Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 148 Prelude to the End

"What has been gathered is not only magical powers, knowledge and human principles, but also luck.*"

Above the forest, the inner demon body floated like invisible airflow and clouds, looking at the vast northern wilderness.

Compared with ten years ago, the inner demon body is much more solid, and it has gathered a lot of luck. The concentration is even deeper than the feedback from the Land of Relics when it left last time!

However, these lucks are not taken by the inner demon body and completely integrated, but are flowing. The inner demon body is like a reservoir. The luck flows in, but there is no dam to stop it. So once it overflows, it cannot be stopped.

"These lucks are just gathered by the trend, which means that the inner demon body itself has become a transit place for the flow of luck. It can bathe in such a thick luck, but it is not enough to take it away from this world..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan's eyes fell on the forest, or more accurately, on Nilue.

"Ten years is enough, and it's time to end it. A lot of time has passed outside this Land of Relics. Even if the speed of time on both sides is different, the Black Evil Half Body is about to fight the Blood Prison Chaos Lord, so there is not much time to delay."

As he spoke, the luck between heaven and earth was like a thread, being pulled from all sides and gathered on the heart demon, and part of it was connected to Nilue, which was full of bravery!

"We must gather the luck we get as soon as possible to attack the obstacles in the robbery. In addition, this Land of Relics cannot be abandoned as a retreat. The meaning of the relic is clear. Once the terrifying will is restored, it will cause the lives of the people here to be destroyed. It is necessary to take action. This Land of Relics has a lot of connections with my Taoist lineage. If it is interrupted rashly, not to mention the cause and effect, it will be a pity for the opportunity of evolution alone."


At the same time, Nilue, the Great Meteorite General, was calm and alert, and the people around him were also solemn.

An indescribable gloomy atmosphere surrounded them, and everyone could feel that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark.

"General, the wolf howl just now was not ordinary. Even with the powder of Chang Shanfu covering it, the dangerous atmosphere could still be detected. Could it be that it discovered us?"

A personal guard stepped forward and told Niulue what he felt in his heart.

Niulue nodded slightly and waved his hand forward, pointing: "We have come here, there is no retreat, we can only move forward. Everyone find a place to hide, and then I will go over to investigate. After understanding the situation, we will make a decision..."

As he spoke, he stepped forward directly.

It was not the first time that the general acted as a scout to investigate the situation. At the beginning, everyone would object, but as several people went out to investigate on behalf of Niulue, not only did they fail to find out the intelligence, but they exposed everyone. They finally gave up and stopped objecting--

Originally, they were worried about Niulue, but after going deep into the northern wilderness, few people could do it except Niulue. For the sake of safety and efficiency, they could only default to Niulue.

However, this does not mean that these people are useless. In this expedition deep into the Northern Wilderness, no matter how strong a person is, as long as he is not at the extraordinary level, he needs help from others. Everyone's strength is indispensable.

It is said that Nilu left the woods, swung his legs quickly, and poured all his strength into his feet. The mud under his feet continued to collapse and splash, pushing him forward like an arrow from a string!

In theory, such a movement must attract the attention of others, but Nilu is too strong, his muscles and bones are coordinated, and his speed is extremely fast. If anyone looks over, he can't see his figure at all. He can only see a ball of wind sweeping past, and the ground suddenly collapses with pieces of dust!

"Huh?" There are also patrolling barbarians outside the tribe. In such a place deep in the Northern Wilderness, no tribe dares to take it lightly, and they pay attention to the surrounding situation at any time. Therefore, the people in charge of vigilance heard the sound and cast their eyes over, and saw only the dust that had just settled.

In doubt, two people approached and wanted to investigate carefully, but when he arrived at the place, Nilu had already climbed over a simple house leaning on a rock pit and stepped into the interior of the tribal gathering point. He kept walking and turned several times before finding a corner. He shrank his body and carefully explored the surroundings, holding his breath and concentrating his attention on his eyes and ears.

Suddenly, his vision was farther and clearer, and the range of sounds heard by his ears also increased rapidly, covering most of the tribe.

During the past ten years, Nilu had changed a lot. Not only did his status improve, but he also grew tremendously. The most obvious thing was his strength and five senses. Needless to say, his strength was great. When he used all his strength, he was almost not like a human, and the same was true for his five senses. After concentrating his mind, his sensitivity was skyrocketing!

In fact, these changes made Nilu faintly feel that he had exceeded the limits of the human body. When Chang Shanfu mentioned the theory of supernatural powers before, he was slightly moved in his heart, thinking of his own situation.

Because of this, Niulue took the initiative to take over the work of investigation and exploration. It was not because he did not trust his subordinates, but because his own abilities were more suitable for this job, so there was no need to stick to his identity. Only in this way could the maximum potential of this team be utilized.

While exploring and feeling, Niulue also seized the opportunity to move, from a corner to the shadow, zigzagging forward, and by changing his position, he covered the entire area of ​​the tribal gathering point with vision and hearing.

There are many barbarians in this settlement, not only young and strong, but also old, weak, women and children. However, the barbarians advocate force. Even the old people and women look quite strong. If they are pulled out, they are all good warriors.

As for children, they have been facing fierce competition since they were born. If they are not strong enough or have weak bones, they will be thrown into the wild directly to prevent the tribe's limited resources from being consumed, and the rest will be strong.

In this way, even if it is a plan, you must be more careful when exploring, always grasp the movements of the people around you, as well as the direction of their sight and the size of their field of vision, and then move decisively and change positions.

This is not to show fear, but the purpose of his coming here is to find the whereabouts of the prince. If the prince is not here, there is no need for a conflict.

"Huh? Is this wooden statue the Barbarian Wolf King?"

Suddenly, Yui Sui's heart moved and he saw a wooden sculpture.

This wooden sculpture stands in the north of the center of the settlement. In terms of height, it is a head taller than Yu Lue. Over the years, through continuous defeats and killings, Yu Lui has gathered many vitalities into one body, and his physique and bones are both Thanks to it, he is much taller than ordinary people. This wooden sculpture is a head taller than him. Looking at it this way, you can feel a sense of oppression.

However, although the appearance of the wooden statue was that of a human body, the head part was actually a wolf's head, which looked particularly weird, which made Yuluo guess.

"It would be normal if he were the Barbarian Wolf King. This wolf head is so lifelike that it gives me a sense of oppression. A hero and monster like the Barbarian Wolf King should look like this!"

After sighing with emotion, Yuulue shifted his gaze from the wooden statue to the side and landed on a cage. The key reason why he noticed the wooden statue was because of this cage.

The cage is made of wood, but each piece of wood that surrounds the cage is smooth and compact. It seems that it has been specially polished, making the entire cage extra strong. There is a person in the cage. The silk clothes on this person are in tatters and his breath is dying. He was lying inside, but with his close eyesight, he could still clearly see the rise and fall of his chest, and knew that he was still breathing.

"It's really here!"

This person is exactly the target of his trip—Prince Da Yu!

However, after confirming the target, Xianglue's heart was still calm. He did not panic because he was in the enemy camp, nor was he happy to find the prince. Instead, he turned around directly, dodged a few times, and came to the corner outside the gathering point. , and listened attentively at the same time. After determining the position of the people around him, after finding a gap, he stepped on it and the people left quickly!

Although he knew the whereabouts of the prince, there were still many things to do, and it was not the time to take action immediately.

The plan has to go back to the forest to lay out tactics and divide the labor. Even if there are only seventeen people, as long as they are used properly, they can still exert the power of a thousand troops. If they are operated properly, they can draw away the young and strong fighting forces in the gathering place, and even more It can reduce twists and turns. As long as they take the prince away, their mission will be half completed. The rest still involves how to take the prince through the dangers of the Northern Wasteland and return to the origin.

Moreover, what Xiu Luo wanted was not only for the prince to return safely, but also for everyone who followed him to be safe and sound. Many things along the way depended on everyone's concerted efforts. Since they had deep feelings for a long time, he naturally didn't want to He treats everyone as mere subordinates.

All of this requires some calculation. If you rush out in a moment of excitement and rescue the prince, you will expose yourself and then be hunted by the entire tribe. You will lose ground and lose more than you gain.

However, when Xianluo bypassed several patrolling barbarians and was about to return to the woods, something unexpected happened. He saw a swift figure rushing out from the grass next to him and blocking the road ahead!

The speed of Xiu Luo's sprint was so fast that most people couldn't see his figure clearly, let alone block him in front. The sudden appearance of the figure made him very surprised, but he didn't panic. He slipped his feet and was sprinting. His figure changed, and he was about to get around it, but unexpectedly, the figure opened its mouth and let out a wolf howl!

Ouch! ! !

Suddenly, a billowing wave of air erupted, visible to the naked eye, enveloping Xiu Lue's entire body, impacting his five senses, and making him feel dazed for an instant!

However, at the last moment, Xiu Lue still cheered up, looked forward, and saw a pair of green eyes, with a look of indifference and arrogance in them. Then his peripheral vision swept ahead, and what he saw was a thin-looking head. Lone wolf.

Suddenly, doubts came to my mind——

"This is... a wolf? Why does it appear here silently?" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Piao Ling Luo Cheng" for the reward!

Thanks to "Xu Ri.", "Eat the Immortal Pill", "Hu Sanshao", "Jam Eat", and "The Price of Love~First Kiss" for your monthly votes!

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