Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 155: The calendar developed by various philosophers and sages

"How can Heishalianxin activate the power of humanity? Even with this net..."

The changing light and shadow, and the concept of time and space, repeatedly echoed in the thoughts of Blood Hell Luan Zun, reversing back and forth, manifesting strange distortions of time and space. This is a more direct method than the reversal of cause and effect detection, but the scope it can cover is very limited. .

Even after such exploration, Luan Zun still failed to find the most fundamental change. He only found that the thunder seemed to jump directly following some kind of connection!

"The net spread by the Tribulation Evil clone has the spirit of humanity condensed inside it, and it can attract the thunder of humanity. Although it is bizarre, it is not without any sign. It's just that my chaotic star array should have sealed off all the surrounding space. Why is there still Thunder can gather here, unless..."

Thinking like this, Blood Prison Luan Zun's attention refocused on the star map, which was dodging between the stars.

The destructive energy of the stars radiates out, and the temperature is extremely high. If it does not appear in the void, but emerges in the real world, even high-latitude worlds such as Blood Prison, which are different from the continent, will still be roasted by radiation. Most of the living beings will be burned to death, and even their souls will evaporate.

The reason why such power cannot destroy the most essential part of Wenwang is because there are black demons and humane spirits constantly emitting to neutralize the situation. As long as you hold on to one point, you must face it at the same time. The radiating heat is the limit.

But as time goes by, damage will inevitably occur. Let’s just say that this star map has inherent extraordinary powers, but it has been subjected to constant high-temperature radiation and destructive impacts, and it has finally fallen into a semi-destroyed state. Most of the surface has melted, but the star map has The pattern is still shining brightly.

At this time, these rays of light fell on the blood prison Luan Zun's perception, but they made him determined.

"Now it seems that we deliberately blocked the other party's escape path. Instead, I restrained myself during the fight. In this way, the black evil half was able to survive. Instead of doing this, it is better to defeat it first, then suppress it, and even escape. No matter how small it is, as long as you separate and keep pursuing it, you will eventually be able to catch it.”

Now is the critical moment, and something big is happening in the starry sky. There is even a person who has made a breakthrough. A person's breakthrough at that level is different from an ordinary monk's breakthrough. It involves too much, and the entanglement of cause and effect is as wide as the Milky Way in the sky. Therefore, this process cannot be accurately predicted, so that in the Red Sun Palace, Many powerful people who are waiting for Donghua's changes don't know when the specific changes will happen. Maybe a few years, maybe ten years, or even hundreds of years.

But this kind of thing cannot be left easily. Because when a change occurs, it may happen in an instant without any warning. If you miss it, you will lose the opportunity. Always pay attention.

Therefore, even if the Blood Hell Luan Zun defeated the half body of the Black Evil, he would suppress the main part of the opponent and escape the scattered parts. It was impossible for him to go after him personally, he could only mobilize his avatar.

"I don't know how long Hei Sha has been hiding. He has spread out such a network and is entangled with the spirit of humanity. He is not low in wisdom and must know a lot. He even has a layout in the starry sky. He should also know the secret of Donghua. The reason why he is now Fighting, probably because I don’t want to miss this opportunity, but as long as I smash it today, even if one or two strands escape, as long as the avatar keeps chasing, the opponent will have no chance to make a comeback. When Donghua’s opportunity passes, he will hardly become a success. I am calmly arresting you, so what’s the difficulty?”

After figuring this out, the stars and the sun that were shaking all over the sky suddenly stopped, and a will controlled it, causing thousands of stars to converge towards one point!

"It seems that the Blood Hell Luan Zun has made up his mind. In this case, I have to change the method of delaying..."

In the star map and in the text network, a black mist surged up. Qiu Yan's will kept changing inside, and thunder shot out, which combined with the projections of the sages around him and turned into human thunder. Shoot out.

These thunders were exactly when the Black Evil Half Body was first refined. In order to maintain balance, the humanistic thunder embedded in it was not directly summoned from the Chaos Thunder Sea or the outermost thunder layer of Donghua Continent. The Black Evil Half Body itself Thunder can be differentiated.

But as the stars and sun in the outside world changed, the black mist also changed. It no longer split into thunderbolts, but instead condensed into many strange tribulations. Each group was condensed into a group and vibrated slightly. From a distance, it looked like a cloud. Hearts are suspended in the air.

Then, a series of phantoms came out from behind, and each merged into a heart of black mist. The power of order beat inside the phantoms. It was evident that the Confucian scholars and masters in the literary network had projected and condensed the spirits in their hearts.

Originally, due to the blockade of the stars and the sun, it was not easy to gather the power of order from the outside world. However, the sages in the network had already understood the principles of order hidden in their hearts, but now they projected out similar orders to each other. Converging into a shadow, there is also atmosphere.

In this way, the close and similar insights are condensed, which means that certain concepts are explained and perfected from all directions, and those phantoms actually show some characteristics of real sages.

Qiu Yan already had the experience of condensing bloody sages. When he saw something, he knew it was an opportunity. After guiding him, he quickly transformed into several lifelike figures. These figures saluted each other without saying much. They shook each other and disappeared in the original place. land.

Outside, the stars are about to gather together, erupting into chaos beyond imagination, and there is even more terrifying power gathering that can shatter the void!

But at this moment, I heard a voice saying——

"The course of heaven is always there. It will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie!"

As soon as these words fell, a figure appeared in the void. It was an old man with a tall hat and a wide belt. He bowed in the air, and his figure expanded rapidly, turning into stars, evolving into a scene of the stars moving, covering the stars that were gathering, and forcibly endowing each star with a certain concept, which slightly slowed down the gathering momentum.

Immediately afterwards, another voice said-

"Control the destiny and use it..."

Suddenly, another old man with ancient style appeared, bowed in the air, and also turned into stars, and merged into the stars. These stars first paused, and then there were signs of collapse and explosion!

"Hmm? Is this the power of humanity? The power of humanity has penetrated into the stars openly!" In the stars, the will of the Blood Prison Chaos Lord showed surprise, and then he was about to control the stars and calm them.

But another voice rang out in the void——

"The four directions and the upper and lower are called the universe, and the past and present are called the moon universe."

Along with the voice, another person appeared. This person also bowed and turned into two strange tracks, expanding rapidly, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. However, with the perception of Blood Prison Chaos Lord, he could naturally sense that the surrounding void had undergone strange changes, as if the nature was about to change!

At the same time, the unstable situation in the stars was also increasing, and there were signs of repulsion between each other.

"Hmm? This star is shaking more and more, and it actually involves the energy of this deity!" Suddenly, Blood Prison Chaos Lord noticed the discordant part.

But before he finished his thought, another voice appeared——

"The greatest has no outside, which is called the Great One, and the smallest has no inside, which is called the Small One." Then a person appeared and pointed in the air, and the void immediately vibrated, then expanded and contracted, sometimes large and sometimes small. When it was large, it gave people a sense of boundlessness, and when it was small, it gave people a sense of infinity.

Things, spirits, and concepts carried by the void also grow larger and smaller. The outside is not affected, but the connection between the inside and the void continues to strengthen!

"All things are the same and different!"

Another voice came, and with the voice came a person and a group of strange concepts, sweeping across the stars, and the destructive power inside the stars actually had a tendency to disintegrate!

But before the Blood Prison Chaos Lord could respond, another voice came -

"In the beginning, there was nothing, nothing was nameless, and where one arose, there was one but no shape, and things were born, which is called virtue."

As the voice fell, a man in a wide robe and sleeves came, supporting Kunpeng, with long hair flying. Wherever he passed, the void reversed, and bursts of explosions occurred, and tiny universes were born from the nothingness.

The aftermath of the birth of the tiny universe rippled, impacting tens of millions of stars, causing the stars to show signs of degradation, and the destructive power inside rapidly decayed.

"What a great group of humane people!"

In the stars, the will of the Blood Prison Chaos Lord was also impacted, and he felt the strong power of humanity. The surging artistic conception of changing the world and the sun and the moon to a new chapter almost impacted his existence itself!

At this moment, a black evil rose up from the half-broken star map, with bursts of thunder and surging literary thoughts surging out, and then the star map also shook, and many star maps emerged, combined with the thunder, and then turned in the air!

Suddenly, all the sentences that appeared before came together. Surrounded by the black evil spirit, they condensed many literary thoughts, and the incense thoughts that came from nowhere were integrated into it. They evolved rapidly, and words flowed out-

Lichun, Yushui, Jingzhe, Vernal Equinox, Qingming, Guyu, Lixia, Xiaoman, Mangzhong, Summer Solstice...

Many solar terms flashed by, and the human power released was pulled together and combined with the star map. It was standardized on it, and the star map evolved immediately. The two parts of "Jing" and "Chuan" were born, followed by the change of the four seasons, wind, rainfall, and temperature.

Finally, insects, swimming fish, flying birds, and livestock appeared, and expanded, as if the curtain was opened, and countless figures of farming, animal husbandry, sericulture, gathering, fishing and hunting appeared, bringing surging people's wishes!

A figure condensed in the black evil, raised his hand and grabbed the four words "Hundred Craftsmen's Affairs" in his hand, and then shook it, it became a long sword, with the year, month, and day engraved on the hilt. One side of the sword was engraved with the sun, moon, and stars, and the other side was engraved with mountains, rivers, and plants. One side of the hilt was inscribed with the art of farming and animal husbandry, and the other side was inscribed with the strategy of unifying the world. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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