Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 454 A woman rides a dragon, a god is possessed

The sea is turbulent and vast, with no end in sight.

This azure world contains the mystery of life and also breeds unpredictable dangers.


From time to time, creatures jumped out of the sea, and then fell back down again, causing a splash of water.

This sea area is far away from the land, even seabirds are inaccessible, and the sky is cloudless.


Deep in the sky, a little brilliance appeared. From far to near, it turned out to be a meteor, falling straight down into the sea.

The strange thing is that the meteor flies with great momentum, but when it falls into the sea, it makes no sound.

The sea returned to calm.

Not long after...


The sea surface rolled, and the sea with a radius of more than ten miles became magnificent in an instant, with endless huge waves. The creatures in the sea were frightened by this sudden change, but they did not seem to be too panicked, as if they had been used to it for a long time, and they stayed away in groups. .


On the bottom of the sea, several slender tails rolled, rolled up huge bubbles, and floated. A ray of light shot out from the bottom of the sea, breaking through the sea surface in the blink of an eye, revealing its head.

This is a petite and exquisite girl's face, with red satin hair and two sky-high braids. Her face is white and flawless, and she has a pair of big black eyes, looking around.

"Really, this place is really boring. It was like this when I came here, and it still hasn't changed at all when I left. It's boring!"

She pouted and complained softly, then jumped out of the sea, revealing her whole body, but she was a petite girl, she looked to be only twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a skirt and a skirt, she was lively and smart.

However, children from ordinary families. It will not appear in the depths of the sea.

After she jumped out of the sea, the water below was boiling, bubbles appeared, and burst one after another, and the heat was rising. Thick clouds formed under the girl's feet, lifting her petite body up.


The girl's left hand suddenly shook, and blue light bloomed in it. She opened her palm, and a little divine light rose from the palm, and it spread out in the air. Become a column of text.

"Trouble, this subordinate of Yin Xiao'e is so restless. How can that city god be a person like Yi? He just wants to be his enemy, but now he attacks rashly, causing me to give up all my training time. I But it’s not easy to get to the lower world once!”

The girl mumbled and snapped her fingers with her slender fingers.

With a "pop" sound, the sea water rolled again, and a huge thing was revealed among the waves——

It has a slender body covered in scales and two wings on its back. It raises its head and calls, and the sound reaches up and down in all directions.

Dragon roar!

This dragon has a big and long head, large eye sockets, high eyebrows and sharp teeth. The wings on its back are flapping. The surrounding sea water is blown by the strong wind under the wings, causing ripples and waves reaching the sky!

The girl turned around, landed on Ying Long's back, and pointed to the west.

"Let's go, Xiaobai! Rush up! Just think of it as going to the land to see the scenery. By the way, hurry up so you don't have to collect the bodies in time."


As soon as the girl finished speaking, Yinglong flapped his wings. The body turned into a white light, disappeared in an instant, and disappeared at the line connecting the sea and the sky.

As the girl and Ying Long left, the sea area returned to calm.

Deep in the seabed, there stood a crystal-clear palace. At this time, bursts of cheers could be heard, and the emotional fluctuations of countless aquatic tribes spread uncontrollably, causing changes at sea and under the sea, spreading a feeling of relief.


"The cause and effect changed, the mountain god took action!"

Deep in the Five Marshes, in the strange swamp, the colorful spiritual thoughts made a sound of surprise. The owner of the spiritual thoughts had captured the movements of Qiu Yan's spiritual body from the changes in the causal line, and was surprised.

After this spiritual thought full of surprise was transmitted, other divine thoughts immediately responded -

"Ancestral God, that mountain god is so impatient that he is not an ideal partner. If he goes away, it is very likely that he will alert the enemy."

"Kenuma's words are wrong. In my opinion, Lanuma, it is this kind of god who only knows how to act recklessly, which is the easiest to be manipulated and exploited. If it is the kind of person who is deep-minded and scheming, it will be unsightly."

"It is useless to say so much now. The most urgent task is to work out countermeasures. How to deal with this sudden incident?"

Three spiritual thoughts came from three directions in the Five Marshes, intertwined and changed in mid-air, and communicated with each other.

At this time, Qicai Shen Nian said: "I have been in contact with that god several times, and I understand his behavior to a certain extent. Although he occasionally takes dangerous actions, he is by no means a fool. His rash attack this time seems reckless. , but it just made me confused, I’m afraid it’s not simple.”

As soon as the colorful divine thought fell, the blue marsh thought said: "If this god is allowed to act, once he is directly defeated, the natural danger of Jiuling Mountain will no longer exist. When I made an agreement with the Demon King of Tongshan Mountain, , just considering that mountains and rivers can be used as a screen, now that the demon king is replaced by this god, there should be an agreement with this god. "

The thought of the red swamp said: "It's too late to say this. We are involved in cause and effect, and there is no time for us to waste."

Qicai Shen Nian pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "In this case, you go over first and try to stop the Yuan Shen. If you really can't catch up, at least rescue him when he loses. One of them was seriously injured. It’s better to have a god who can only be revived after thousands of years.”

After this thought fell, the other divine thoughts followed the order.



On this vast land of gray and dark colors, there is no edge as far as the eye can see.

Although there are many domains of gods located in this land, it is not easy to encounter them.

Once a god was curious and tried to explore. After setting off, he flew aimlessly for several years before encountering another god's domain.

On the one hand, it is because the land is vast and the gods are sparse. No matter how many gods there are, they cannot withstand the vastness of the land.

On the other hand, it is because the gods have protection over their domains, using divine power, magical powers or prohibitions to hide their own domains, so that they will not be easily discovered.

However, if you can find a line related to a certain god among the thousands of causal lines, and follow the clues, it is another matter.

At this moment. At the illusory level, the causal lines are shaking constantly, and three or four of them are captured by a divine thought and extended. Connected to a world full of flames.

Fire Zheng Dharma Domain.

In this domain covered by flames, there are also human figures composed of dead souls, living in it, as if they are not disturbed by the flames.

However, in recent months, the flames that originally had no effect on the soul body. However, there are often changes, which make the ghosts in the domain more and more terrified.

Deep in the domain, there is a palace.

Huozheng Palace.

Huozheng Wu Fanzheng sat in the hall, closed his eyes and said nothing. Compared with a few months ago, his appearance has changed a lot. His red hair fluttered upwards, and his official uniform was illusory, and his sleeves and collars sometimes turned into flames.

In the hall, the majestic aura that belongs only to the gods was strong and weak.

Suddenly, Huozheng roared wildly and waved his hands wildly. Flames whistled out, and the flames shot out in all directions.


The whole hall was actually blooming with a huge spark, and the "petals" were ten miles in size!

The flames surged and swept in all directions.

All directions were on fire!

"Why! I have clearly understood the secret of the flame of humanity, why can't I transform it into a realm? Why can't I add it to my talisman?"

In the palace, Huo Zheng roared to the sky with an angry face.

There were originally many ghost messengers inside and outside the palace. But as Huo Zheng's emotions became more and more unstable, he often burst into flames and was difficult to control, so that the ghost messengers inside and outside were burned out one after another. This huge palace. There was no ghost left, only a confused god.

Huo Zheng, a fifth-grade god, was not an ordinary god. He belonged to the Yinsi of Jiannan Dao and was also famous in the Fire Department of the Heavenly Court. With this identity, he was also quite prestigious.

But not long ago, he was confused by the heart demon body and thought he had some insights. He fell into a dull sitting and became increasingly irritable.

In fact, the so-called insights were all illusions created by the heart demon body. He himself did not really understand the fire of humanity, so of course it was difficult to make any progress.

This feeling is like a layer of paper between us, but it just can't be broken.

The feeling of having something stuck in the throat was unbearable even for gods.

After a few howls, the flames around him became more intense and darker!



Huo Zheng, who was screaming, suddenly turned to laughing wildly. He laughed until he was hoarse, and his voice gradually became sharper. His eyes gradually became blurred, and a bit of black color appeared on the edge of the whites of his eyes, slowly spreading to the center!

His eyes were dark.


Suddenly, Huo Zheng came to his senses and closed his mouth, but the laughter did not stop. Instead, it became louder, coming from all around, layer by layer, like an echo.

"What's going on? Who dares to plot against me?" Huo Zheng widened his eyes. His eyes were already dark, but as his mind became clear and his thoughts recovered, the darkness in his eyes also showed signs of fading.

"You said someone plotted against you? You are wrong, you are wrong. The one who plotted against you is not someone else, but your own... heart!"

The strange voice was erratic.

"Playing tricks!" Huo Zheng snorted coldly, and with a change of mind, he was about to take back the divine fire, but he didn't expect that before the flames were folded, two dark lights burst out from his eyes.

The surrounding flames were instantly stained with a layer of ink.

The black fire was jumping, and the black light was soaring into the sky!

The flames and light rushed out of the palace and condensed in the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were bursts of sound, like the pulse of a heart, and a looming dark figure appeared in the air. This figure was flat, like a painting.

"Monster! Where are you going!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came out from the palace. As the black fire and black light condensed, the surrounding flames regained their colors. Under the leadership of Huo Zheng's mind, they rushed into the sky, bursting out with the artistic conception of burning everything!

"Stay here honestly, it has nothing to do with you at this time."

A voice came down from the sky, and I don't know when there was a figure. The man grabbed with both hands and drew a circle in the air.

The flames that shot up into the sky whistled away and were absorbed by the circle of nothingness!

PS: Thanks to "不卡不下" and "王秀才" for the reward!

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