to initiate some big events, or ordinary courtiers with limited power who want to find out the direction of the court, every court meeting will be attentive to listen and see. , to think.

It might have been nothing in the past, but over the past two years, the emperor's temperament has become more and more unpredictable, and his handling of government affairs has become more and more iron-fisted, even vaguely dictatorial. At every court meeting, accidents may occur. The reversal forced the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to pay more attention.

However, the political structure of Dali was not enough for the emperor to be arbitrary, and there were many restrictions. The result was a structure in which scholar-bureaucrats and the emperor jointly ruled the world, so generally speaking, it was difficult for the emperor to be iron-fisted and arbitrary.

However, the group of scholar-bureaucrats is not monolithic in the first place. There are still many contradictions within it. In addition, the influence of poor families continues to expand with the imperial examination, and they are naturally separated and contradictory from the bureaucrats of the aristocratic family. These factors are combined together. , was used by the emperor, and the different opinions were mixed, and they could naturally restrict each other.

The old party relied on the emperor's judgment and tried desperately to influence the emperor, while the new party relied on the emperor to expand its power. As for the various aristocratic families, they also had their own interests, which were cleverly moved by the emperor and fought with each other in order to ultimately achieve their goals. They had to come to the emperor for arbitration and balance. In the end, in the compromise, the emperor's wish was fulfilled.

This method of maintaining a balance among various forces and becoming the backer and final arbitration of each force is extremely sophisticated, so that it can take advantage of the situation and realize its own ideas, achieving an effect that is close to arbitrary.

The emperor's method also made the ministers of the court feel more and more awe of him, knowing that the emperor's growth was even more amazing - this kind of growth. In fact, it originated from after he came back from the Blood Prison.

The experience of the blood prison, although it was a soul body, was real and true. The pain, hunger, fear and helplessness caused Li Kun's state of mind to undergo huge changes, and even showed signs of distortion, and then he With Qiu Yan lending a helping hand, Li Kun's soul and heart escaped from the blood prison, and subsequently transformed. The emperor's will and goals changed greatly, which made him more and more skillful in controlling officials in the next four years.

The governance of the country is actually a matter for officials. If the emperor can command the officials like an arm and a finger, he can carve out a tortuous path to achieve his goals in the fight between officials. Then it will definitely leave a mark in history!

Out of reverence for the emperor, today's morning court was filled with a depressing and dignified atmosphere, as usual. However, all the civil and military officials present knew very well that the focus of this court meeting was not them, nor was it the memory of the past, but a person waiting outside the palace.

After the important civil servants reported the matter, the emperor summoned the military generals to inquire about the situation of the battle.

This battle situation is not as dignified as it was during the national war in the past few years, nor is it as urgent as when the White Lotus Sect swept across the south more than half a month ago. Both the emperor who asked questions and the generals who answered seemed calm and unhurried, and their words were There is an air of certainty about the general trend.

It's no wonder that as everything calmed down, there were only sporadic disputes in the northern border, or some tribes rebelled from time to time, while the south was especially peaceful. The upper echelons of the White Lotus Sect were wiped out, and the middle and lower levels also collapsed. The war is over, but there are still two armies of the White Lotus Sect outside. Although they are leaderless, they are still a threat, so there are people who are eager to make contributions and leave.

The king and the general talked for a while and then clarified the matter. Li Kun said: "Now that the war has almost subsided and the world is at peace, it is really a blessing for all people."

The officials in the palace said, "It's all thanks to your Majesty's great blessings and profound virtues."

"This is the result of the sacrifice of the soldiers on the front line, and I cannot steal the credit." Li Kun shook his head and changed the topic, "However, when talking about credit, there is one person who cannot but be mentioned. Whether it is the pacification of Northern Xinjiang or the quelling of chaos in Southern Xinjiang, both It is all thanks to his efforts, but due to various reasons, the credit has never been fully acknowledged. If it continues to be delayed, people will inevitably say that I am stingy with my official position and money. If this continues, who will still do things with heart? "

Hearing this, the civil servants and generals present were all moved in their hearts and secretly said, "Here we come."

Sure enough, he then heard Li Kun's instructions: "Let Qiu Yan come in."

As soon as these words were said, they were quickly spread among several people, and after hearing a loud "announcement that Qiu Yan has entered the palace", Qiu Yan slowly stepped into the Golden Palace in front of everyone's attention.


The moment he stepped into the hall, the five senses of everyone present seemed to roar, as if the hall in front of them collapsed in an instant.

However, this scene only lasted for a moment, and then it flashed by. When the officials looked at it again, all they could see was Qiu Yan's seemingly thin body.

Some of the thoughtful people noticed the obvious signs of decline in Qiu Yan's energy and spirit, and immediately understood in their hearts that the information they had received a few days ago should be true. However, there were also some people who received urgent information last night. Become confused.

"Looking at Qiu Yan's spirit and appearance, he should have really abandoned his cultivation. But last night I heard that Qiu Mansion was prosperous, and Qiu Yan personally took down many masters. According to rumors, he seemed to be the fifth Among the giants and powerful beings in the world, which one is the real one?”

Between the virtual and the real, even the well-informed and powerful people in the court find it difficult to act. After all, only if the information is clear can they formulate specific strategies. If the information is unclear and they act rashly, it will not be a good thing for themselves. Being too confident in one's strength means acting blindly, and the consequences are often unsatisfactory.

Unlike the civil servants and generals who had different thoughts, Qiu Yan could clearly feel after entering the Jinluan Palace that there was a great will that was looking at him, and even vaguely wanted to suppress him on the spot.

He immediately understood that this was his action yesterday. He had fought against the ancestral will of the royal family Li family for a moment. He even used the literary network to attract the power of humanity and turned it into the prototype of the law to force it back. This was undoubtedly offending. This ancestral lineage has now come to the Jinluan Hall at the core of the palace. How can it not be suppressed?

However, this kind of suppression is not a direct use of supernatural power, but a physical and spiritual suppression. That's why the civil and military officials of the dynasty just now had such an illusion, thinking that the palace collapsed, but in fact it did. It was an illusion caused by the suppression of the royal family's ancestral lineage, and it was caused by being affected.

But this is still the case for other people in the palace. Qiu Yan, who is the first to bear the brunt, has to bear greater pressure. However, he is firm in his own thoughts and is not affected too much. At the same time, the dragon energy in the palace and the mysterious Zhongminyuan also gathered together to support Qiu Yan's will and compete with the ancestral line.

However, after all, this is the source of the ancestral bloodline, and it has the advantage, which makes Qiu Yan's energy and spirit drop a little lower.

Now in the Jinluan Palace, Qiu Yan cannot mobilize the Human Dao Pearl, so he can only use his will to resist. This kind of pressure is like having a mountain pressing on him all the time, and every move requires great will support, but Qiu Yan But his face remained as usual, and he walked forward step by step, arriving in front of His Majesty.

At this time, Li Kun, who was sitting on the dragon chair, spoke: "Qiu Qing, when you return to the court today, I want to explain your past achievements. I remember that when I was sent to the Sanshui Department, I just I have sent you a gift, but many years have passed and you have been busy with state affairs. Jiannan Road is located on the border and is in danger of swamp people, so it is not suitable for bringing your family, so this second gift was not sent. Now When you return to the capital and can stay at home, the second and third congratulations will not be far away."

His words seemed to be about reminiscing about old times with friends, but they actually weakened the will of the ancestors of the royal family. At the same time, dragon aura fell down and fell on Qiu Yan, covering him like a curtain, and billowing luck came from one place. .

Qiu Yan followed the flow of luck and looked over, but what he saw was a young eunuch holding a bright yellow imperial edict, and the luck was gushing out from it.

With just one glance, Qiu Yan understood the reason.

"This imperial edict should be a reward for me. Judging from the luck, the content contained in it is not simple." After receiving the emperor's words and the blessing of the imperial edict, the ancestors of the royal family have a long history, but After all, it represents the past, and the suppressive force has been reduced a lot, allowing Qiu Yan to observe the scene in this palace - his cultivation is locked in the human bead, and he has come to the core of the dynasty. He must not be able to use his senses and consciousness easily. Can observe with five senses.

"My contribution, in the eyes of the world, is mainly to start the war in northern Xinjiang and quell the trouble in southern Xinjiang. But in the eyes of the military, it also includes bringing out and training two elite troops. In the two prefectures, I have to add more The final planning and planning of the decisive battle in Shangbeijiang will not be erased. These contributions will be clearly presented in the imperial edict. In the eyes of the emperor, the military reform of Jiannan Road must also be included, but this involves too much. Once it is stated in the imperial edict, it is equivalent to expressing an attitude, and there will definitely be a struggle. "

There is always a game going on between the emperor and the prime ministers, and between the decision-makers and the officials. As for Qiu Yan's imperial decree, part of it is undisputed, and part of it is between the emperor and the officials. The points of disagreement among the leaders.

Whether it is a merit or a fault depends on the next direction of the dynasty.

"Foreign troubles are brewing, stars are moving in all directions to bring fortune, while within the dynasty, conservatism and reform are confronting each other. This is also one of the highlights of human nature!"

Looking back, Qiu Yan had such an idea in his mind. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "scrooge", "Hu Sanshao", "Lin Shizhi", "Only Increase Smiles", and "Support Martial Arts" for their monthly votes!

If there are any omissions in the list, please apologize!

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