Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 192: Five Cultivators Searching for Ink

In the following days, Li Yan came here almost every few days to check the progress of the project, and tried to contact Qiu Yan to let him accept him, but the results were minimal.

However, Li Yan did help Qiu Yan after all, and Qiu Yan could not really not see him, so during this period, he actually had some contact, and every time he was pestered by Li Yan, saying that he made those mistakes because he was young and ignorant.

However, in Qiu Yan's opinion, the prince's temperament was really changed, and it was impossible for him to be easily persuaded by the other party, but after being pestered for a long time, it was inevitable that he had to come up with some solutions, so he left the two words "Jiugong" on the ground in the open space outside the courtyard.

As soon as the two words were completed, strange phenomena suddenly appeared. Anyone who saw the words was affected by the various changes in them, whether it was the mind or the five senses, they were all shocked, but those who had a little cultivation knew the value of these two words.

Only people like Li Yan, who are born with dragon energy to protect their bodies, can ignore the various strange phenomena and pressures, push away the clouds and mist, observe carefully, and then get a glimpse of the secret.

However, when Qiu Yan asked Li Yan what he saw, Li Yan replied, "It seems that there is a person walking in it." Qiu Yan said, "In this case, the prince might as well regard these two words as a step-by-step method, and call it the Nine Palace Step. If you can make a small progress, Qiu will tell the prince in detail."

Li Yan naturally heard the hidden meaning in these words, but since he couldn't see deeper things, he naturally couldn't expect too much, so he followed Qiu Yan's words and said that he wanted to learn the Nine Palace Step.

However, as a prince, Li Yan has been living a life of luxury since he was a child. Although he looks mature now, he is still young. In the past, he was just wielding swords and swords, and he didn't even practice formal martial arts. Now he suddenly has to master the Nine Palace Step. It's not easy.

But Li Yan was somewhat resilient, and with some martial arts classics in the palace's collection as a guide, he finally made some achievements these days. In addition, he occasionally asked for advice from the surrounding guards and masters of the palace, so his progress was not slow.

Moreover. Qiu Yan also knew the general situation of the prince, so he sent Qiu An from his family to come over and occasionally give some pointers to show fairness, of course. Qiu An was actually supervising and always paying attention to the construction of the academy. Although he had not systematically studied the way of knowing and doing, and could not actively instruct the craftsmen, his realm was sufficient. As long as he had felt the realm that Qiu Yan needed, he would notice the distortion of the artistic conception as long as there was a slight deviation. Thus, he would stop it and wait for Qiu Yan to come and correct it.

Over time, Li Yan and Qiu An became more familiar with each other. His attitude towards Qiu An also changed-Qiu An was often dressed as a servant. At the beginning, the prince did not value him and only regarded him as an ordinary servant. It was only because of Qiu Yan's face that Li Yan showed a certain respect.

But soon, he noticed Qiu An's extraordinary skills and cultivation. In a place like the capital where the dragon energy is suppressed, he can have such a level. So how is his actual cultivation? Although Li Yan can't estimate it. But he also knows that it is extraordinary, so he sincerely makes friends with him, and often asks him about martial arts and the principles of the Nine Palace Step.

Now, after hearing what Li Yan said, Qiu An pondered for a moment and said: "Your Highness, my master left two words. Although you see the Nine Palace Step from it, if you want to truly master and learn it, you still can't simply stay on the footwork and martial arts. You should broaden your horizons and look at it from a broader perspective. Maybe you can get unexpected gains, and it can also help you master it better and faster."

"So that's the case," Li Yan listened, thinking, "Thank you Master Qiu for your reminder, it really wakes me up." Li Yan was not unaware of the meaning of Qiu An's words before, but these things can only be understood and explored after trying step by step.

Seeing Li Yan's response, Qiu An nodded and said no more. Then he raised his hand and grabbed the dust around him, and covered the two words "Jiugong" again.

These two words contain a trace of Qiu Yan's will, which ordinary people can't bear at all. In this courtyard, whether it is the craftsmen or the merchants who transport stones, they are just mortals. Even the followers and guards that Li Yan often brings may not be able to bear it, so the two words must be covered to prevent affecting other people's minds.

After doing all this, Qiu An and Li Yan walked into the courtyard together to watch the progress of the project.

A few hours later, around noon, Li Yan bid farewell to Qiu An and returned to the palace.

As time passed, the sun moved in the sky, and finally sank to the west, falling into the horizon, no longer visible, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the faint moonlight was scattered everywhere.

The courtyard, which was bustling during the day, became quiet at this time. However, most of the craftsmen did not leave, but set up tents and slept in a designated area in the courtyard, waiting for the east to turn white tomorrow, and then they would get up and continue working as soon as possible.

This was not because the prince was exploiting them, but because Qiu Yan gave them a high reward. They wanted to get the remaining money as soon as possible and wait for the arrival of the New Year with peace of mind.

When the last craftsman closed his eyes and fell into a dream, the place suddenly became quiet.

But soon, the silence was interrupted by a strange sound -


It was the sound of the grass being pushed aside. Before the sound fell, several figures came out from a nearby forest. There were about five people, all of whom were agile and wore dark tights, covering their mouths and noses, wrapping their heads, and only revealing a pair of eyes.

After they appeared, they stood quietly on the spot, as if they were waiting for something or observing their surroundings.

After waiting for a few breaths, perhaps feeling that there was no danger, the five figures took action again. Just hearing the subtle sound of breaking through the air, the five figures had already arrived at the courtyard gate, but they did not take any further action, but stayed. In the open space in front of the courtyard.

"This is it. The calligraphy treasure left by Lord Qiu is right here!" one of them said, and then someone took out a bronze mirror from his arms and waved it carefully towards the moonlight.

Just listen to the sound of "rubbing", the surface of the bronze mirror was stained with moonlight, but the light did not scatter out, but converged on the mirror surface, making it brighter and brighter.

At this time, someone else asked: "Brother, are you telling the truth? Can these two words in the underground help us understand the great road?"

The man holding the bronze mirror kept his movements unchanged, but said: "It can't be wrong. Before Master passed away, he told me to pay attention to the movements of Lord Qiu. At that time, Lord Qiu was writing humane classics outside the pass, and the Taoist Sect of Middle Earth Many of them took advantage of the situation and went to the grassland outside the Great Wall, and I was one of them..."

His speaking voice was very low, as thin as a mosquito. Even if most people listened attentively, they might not be able to hear a few words. However, the four people around him listened attentively and seemed not to be affected at all.

"... There has been no trace of the Marquis on the grassland for a long time, but the place where the Marquis wrote the classics was experiencing abnormal spiritual energy fluctuations. Many monks went there. At that time, people from the seven sects were present and experienced all kinds of things. After some investigation, I discovered some clues, and actually found some secrets of the technique from the land where the Marquis once established it. It was not famous at that time, but later it was called the 'Hanlin Fragments', which is what I taught you before. The technique that lays the foundation.”

Immediately, someone exclaimed: "Is it true? Our foundation-building technique actually has this origin? This is too legendary!" This person was obviously hearing about this for the first time. Judging from his voice, he was not very old.

However, the other three didn't seem to have much strangeness, and they seemed to have known about it for a long time.

The man holding the mirror continued: "This is absolutely true. After Master passed away, we were ostracized by the sect. Several junior brothers couldn't even get the skills. If senior sister hadn't gained a little prestige, we might all have been kicked out. Going out of the mountain gate, the foundation building method in our sect requires the use of special medicinal food, but I don’t know the formula. In this case, I can’t bear to watch you guys enter the Taoist gate in vain. This is the only way to do this."

Others whispered comfort one after another, the same sound was like a mosquito, but it was slightly less traced than the one holding the mirror. From this, it can be seen that this is actually a method of transmitting sound.

The man holding the mirror said again: "Junior brothers and sisters, there is no need to comfort me. I was impulsive at the time, but later I realized how powerful it is. Although Lord Qiu's foundation-building method is mysterious and can make me wait for Jin's mental speed, but But it is necessary to cooperate with the principles of knowing and doing in order to achieve continuous state. What is worrying is that the basic manuscripts and scriptures circulating on the market are ultimately biased towards human nature and deviate too much from our path to seeking immortality. I often read it in one book. , only slight gains can be achieved.”

"Now, with the help of the foundation-building method, we have created a name in the master's sect, and even shined in the sect's competition, but after all, there are hidden dangers. After some time, the disciples of the seven sects We have to go on a trial together, which is extremely dangerous. Among them are top young masters who have entered the second realm and have even refined three souls and four souls. If we can't improve our cultivation as soon as possible, in the next trial, don't say Even if you gain something, you may not be able to survive!”

"After all, the son of the elder in the sect who has been offended by us has been eyeing us for a long time, always wanting to kill us! He must have made up his mind in this trial!"

Listening to these words, the slightly younger man's voice sounded again: "So that's it. No wonder, senior brother, you asked me to wait until I come to Beijing this time, and then find out about Lord Qiu everywhere!"

Before he finished speaking, the man holding the mirror withdrew his hand and made a seal on his chest.

Suddenly, the light on the surface of the bronze mirror suddenly expanded, then scattered and fell on the surrounding land. Suddenly, a little luster appeared on the dust. This light gradually spread, following some traces, as if someone was writing. ! (To be continued)

ps: I had something to do today, but I didn’t come back on time. I’ll send you one first. I’m on my way to the second chapter. The thank you list will be added to the next chapter.


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