Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1306 The Rebellion of the Three Emperors

As soon as this voice came out, many surrounding scenes changed!

The divergent paths of light and shadow seemed to be pushed by a force, surging towards the surroundings and gradually dissipating.

The expressions of the Lord of Destruction and the man in white changed even more.

Since the man in white clothes appeared in front of Qiu Yan, there were almost no drastic changes in his expression, and he always had a sense of confidence. But now, the indifference and calmness on his face were shattered. .

Not only these two people, but even Qiu Yan was shocked at this time. From the title in the words, he could judge the identity of the speaker.

This identity may not mean much to people who don't know it. They can only find some corresponding traces in the past history of Donghua Dari. But Qiu Yan has heard that name many times along the way. Every time, it was beyond imagination. Now I know that the realm that he has impacted is something that even the emperor would be wary of.

And characters like "Wu" and "Wrong" now speak directly, which also clears up some of Qiu Yan's doubts.

Compared to Qiu Yan, the man in white and the Lord of Destruction were obviously not able to be so calm. The Lord of Destruction said first: "Lin Zhengyang, don't blame him so casually. What happened this time was obviously the Bai Emperor's idea. You want to use the luck of your people in Donghua to steal the glory of our Lord, how can you ignore such a thing? "

"Hmph! What I said before has been very clear," the man in white shook his head, "On the ancient road, there are traces of previous generations. They have no belongings, let alone classification. They are found by fate, how can they be forcibly restrained? Is this ancient road? Which family and which faction? As for Lin Zhengyang, you said that I wanted to take action against Donghua. If you follow the steps, you may be able to make a career, but do you want to watch him fall into unpredictable changes when he is promoted?"

These two are both emperors. It stands to reason that they are the true pinnacle of the starry sky. They are so high up there that they can crush people in lower realms just by virtue of their realm without using much power. However, when they spoke at this time, there was a hint of compromise in their words. , meaning to retreat.

At this time, Qiu Yan heard it. He couldn't help but be surprised, but he also understood that he couldn't underestimate the two of them because of this, because if these two really took action, Donghua would be unable to resist them.

"So that's it. I was wondering before why there was no movement from the big forces in Heaven and other parties. Whether it was Nandou, Zhulong, or other people who coveted it, it seemed that they were all done by individuals and came here piecemeal. It seems that Buzhou's promotion can only attract people at the level of Tianjun and below the emperor, but now it seems that it is not that it cannot attract people at higher levels, but they have already made an agreement to restrict each other!"

His thoughts were turning, but Qiu Yan condensed them in the next moment. He no longer changed his thoughts because of those words, but gathered them together, turned them into a spear, and stabbed towards the remaining light of the supreme sky!

"Since there is an agreement, it is no wonder that senior Lin Zhengyang rushed to a higher realm, but he came to protect Donghua without distraction. It seems that it affects the whole body. If he comes, he can protect Donghua for a while, but he will also protect Donghua from a higher level. The power has been introduced, and besides the power of Tianjun, I am afraid that it is difficult for him to take action himself. Just now, White Jade Paperweight, Sancaihuo and others came forward, but they are obviously still subject to certain rules, and they did not take direct action, but acted indirectly..."

Thinking of these, Qiu Yan's thoughts became more and more concentrated, and they continued to deepen into the glory of the supreme sky! He suppressed all the distracting thoughts and stopped paying attention to his surroundings, because he knew very well that things had reached a critical point when things had developed to this point, and he did not have much time left for him, so every second counted.

Seeing this scene, the man in white's eyelids twitched, showing a hint of surprise, and the Lord of Destruction's expression changed even more, with a fierce look on his face, but he did not speak to stop him.

Qiu Yan had no energy to spare at all, let alone discover these details. His mind was soon filled with an artistic conception full of contradictions, oppositions, and changes. The artistic conception continued to rise, and it was in his heart with The combination of past experiences immediately gave rise to a heavy feeling!

At the same time, his muscles and bones were shaking all over his body.

Although this body was formed by thoughts, it became real after manifestation. At this time, it was also like a real physical body. While enduring heavy pressure, scars began to appear one after another on the body.

On the other side, the man in white and the Lord of Destruction were paying attention to the changes in Qiu Yan, but they were more focused on searching for the direction where the words came from.

The Lord of Destruction gathered some thoughts at this time and said: "Lin Zhengyang, what you said is nice, but if you speak out at this time, wouldn't you also be interfering?"

"Oh? I am not interfering. The ancient road is difficult, but countless people have tried to move forward since ancient times, and even Lin is no exception. I just left a few traces here, so how can I be considered as taking action?"

As soon as he said this, the expression of the man in white changed again, and the face of the Lord of Destruction became gloomy.

"It seems that you have been waiting for today."

"There is no point in arguing about this now. Since you have taken action, you have to go through it. Without rules, we can't be a circle. If we don't punish you a little today, I don't know how many people will feel that Lin's words have no effect afterwards. When the time comes, come over and give me a hand, Donghua just doesn’t want to pass it on!”

As the words fell, there was a cloud of dense purple air whistling from the depths of the ancient road. The purple air condensed and faintly transformed into the outline of a human figure, but the specific face and clothing could not be seen clearly. As soon as this air came, the man in white and the Lord of Destruction All the projections were frowning, but they didn't flinch.

"Lin Zhengyang, you are too arrogant. After all, you have not really made a breakthrough at this time. You are still gathering momentum. You actually want to fight one against two, and you also say words of punishment. With this emperor's status, who in the starry sky can punish you! What a shame! Shameless words!”

In a word from the Lord of Destruction, these two extraordinary beings boiled over. Destruction in one body bloomed and expanded, turning into destruction. It was like a huge black hole. No one could escape from it. If it weren't for the ancient path, then Any continent that is contaminated by this black hole of destruction will have no choice but to collapse!

Beside the black hole, the man in white changed his whole body, revealing line segments and nodes around him. However, these are not causal lines, but the foundation of the world, which are the three pillars. Among these pillars, gradually, The radiance of time was revealed, and as soon as the radiance moved, someone flew out from it, and it was another man in white.

Immediately afterwards, the light of time continued to explode and bloom, and men in white walked out one after another, hundreds of them in the blink of an eye!

After these people manifested, they did not stop. They condensed their essence and twisted them into one, and finally formed a shadow in the sky that spanned time and space. The shadow raised its hand and grabbed it, trying to imprison the dense purple energy!

But the purple energy turned and turned into boundless energy. There was no specific scene, but it revealed an all-encompassing artistic conception, like a huge wave crashing down from the sky!

The next moment, the huge wave, the black hole, and the phantom collided together.


There was no sound in the concrete world, but there was a loud noise in the conscious world, which shocked Qiu Yan, who was in the process of enlightenment, back to his senses. With his mind trembling, he could no longer maintain his awareness of the traces of the supreme sky. Feelings, but he was not annoyed, but when he shook his whole body, the light fell down and was engraved on his body, turning into wounds, all dripping with blood.

Then, the surrounding scene fluctuated, and countless cross-roads were broken, and they were all annihilated by the confrontation between the three supreme beings. The ancient road ahead was therefore blurred. When Qiu Yan concentrated on exploring, he could see where there was a clear scene around him, and it had clearly turned into a blur. A strange sight like a paste, with many colors swirling and changing inside!

Upon seeing this scene, Qiu Yan was shocked again.

"This is the aftermath of the fight between those three people, which completely shattered the space, causing the space to lose its form and return to a state of chaos!" For a moment, he had a new estimate of the methods of this emperor-like person.

"The power of this emperor is indeed immeasurable. What we are fighting here now is actually not the emperor himself, but a trace, a projection, and a human body. They all have limitations, but even so, the aftermath of this attack is still It has such incredible power! Even the way of fighting cannot be understood by my current state, but with my eyesight, it is more or less an experience, which can be seen as a road sign and transformed into the future. The way forward!”

Although he thought so, Qiu Yan still had thoughts about the "wrong path" mentioned by the man in white before, and it was inevitable that he would have some thoughts at this time.

However, he then realized that although his mind was not damaged by the violent force, it gradually moved away from the ancient road, just like a ship on the sea that was pushed away from its destination by strong winds and waves. They left the ancient path and gradually returned to the modern world.

In the distance, where the three emperors fought, the chaotic space distortion was also rapidly moving away!

"This journey on the ancient road ends here."

As soon as this thought came to an end, two exclamations suddenly came from the place where they were fighting, and then the voice of the Lord of Destruction came out——

"Okay, okay! You actually did something like this. It depends on how you protect Donghua after the impact! Today's shame will be recovered tomorrow!"

Then, the voice of the man in white also sounded: "Lin Zhengyang, what you did is enough!"

Then, another voice came: "Bai Emperor, don't you want to help me, the Donghua people? This ancient road is made by nature, and it cannot be regarded as your favor. Even if you don't bring him here, he can still come here, but that's the point The realization of the great road is your contribution, it is real!”

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Yan's thoughts froze, and then he saw three rays of light rushing towards the battlefield in the distance, colliding with Qiu Yan's thoughts! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "as and dadai", "Wuchen Taoist☆", and "Abade" for their monthly votes!

Chapter 1,306 The Three Emperors Rebellion:


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