Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 635: A book hidden in the soul

The sound became louder and louder, and it was evident that it was coming from the training ground.

From a distance, Qiu Yan turned around and looked over. He could clearly see that on the battlefield, which occupied one-third of the size of the barracks, there was a person surrounded by everyone. He looked quite old and his face was full of vicissitudes of life.

However, that person's figure was quickly completely surrounded, and Qiu Yan's gaze was interrupted.

Faced with such a situation, Yang Zhong and Xiao Jian did not show any abnormality, as if they were used to it.

Speaking of which, after entering the camp, Xiao Jian's aura was vaguely connected to the barracks. The heaviness in his heart was gradually discharged, and the heavy and depressed aura on his body due to worry slowly changed.

"This environment can indeed change a person's mentality, but it is only because Xiao Jian is a soldier himself, and this barracks has gathered many soldiers' ideas, that he can achieve immediate results..."

At this time, Xiao Jian noticed Qiu Yan's expression and explained: "After this drill is over, it is not convenient for us to interfere too much with what the soldiers will do. They are exchanging ideas like this, and the corps commander and fire chief are in charge." justice."

"Exchange your experiences?" Qiu Yan's face looked a little strange, but he didn't ask. He knew that training and leading troops requires relaxation and relaxation. Soldiers are inherently dangerous professions. When facing the enemy, they put their heads on their waistbands and fight hard. The pressure is huge. On weekdays, if soldiers and generals still have to intervene at the right time, the pressure at home may eventually cause a violent rebound.

Just as he was thinking, Xiao Jian glanced at Pang Qianru and Yang Zhong, said a few more words, and then took Qiu Yan into the camp. However, they did not go straight to the training ground, but walked into the continuous military tents.

When setting up a military camp, one must also set up military tents, which consist of various parts, each with its own plan and different functions.

The two of them walked all the way inward, arriving at every place. The first thing to be ushered in must be the guards and vigilant soldiers, with one sentry every five steps and one post every ten steps, involving many secret signals and formulas.

This is because although the magical powers are suppressed in the camp, there are still many methods that can be used outside the barracks in advance, so we have to guard against them.

However, this also gave Qiu Yan a lot of insights and made him realize the significance of the layout of the barracks again.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a barracks is just a place where soldiers and generals gather. Qiu Yan just observed the Qi and blood and understood that there is a lot of knowledge in setting up a military camp. Only by coordinating the formation can the soldiers and generals' Qi and blood be truly used and reduce variables.

Now, he was walking around the camp and seeing every part. It was confirmed by the sentences I saw in books and classics, and the memory in my heart slowly became vivid.

"So that's it. The classics mentioned different functions such as camp gates, arrow towers, hidden sentry posts, open sentry posts, food and grass supplies, baggage and so on. When I read it, I didn't think much about it. Only when I actually walked in the barracks did I realize the knowledge. This camp is related to The distance and location between camps are actually very mysterious, and the linkage between them also plays a role in sending troops. Even if the camp is attacked, as long as it is arranged properly, it is possible to survive the initial chaos and effectively support each department. , and finally saved the day."

The books in the military pavilion had been read by Qiu Yan a long time ago, and a book was condensed on the four bookshelves in the soul. It contained military information, but it was more like a dead thing, just a simple record.

However, Qiu Yan followed the envoys all the way north to Dingchang, and gradually deepened his understanding of the border military towns. The book in his soul also became alive, and the words recorded on it seemed to slowly come to life, one after another. It jumps out from the pages of the book, circulates in the heart, and finally gathers in the soul and brews.

In that soul, a book slowly took shape, and the first volume was already on the verge of solidifying...

After walking and walking, the two finally arrived at the Chinese army's tent.

Xiao Jian did not shy away from suspicion and let Qiu Yan enter. Stepping inside, bursts of information immediately came to him. In an instant, Qiu Yan had the feeling of being in control of the entire army and the overall situation, as if the entire barracks had changed. All present from the bottom of my heart.

However, this is just a temporary illusion. It is difficult for magical powers to gain a foothold in this barracks, so they dissipate after one breath.

"So that's it. The main tent of the Central Army is called the Central Army, which is where the center of the entire military camp is located. The generals sit inside and can stabilize the army with their own luck..."

The layout of this Chinese military tent is not complicated, with a few seats and a few low tables. The wood on the tabletops has faded, and many traces of water stains can still be seen.

After looking around, Xiao Jian took Qiu Yan to the soldiers' residence after leaving the tent.

Before reaching the place, there was a noise first, and then a man could be seen walking through various tents and wooden houses. Some gathered in groups, and some were shirtless talking and laughing. , some people even grabbed each other's arms, apparently wrestling, and there were many people watching and cheering from time to time.

As the distance shortened, the odor spread over. The barracks were all occupied by men. Although they were close to the river, there was no need to worry about water sources, and they also had special time for showering, but most of the people were informal and did not pay attention to hygiene. They gathered together. Strong flavor.

As he smelled it, Qiu Yan frowned.

Xiao Jian said: "Don't be surprised, Mr. Zhuang Yuan. They are all men from Da Rui. They come to this bitter cold place to guard the border. They work with swords and soldiers every day. It is inevitable to have some taste." He thought it was Qiu Yan who disliked the soldiers. odor.

Qiu Yan shook his head. Relying on his perception of the order of the military, he had discovered that the smell of disease was floating in the air and spreading everywhere. The smell, humidity, and dirt were the soil for its breeding and growth.

This epidemic has always been the enemy of humanity. Since ancient times, humans have been constantly fighting against it. For this reason, medical skills have been born, many medicinal materials have been identified, and a group of doctors has been born.

As time goes by, the legends of doctors gradually disappear in the long river of history, but the techniques passed down by doctors have long spread all over the Central Plains and are blooming everywhere.

However, in this military camp, there is no wounded barracks specially designed to accommodate the sick and wounded. There are only two army doctors, and their skills are average.

However, although Qiu Yan was aware of the epidemic, he did not immediately give any advice. It was not that he had any reservations, but that speaking out might not be useful. Speaking out hastily would only make people think that he was being obstructed and acting on his behalf.

"Although I have the reputation of being the number one scholar, I can be the number one scholar across the border. I can advise military strategists and generals on how to deal with injuries and illnesses. I may also mobilize troops for this, but if I want to attract criticism, no one will really take it to heart. It’s better to say it than to do it…”

While Qiu Yan was thinking, the soldiers along the way also came over. All of them knew Xiao Jian, and they all called "Young General" with smiles on their faces.

It can be seen that Xiao Jian is quite prestigious and loved in this army.

Immediately afterwards, the many soldiers cast doubtful eyes on Qiu Yan, and when they saw the Confucian uniform, they all showed disgust and contempt.

"Another scholar?"

"Who is this man, Major General?"

"Could he be sent by the imperial court again?"

Some asked, some sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the top scholar in Jinke."

"The top pick?"

As soon as this title came out, everyone's eyes changed significantly, their expressions became much calmer, the contempt disappeared, the disgust also decreased, and they were mostly replaced by solemn expressions.

These people live in this continent and do not have aristocratic family backgrounds, so they still value the title of Number One Scholar.

Xiao Jian wanted to continue speaking, but the sound of rapid footsteps sounded next to him, interrupting his words.

The ball screener followed the sound and saw two men of a certain age holding medicine boxes. The two men were running fast with sweat on their foreheads, but when they saw Xiao Jian, they turned back to greet him.

"You two gentlemen, there is no need to be polite," Xiao Jian waved his hand, "Why are you so anxious? But is anyone seriously ill? Or..." He originally wanted to ask if there was an epidemic, but the people here were so talkative that he rashly asked, If the answer is yes, it will inevitably cause confusion.

Although they don't pay enough attention to hygiene and cleanliness, how can marchers not be aware of the dangers of illness?

The two doctors replied: "Reporting to the Major General, we are here to see that old Kai..."

"Lao Kai?" Xiao Jian frowned slightly, with a bit of disgust in his eyes, "Then go quickly."

"Yes." The two said, turned and left.

On the other side, when Qiu Yan heard this name, his heart moved, and he felt the changes in luck and cause and effect, which faintly stirred up the art of war brewing in his soul!

He then asked: "Who is this Lao Kai?"

"Without him, he is just a veteran." Xiao Jian was obviously unwilling to talk about this person.

However, the other soldiers on the side couldn't help but said: "Young scholar, it's better not to ask about this person, for fear of dirtying your ears."

"Isn't that right? This man is as timid as a mouse. Whenever he sends out troops, he always hides behind him. Everyone in his group died, but he still survived."

"Yes, there have been many brutal battles, and countless brave soldiers have died on the battlefield, but this bastard can come back intact."

"He comes back as soon as he comes back. He has no sense of shame and wanders around every day for fear that others will not know that he is still alive."

Listening to the ridicule, Qiu Yan roughly understood the reason. This old Kai was a veteran named Kai Wei. According to others, he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and would not hesitate to sacrifice his comrades in order to survive. .

"Such a person must be ostracized by his comrades and must be in danger on the battlefield. But I don't know how this person signed up and why he is related to the book I want to compile."

With such doubts, Qiu Yan ignored Xiao Jian's stop and came to a camp and met the old Kai.

This person is the middle-aged man who was surrounded by everyone on the training ground. Now his eyes and nose are heavy and his clothes are bloody. He is slumped in the corner of the tent, exuding a stench all over, and looks like he is out of breath. .

However, the moment he saw him, Qiu Yan's luck suddenly changed!


At the same time, outside the barracks, across a river, there were four Hu men wearing green flowered narrow robes, looking at the barracks with a sneer.

One of them said: "Wait a minute, after the king suppresses the Qi and Blood Formation in the camp with military order, I will rush in and lead that person out or capture him!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Nuan Jing" and "Lonely Xingzi" for their monthly votes!

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